Aboriginal Art Directory | 20.06.08
Author: Corrie Perkin
News source: The Australian
A Rover Thomas painting was removed from last night's Lawson-Menzies Aboriginal Art sale over concerns regarding missing information.
The auction was a success though:
Last night's auction reaped $2,715,600, including buyers' premium, with 122 of the 137 lots sold. This brought in $15,153,480 to the auction house this week when combined with Wednesday's Deutscher-Menzies Galleries auction which included the $6.9 million sale of Pablo Picasso's Sylvette (1954).
In total, the two auctions sold 231 of 263 works catalogued.
URL: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23892913-16947,00.html
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