'Untitled-Unfinished' Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri
Posted by | 13.05.10
Gallery: Mbantua Gallery
: 27.05.00
Location: Online
View the artwork of this exhibition online from May 6th - 27th 2010.
Until Thursday 27th May, Mbantua Gallery have an exhibition viewable online titled 'Untitled Unfinished' which is a collection of works by the late Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri. When Janelle was killed in a tragic car accident, Mbantua were asked to remove her name and images from our gallery and website immediately for the duration of her sorry business, leaving many people unaware until now of what had happened to this young, very talented Utopia artist.
With permission to now show her name and photo, the gallery has launched her first solo exhibition since her death. Some of these pieces were incomplete at the time of her passing in November 2009 and so have been 'unveiled' in this exhibition.
View a video of Janelle's artwork; an artist of many styles.
URL: http://www.mbantua.com.au/gallery.php?galleries=27
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Gallery: Mbantua Gallery
Telephone: +61 8 8953 0849
Address: 71 Gregory Terrace Alice Springs Alice Springs 0870 NT
Gallery: Mbantua Gallery
Telephone: +61 8 8953 0849
Address: 71 Gregory Terrace Alice Springs Alice Springs 0870 NT
'Untitled-Unfinished' Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri
'Untitled-Unfinished' Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri
Gallery: Mbantua Gallery
Artists: Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri
News Tags: art exhibition | exhibition | Janelle Stockman Napaltjarri | mbantua gallery | online art | Utopia art | utopia artist
News Categories: Exhibition