Aboriginal Art Tags

Saltwater Country Opens in the Netherlands

Saltwater Country Opens in the Netherlands

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2015-01-04 16:30:50

A new exhibition Saltwater Country is set to open at the Museum of Contemporary Aboriginal Art in Utrecht on January 11, showing a great diversity of art produced by sixteen artists from Queensland's coastal regions in north-east Australia. They have...» Read More


2014 in Review

2014 in Review

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-12-28 16:23:37

No one could call it a stunning year for Indigenous art - with the market delicate and the product, perhaps in response, not leaping any dramatic hurdles. No one, that is, apart from Danie Mellor and Tony Albert, the two...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-12-09 15:18:51

The recent AGM of the Indigenous Art Code has been singularly unreported by mainstream press. Thank heavens for the specialists like AAD! For we can report a new CEO to replace John Oster and a new Chair to replace Ron...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-11-26 09:47:24

The Australian newspaper's galumphing headline writers had a field-day last Friday with their ultra-bold claim: 'Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi’s demise echoes the fate of Aboriginal art'. The obituary continued in the words of pallbearer Nicolas Rothwell: “The high-end market for traditional...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-11-20 17:19:28

Desert River Sea: Kimberley Art Then & Now has gone live online at last after a mighty development saga. It's been developed in two phases over 6 years by the Art Gallery of Western Australia (AGWA) with $1.8m. support from...» Read More


Waringarri Begins Casting...in White Aluminium

Waringarri Begins Casting...in White Aluminium

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-11-14 16:23:09

Waringarri artists, commissioned by Wesfarmers for its official centenary gift, have cast a collection of carved boab nuts in white aluminium. And so impressive is the result that today this Collection officially called, Boab100, was gifted to the Art Gallery...» Read More


Angry Auction House Cancels its IartC Membership

Angry Auction House Cancels its IartC Membership

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-10-31 19:55:57

Speculation regarding the authenticity of Aboriginal artworks being offered for sale by Arthouse Auctions has been a point of discussion within the industry for at least a year, and throughout Arthouse Auctions has maintained that its works are legitimate. Now...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-10-30 14:09:02

A collaborative exhibition by artists from Australia and South Africa, exploring the skies as seen through the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope project, is currently on at Curtin University’s John Curtin Gallery, and will later tour internationally. Yamaji and...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-10-29 17:13:06

There have been some pretty controversial decisions made since Michael Brand took over the Directorship of the Art Gallery of NSW more than a year ago. Many a senior curator fled in advance of his coming; decent, efficient people have...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-10-24 17:42:47

A great wrong has been done to both history and Gough Whitlam's memory by the Fairfax press. Their splendid supplement on Wednesday to commemorate the passing of that great mover and shaker of a slothful Australia contained a section on...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-10-22 16:07:13

In recent weeks at Yuendumu in the Central Desert and at Amata in the APY Lands, marvellous artists have died. Here are their official life stories: Shorty Jangala Robertson was born around 1925 at Jila (Chilla Well), a large soakage and...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-10-16 13:47:34

Nicole Foreshew, a Sydney-based Aboriginal artist, has taken out the 2014 Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize - announced at the awards ceremony held at Parliament House overnight. Her work, It comes without seeking 1, was chosen by...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-10-06 16:31:28

High profile artists, including four Archibald winners, have joined forces with the ABC and have donated artworks to be auctioned online to help raise funds to boost mental health research in Australia. The ABC Mental As... Art Auction is a...» Read More


2014 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize Finalists

2014 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize Finalists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-09-30 01:27:25

Digital photographs, handmade paper, sculptures, jewellery and paintings are among some of the unique works to be chosen as finalists in this year’s Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize – the most valuable art incentive on offer for Aboriginal artists...» Read More


PETER BROKENSHA OAM 12/10/26 TO 24/06/14

PETER BROKENSHA OAM 12/10/26 TO 24/06/14

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-09-20 18:45:51

“He was a good man who did good things”, assessed Bob Edwards, long-time friend, one-time employer and a partner with Peter Brokensha in early efforts to turn the nascent Aboriginal art movement into a viable business. Coincidentally, the Pitjanjatjara people...» Read More




Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-09-14 15:46:33

Was Cyclone Tracy a freak accident of cosmology, an epic drama involving a vengeful wind, or just a pissed off tropical storm? The insinuated anthropological terminology given to destructive natural disasters such as Tracy has 'Her' with the best of them....» Read More


Warlayirti: The Art of Balgo

Warlayirti: The Art of Balgo

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-09-09 21:33:20

After a period in which social unrest and an emphasis on film dominated the cultural scene, the revitalisation of Balgo painting continues apace. Two different projects are under way which will see a major contextual exhibition open in Melbourne next...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-09-02 13:11:49

The Kluge-Ruhe Museum – America's only permanent institution displaying Australian Aboriginal art and educating Americans about it through associations with the University of Virginia – re-opened earlier this year after refurbishment with a semi-permanent exhibition called Art and Country. It's...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-08-25 15:06:11

With what looks like an unfortunate coincidence of timing, two worthy Indigenous charities are holding art auctions within days of each other. Arts Law is first cab off the rank, celebrating its 30th anniversary of advice specifically tailored for artists...» Read More


Jenny Crompton wins Victoria's Richest Indigenous Art Award

Jenny Crompton wins Victoria's Richest Indigenous Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-08-23 08:23:25

Bellbrae artist Jenny Crompton has taken out the State’s richest Indigenous art prize, the $30,000 Deadly Art Award at the 2014 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards. Crompton, who takes much of her artistic inspiration from Victoria’s surf coast, won for...» Read More


DARWIN 2014 - The Bigger Picture

DARWIN 2014 - The Bigger Picture

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-08-13 15:14:14

In the wash-up to the 31st National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, it seems possible that the man who lead the charge to free MAGNT (the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory) from the unenthusiastic hand...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-08-08 18:30:00

The three judges for this 31st NATSIAA Award all come from the south; Tina Baum from the National Gallery, Clotilde Bullen from the WA Gallery and David Broker from the Canberra Contemporary Art Studio. Perhaps it wasn’t surprising that they...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-07-23 14:50:13

South Australia’s Premier Jay Weatherill has announced that the State's new Aboriginal visual arts festival will be known as Tarnanthi – pronounced TAR-NAN-DEE - a local Kaurna word meaning 'to come forth', as in the sun and the first emergence...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-07-22 13:45:10

A significant dinner held in Melbourne last week was a homecoming of sorts for that dominant feature of the Aboriginal art market over the past two decades – the auction. Aboriginal art auctions have been maligned, but some have done...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-07-08 13:16:06

So, Hetti Perkins is back with us, refreshed from a sabbatical period post-Art Gallery of NSW, where she used to be the first, and so far only, senior curator of Aboriginal Art. I wonder why they think they can manage...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-07-04 19:11:05

At the end of May, the supreme national Indigenous arts awards – the Red Ochres – were handed out by the Australia Council. And the senior, peer-reviewed award went to artist Hector Tjupuru Burton from Tjala Arts in Amata, South...» Read More


GORDON BENNETT  1955 to 3 June 2014

GORDON BENNETT 1955 to 3 June 2014

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-06-28 13:39:11

“I am an Indigenous Australian. My mother is an Indigenous Australian and her mother before that and so on for countless generations. My father was English. My work comes out of small town and suburban Australia. I was socialised into...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-06-25 18:38:12

The great names are there at this year's National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards – Namatjira, Marawili, Marika, Burton, Thaiday, Petyarre, Mabo, Yalandja and Nadjamerrek. But rather than having the Christian names you'd probably recognise, 2014 will introduce...» Read More


Wayne Quilliam at NZ Photography Festival

Wayne Quilliam at NZ Photography Festival

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-05-27 14:28:40

One of Australia's most respected Aboriginal photographers, Wayne Quilliam, will deliver a keynote address at the prestigious Auckland Festival of Photography on Saturday 31st of May. Quilliam's expertise in contemporary visualisation of Indigenous Australians has seen him create and curate...» Read More


Man on Fire: the Art of Tim Storrier and Other Desert Masters

Man on Fire: the Art of Tim Storrier and Other Desert Masters

Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-05-20 13:01:43

Polarities between Australia’s artists and painters, black or white, achieve compatibility and oneness of intent when they collectively embrace the one big thing about this country – THE DESERT. Storrier, Nolan, Drysdale etc. ‘white’ painters; Paddy Bedford, Tommy Watson,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-04-17 00:19:44

Anyone who bought a painting by Daniel Boyd (via the Ros Oxley9 Gallery) will have had their taste and wisdom confirmed by this week's announcement that he's taken out the third Bulgari Art Award worth $80,000, and delivered his stunning...» Read More




Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-04-15 02:15:38

I had arranged to meet Pat Corrigan – Art Collector and Patron, especially of Aboriginal art, at the Art Gallery of NSW at 5 o'clock for a glass of wine and a chat. He was already there when I arrived...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-04-08 12:47:32

Anyone reading the usually-reliable Nicolas Rothwell in The Australian newspaper a couple of weekends ago (The Review 22/23 March) in a major essay entitled 'Culture War', would have come away convinced that an exhibition designed to reveal the extent of...» Read More


Painting is the Skin of the World

Painting is the Skin of the World

Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-03-31 17:36:04

“Painting is the Skin of the World.” Robert Motherwell Turkey Tolson Tjupurrula said: “When you sit down without a painting, you are lonely”. These simple words from two giants of art speak volumes of what painting meant to them. Motherwell, a New York...» Read More


Prodigy at Eighty - The Miracle of Emily

Prodigy at Eighty - The Miracle of Emily

Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-03-05 18:19:07

Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Diversity in the Desert. It has been said that her work “enabled the flowering of a whole new generation of Aboriginal artists”. My first experience of Emily was at Alice Springs airport about 20 years ago. Wandering...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-03-05 16:07:08

People have been trying to force Emily Kngwarreye's art into baskets familiar to Western art aficionados for years – Abstract Expressionism being the favourite. And then along comes Sol LeWitt, the inventor of the term 'conceptual art' – which has...» Read More


MAGNT focuses on contemporary Australian art with string theory

MAGNT focuses on contemporary Australian art with string theory

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-03-05 11:15:16

An exhibition that brings together Aboriginal artists who work with expanded notions of textile and craft-based tradition will open at the Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT) this Saturday. MAGNT Director, Pierre Arpin said string theory: Focus on contemporary...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-03-03 12:46:59

The body that represents Aboriginal art centres in the far North - ANKAAA – is being as dynamic as ever. I've reported before on its collaborative efforts to train up Indigenous arts workers by arranging courses and work experience that...» Read More


The Shock of the Old

The Shock of the Old

Posted by Frannie Hopkirk | 2014-02-17 14:01:25

Arabs believe that the soul can travel at the rate of a trotting camel. From that one can imagine that the souls of millennia of aboriginal nomads, roving the desert, restless, ever-moving, searching, working, contemplating their existence, drawing their Dreaming into...» Read More


The Marvellous Frannie Hopkirk joins the Aboriginal Art Directory

The Marvellous Frannie Hopkirk joins the Aboriginal Art Directory

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-02-16 10:35:38

We are delighted to announce that Frannie Hopkirk has joined the Aboriginal Art Directory as a Feature Writer for our News. For those who don't know, Frannie is from one of Australia's most pre-eminent art families, the Whiteley's - she is...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-02-13 08:19:23

Adrian Newstead is probably uniquely qualified to write a history of that contentious business, the market for Australian Aboriginal art. He may once have planned to be an agricultural scientist, but then he mutated into a craft shop owner, Aboriginal...» Read More


Letter from Pittsburgh: Aboriginal art in America

Letter from Pittsburgh: Aboriginal art in America

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-02-04 13:43:13

The following article originally appeared in the January/February 2013 issue of Art Guide Australia (link below). The author is Henry F Skerritt. Reproduced with permission. In his recent compendium, How Aborigines Invented the Idea of Contemporary Art, Ian McLean observes...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2014-01-13 10:52:05

Back in September, I responded to some depressingly bad critical reviews of the Indigenous content in the big Australia show at the Royal Academy in London. My blunt heading then was 'Crap Criticism in London'. Coincidentally, the Hobart art...» Read More


Jeremy Eccles

Jeremy Eccles

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2014-01-01 00:04:01

Jeremy Eccles has written for the Aboriginal Art Directory since its inception and loves the opportunity to share his experience of the Indigenous cultural world with its dedicated audience. A migrant from Margaret Thatcher's Britain, Jeremy first encountered Australia's Aborigines...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-12-22 19:50:44

With Aboriginal bark paintings there's the constant dilemma – how important is the aesthetic appeal of the work, and how important the story – and the status of the man telling it? The issue arises because there have been old barks...» Read More


“The Bottom has been Reached”

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-12-19 19:59:42

That's the tentative conclusion of a group called Ninti One – more formally The Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation – based in Alice Springs. They're doing what they unhelpfully call a 'Value chain survey' of where money is...» Read More


Paddy Japaljarri Stewart - 30/06/35 to 30/11/13

Paddy Japaljarri Stewart - 30/06/35 to 30/11/13

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-12-17 15:06:19

Sadly, we have lost one of the real pioneers of Desert Aboriginal art, Paddy Japaljarri Stewart. Once known as Cookie Stewart, he was a chef at Papunya and was involved as a relative of Clifford Possum and Tim Leura through...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-11-28 09:11:34

The third generation of the Namatjira family water-colour artists from Hermannsburg - Kevin and Lenie Namatjira - yesterday had a private audience with the Queen at Buck House in London. This follows the presentation of their grandfather and an example...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-11-12 06:23:55

From 11-15 November 2013 a group of 11 emerging Indigenous art leaders throughout the Kimberley region of Western Australia will gather in Perth for the Emerging Leaders Program, a week-long professional development program which is a core component of the...» Read More


Bagu on the Cardwell Foreshore

Bagu on the Cardwell Foreshore

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-23 13:05:23

Three large bagu are now permanently installed on the Cardwell Foreshore at the southern end of town. The three imposing sculptures stand like sentinels against the backdrop of Rockingham Bay and Hinchinbrook Island and realise a long held desire by...» Read More


Abe Muriata - in WA Indigenous Art Awards

Abe Muriata - in WA Indigenous Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-21 18:26:49

Abe Muriata is represented as one of 16 artists Australia wide in the WA Indigenous Art Awards currently on display at the WA Art Gallery in Perth. Shortlisted from 100 entrants Abe travelled to Perth for the opening of the exhibition...» Read More


Trouble afoot for Mwerre Anthurre Alice Springs Arts Centre Studio?

Trouble afoot for Mwerre Anthurre Alice Springs Arts Centre Studio?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-18 17:49:25

According to a recent post on Facebook (in full under), Mwerre Anthurre, the arts centre arm of Bindi Inc. home of award winning and well known artists Kukula McDonald, Jane Mervin, Conroy Ginger, Lance James, Billy Kenda and long time...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-10-17 18:30:00

The Blake Prize is a funny one. Unpredictable, you might say. Over 62 editions, it's mutated from very straight religious imagery to works that are deliberately irreligious or critical of religious authority. I'm not at all sure how the work...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-17 10:20:13

A tattered Australian flag, salvaged from the tip, has been named the winner of the 2013 Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize, taking out the coveted $40,000 prize ahead of 32 other works exhibited in this year's finalist...» Read More


Our Mob 2013: a celebration of SA Indigenous art

Our Mob 2013: a celebration of SA Indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-17 09:56:30

Our Mob 2013 is a statewide celebration of South Australian Indigenous art and artists. This annual event is now in its eighth year and offers a superb exhibition and program of events that offer engaging experiences for people of all...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-10-11 12:33:05

It sounds as though we're off into the rarified atmospherics of quantum physics here with an exhibition called String Theory. But Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA for short) curator Glenn Barkley is just toying with his audience in...» Read More


Transformations: early bark paintings from Arnhem Land

Transformations: early bark paintings from Arnhem Land

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-10-09 16:42:55

Early works that embody a significant transition in Indigenous art practice will be on display in Transformations: early bark paintings from Arnhem Land, at the Ian Potter Museum of Art. The paintings, many of which have never been previously exhibited, are...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-10-01 22:09:22

The wilful ignorance of some London critics in slaughtering the Royal Academy's 'Australia' show of more than 200 artworks linked to our landscape is a deep embarrassment for the Mother Country. I've been a professional critic for many years, working...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-09-27 10:33:46

For a while, it seemed that Rhoda Roberts' pioneering efforts to establish the validity of the Indigenous arts via her wonderful Dreaming Festival in 1997 in the lead up to the Olympics had fallen on closed minds. It should have...» Read More


Indigenous Leaders appointed to Indigenous Art Code Board

Indigenous Leaders appointed to Indigenous Art Code Board

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-09-26 11:48:40

The Indigenous Art Code (IartC), the industry code set up to promote integrity, transparency and accountability in dealing with Indigenous art, has announced the appointment of several arts leaders from the Indigenous community to its Board following its annual general...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-09-12 10:45:15

Digital photographs, handmade paper, embossed prints, wooden sculptures and illustrated animal skins are among some of the unique works to be chosen as finalists in this year’s Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize – the richest art incentive on offer...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-09-09 18:04:31

