Aboriginal Art Directory | 02.03.09
What will happen here when the domestic sales start is unknown.
Most likely value will hold for quality although volumes will drop off and the low to medium end of the market may suffer.
The Australian season opens on March 25 with Deutscher-Menzies and Lawson-Menzies offering international and colonial art in Sydney and Deutscher and Hackett staging its inaugural Aboriginal art sale in Melbourne.
URL: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,25106723-5000117,00.html
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Gallery: Deutscher and Hackett Melbourne
Email: info@deutscherandhackett.com
Telephone: +61 3 9865 6333
Address: 105 Commercial Road South Yarra Melbourne 3141 VIC
Gallery: Lawsons Auctioneers
Email: info@lawsons.com.au
Telephone: +61 2 9566 2377
Address: 8-16 Moore Street Leichhardt Sydney 2040 NSW
Gallery: Deutscher and Hackett Melbourne
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