Aboriginal Art Directory | 25.10.08
ABC Media reports that the Papunya and Kintore communities are not benefitting from the sale of artists works as much as is possible:
Minister for Central Australia Alison Anderson has expressed concern that the communities of Papunya and Kintore are not benefiting as much as they could be from the sale of their artists' work.
A new book has been written detailing the art movement that began in Papunya almost 40 years ago, and it has been launched in Kintore, where many of the artists now live.
Art sales have paid for community facilities in Kintore, like dialysis equipment and a new swimming pool, but Ms Anderson says she is worried about the future of the communities.
"Hundreds of thousands of dollars change hands at the great auctions of Aboriginal art held in the capital cities of Australia," she said.
"But prosperity and economic development and good education health and wellbeing have yet to come to Kintore and Papunya.
"You can see with your own eyes the gap between the triumph of the art and the state of the communities."
URL: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/10/25/2401043.htm?section=entertainment
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