Carrillo and Ziyin Gantner are fortunate people in having a) taste and great enthusiasm to collect Indigenous art and b) enough money to do things like flying around remote Aboriginal communities in a private plane in order to see and...» Read More


Gulpilil takes out the $50,000 Red Ochre Award

Gulpilil takes out the $50,000 Red Ochre Award

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-09-04 19:52:05

Presented since 1993, the Red Ochre Award acknowledges the outstanding contribution of an artist to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander world at national and international levels. It was presented as part of the 6th National Indigenous Arts Awards, held...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-08-27 14:06:11

The Venice Biennale may have passed from the headlines, but it's still running. And, just as the Film Festival is poised to pack Venice out once again, Luciano Benetton, the billionaire clothing making, is adding more than a thousand works...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-08-09 17:46:12

The leaders of both of the main groupings of remote Aboriginal art centres have spoken out recently about the gulf between Indigenous and urban Australia. Philip Watkins, CEO of Desart, representing 45 Central Australian centres, rationalised that “High end galleries...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-08-05 13:47:24

It's that time of the year! Just as the footy tends to deliver adrenaline-sodden drama throughout September, Indigenous art has somehow chosen August as the month when an inherently uncompetitive, culturally sensitive activity turns polemic. Darwin, Perth, Melbourne and Cairns...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-07-25 13:32:40

The foundation myth is simple: Aboriginal art as we know it today – acrylic painting on canvas - emerged from Papunya in 1971/2. But now the question is being asked - was the less well-known Yuendumu community actually the progenitor...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-07-11 17:10:57

No – not a spangly sing-along with Peter Allen, or an ad for Dubai-bound Qantas. But part of the provocative title - My Country : I Still Call Australia Home - of the largest ever show of contemporary Indigenous art...» Read More


Dr Yunupingu Dies

Dr Yunupingu Dies

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-06-28 18:11:09

Aboriginal Art News wishes to pay tribute to the late Mandawuy Yunupingu, who died in Yirrkala, NE Arnhemland on June 2nd aged 56. He had been fighting end-stage renal disease and had undergone dialysis for several years. This is...» Read More


Australia Council Bill approved by the Senate

Australia Council Bill approved by the Senate

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-06-26 17:41:53

The Australia Council Bill 2013 – the new governing legislation for the Australia Council - was today approved by the Senate after passing through the House of Representatives last month. Once proclaimed, the new Act will replace the Australia Council...» Read More


The 6th Annual National Indigenous Arts Awards

The 6th Annual National Indigenous Arts Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-05-27 11:47:22

The multi-talented David Gulpilil OAM has won this year's Red Ochre Award, the highest peer-assessed award for an Indigenous artist with a prize money of $50,000, presented today at the Sydney Opera House as part of the National Indigenous Arts...» Read More


Artwork Auction to raise funds for Emily Museum

Artwork Auction to raise funds for Emily Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-05-23 15:47:14

Hundreds of art lovers attended the official opening of the Emily Museum by the Hon Richard Alston on 6th May, each celebrating the genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye. The Emily Museum will exhibit ever-changing displays from its collection of more than...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-05-09 20:41:14

“Danda ngijinda dulk, danda ngijinda malaa, danda ngad - This is my Land, this is my Sea, this is who I am”. That pretty much sums up the extraordinary mind behind the brilliant canvases that have flowed from brushes in the...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-05-07 14:01:02

An event of national significance occurs on Monday (May 6th) with the opening of The Emily Museum in the inauspicious setting of a converted factory in a back street in Cheltenham, the Melbourne suburb. It's not the right place –...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-04-30 18:30:49

Waringarri artists from Kununurra returned triumphant from a recent visit to Shanghai after two successful exhibitions, including the sale of all 41 artworks taken to China, and ten days of sightseeing, museum visits and shopping. The popular M50 Shanghai Arts District...» Read More


EUBENA 1921 to 2013

EUBENA 1921 to 2013

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-04-11 20:57:26

Eubena Nampitjin, the doyenne of Aboriginal artists at Balgo Hills (Wirrimanu), the former mission established by the Palatines to cut off Desert peoples heading north into the pastoral lands of The Kimberley, has died at the age of about 91....» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-03-22 20:15:15

A portrait of one of England’s most important religious figures - Cardinal Henry Newman, beatified by Pope Benedict in 2010 - has been placed in storage to make way for an Aboriginal artist's self-portraits. It's all happening in the 400...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-03-20 20:17:35

It's one hundred years since Stravinsky's Rite of Spring was first heard on May 29, 1913, at Théatre des Champs-Elysées in Paris. Hailed by the Oxford Dictionary of Dance as “a seminal moment in Modernism,” the premiere shocked its audience,...» Read More


New investment in Australian creativity

New investment in Australian creativity

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-03-13 10:28:13

The Australia Council for the Arts has today welcomed the launch of the National Cultural Policy and response to the recommendations of the Australia Council review. The arts sector is, "growing almost double the rate of other sectors in the...» Read More


“Founding Documents of Aboriginal Art” Go On Show

“Founding Documents of Aboriginal Art” Go On Show

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-03-08 10:50:50

“I hate to hide things away. Western thinking is that a museum collection is for the public benefit, and it's anathema to deny them access. But there are different rules up here”. Pierre Arpin, a French Canadian by birth, is the...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-03-06 19:00:16

Lance Bennett was one of the more enigmatic figures in the very conflicted world of interlocutors betweens Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures....neither an anthropologist nor a dealer, but a heroic warrior for tribal people against insensitivity and lack of understanding in...» Read More


WA Announces Art Award Finalists

WA Announces Art Award Finalists

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-02-14 17:12:38

The Western Australian Indigenous Art Awards, the richest Indigenous arts prize in the country since they began in 2008, today announced the 16 artists who'll fight it out for a share in $65,000 worth of prizes. They include such leaders...» Read More


COL LAVERTY 26/5/37 to 09/02/13

COL LAVERTY 26/5/37 to 09/02/13

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-02-13 15:11:18

A huge hole has opened up in the Indigenous art collecting world with the death of Dr Colin Laverty OAM at the age of 75. The gentle giant who, in 1978, was the first in the world to publish his...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-01-30 17:43:33

In the torrent of art books with an Indigenous flavour that were published last year, one stands out for the sheer exuberance of its art – and the quality of its reproduction : Power + Colour/New Painting from the Corrigan...» Read More


Parisians flock to new exhibit of Australian Aboriginal art

Parisians flock to new exhibit of Australian Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2013-01-22 13:39:26

An exhibition of the largest collection of modern Aboriginal paintings to have gone on display outside of Australia has been a major hit with art lovers in Paris. The exhibition, “The Sources of Aborigine Painting”, drew 133,716 visitors to the Quai...» Read More


The Soul of Emily Kngwarreye

The Soul of Emily Kngwarreye

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2013-01-04 17:20:04

It often seems to be the case that great Australian achievements need the validation of overseas approval. But the fact that 'Utopia : The Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye' was a vast tribute in 2008 to the Aboriginal artist conceived...» Read More


A French Finale to 2012 Aboriginal Art Auctions

A French Finale to 2012 Aboriginal Art Auctions

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2013-01-02 17:29:35

The last month of 2012 was relatively a relatively quiet period for the sale of Aboriginal art. There were, however, some sales worth mentioning, including Emily Kngwarreye’s My Mothers Country during the Summer Art Auction by Western Australia’s...» Read More


The Emily Kame Kngwarreye Museum Gets Ready to Open

The Emily Kame Kngwarreye Museum Gets Ready to Open

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-12-26 09:24:02

Of the many highly acclaimed superstars of the Aboriginal art movement, now 40 years old, none shine as brightly as Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Volumes have been written by academics, art critics, curators and historians about her genius and uniqueness. The...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-12-19 11:26:59

by Jennifer Isaacs, published by the wonderful Miegunyah Press at Melbourne University at $120 It's been an amazing year for Aboriginal art books – never known a better. If only I'd had time to read them all rather than just dip...» Read More


Spinifex Arts Project tours Germany in 2013

Spinifex Arts Project tours Germany in 2013

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-12-13 22:46:41

PRO COMMUNITY is an exhibition format developed and organized by Artkelch in Freiburg, Germany, that features excellent art from community based art centers in a touring exhibition in Germany. Artists from one art centre (or a small group of art...» Read More


Deutscher && Hackett Achieve $100,000+ for Two Aboriginal Paintings

Deutscher && Hackett Achieve $100,000+ for Two Aboriginal Paintings

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-12-03 15:20:51

Deutscher and Hackett’s November 28 Aboriginal Art auction produced some great results with two paintings selling for more than $100,000 (including buyer’s premium). The overall sale total of $671,100, which equated to 64% sold by volume and 53% sold by...» Read More


