Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.05.10
City of Wanneroo Event
Monday 7 June - Sunday 27 June 2010
On Track showcases the dynamic development of Western Australian Aboriginal artists' expression over the last decade.
The exhibition presents a unique opportunity to view the diversity of regional and artistic perspectives within the contemporary Western Australian setting. Commentaries and questioning of family and work experiences, social comment, perspectives on mission and station life are some of the themes the artists explore.
Artists from the Kimberley, Pilbara, Western Desert, Murchison/Gascoyne and South-West regions are represented including senior and respected artists; Julie Dowling, Jody Broun and Norma MacDonald from Perth, Mary McLean from the Eastern Goldfields, Daisy Andrews
and Butcher Cherel of Fitzroy Crossing, Donny Woolagudga from Derby, and Alan and Peggy Grifftihs of Kununurra.
On Track has been funded and commissioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet as part of the State's 175th Anniversary Celebrations.
Inspired by a previous Berndt Museum exhibition, Aboriginal Artists of the South-West: Past andPresent, Dr Gallop commissioned a broader retrospective of contemporary Aboriginal art from across the entire state as a fitting part of the State's 175th Anniversary Celebrations.
Wanneroo Exhibition Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo, 6065
City of Wanneroo
Wanneroo Exhibition Centre
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Artists: Alan Grifftihs | Butcher Cherel | Daisy Andrews | Donny Woolagudga | Jody Broun | Julie Dowling | Mary Mclean | Norma Macdonald | Peggy Grifftihs
News Tags: alan grifftihs | butcher cherel | daisy andrews | donny woolagudga | jody broun | julie dowling | mary mclean | norma macdonald | peggy grifftihs
News Categories: Australia