Laurel Nannup, Lolly Tree, 2001, Woodcut, ink on paper 58 x 58 Photograph: Brett Nannup
Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 16.02.09
Gallery: Tandanya – National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
: 19.04.05
Location: 253 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
In A Story to Tell, Nyoongar artist Laurel Nannup tells her own story, through woodcuts, etchings and photographs. These works illustrate the artist's memories of place, particular events and people, all of which contribute to an overview of her life.
At the age of eight, the Native Welfare Department took Laurel, her sister and her cousin away from the Pinjarra region and their families, to the Wandering Mission where they lived and worked until they were old enough to work on farms in the area. The prints in Laurel’s exhibition are a reflection of her life, both with her family and mission life; the stories are told with honesty and affectionate humour and build up a unique picture of the reality of life for many Indigenous people of Laurel Nannup’s generation.
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Gallery: Tandanya – National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
Telephone: +61 8 8224 3200
Address: 253 Grenfell Street Adelaide Adelaide 5000 SA
Laurel Nannup, Sliding Sister, 2001, Etching, ink on paper, 58 x 58cm Photograph: Brett Nannup
Laurel Nannup, Oranges in our bathers, 2001, Etching, ink on paper, 58 x 58cm, Photograph: Brett Nannup
Gallery: Tandanya – National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
Artists: Laurel Nannup
News Tags: laurel nannup
News Categories: Australia