Highlights From November Aboriginal Art Auctions

Highlights From November Aboriginal Art Auctions

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-11-22 03:03:06

A number of auctions of Aboriginal art have taken place over the last couple of weeks producing a number of sales. The 13th November Arnaud Serval Auction of Aboriginal Art held in Geneva by Koller Auctions included paintings by highly regarded...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-11-17 11:55:35

Alice Springs is in party mode this weekend as Papunya Tula Artists (PTA) celebrates the 40th anniversary of its founding in 1972, just one year after Aboriginal Desert painting had started at the 'prison camp' that was the government settlement...» Read More


The Astounding Arnaud Serval Auction of Aboriginal Art in Geneva on November 13

The Astounding Arnaud Serval Auction of Aboriginal Art in Geneva on November 13

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-11-13 14:02:17

The Geneva branch of Koller auctions will offer for sale one of the best collections of contemporary Aboriginal art worldwide during their 13th November auction. Held in collaboration with L'espace d'art Carry On the gallery of Arnaud Serval, who, with a...» Read More


Bundyi Festival

Bundyi Festival

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-11-13 12:47:25

AlburyCity is hosting the Bundyi: Come Share With Us Festival, 21 – 25 November, celebrating Aboriginal culture. It is a great opportunity to meet and talk with local Aboriginal people. Highlights of the event include: Bundyi Evening Gathering QEII comes alive with...» Read More


The Journey Forward

The Journey Forward

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-11-13 12:21:20

Come on a journey with Albury Art Gallery’s latest exhibition. The Journey Forward is the second exhibition coordinated by AlburyCity and Murray Arts that exclusively showcases artists involved in the Aboriginal Artists Network. The exhibition will feature 13 artists and highlights...» Read More


Obituary: HARRY (HJ) WEDGE 1957 – 2012

Obituary: HARRY (HJ) WEDGE 1957 – 2012

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-11-12 12:11:57

Harry Wedge’s politically and emotionally charged work challenged perceived ideas about contemporary Indigenous art and Indigenous peoples’ experience of living in urban Australia. His aesthetic encompasses stories and humorous anecdotes from his childhood at Erambie Mission at Cowra, in the...» Read More


Early Papunya Boards Lead Landmark Bonhams Aboriginal Art Auction

Early Papunya Boards Lead Landmark Bonhams Aboriginal Art Auction

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-11-09 12:51:03

Bonhams Australia has put together a fantastic sale of Aboriginal art that will be auctioned in Sydney on the 19th of November. One of the most ambitious and significant sales of Aboriginal art in recent years, the Bonhams sale...» Read More


A Buyers Market for Aboriginal Art at Mossgreen Sale of John Wregg and Judith Alexander Collection

A Buyers Market for Aboriginal Art at Mossgreen Sale of John Wregg and Judith Alexander Collection

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-11-01 10:33:10

The current climate of the market for Aboriginal art definitely favours the buyer – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing when one considers that all those bargain buys will re-enter the market at some stage in the future when...» Read More


Afternoon Tea with Ms Koori Love

Afternoon Tea with Ms Koori Love

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-10-31 11:08:16

Marrickville Council’s Resident Artist in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studio at Addison Road Centre (ARC) is Ms Koori Love. Ms Koori Love is the cheeky Koori Mail columnist who writes about love, relationships and Aboriginal communities for the Koori...» Read More


France continues its Love of Aboriginal Art in Brisbane

France continues its Love of Aboriginal Art in Brisbane

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-10-26 11:42:29

The strong, historical links between France and Aboriginal art offer a rich and fertile background – from the research and writing works of French ethnologists and anthropologists to the development of important public Aboriginal art collections in France and the...» Read More


Mystery Bidder Bids Big on Aboriginal Artefacts at Sotheby's Australia Sale

Mystery Bidder Bids Big on Aboriginal Artefacts at Sotheby's Australia Sale

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-10-18 03:49:52

Mysterious bidder 109 was somewhat of a saviour for Sotheby’s Australia during their 15th October Important Aboriginal & Oceanic Art sale in Sydney. Obviously prepared to spend whatever it took to acquire the objects of his desire, Mr. 109...» Read More


Sotheby's 15th October Important Aboriginal Art Auction in Sydney

Sotheby's 15th October Important Aboriginal Art Auction in Sydney

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-10-15 10:03:15

Tonight in Sydney, Sotheby’s Australia will attempt to sell a collection of Important Aboriginal and Oceanic Art valued at between $1.3-1.9 million and featuring works by artists such as Kitty Kantilla, Ginger Riley Mundwalawala, Anatjari Tjakamarra and Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula. Leading...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-10-08 15:25:06

The big NGV exhibition Tjukurrtjanu – Origins of Western Desert Art ( 'Aux Sources de la Peinture Aborigene') opens in the Musee du quai Branly today. It's the first Australian art show at the museum – which opened...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Auctioned in Melbourne and Paris

Aboriginal Art Auctioned in Melbourne and Paris

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-10-08 12:04:42

The Aboriginal art auction scene has been relatively quiet over the last few weeks save for a couple of auctions one of which took place in Paris, the other in Melbourne. French auction house Artprecium held an auction of Aboriginal art...» Read More


Major Sydney building facade transformed by Aboriginal art

Major Sydney building facade transformed by Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-09-22 13:05:06

An Aboriginal artist whose work has been exhibited in Paris, Santa Fe and Shanghai has given one of Sydney’s most prominent buildings a dramatic makeover. ‘Always was, always will be’, by Reko Rennie, covers the full façade of the T2 building...» Read More


Crossing Cultures in the US

Crossing Cultures in the US

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-09-21 18:32:09

America is having a far better year than Australia in terms of its experience and appreciation of our Indigenous art. First there was the Kaplan/Levi Collection on show in the Seattle Art Museum; now, across the country in New Hampshire,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-09-13 21:52:18

A former British colonial army barracks which was one of the last places to hold out against the Japanese during the Fall of Singapore in 1942 has been converted by the Singapore government into an art centre, which opens this...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Triumphs at Brisbane Sale of Ross and Rona Clarke Collection

Aboriginal Art Triumphs at Brisbane Sale of Ross and Rona Clarke Collection

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-09-13 16:47:26

Contrary to what some have said about the Mossgreen sale of the Ross and Rona Clarke collection held in Brisbane, the sale was actually quite a triumph both for Mossgreen and the market for Aboriginal art. A sold by lot rate...» Read More


Spectacular Lineage Display

Spectacular Lineage Display

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-09-13 11:49:16

ONLY rarely do the admirers of an art movement have the chance to see the key episodes in its evolution captured, its transitions made evident: the viewing eye can hardly ever trace the mystery of artistic transmission. But this year's Desert...» Read More


Artist Opportunity in Victoria

Artist Opportunity in Victoria

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-09-11 17:58:09

Kidsafe Victoria is seeking a Victorian Aboriginal artist to adapt a set of child injury prevention resources for the Victorian Aboriginal community. Introduction Kidsafe, the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia is an independent, non-profit, organisation dedicated to the prevention of unintentional...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-09-06 12:56:54

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and not necessarily those of the Aboriginal Art Directory. It can sometimes be a thankless business trying to sell Aboriginal art. The sheer distance between remote art centres and...» Read More


Namatjira and Mellor Shine at Deutscher and Hackett August 29 Auction

Namatjira and Mellor Shine at Deutscher and Hackett August 29 Auction

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-09-03 14:03:32

There were very few works by Aboriginal artists in Deutscher and Hackett’s August 29 Important Australian + International Art Auction held in Melbourne. The few indigenous works that were included in the sale did, however, perform very well....» Read More


Australia's First Indigenous Fashion Week Launches

Australia's First Indigenous Fashion Week Launches

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-09-03 12:04:22

This week in Sydney, Australia’s first indigenous fashion week opened its door for business. Called Australian Indigenous Fashion Week (AIFW), the organization will be a platform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander designers to showcase high quality traditional and contemporary...» Read More


Sonia Kurarra wins Most Outstanding Work at 2012 Hedland Art Awards

Sonia Kurarra wins Most Outstanding Work at 2012 Hedland Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-08-29 14:09:02

Sonia Kurarra has been announced the recipient for the Most Outstanding Work at this year's Hedland Art Awards for her work, Martuwarra. This award is a wonderful personal achievement for Sonia. Sonia's artwork and profile have continued to grow...» Read More


Digby Moran selected as finalist for Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize

Digby Moran selected as finalist for Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-08-27 17:23:49

