Aboriginal Art Directory | 19.07.08
Author: Jodie Bujok
Royalty, Television stars and Europe’s finest Art Critics gathered in Berlin, Germany to attend the unveiling of the latest exhibition by one of Australia’s leading contemporary Indigenous artists Wayne Quilliam.
More than 150 people were welcomed by the Australian Ambassador to Germany, Mr Ian Kemish to the official opening of the ‘Lowanna’ (Beautiful Woman) exhibition at one of Germanys leading galleries, Art Centre Berlin. The Ambassador mentioned he had the pleasure of opening another of Quilliams exhibitions 12 months earlier in Berlin and how the photographs still on show were still attracting large crowds. Mr Kemish also paid tribute to Quilliam for being a leader of the new movement in Australian arts and believed the quality of his work will influence European collectors towards more contemporary Indigenous art.
Wayne Quilliam a Tasmanian born Aboriginal man lives in Melbourne but considers the world as his backyard, “Over the past 12 months I have worked in the Mexico, Bolivia, USA, Italy, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Austria, Germany, Thailand and throughout Australia, each individual experience is infused into this art, they are ‘one off’ moments that will never be repeated,” Wayne said. “My art is my essence and wouldn’t be possible without people like Bronwyn McDonald a young Aboriginal woman or Michelle Italia of Italian heritage, these two along with women from different origins has allowed me to develop a connection between the beauty of the female form and the designs Mother Earth has created”.
Several German magazines and national newspapers printed stores on the unique work and BBC television featured Quilliams ‘Lowanna’ series as they filmed ‘The last Tycoon’, a program from the makers of ‘Dragons' Den’. The series sees the UK's most successful entrepreneurs going head to head to see who can turn dust to gold in some of the world's most challenging cities.
The exhibition continues until the 31st of August before travelling to France and Switzerland.
Gallery Contact: Thomas Tyllak info@art-center-berlin.de
Media Contact: Jodie Bujok indigenousart@optusnet.com.a
Wayne is presently in Australia and available for interview Wayne Quilliam on 0413 812222 or email wqphotography@optusnet.com.au
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