Aboriginal Art Directory | 31.08.07
The Adelaide Advertiser
Tim Lloyd
August 31, 2007
Article in the Adelaide Advertiser about rising art auction prices
Quoted from article:
The Aboriginal art market has been dominated by Clifford Possum, who sold a single work for $2.4 million, and Emily Kame Kngwarreye, at $1.1 million.
Most of these artists have passed away, but executive director of the National Association for the Visual Arts, Tamara Winikoff, says that on the whole she thinks the high auction prices for more modern works are good for present practitioners in two ways.
"Financially, aspiring artists can look forward to the idea that in due course their artworks may generate that kind of level of value," she says. "But also, more generally, they see that art is held in high esteem. I would say the work of younger artists is finding an increasing market because of it."
URL: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,22330138-5006348,00.html
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Artists: Clifford Possum | Emily Kame Kngwarreye
News Tags: auction | auction market | clifford possum | emily kame kngwarreye | secondary aboriginal art market | secondary art market
News Categories: Newspaper