Aboriginal Art Directory | 13.08.08
News source: Cenberra Times
The Cenberra Times discusses the work of the Webb sisters:
The works of mother and daughter Aboriginal artists Annette and Ann-Maree Webb are part of a new exhibition at Hurstville's St George Regional Museum.
The exhibition, Annette Webb and Friends includes paintings, mixed media on canvas, painted gourds, bags and jewellery boxes featuring traditional Aboriginal designs.
The Webbs are part of a group of Aboriginal women artists who meet to paint once a week at the Kurrunulla Aboriginal Corporation at Jannali.
But mother and daughter say while they paint together once a week, they do not influence each other's work.
URL: http://stgeorge.yourguide.com.au/news/local/news/general/like-mother-like-daughter/1242219.aspx
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Artists: Ann-maree Webb | Annette Webb
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