Aboriginal Art Directory | 25.06.10
Author: Joshua Levi
News source: Jewish News
Indigenous artist Judy Watson will headline this year’s Shalom Gamarada Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition when it opens on Sunday.
The annual show, in its sixth year, raises money for indigenous scholarships and has become a highlight of the Shalom calendar, raising more than $500,000 annually.
“We are incredibly excited to have Judy Watson exhibiting, adding even more weight to what has been accomplished in previous years,” scholarship founder Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver said.
“Her works will contribute to a fantastic show and we have sourced much-sought after Bagu with Jiman ceramic works from the Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre in Cardwell, Queensland.”
Curator Jenny Hillman said having the ceramic works is very exciting. “The Bagu with Jiman ceramic works were first revealed at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair in August 2009 and Queensland’s Gallery of Modern Art snapped up almost all of their works at a recent exhibition,” Hillman said.
URL: http://jewishnews.net.au/2010/06/24/shaloms-showpiece-event-funds-education/13991
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Gallery: Shalom Gamarada Art Exhibition
Contact: Ilona Lee
Email: ilee@shalomgamarada.org
Address: Eric Caspary Learning Centre at Shalom College at the University of New South Wales Kensington Sydney 2052 NSW
Gallery: Shalom Gamarada Art Exhibition
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