Nikolay "Кrovavy"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 05.02.11

Dates: 13.02.11 : 28.02.11
Location: Minsk, Gikalo 9, Pyshkin bibliotek.

Mainpage /Authors
Lyapin Alexey
Year of Birth: 1966
Live in: Mozyr, Belarus
Genres: graphics, painting, poetry
Total works: 29
Red Lioness and the Bird of Paradise
Dreams tabby
Crow french fries
The death of a visiting musician
Taste of thought
Man of the Moon
Все работы автора
I declare exactly, correctly and adequately that i have a diagnosis, but I live and communicate with a fairly large group of interesting people. I know the principles of life with medication and without it, I has been studying my illness in all forms of art. I can say quite openly and frankly, has penetrated into the mysteries of
illness, understanding its causes, we can make it a constant source of creativity. It is like be terrified to shudder and to love her with trepidation. To forgot about it. Stop think about it. Translate it from the state of his opponents to the rank of associate, reconcile, to make it friend and just translate it into another form of energy, more intuitive, easy, and even something beautiful.
Defeat himself, to conquer disease. The main thing is it was not Pyrrhic victory. Of course, prolonged isolation, constant hard work with doctors, heavy meetings have almost forever psychological effects in the human memory. And we need the willpower, courage, sense of proportion, balance and caution. When you can not sleep all night long, scrolling in the head film memories, feelings, resentment at fate. This is my drawing, painting and film. I create to perform in order to calm down, recharge, reflect, regret, and maybe horrified - but always return to harmony. Sorry for the long letter.
Lyapin Alexey.


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Artists: Aleksey Liapin IN Art Therapy -

News Categories: Europe