Bundjalung artist Digby Moran has been selected as a finalist in the Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize for not one, but two artworks. Both Starlight and Someone’s Always Watching You, painted by Digby this year, have been selected. The Prize...» Read More


Aboriginal Art from the Holmes a Court Collection Auctioned in Sydney

Aboriginal Art from the Holmes a Court Collection Auctioned in Sydney

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-08-24 12:52:07

The August 19 Mossgreen Auctions sale of works from the collection of Peter Holmes a Court, joint owner with Russell Crowe of the National Rugby League team the South Sydney Rabbitohs, and his wife Divonne Holmes a Court, included a...» Read More


Bubbay: A Christmas Adventure

Bubbay: A Christmas Adventure

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-08-22 16:16:17

October 2012 book release, children's picture book Bubbay lives in the outback spending his days protecting a herd of goats from dingoes. He sleeps in his swag under the stars and the only person he visits is Mrs Timms for chicken’s...» Read More


Ode to Billy Thomas

Ode to Billy Thomas

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-08-20 16:23:00

Karnta Karnta - Billy Thomas. Circa 1920ʼs - July 2012 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Karnta Karnta - Billy Thomas. Billy passed away peacefully on the morning of 17th July 2012 at the age care...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-08-15 12:29:01

“White Australia has a black history – white middle class Mosman has a black history. Aboriginal people are everywhere and Aboriginal people do everything. I came to work on this project to emphasise the Aboriginal history of the southeast and...» Read More


Aboriginal Art at the 2012 Melbourne Art Fair

Aboriginal Art at the 2012 Melbourne Art Fair

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-08-12 11:20:31

The number of galleries exhibiting works of Aboriginal Art at the 2012 Melbourne art fair was disappointing. Those that did, however, experienced strong interest and good sales of work by a wide range of contemporary and more traditional artists. Melbourne...» Read More


The 29th NATSIAAs

The 29th NATSIAAs

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-08-10 15:45:11

“It's a really interesting year, I think – characterised by strong women. Where have artists like Cornelia Tipuamantumeri, Barbara Moore and Rhonda Sharpe suddenly come from? Pow!!” Very new Curator of Indigenous Art at the Museum & Art Gallery of the...» Read More


Opening Night Celebrations for NATSIAAs

Opening Night Celebrations for NATSIAAs

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-08-08 17:33:39

Award winning artist Warren H Williams will perform at the Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT) this Friday, as part of the 29th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards opening night celebrations. The winner of...» Read More


WA shares in $48 million funds for Indigenous arts

WA shares in $48 million funds for Indigenous arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-07-29 10:46:19

Country Arts WA is one of the largest recipients to share in the $48 million allocated nationally for two ongoing projects supporting Indigenous arts, culture and languages. It will receive an additional $250,000 for the Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Finds Favour at Paris Auction

Aboriginal Art Finds Favour at Paris Auction

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-07-23 11:15:52

On the 3rd of July French auction house Artcurial auctioned 45 works of Australian Aboriginal art during their Art abstrait et contemporain - Art aborigène Australien (Abstract and Contemporary Art - Australian Aboriginal Art) sale. The long association with the market...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-07-20 19:12:05

Almost three years ago, I reported here about the strange and wonderful arrival of the Art Gallery of NSW's iconic Pukumani Poles in its so-called Colonial Courts – perfectly placed in chronological terms, but utterly challenging beside the best efforts...» Read More


Indigenous artist wins Waterhouse art prize

Indigenous artist wins Waterhouse art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-07-20 17:18:43

Margaret Loy Pula has won this year's Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, an award that commemorates the life and work of Frederick George Waterhouse, the first curator of the emerging South Australian Museum when it opened in January 1862, with...» Read More


Waiting at the Gate - abandonment to Aboriginal Artist of the Year Nomination

Waiting at the Gate - abandonment to Aboriginal Artist of the Year Nomination

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-07-18 13:04:03

At the age of five, after years of abuse, and just months after the death of her father, Robyn was sent on a ‘holiday’ and was never returned to her family. She waited at the gate for her mother to...» Read More


Adam Hill's Very Public Art

Adam Hill's Very Public Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-07-18 11:34:11

COMMUTERS visiting Campbelltown railway station will have their day brightened thanks to a public art project by Aboriginal artist Adam Hill. Sydney-based Hill was commissioned to design 80 panels around the station including at the taxi rank and the bus interchange. Hill's...» Read More


Solid Prices for Aboriginal Art at Menzies Art Brands June 20 Sale

Solid Prices for Aboriginal Art at Menzies Art Brands June 20 Sale

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-07-06 12:24:17

The Menzies Art Brands Melbourne 20th June Important Australian and International Fine Paintings and Sculpture sale included a number of important works of Aboriginal art. Prices for the Indigenous paintings on offer were solid although not any higher than they were...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-07-04 00:17:03

Sadly, the cat never escaped! Last Saturday's promising discussions at the Sydney Opera House - Aboriginal Art: it’s a white thing and Write the truth, or shut up – turned out to be damp squibs in terms of achieving any...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-06-28 14:14:02

This weekend in Sydney, two free discussions about Aboriginal art are likely to set the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons. Both are at the Opera House on Saturday and involve leading Blak players in the art game. Session One, particularly,...» Read More


Tribal Trend Sparks International Hunt for Aboriginal Artefacts

Tribal Trend Sparks International Hunt for Aboriginal Artefacts

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-06-25 16:07:12

Collectors and investors have been scouring auctions all over the world in the hunt for Aboriginal artefacts as a global tribal artefacts trend continues to emerge. Bonhams Australia sold a number of important Aboriginal artefacts during their 28th May Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Art prize of $40k open to Aboriginal artists from NSW

Art prize of $40k open to Aboriginal artists from NSW

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-06-25 14:46:42

THE 2012 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES ABORIGINAL ART PRIZE IS NOW OPEN FOR ENTRIES Aboriginal artists born in or living as residents of New South Wales are invited to enter the 2012 Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-06-22 19:41:00

In Outsider / Insider: The art of Gordon Bennett, the AAMU Museum of Contemporary Aboriginal Art will present a selection from the wide-ranging oeuvre of Gordon Bennett, who is regarded as one of Australia's most significant contemporary artists. Gordon Bennett...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-06-20 17:56:40

As has been reported elsewhere on Aboriginal Art News, the May/June spate of auctions for Aboriginal art hit a highpoint as Mossgreen to watch auctioneer Paul Sumner sell every one of the 66 desert paintings from the estate of American...» Read More


Mossgreen's Sell-Out Aboriginal Art Auction

Mossgreen's Sell-Out Aboriginal Art Auction

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-06-11 14:18:37

Mossgreen Auctions produced one of the best Aboriginal art auction results in recent times with their auction of Indigenous art from the collection of John W. Kluge which achieved an amazing 100% clearance rate and a sale total of $787,485.60...» Read More


Aboriginal Artist Auction Records at Stellar Sotheby’s Sale

Aboriginal Artist Auction Records at Stellar Sotheby’s Sale

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-06-11 11:29:52

The Sotheby’s Australia June 5 Important Aboriginal Art sale held in Melbourne was further evidence that the Aboriginal art market will react with enthusiasm when they are offered top quality, rare works that have excellent provenance. A tightly curated,...» Read More


Aboriginal art regains confidence of market

Aboriginal art regains confidence of market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-06-09 18:04:20

A CASUAL observer of the Aboriginal art market would have been surprised this week to see two successful auctions in Melbourne. After three years of dire prognostications of imminent extinction, Mossgreen's sale of Aboriginal art from the collection of John W....» Read More


Exhibition cancelled after Tiwi protest

Exhibition cancelled after Tiwi protest

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-06-08 10:55:11

STILL reeling from having his first Australian exhibition in 12 years cancelled at the last minute, Melbourne-based artist Cameron Hayes claims he is the victim of censorship by white gatekeepers of Aboriginal art. On Wednesday, Hayes had been due to open...» Read More


Early Papunya Boards Head Sothebys Australia Aboriginal Art Sale

Early Papunya Boards Head Sothebys Australia Aboriginal Art Sale

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-06-04 16:17:53

Sotheby’s Australia will hold their first major Aboriginal art sale for the year on Tuesday 5th June 2012 in Melbourne. The sale will consist of 105 lots with an estimate of $1.4-2 million and includes rare artefacts through to early...» Read More


Spectacular Aboriginal Art from the Kluge Collection to be Sold by Mossgreen

Spectacular Aboriginal Art from the Kluge Collection to be Sold by Mossgreen

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-06-04 12:27:28

Mossgreen will sell an amazing array of Aboriginal paintings from the highly prestigious collection of the late John W. Kluge at their Melbourne saleroom on Wednesday the 6th of June. The sale, which is undoubtedly one of the most significant...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-05-31 19:15:18

