Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 01.06.10
Gallery: Salt Contemporary Art
Lloyd Kwilla: Jumuwarnti (Many Waterholes)
McCulloch & McCulloch, Salt Contemporary Art and Red Rock Art invite you to attend the first Victorian solo exhibition by rising Kimberley art star Lloyd Kwilla: Jumuwarnti (Many Waterholes).
The son of leading painter Billy Thomas, 30-year old Lloyd Kwilla is one of the Kimberley region’s most notable rising stars. Since this young Wangkajunga man started painting in 2003 he has enjoyed sell-out exhibitions in Darwin and London and similarly enthusiastic reaction to his work in exhibitions with leading galleries in Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth.
Now for this, his first solo exhibition in Victoria, Kwilla has created an entirely new body of 12 works on the theme jumuwarnti (many waterholes). Each offers an entirely fresh perspective on this classic theme and comprise works of impressive scale and intricate mapping as well as those of breathtaking minimalism.
Accompanying this important solo show is a select showing of new works by master Kimberley artist Freddie Timms.
Opening drinks with the artist: Saturday 12 June 5.30 pm
Public talk: Lloyd Kwilla and Kununurra’s Red Rock Art director Kevin Kelly in conversation with Susan McCulloch Sunday 13 June 3.30 pm (Free event)
Exhibition concludes: June 30
RSVP: June 10
Salt Contemporary Art
33-35 Hesse Street Queenscliff Victoria
T+ 61 3 5258 3733
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Gallery: Salt Contemporary Art
Telephone: +61 3 5258 3988
Address: 33-35 Hesse Street Queenscliff Queenscliff 3225 VIC
Gallery: Salt Contemporary Art
News Categories: Lecture