Aboriginal Art Directory | 29.11.08
It's a long way from the Kimberley to Canberra, and the country that sits close to the hearts of the Texas Downs mob hasn't much in common with the Limestone Plains. But the legacy of indigenous artist and national living treasure Queenie McKenzie was incentive enough for some particularly special guests to make that trip this week......
For more than six years, writer Jennifer Joi Field has been working on Written in the Land: the Life of Queenie McKenzie. A Gija woman from the Kimberleys, Queenie was a nationally renowned artist whose passion for her home country translated into remarkable and very beautiful artworks. But she was also a senior law woman, one of just a handful of elders who retained knowledge of her people's ancient sacred sites.
URL: http://blogs.abc.net.au/canberra/2008/11/written-in-the.html
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Gallery: National Gallery of Victoria
Contact: Judith Ryan
Email: enquiries@ngv.vic.gov.au
Telephone: +61 3 8620 2222
Address: NGV Australia Federation Square or PO Box 7259 Melbourne VIC 8004 Corner of Russell and Flinders Streets Melbourne Melbourne 8004 VIC
Gallery: Warmun Art Centre
Email: gallery@warmunart.com.au
Telephone: +61 8 9168 7496
Address: Great Northern Highway via Kununurra via Kununurra 6743 WA
Gallery: National Gallery of Victoria
Artists: Queenie Mckenzie
News Tags: jennifer joi field | jenny macklin | queenie mckenzie | warmun
News Categories: Media