Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.06.10
$42 million from five Australian Government programs is supporting over 380 Indigenous arts, culture and heritage projects across Australia, the Minister for Arts and Heritage, Peter Garrett, announced today.
"The Australian Government is committed to supporting Indigenous communities through funding for Indigenous arts, culture, languages, broadcasting and heritage conservation activities in communities right across Australia," Mr Garrett said.
Funding includes $37.5 million in new funding and $4.5 million for projects that were selected for triennial funding last year.
The five programs are the:
"I am particularly pleased the funded projects touch so many parts of Australia, from major metropolitan centres like Melbourne, Victoria to the more remote regions of Australia including Warakurna in Western Australia," Mr Garrett said.
"The range of projects receiving funding is also impressive, from pandanus weaving in the deserts of the Northern Territory, to the use of multi-media techniques to help collect traditional knowledge in Bundaberg, and the creation of a pilot radio station to revive traditional languages in Adelaide.
Given the important position Indigenous history and expression occupies in Australia's cultural life, these five programs provide vital practical support including:
"Together these programs are a significant part of the Government's commitment to Closing the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage by contributing to the overall well-being of Indigenous communities and supporting employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians.
"It is crucial that as a nation we continue to protect, preserve and promote Indigenous arts, culture and heritage to help build a diverse and dynamic Australia," Mr Garrett said.
Since 2007 the Rudd Government has increased funding to the Indigenous visual arts sector by over $17 million.
URL: http://www.environment.gov.au/minister/garrett/2010/mr20100609c.html
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