Aboriginal Art Directory | 11.08.08
Will Owen gives a talk at the Newcastle Regional Art Gallery which is currently hosting an exhibition of works from the Laverty Collection.
Quoted from the article:
Ron Ramsey, whom we'd known from his stint at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC, is now the director of the Art Gallery. We worked with Ron and Lisa Slade to arrange the trip and the talk, and were excited about the prospect of seeing Ron again, and seeing this lovely gallery. The entire upper floor was given over to the exhibition of works on loan from the Lavertys, and it made for a most impressive sight.
Well over half the space was devoted to art from the Central Desert, and over half of that space to works from Balgo. The remainder of the exhibition showcased art from Jirrawun, Peppimenarti, and Bidyadanga, along with four spectacular examples of Body Marks by Prince of Wales. Ron is planning a barks show, drawn in part from NRAG's own collection for the coming year, so that was one aspect of the Indigenous spectrum missing from this show.
URL: http://homepage.mac.com/will_owen/iblog/C1917859515/E20080808172736/index.html
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Gallery: The Laverty Collection
Gallery: Newcastle Regional Art Gallery
Contact: Liz Burcham
Email: artgallery@ncc.nsw.gov.au
Telephone: +61 02 4974 5100
Address: 1 Laman Street Newcastle Newcastle 2300 NSW