Aboriginal Art Directory | 25.10.08
Author: Ashleigh Wilson and Sean Parnell
News source: The Australian
Does the new federal government royalty plan benefit Indigenous artists:
Based on sales figures over that period, Whiteley, Brack, Williams, Arthur Boyd and Charles Blackman would have been the top beneficiaries of a royalty scheme similar to the model proposed by the Government.
During last year alone, of the $4.97 million in royalties that might have been collected under such a scheme, indigenous artists would have seen only $774,432. The maximum payment to an indigenous artist would have been $111,354, while a non-indigenous artist might expect $630,583, according to the Access Economics modelling.
Mr Garrett announced the plan earlier this month at a major Aboriginal art gallery in Alice Springs, emphasising the benefits to indigenous artists in the plan.
He said yesterday the scheme had been designed to introduce fairness, equity and transparency to the market, giving artists an ongoing right in their work beyond the first sale.
"Clearly the dispersion of royalties will reflect the market but importantly, artists, including in the indigenous community who now receive nothing, will benefit from this scheme," Mr Garrett said at the time.
While Access Economics suggested a cap on royalties might give indigenous artists a greater share of the proceeds, the Government's scheme will have no such measures.
Make up your mind after reading this article.
URL: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24543814-16947,00.html
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