Aboriginal Art Directory | 13.05.15
Publication date: 20150510000000
The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) has been defunded by the Government, and their offices are about to close. But in the Northern Territory Aboriginal artists have stepped in by donating artworks to be auctioned online with proceeds going to the EDO NT. And they hope to raise between $30,000 and $50,000.
Communities rallying include those affected by the controversial lead-zinc-silver McArthur River Mine who have been helped by the EDO NT, along with Yirrkala, Maningrida, Haasts Bluff and more.
David Morris, principal lawyer at the EDO NT said, "It's been an incredible outpouring. Particularly, I'm astounded at the response by places where we haven't worked that have heard about this and have said, we want to support this because there's a real potential that our community might need this service in the future."
The funds raised will help EDO NT, "Put in place processes to be sustainably funded in the future regardless of what governments are doing, we want to try and attract ongoing supporters," Mr Morris said.
Though the GalaBid Auction only commenced two days ago it has already raised $12,000.
The auction will continue until 2 June 2015.
URL: https://galabid.com/auction/edont
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News Tags: Australian Environment | David Morris | EDO NT | Environmental Defenders Office | Online auction