Art mafia 'ordered' minister's bashing

Aboriginal Art Directory | 13.03.08

Author: Nigel Adlam
News source: NT News

An article in the NT News about the assault on retired politician Peter Tonyne.

Quoted from the article:

Peter Toyne, 62, who was stabbed in the leg with a sharpened nulla nulla and clubbed across the head several times by a professional thug in front of his wife, made the stunning allegations yesterday.

The retired politician is spearheading a campaign to put counterfeiters of Aboriginal art out of business and close artist sweatshops.

``I won't bow to intimidation,'' he told the Northern Territory News exclusively last night.

``We can't allow strong-arm tactics to dictate what we do.

``There are a hell of a lot of shonky operators out there _ and some of them are ruthless.''


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