Across the Pacific in Seattle collectors Bob Kaplan and Margaret Levi have developed a relationship with their local Seattle Art Museum (SAM) so that a 100+ artwork show opens today and runs into September. And even though there's only optimism...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Highlights From Bonhams Australia May Sales

Aboriginal Art Highlights From Bonhams Australia May Sales

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-05-30 11:44:21

Bonhams May series of auctions held in Sydney produced some fantastic results for Aboriginal art. Although buyers were highly selective passing on many wonderful lots, there was plenty of competition for the most highly desirable and significant works. ...» Read More


Bonhams Australia May 28 Aboriginal Art Auction Features Amazing Array of Paintings and Artefacts

Bonhams Australia May 28 Aboriginal Art Auction Features Amazing Array of Paintings and Artefacts

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-05-23 17:02:05

Bonhams Australia have thrown down the gauntlet to other auction houses with an ambitious two catalogue sale of Aboriginal art taking place in Sydney on the 28th of May. A total of 195 lots will be offered in...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-05-23 14:27:49

Why did the word 'colourless' spring to my mind when trying to sum up the National Gallery's second National Indigenous Art Triennial? I think the answer intrinsically springs from the diminished role played by vibrant Desert art. Yes – there's...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-05-14 13:58:40

They keep trying to say that the 40 year old Aboriginal art movement is doomed by the inevitable death if its elders. But just a decade ago, no one had heard of the Yolngu artist, Gulumbu Yunupingu. The then-56 year...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Auction Signals a Shift Towards Minimalism and Tradition

Aboriginal Art Auction Signals a Shift Towards Minimalism and Tradition

Posted by Nicholas Forrest | 2012-05-10 16:33:12

The market for Aboriginal art has had a tough time of late as the cautious buying activities of collectors and investors allude to a market in a state of suspended animation that is struggling to establish a new identity in...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-05-09 17:10:14

It is time to celebrate the Yolngu artist, Gunybi Ganambarr. His selection amongst the ten remote artists who are defined as “the cream, of the crop at this moment in history” in the Second National Indigenous Art Triennial at the...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-05-02 13:41:28

Both of the country's major Indigenous art fairs have announced their plans for 2012 – and give every impression of being stronger than ever. While the Cairns Fair (CIAF – 16 to 19 August) has always had the potent backing...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-04-27 18:37:14

At a generally unhappy auction of Aboriginal art on 4th April at the house of Deutscher + Hackett, the National Museum of Australia swooped on two 19th Century drawings by the Kwatkwat artist, Tommy McRae. For $79,300 – a record...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-04-22 16:52:26

The ABC Radio National's Books and Arts program raised some curly issues on Friday regarding the export of Aboriginal art by international collectors. Taking part was the feisty John Wilkerson, a belated entry into the American pantheon of collectors -...» Read More


Nyree Reynolds Exhibits at the Sydney Opera House

Nyree Reynolds Exhibits at the Sydney Opera House

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-09 18:30:17

IMAGINE being invited to have your artwork displayed at an exhibition at the Sydney Opera House. For accomplished Blayney artist Nyree Reynolds there's nothing imaginary about it - she has just exhibited five of her paintings at the national icon. Nyree travelled...» Read More


National Gallery joins Google Art Project

National Gallery joins Google Art Project

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-09 18:21:04

The National Gallery may still be basking in the success of its grand new entrance and Aboriginal art wing, but now it's possible to explore parts of the collection without leaving the house. The gallery has become one of the first...» Read More


5-star Hotel in Adelaide to be named after Tommy Watson

5-star Hotel in Adelaide to be named after Tommy Watson

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-09 18:06:21

The Melbourne-based Art Series Hotel group has announced that its first hotel in Adelaide will be named after Tommy Watson, one of Australia's most distinguished Aboriginal artists. The Adelaide hotel that's due to open next September will be the fourth in...» Read More


Australia's ancient Aboriginal rock art to be catalogued

Australia's ancient Aboriginal rock art to be catalogued

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-07 18:22:47

Australia's greatest ancient Aboriginal rock art detailing kangaroos, turtles and humans on boulders in the remote Pilbara area will be studied under a US$1.1 million deal announced Monday. Tens of thousands of the indigenous works, which are scattered over the mineral-laden...» Read More


Desert’s spirit on show in Newcastle

Desert’s spirit on show in Newcastle

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-07 18:13:31

THEY were thousands of kilometres from the desert, but that didn’t stop a group of local Aboriginal students tapping into its rich spirit at a watercolour workshop at Newcastle Art Gallery. The workshop was held as part of the Desert Country...» Read More


Art show link for young and old

Art show link for young and old

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-07 18:01:43

A GENERATION-spanning exhibition of indigenous artwork from around the Lower Clarence will go on show from today in Maclean's CWA building. The Yaegl Country Aboriginal Art Exhibition - now in its second year - will bring together pieces of art, jewellery...» Read More


US art collector sees red over 'dysfunctional' ban on Aboriginal painting

US art collector sees red over 'dysfunctional' ban on Aboriginal painting

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-04-07 17:47:59

A WEALTHY American art connoisseur has decided against donating his collection of 90 blue-chip Aboriginal artworks worth $10 million to an Australian museum or gallery after his attempt to add a painting to the collection was thwarted by national cultural...» Read More


Aboriginal Art is Modern

Aboriginal Art is Modern

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-04-02 14:48:15

The grand re-opening of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney has confirmed for many the view that the Aboriginal art of today is as contemporary as such trendy names as Hany Armanious, Ah Xian, Rivane Neuenschwander and Christian Marclay...» Read More


Storehouse of cultural memory

Storehouse of cultural memory

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-03-27 18:52:00

A WORKING studio, a soaring palace, a temple where the past's shadows cluster and hang thickly in the air: such is the new Jilamara Arts & Crafts Association art centre complex at Milikapiti on the remote north coast of the...» Read More


Fairer arts trading

Fairer arts trading

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-03-26 19:50:23

Transcript of a Newslines Radio Broadcast Broadcast date: 26 March–1 April 2012 Duration: 12 minutes Presenter: Nathan Ramsay Content: New initiatives are making Indigenous artists more aware of their rights. Talent: John Oster, Indigenous Arts Code Limited Patricia Adjei, Indigenous communications coordinator, Copyright Agency Limited Zena Cumpston,...» Read More


$6 for a Namatjira? Almost...

$6 for a Namatjira? Almost...

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-03-26 19:06:00

There's no accounting for taste when a masterpiece is ignored in a garage sale. It was the spring-clean that almost cost a Cairns woman a masterpiece. She had put a few household items in a garage sale, including a painting of...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-03-16 13:57:58

"The Mulleavy sisters stand out from the New York Fashion Week crowd with an imaginative Fall line full of Outback influences", pronounced The Daily Beast blog on February 14 this year. "The two sisters behind the Rodarte label are rare...» Read More


Women with Clever Hands

Women with Clever Hands

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-03-16 11:37:18

The two year tour of fibre work from the small, almost unknown Arnhemland community of Gapuwiyak is continuing with its opening in Sydney, at the Object Gallery later this month. Originating from Wagga Wagga Art Gallery under the aegis of...» Read More


Ernabella Craft Pioneer Dies

Ernabella Craft Pioneer Dies

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-03-11 11:54:50

In her 1968 book, The People in Between, about her life at Ernabella Mission station, Winifred Hilliard wrote, ''To the north there are bad people, and to the south there are bad people, but in between are the Pitjantjatjara people''....» Read More


Studio Opps for Aboriginal & TS Islanders in Sydney

Studio Opps for Aboriginal & TS Islanders in Sydney

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-03-07 09:33:23

Applications are now open for Marrickville Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Arts Studio Program. The Program provides support to Aboriginal artists and crafts people living or contributing to Marrickville’s art and cultural life. Council offers a studio space...» Read More


Art centres and communities (transcript)

Art centres and communities (transcript)

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-02-13 16:19:53

Transcript of a radio interview 13 - 19 February 2012 (Newslines Radio) PRESENTER: Hi, I’m Nathan Ramsay and you’re listening to Newslines Radio, a weekly program produced by the Australian Government on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. Today we’re taking a...» Read More


Art helps at-risk youths

Art helps at-risk youths

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-02-13 16:15:19

A GROUP of Toowoomba youths has discovered how to reconnect with their ancestors through the power of traditional Aboriginal art. Renowned Aboriginal artist Peter "Muraay Djeripi" Mulcahy has been running workshops with at-risk students from the Youth Community Learning Centre in...» Read More


