Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.10.08
Barrister and Lecturer-in-Law at Charles Darwin University, Mr. Michael O’Donnell will open the University’s free public lecture series on Tuesday, October 14 by exploring legal implications of the NT intervention.
Mr O’Donnell’s lecture will examine the Rudd Labor Government’s response to the Northern Territory Emergency Response instituted by the previous Howard Coalition Government on June 21 2007.
The discussion will explore some of the policy implications and legislative changes to the NT intervention by the new Federal Government, focusing on land title and leasing, income management, the Racial Discrimination Act and the permit system on Aboriginal land.
Mr O’Donnell has extensive experience in Indigenous land issues in Australia including as a former principal legal officer of the Kimberley Land Council during the negotiation of the original Native Title Act in 1992.
He also has worked as legal adviser to the National Indigenous Working Group on Native Title during the Wik Amendments to the Native Title Act in 1996 and 1997, and was adviser to the Chair of ATSIC with respect to the Final Report of the Reconciliation Council to the Prime Minister and Parliament of Australia. He has recently given a series of seminars on the NT Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
Entry to all lectures in the series is free. The lecture will start at 6pm at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.
Light refreshments will be served afterwards, concluding at 8pm.
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Comments (1)
I watched a program on TV last night RE: the intervention in the NT. You can see what the Government is trying to do with intervention, but at what price? They are trying to prevent things from happening which is all good when it comes to Aboriginal health and our children and it needs to happen intervention that is, but yet they still cannot solve the real issues such as:- poor housing conditions, centrelink payments and so forth. When you talk about health issues it covers a wide range problems not just 1 or 2, but taking away the Aboriginal rights has a human being like with these payment cuts with centrelink and what have you. Now you cannot exspect a family of 5 or 6 to live on what the people in the NT are getting through centrelink. And then to get to centrelink they have to travel in one place I think was about 40 klm for there payments and it cost in a taxi $200 each way and then when they get to the destination they are made to sit out side where it is real hot and some times raining so can you tell me where is the "Intervention" when the real issues are not even being met such has:- poor housing conditions and these silly half cut centrelink payments, tell me who can live under these conditions, no wonder they have all soughts of problems in these communities the so call Government cannot get it right. And when ever you hear about child abuse in a Aboriginal community any where in Australia every one wants apart for all the wrong reasons. So I think that the so call intervention program hasn't even scratch the surface when the real issues have not being soughted out. Thats just my opion. I think that there are people in this country that are trying to go "BACK" to the old ways of doing things thats not going forward thats going backwards. The old days are gone but not forgotten "A"..
Posted by Tom Jerrard | October 31, 2008 9:58 AM