Aboriginal Art Directory | 27.02.09
Events at Kluge-Ruhe
2/28/09 Saturday Tour with Dominique Cocuzza, 10:30 am
3/2/09 OLLI class 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
3/7/09 Saturday Tour with Fenella Belle, 10:30 am
3/9/09 OLLI class 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
3/14/09 Saturday Tour with Grace and Burt Zisk, 10:30 am
3/16/09 OLLI class 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
3/18/09 Tucker Box Tour, 12:15 - 1:30 pm - make a reservation
3/21/09 Saturday Tour with Dominique Cocuzza, 10:30 am
3/28/09 Saturday Tour with Margo Smith, 10:30 am
4/2/09 Patrick McConvell, ANU, Dreamings and language in Indigenous Australia at the Kluge-Ruhe Collection, 7:00 pm, Reservations required - make a reservation
Related Events
3/27/09 Sally Price, W & M, Silences in the Museum: Reflections on the Musée du Quai Branly at Kaleidoscope, 4:00 pm
4/3/09 Patrick McConvell, ANU, From Pama to Nyungan: Change in Australian kinship terminologies from the north-east to the south-west at Kaleidoscope, 1:00 pm
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Gallery: Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection
Contact: Margo Smith
Email: kluge-ruhe@virginia.edu
Telephone: 434 244 0234
Address: 400 Worrell Drive Peter Jefferson Place Charlottesville Charlottesville 22911 Va
Gallery: Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection
News Categories: Posts