Charlene Carrington - Half Kangaroo
Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 17.02.08
Gallery: Aboriginal Art by Artlandish Gallery
The beautiful and remote East Kimberley region of far North East Western Australia has produced some of Australia’s most renowned artists, including George Mung Mung, Paddy Jampinjii, Jack Britten, Rover Thomas, Hector Jandany, Queenie McKenzie. The legacy these now deceased Masters has left is immeasurable, the unique painting method and Ngarrangunny (Dreamtime) Stories have endured and are now successfully and proudly showcased by successive generations.
We have chosen a selection of small/medium works from four generations of artists who still use the grass roots medium of natural earth pigments (ochre) which are Traditional, investable and very beautiful.
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Gallery: Aboriginal Art by Artlandish Gallery
Telephone: +61 8 91681 881
Address: 10 Papuana Street Kununurra Kununurra 6743 WA
Gallery: Aboriginal Art by Artlandish Gallery
Artists: April Carrington-nulgit | Beerbee Mungnari | Charlene Carrington | Churchill Cann | Deanne Peters | Gordon Barney | Jane Yalunga | Jimbo Johnson | June Peters | Katie Cox | Lorraine Daylight | Madelene Purdie | Madigan Thomas | Marika Mung | Mark Nodea | Marlene Juli | Nancy Nodea | Shirley Purdie | Tommy Carroll
News Tags: april carrington-nulgit | beerbee mungnari | charlene carrington | churchill cann | deanne peters | gordon barney | jane yalunga | jimbo johnson | june peters | katie cox | lorraine daylight | madelene purdie | madigan thomas | marika mung | mark nodea | marlene juli | nancy nodea | shirley purdie | tommy carroll
News Categories: Online