Suspected stolen Red Centre rock art on eBay

Suspected stolen Red Centre rock art on eBay

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-02-01 17:59:44

A case of suspected stolen Central Australian rock art is being investigated by authorities in South Australia. The Aboriginal art was recently advertised online, then withdrawn once the Department of Premier and Cabinet advised eBay it may be stolen. It has...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-01-30 14:44:11

The 40th anniversary last week of the accidental Aboriginal Embassy on the lawns of Old Parliament House in Canberra was as good an opportunity as any to learn how it came about even before the messy events that accompanied it....» Read More


Shortlist announced for 2012 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-01-29 04:51:27

Twenty artists are in the running for prizes totalling more than $50,000 as part of the Victorian Government's 2012 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards. The awards, now in their seventh year, profile the diversity of Indigenous arts practice in Victoria and showcase...» Read More


Artprice Predicts Stronger Australian Art Market

Artprice Predicts Stronger Australian Art Market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-01-26 16:09:15

Aboriginal art occupies a special place in Australia and 3 of the 6 artists in the Top 10 auction results are Aborigines. One of the three Aboriginal artists in Australian contemporary art ranking, Dorothy NAPANGARDI , has enjoyed strong demand since...» Read More


Lavertys in The Netherlands

Lavertys in The Netherlands

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2012-01-20 11:31:38

The Lavertys - Colin and Liz - are legends in their own lifetimes. For they've not only built the largest Aboriginal art collection in this country – others overseas, such as the late John Kluge's, now at the University of...» Read More


ACMI presents Indigenous arts festival

ACMI presents Indigenous arts festival

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-01-12 08:15:23

The National Indigenous Photomedia Forum, Shadow Life: Moving Image and Remembered By are three separate events presented by ACMI as part of the Melbourne Indigenous Arts Festival 2012. The National Indigenous Photomedia Forum will address the the obstacles faced by Indigenous...» Read More


Aboriginal Art .. On a Cake!

Aboriginal Art .. On a Cake!

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2012-01-04 13:58:38

Novy Rich has been creating gorgeous Aboriginal art on cakes for over 20 years. Many of the designs are inspired by her husband, Mundara Koorang, renowned international Aboriginal artist, author, actor and Elder, and daughter Nganuwaay Koolyn's artwork. From simplistic...» Read More


BARRKU! Treasures from a Distant Land

BARRKU! Treasures from a Distant Land

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-12-21 15:57:45

Harvey Art Projects is proud to present BARRKU, Treasures from a Distant Land opening this Christmas in Sun Valley, Idaho.  This will be Buku-Larrnggay's first exhibit of stunning ceremonial poles and bark paintings in the United States, and it will...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-12-02 12:14:10

With just about every Aussie Aboriginal art gallery stocked to the hilt, it's not surprising that Christmas has brought out some novel approaches to clearing the shelves. I love Muk Muk's idea of offering 12 serious artworks at 50% off prices...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-11-18 11:06:53

There's a tremendous tension around at the moment between those who want to show Aboriginal art as 'great contemporary art' and those who want to try to understand its mysteries and complexities. And this is sadly all-too-apparent in the yawning...» Read More


'REVEALED': Emerging Aboriginal Artists from WA

'REVEALED': Emerging Aboriginal Artists from WA

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-10-28 18:27:54

Discover the next generation of artists from 20 Aboriginal art centres across Western Australia at the same time as the visiting political leaders of Commonwealth countries. For, Perth has it all in indigenous art at the moment. As well as...» Read More


Guided Visits – Aboriginal art at the Art Gallery of NSW – 28-29 Sep 2011

Guided Visits – Aboriginal art at the Art Gallery of NSW – 28-29 Sep 2011

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-09-16 16:06:11

IDAIA – International Development for Australian Indigenous Art – is delighted to organise a series a guided visits of the new Aboriginal art exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney. The opportunity to better appreciate the...» Read More


FORM presents Let the Country Come In Geraldton Regional Art Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-09-10 17:06:08

Greenough Regional Prison is an unlikely home to a gifted group of Aboriginal artists hailing from communities with a strong heritage in painting throughout regional Western Australia. Let the country come in exhibits the results of an artist development...» Read More


CIAF 2011

CIAF 2011

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-08-23 10:55:26

The third edition of the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, enjoyed by about 15,000 people in the balmy setting of Cairns in the Spring revealed the constant state of evolution that is Queensland's indigenous art scene. Prime amongst the developments was the...» Read More


Pintupi Men

Pintupi Men

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-08-20 17:55:55

The ReDot Fine Art Gallery is proud to welcome back the beautiful works from Australia’s foremost Aboriginal owned art centre, Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd. This exhibition will represent the 8thshowing in Singapore of the stunning work by the desert...» Read More


After 45,000 years, Aboriginal art is still evolving.

After 45,000 years, Aboriginal art is still evolving.

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-08-05 19:18:03

After my recent excitement at discovering with David Walsh (on Mona) that Aboriginal art is too sophisticated for many a Western eye to comprehend, this piece from the New Statesman in the UK, written by columnist Will Self and published...» Read More


DAAF 2011 is on!

DAAF 2011 is on!

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-08-05 18:46:09

Despite the closure of Top End Arts, the organisation that managed the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair for a couple of years, it's back on again in 2011, running 12-14 August. Vibrant new artworks from more than 40 Aboriginal owned art centres...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-07-20 16:19:32

The Museum of Old and New Art – or Mona as everyone is calling the controversial Tasmanian gallery – lacks for nothing in challenges to one's notions of what art ought to look like and how it should be displayed....» Read More


Boost for NSW Aboriginal Artists

Boost for NSW Aboriginal Artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-06-28 12:06:06

The NSW Parliament has participated in the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding that will ensure the continued development of the Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize; an annual exhibition designed to recognise and promote Aboriginal artists in NSW. The...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-06-27 10:31:57

Is a silver anniversary any more important than a 20th or a 17th? I ask because the Museum & Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT), the Darwin home of the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award has belatedly...» Read More


Aboriginal Employment Strategy Chairman's Art Auction

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-06-23 16:13:44

The Aboriginal Employment Strategy Chairman's Art Auction proceeds goes towards providing career opportunities for Indigenous Australians. Come and see some amazing artworks from some of Australia’s best Indigenous artists. The Aboriginal Employment Strategy Chairman’s Art Auction will showcase an impressive...» Read More


Home and the Rights of Indigenous People Art Exhibition Opening

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-06-16 22:15:14

Tuesday 21 June, 6-8pm. Home and the Rights of Indigenous People Art Exhibition Opening. Refreshments provided. Speaker Monica Morgan, Amnesty International Indigenous Rights Campaigner. Exhibition runs Weds 22nd June to Sun 26th June, 11am-4pm. At the Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Cooperative,...» Read More


Introduction to Aboriginal Art, Talk in French - Tuesday 28 June @ Institut Catholique de Paris

Introduction to Aboriginal Art, Talk in French - Tuesday 28 June @ Institut Catholique de Paris

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-06-16 16:30:35

IDAIA is delighted to present an introductory talk in French focused on understanding the uniqueness of Aboriginal art. It will explore its origins, issues at stake for its survival, various contemporary forms, and its development. Aboriginal art is known internationally...» Read More


Guided visit - Aboriginal art @ Musee du quai Branly, Paris

Guided visit - Aboriginal art @ Musee du quai Branly, Paris

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-06-16 16:26:06

IDAIA is delighted to announce that Solenne Ducos-Lamotte, specialist in Aboriginal art, founder and director of IDAIA will be conducting a visit of the superb Aboriginal art collection of the Musee du quai Branly in Paris. A fantastic occasion for...» Read More


Dawning - Young artists from Maningrida

Dawning - Young artists from Maningrida

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-06-11 14:51:12

The incomparable former art director at Maningrida in western Arnhemland– Apolline Kohen – was both very fond of the Kurulk clan group of painters attached to the art centre and cognisant of the fact that no art centre could reply...» Read More


Dawning – Artists from Maningrida Arts & Culture

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-06-10 16:28:13

The incomparable former art director at Maningrida in western Arnhemland– Apolline Kohen – was both very fond of the Kurulk clan group of painters attached to the art centre and cognisant of the fact that no art centre could reply...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-05-25 19:58:12

There are probably no other collectors in Australia who could get away with naming an exhibition 'Laverty 2' and expect instant recognition by viewers. But then Colin and Liz Laverty have the advantage of having had such a big impact...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-05-13 16:55:26

Two fabulously true-to-life pictures of indigenous life in Australia are currently on offer on the big screen. If it's men and the minimally urban world of the Kimberley you're after – think Wyndham and Halls Creek and salt-pans in between...» Read More


Ngura Inkanyi - Singing Country

Ngura Inkanyi - Singing Country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-05-10 16:38:55

