Sydeny Biennale

Aboriginal Art Directory | 20.05.08

The following Indigenous artists will be appearing at the important Sydeny Biennale, opening on 18th June and running until 7 September:
Tommy McRae, Mick Kubarrku, Doreen Reid Nakamarra, Gordon Bennett, Tracey Moffatt, Vernon Ah Kee, Destiny Deacon and Richard Bell*.* There's also an artist called John Citizen who'll present an exhibition called /Interiors and Coloured People/; but that turns out to be Gordon Bennett again under another guise.

Other Australian artists invited to participate by Italian Curator, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev are James Angus, Virginia Fraser, Ross Gibson, Shaun Gladwell, Gary Hillberg, Rosemary Laing, Richard Larter, TV Moore, Raquel Ormella, Mike Parr, Stuart Ringholt, Julie Rrap, Tony Schwensen,and theweathergroup_U.

Venues around Sydney range from Cockatoo Island and Pier 2/3 in The Rocks to the Art Gallery, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Artspace and the Sydney Opera House.

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