Vincent Forrester, Uluru (Ayers Rock) , Central Art Aboriginal Art Store, 2006
Aboriginal Art Directory | 23.04.08
News source: Aboriginal Art Directory
Vincent Forrester is a Luritja/Aranda man born in Alice Springs, central Australia. Vincent grew up on a cattle station where he was brought up traditionally by his forefathers. Vincent is an artist and teacher of traditional law to young men.
This painting is the second of a three-part series called Mutitjulu Fight Back painted in 2006. This painting represents Aboriginal sites 'Imanpa and Wilbia, near Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Juta (the Olgas). It also refers to dreamtime story of the two little boys in wind shelter. The colours illustrated in the painting are the traditional colours used for ceremonial body paint.
View the Vincent Forrester eAlert at the Aboriginal Art Directory.
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Hi-I am hoping that someone will read this who knows a June Forrester. I have a painting of hers and would like to know 1) is she related to Vincent? 2) does she still paint? 3)where can I contact her please? Many thanks in advance if abyone can help. Thanks Renate
Posted by Renate Brown | October 10, 2008 7:51 PM
Comments (2)
Just looking up any details available in the internet for Vince Forrester today.
I met him in Brisbane briefly a few weeks ago, and possibly missed the chance to pass on to him a body of information I have which is related to the Corroboree at Kurnell in 1988.
He has my e-mail contact and phone number etc, but because of the extent of "wrong-bad-majic" being done against me, because of what I know, it could have happened that he misplaced my details by accident, or was not really able to differentiate between myself in the dreaming, and quite a few others who manifest aslike to me often.
I have made something to post to him with Australia Post, just a letter, but perhaps a few poems also. I write poetry in English words with grammar patterns more similar to indigenous language, and in general am hoping to be able to find an Artist who might like to illustrate some of those for me, in children's literature, and just in general also. (gift cards with proper way dreaming poetry eg)
If he is not around when the letter arrives, perhaps there will be another man who knows him, and is normally a manager of the stories which Vincent owns? and boss one for Vincent's work?
That will be alright for him to read it also.
My name is Becky nungarrayi and my surname is Copas
I put a website address up here, but don't worry too much about it, because its always strange using the internet, and my story is a big long one that might not seem too good if you get the wrong piece of it.
I am hoping to make it possible to work with a traditional person who also has enough knowledge of the European fairy stories, since those were what I grew up with knowledge of, but am very strong on matching those up against our own traditional belief structures, and stories.
I have a temporary marriage to a Pitjintjatjara man, named Ivan Dick, from Fregon, so if there are relations of his around, that could be worth telling about this to also.
Thanks, I will include a copy of this in what I post, (also for a reference point to me, Sarita at Papunya Tula knows me and used to babysit my sons down in Canberra, where I am friends with her mother, and in Warlbiri Kinship through their family)
My first Warlbiri skin name is a nampidjimba, that I am from my father best, but my parents have wrong way marriage, so I am true a nungarrayi from my mother. My Warlbiri blood sister is a nampidjimba but, so in Alice my dreams come in through the platypus story, and being friendly with Vince is good for me in that story. My clan is Emu, and my skin way from where I am born, in Armidale NSW, is true with a Painting I saw made nearby to Barunga(?) (can't remember that spelling, but where the important men made important painting in 1988), and is with the story of the "hungry little snake".
Why I need to contact Vincent immediately, is because I have found a strong part of the evidence about how the intervention is being forced into the dreaming. I hope it will be appropriate to put this information through this website, and through yourself Sabine.
Posted by Rebecca Copas | June 25, 2008 1:56 PM