Debut Show from Wanarn

Debut Show from Wanarn

Kungkarankalpa by Carol Golding courtesy Agathon Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 07.06.08

Gallery: Agathon Gallery Sydney
Dates: 07.06.08 : 12.07.08

The Nganyatjarra artists of Warnarn - a remote community in the Simpson Desert, WA - get their first group show in Sydney, opening on Saturday 7 June at Agathon Galleries in the Parramatta Road opposite Sydney University.

Previously, artists like Tjaparti Bates, Carol Golding and Kantjupayi Benson have worked with the Warakurna Arts Centre, and some individuals have been collected by state galleries. But, lacking both a dedicated building and a resident arts adviser, they've turned to the distantly neighbouring Irrunytju Arts Centre for help. There, Agathon owner John Ioannou has supported a painting group that appreciates such services as a good breakfast every day before starting to paint, and the supply of both heating and cooling materials for their homes, spare tyres for their vehicles and a guarantee that no artist will go hungry.

Ioannou says that a building is already being trucked to Wanarn, where artists like Myra Cook and Jean Burke had already chosen to work with him. "Myra is doing mind-boggling stuff today", he added. "It's really important to be able to offer artists individual attention to allow their work to develop. And at Irrunytju, a younger group of artists is coming forward to join the oldies".

The Sydney exhibition runs until 12 July.

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Contact Details

Gallery: Agathon Gallery Sydney

Gallery: Irrunytju Gallery
Telephone: +61 8 8956 7783
Address: PMB 52 via Alice Springs Wingellina Wingellina 0872 NT



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