Aboriginal Art Directory | 26.10.08
Artworks from Western Australian emerging indigenous artists will be showcased in an exhibition titled Revealed, from October 25 to November 15 at Perth’s Central TAFE Art Gallery.
Three art centres form the Kimberley Aboriginal Artists alliance - Mangkaja Arts, Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre and Waringarri Aboriginal Arts - will participate in the special showcase which celebrates the next generation of creative practice from remote and regional areas.
The exhibition is a joint initiative of the Department of Industry and Resources, and the Department of Culture and the Arts.
Other participating art centres involved in the exhibition include:
URL: http://www.kimberleyaboriginalart.com.au/14_38.htm
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Gallery: Kimberley Aboriginal Artists
Email: kaa@doir.wa.gov.au
Telephone: +61 8 9222 3871
Gallery: Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency Aboriginal Corporation
Contact: Kat or Pippa
Email: mangkaja.arts@bigpond.com
Telephone: +61 8 9191 5833
Address: 8 Bell Rd Fitzroy Crossing Fitzroy Crossing 6765 WA
Gallery: Kimberley Aboriginal Artists
News Tags: kayili artists | mangkaja arts | martumili artists | maruku arts | mowanjum art and culture centre | mungart boodja | papulankutja artists | roebourne art group | warakurna artists | waringarri aboriginal arts | warlayirti artists | yaruman arts | yinjaa barni artists
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