Aboriginal Art Directory | 29.02.08
Author: Nick Calacouras
News source: NT News
An article about Indigenous tourism in the Northern Territory news:
Busloads of tourists should be allowed in indigenous communities for the "cultural experience'', an Aboriginal businessman saidyesterday.
Jungala Enterprises director Jungala Kriss said permits should not stop communities from taking advantage of eager tourists.
"I think the communities will sit down with the land councils and organise to get easier access for these tourists,'' he said.
He said remote communities could not rely on art for income.
"Every community wants to do Aboriginal art, but you get inundated with that product. You need to think of other industries the communities can get into,'' he said.
"Tourism is a great way for economic development because we're not all the same -- we come from different areas, have different language groups, have different people and eat different food.''
Tourism Minister Kon Vatskalis launched a tourism development toolkit yesterday to help indigenous operators set up businesses.
URL: http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2008/02/28/3480_ntnews.html
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