Aboriginal Art Directory | 14.06.10
20 – 22 August, 2010
Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns
Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) is unique among international art fairs, bringing galleries together with Indigenous art centres at a major marketplace which is complemented with a program of dance, music, film, children’s activities, talks and forums.
In the relaxed rainforest setting of Tanks Arts Centre, the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is transformed into a celebration of the rich practices of contemporary and traditional Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and culture.
Art work from more than 2OO Queensland Indigenous artists will be on sale and complemented by a selling exhibition curated by Artistic Director Michael Snelling at Cairns Regional Gallery.
This year’s Symposium, Saturday 21 August, will feature keynote speakers Dr Brenda L Croft and leading Torres Strait Islander printmaker Alick Tipoti.
One of Australia’s hottest new stars Dan Sultan is the headline act for the Art Fair’s concert, which is also the opening event of Cairns Festival, Friday 20 August.
URL: http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/events/event_items/cairns_indigenous_art_fair
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Gallery: Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
Contact: Janina Harding / Vanessa Gillin
Email: artfair@ciaf.com.au
Telephone: 07 4050 7712
Address: 51 The Esplanade Cairns 4870 QLD
Gallery: Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
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