Aboriginal Art Directory | 17.03.10
Premier and Minister for the Arts
The Honourable Anna Bligh
Monday, March 15, 2010
Premier and Arts Minister Anna Bligh today announced Michael Snelling would return as Artistic Director of Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 20-22 August 2010, after steering a hugely successful event in 2009.
“In 2009, Michael oversaw the launch of the first Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) which showcased the spectacular art works of Queensland born or based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists to local, national and international audiences,” said the Premier.
“Under his direction, CIAF revealed itself as one of the most exciting new visual arts events in the Pacific region, attracting more than 10 000 visitors and generating art sales in excess of $500 000.
“CIAF also delivered significant benefits to Cairns’ tourism, cultural and hospitality sectors, injecting an estimated $1 million into the local economy and creating a number of short-term job opportunities which were filled by local Indigenous people.
“The State Government believes CIAF has the potential to become a major cultural tourism event for Queensland and is investing an additional $1.2 million in the event for 2010 and 2011.
“Tourism Queensland is also working with the Art Fair to raise its international profile.”
Mr Snelling said his focus in 2010 would be on bolstering CIAF’s reputation as an event where collectors can view and purchase new art work from Queensland’s leading Indigenous artists and discover exciting emerging artists, while developing new opportunities for Indigenous artists.
“CIAF 2009 established a groundbreaking event that brought together Indigenous artists, dancers, songmen and musicians from across Queensland, all the way from Brisbane to the very top of the Torres Strait, for a truly unique celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and culture ,” he said.
“This year we will return to the rainforest setting of Tanks Arts Centre and strengthen our satellite exhibitions and events.
“We are developing new programs and partnerships that we will announce as we approach the August opening and we are also looking forward to working with our partners, Indigenous Art Centres, galleries, other organisations and communities that made the event so successful.”
CIAF 2010 is a major initiative of the State Government delivered by Arts Queensland.
For more information on Cairns Indigenous Art Fair visit www.ciaf.com.au
Media contact: 07 3224 4500
URL: http://statements.cabinet.qld.gov.au/MMS/StatementDisplaySingle.aspx?id=68918
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Gallery: Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
Contact: Janina Harding / Vanessa Gillin
Email: artfair@ciaf.com.au
Telephone: 07 4050 7712
Address: 51 The Esplanade Cairns 4870 QLD
Gallery: Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
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