Warul Ar Bidhiyal, 2006 by Alik Tipoti
Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.07.08
Gallery: United Galleries - Sydney
: 31.07.08
Opening night drinks at 6pm, Tuesday 15th July
The artist will be in attendance on the opening night
"My art is built on, and held together by, traditional Torres Strait designs, based on legends of the past."
Alick Tipoti was born in 1975 on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait. He has completed an Associate Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art at Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE. Tipoti has also received a Bachelor of Visual Art (Printmaking) from the Canberra Institute of Art, Australian National University. In 1998 Tipoti was awarded the Lin Onus Youth Prize in the fourth National Indigenous Heritage Art Awards for his lino print, Aralpaia ar Zenikula.
Opening Night July 15th 2008
RSVP sydney@unitedgalleries.com.au or 02 8915 5300
The Artist will be in attendance on opening night United Galleries Sydney drinks 6-8pm and lunch with the Artist will be held on the 16th July 2008
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Gallery: United Galleries - Sydney
Telephone: +61 2 8915 5300
Address: 179-181 Palmer St Darlinghurst Sydney 2010 NSW
Gallery: United Galleries - Sydney
News Tags: alick tipoti | exhibition | sydney
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