Aboriginal Art Directory | 02.08.10
The Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art (CAIA) program at the Queensland College of Art began in 1995. The CAIA is the only University program in Australia that combines both theory and practice to Indigenous students. It is the first degree in Contemporary Indigenous art taught by Indigenous lecturers for Indigenous students.
The degree takes three years to complete and is designed to prepare Indigenous students for practice as professional artists. It involves field trips to Indigenous Communities and looks at contemporary culture and politics. Students undertake research into their own family history and cultural traditions as an important part of their studies.
Students experience traditional Australian Indigenous culture, art, different kinds of media styles and forms together with strategies and skills that will help them cope with a technological urbanised society.
This course is not only structured for young people, many students are mature aged and the program caters for all. Students over all year levels, and from diverse areas, bond together to create the wonderful CAIA community environment.
URL: http://www.griffith.edu.au/visual-creative-arts/indigenous-art
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