Aboriginal Art Directory | 10.07.09
The Federal Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett, will have the chance to soak up the rich cultural and environmental heritage of our region during a full day of events when he visits Page on Wednesday.
Page MP Janelle Saffin says she invited Peter Garrett to the region after she was approached by local artist Dailan Pugh, who wanted the Minister to open his upcoming art exhibition at the Lismore Art Gallery.
“In Dailan we have an incredibly talented person, a wonderful creative artist and dedicated conservationist who has a unique talent for combining art and environmental activism,” she said..
“I followed through with his request because I saw that it brought together Peter Garrett’s Ministerial responsibilities of both the environment and the arts and it was also a great opportunity to show off our regional talent.
“The Northern Rivers area has the highest number of artists in Australia outside of a capital city, and we also have a strong reputation for environmental protection and I want the Minister to get a real understanding of the needs of our region and what we have to offer.
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Gallery: Arts Northern Rivers
Contact: Melitta Firth
Email: info@artsnorthernrivers.com.au
Telephone: +61 2 6628 8120
Address: 5 Bruxner Highway Alstonville Alstonville 2477 NSW
Gallery: Arts Northern Rivers
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