Ginger Riley Munduwalawala 'The Limmen Bight River – My Mother’s Country' 1993 Synthetic polymer paint on linen 190 x 191 cm. Image courtesy of the Estate of Ginger Riley and Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne
Jeremy Eccles | 08.07.11
Author: Beverley Knight
News source: Press Release
An appeal from Dr Greg Dickson, Scholar of Linguistics in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University re the country we've grown familiar with thanks to the art of Ginger Riley, Angelina George and Willy Gudupi
"I thought you might be interested in the following...
You may be aware that large Iron Ore mines are proposed for areas south of the Roper River. The proposal for a slurry pipeline to transport millions of tonnes of Iron Ore through Marra country and on to Gurrululinya, aka Maria Island, is of serious concern to all the Marra people I've been working closely with over the years. Their concerns, along with concerns of environmental and ranger groups, have hit media today/July 1st. See below:
The Age/Sydney Morning Herald - If miners talked to us, they'd know about sacred island's poison tree, say elders - by Lindsay Murdoch:
The Age - Miners nibble at Limmen Bight - photo essay by Glenn Campbell:
Radio National AM program - Massive iron ore project challenged by traditional owners by Michael Coggan:
ABC Online - Sacred site fears put brake on iron mining - by Phoebe Stewart:
Please share this with contacts and colleagues. It is an issue of deep concern to people here at Ngukurr.
Cheers - Greg Dickson,
Beverley Knight of Alcaston Gallery adds:
"If you are familiar with the artworks of the late Ginger Riley, then you would know Limmen Bight Country and Maria Island, and its sacred importance to all people who hold ceremonial rights in the area. It is imperative that they are listened to, and have their rights reserved in regards to this very special place that was significant in Marra Creation Story.
Please express your concern on this matter to any Federal Ministers, members of Parliament, and, most importantly, the media.
Yours Sincerely - Beverly Knight - Trustee for the Estate of Ginger Riley
URL: www.alcastongallery,
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Artists: Angelina George | Ginger Riley | Willy Gudupi
News Tags: iron ore mining | land rights | Limmen Bite