Gubau Goeyga
Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.03.08
: 13.04.08
Alick Tipoti was born in 1975 on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait. He has completed an Associate Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art at Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE. Tipoti has also received a Bachelor of Visual Art (Printmaking) from the Canberra Institute of Art, Australian National University. In 1998 Tipoti was awarded the Lin Onus Youth Prize in the fourth National Indigenous Heritage Art Awards for his linoprint, Aralpaia ar Zenikula. *Queensland Art Gallery In 2007 Alick Tipoti won the Telstra Works on Paper Award.
Alick Tipoti is a Torres Strait Islander who is guided by the traditional cultural practices of his people. He believes in the Zugubal who were spoken about for many years by his ancestors. He is most diligent about what he sees as his responsibility to document the stories, genealogies, songs and other aspects of his culture so that it is available for future generations to learn, understand and practice. He speaks his native language, Kala Lagaw Ya of the Maluilgal nation of Zenadh Kes. Alick believes that language is the vital ingredient that binds all cultures in the world today. ‘Without your language you become a foreigner, lost in another persons culture. * The Australian Art Print Network
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Artists: Alick Tipoti
News Tags: alick tipoti | darwin | darwin art awards | telstra | telstra art awards | telstra national aboriginal and torres strait islander art awards
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