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is honoured to host an exhibition hailing from the heart of Modern Contemporary Aboriginal Art. Tjungu Palya and Ninuku Arts are two artist-run art-centres in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the far north...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-05-10 12:49:45

“I am thrilled with the art we have put together for this auction”, asserts Crispin Gutteridge, Head of Aboriginal Art at auction house Deutscher and Hackett. “It is the finest group of works yet to be auctioned by us in...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-05-04 19:29:01

The East Kimberley was the first place in WA to join the Aboriginal art movement that spread from Papunya in the 1970s. As is well-known, Rover Thomas had a Dream following the awesome devastation of Cyclone Tracey; to share it...» Read More


Passing of Thancoupie

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-04-29 17:18:12

It is with great sadness that AAN learnt of the passing this week of Dr. Thancoupie Gloria Fletcher AO, best known simply as Thancoupie the Potter. She died aged 74 at Weipa Base Hospital on Cape York after a...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-04-08 17:12:15

That's what it felt like in the Seaforth (on Sydney's northern peninsular) gallery of Trevor Victor Harvey (TVH) the other night. For the dissident clans had gathered from all over art-dealing Australia to show support for Chris Simons, the bogeyman of...» Read More


Exhibition of Warakurna Artists in France

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-03-21 16:33:56

IDAIA is delighted to announce the first exhibition outside of Australia of Warakurna Artists co-organised with our Lyon-based partner gallery Galerie Kungka. “Warakurna Artists is one of the most exciting Aboriginal art communities from the Australian Desert. Recent years have seen...» Read More


First exhibition of Warakurna Artists outside of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-03-21 16:30:20

Exhibition of Warakurna Artists in France IDAIA is delighted to announce the first exhibition outside of Australia of Warakurna Artists co-organised with our Lyon-based partner gallery Galerie Kungka. “Warakurna Artists is one of the most exciting Aboriginal art communities from the Australian...» Read More


June Peters, Roebourne artist to paint live in Manly NSW

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-03-10 21:04:34

Media Release 9 March 2011 Roebourne artist to paint live in Manly Bringing Aboriginal art to life, June Peters, from the Roebourne Art Group, will be painting live at Gallery Tjukurrpa in Manly from 11am – 5pm Friday 18 – Sunday 20...» Read More


A guided visit of the Aboriginal Art exhibition at the AGNSW with Solenne Ducos-Lamotte, IDAIA's Director, Specialist in Aboriginal Art

A guided visit of the Aboriginal Art exhibition at the AGNSW with Solenne Ducos-Lamotte, IDAIA's Director, Specialist in Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-02-25 12:27:22

An evening tour of the art+soul exhibition Wednesday 16 March A guided visit of the Aboriginal Art exhibition at the AGNSW with Solenne Ducos-Lamotte, specialist in Aboriginal Art and IDAIA's Director, an organisation dedicated to the international development of a quality and...» Read More


The Collectors Show - 2011

The Collectors Show - 2011

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-02-23 15:42:26

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is thrilled to exhibit prodigiously collectable works from across the Australian Aboriginal territories in our inaugural Collectors Show. "Collectors Show - 2011" will be the incipient year for an annual event which will showcase the...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-02-17 16:27:37

It's a commonplace in Aboriginal art that creative people emerge from nowhere at a mature age and delight us with their accumulated experience – now set down on canvas. But, until now, it's usually an artist from a remote community...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-02-17 11:48:39

Tennielle Nocketta wasn't a bankable or even known name in the Aboriginal art business. But she was a vitally important project for the future of the artform – and collateral damage of the failure of the Jirrawun project in the...» Read More


Lake Bolac Eel Festival, Nerissa Major's Local Koori Art Display

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-02-07 11:24:18

Local Koori Artist, Nerissa Major, will be having a display of her Unique Affordable Aboriginal Art, Handmade Gifts and Jewellery. Nerissa will also be having a Koori Art & Craft Workshop. $5 per project. Come and Create your own...» Read More


Lake Bolac Eel Festival, Nerissa Major's Local Koori Art Display

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2011-02-07 11:22:42

Local Koori Artist, Nerissa Major, will b having a display of her Unique Affordable Aboriginal Art, Handmade Gifts and Jewellery. Nerissa will also be having a Koori Art & Craft Workshop. $5 per project. Come and Create your own...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-02-01 17:26:59

On the morning of Saturday 29 January, at the age of 63, Aboriginal artist Ian Abdulla passed away at the Berri Hospital, South Australia after a brief battle with cancer. His family was by his side. Born under a gum tree...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-01-31 12:18:53

One of the largest collections of Indigenous art ever assembled is being shown at galleries throughout Winnipeg in Canada. There are around 60 pieces of art included in Close Encounters: The Next 500 Years, created by 34 diverse artists. "Since...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2011-01-07 11:57:49

It is, of course, a joy to discover that a big international contemporary art show at an institution as prestigious as the Museum of Modern Art in New York has quite casually included Our Emily alongside Miro, Mondrian, Calder, Schwitters,...» Read More


Gems sparkle in Sotheby's earnings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-08 02:11:09

Mr Goodman said Sotheby's jewellery and decorative arts divisions had boosted the company's results, in the face of a difficult market for both finding buyers and consigning items for auction across the company's divisions, which include Australian art, Aboriginal art...» Read More


Alison Kelly: Drawing to a close

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-08 02:06:25

In the decade since Alison Kelly opened her Aboriginal art gallery, she has seen a massive increase in the general population’s appreciation and understanding of indigenous art. “So much of the content of the paintings is not for us to know...» Read More


Bonhams move into Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-08 02:04:39

CONFIRMING their intentions in the Australian market, Bonhams have launched an Aboriginal art department in Sydney. Specialists Francesca Cavazzini and Greer Adams will run the department under the aegis of Tim Klingender, who will act as a senior consultant. That all...» Read More


Family, tradition and lore in Arnhem Land

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-08 02:04:21

The Marika family of Arnhem Land could be called the Boyds of the indigenous art world. Like the Boyd dynasty, they've contributed an intergenerational opus of work to the Australian cultural landscape. But the Marika clan are not just artists - they've...» Read More


Dunkeld Open Gardens and Galleries, Nerissa Major's At Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-07 11:40:23

Activities now available at Nerissa Major's Art Studio. Koori Art and Craft Workshop $5 pp (inc. materials) Come and create your own piece of Koori Artwork. Experience a traditional "Welcome to Country" Greeting $50 (up to 4...» Read More


Of death and mythologies

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-12-06 02:18:32

In Aboriginal art, there are two significant shows: Art and Soul at the AGNSW, with works shown in the ABC documentary of the same title, and Desert Country at the AGSA, an exhibition drawn from the gallery's collection and surveying...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-12-01 14:09:43

The Museum Ludwig in Cologne has opened a significant exhibition of Australian art in a series which has included important Western artists such as Gerhard Richter in 2008 and Christopher Wool in 2009. Here is the curatorial take on this pioneering...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-11-25 16:01:00

Edmund Capon, Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales today announced that Mollie Gowing, a great supporter of the Gallery and of Indigenous art in particular has left an important collection of 142 artworks plus a very generous...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-11-24 11:53:07

The Art Gallery of SA has organised its second big exhibition of Aboriginal art from the Desert, showing until the end of January and accompanied by a big catalogue. It's a very generous and gentle introduction to the art that...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-11-11 14:22:20

How to tackle this intimately informed, radically revisionist but ultimately frustrating tale of the art movement that did more than anything to change Australia's views about its indigenous people and bring their culture closer to the cities of the south? For...» Read More


Three days in the southern Tanami – a photo-essay

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-11 06:17:51

Not an article about Aboriginal art, but this is the magic of our amazing country that you can see when visiting remote communities in Central...» Read More


From Cubawee to Coraki

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-04 21:23:50

Marie Florence began painting at 50 and as an Aboriginal artist, felt that she had to use traditional colours. She decided that she wanted to break with tradition and experimenting with colour is one of the many passions that drive...» Read More


A New Sentimental Art Market Era Pt. 3

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-04 21:20:18

If you want some further examples of the sentimental and nostalgic direction that the art market is beginning to take then I shall provide you with two more. The first example is the direction that the Australian Aboriginal art market...» Read More


Cobra and Aboriginal art brought together in Breaking with Tradition

Cobra and Aboriginal art brought together in Breaking with Tradition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-04 21:20:12

BREAKING WITH TRADITION: Cobra and Aboriginal art explores the influence of the ideas of the European avant-garde movement Cobra on the development of contemporary Aboriginal art. Work by Paji Honeychild Yankarr, Narputta Nangala Jugadai and Yata Gypsy Yadda will be...» Read More


Contrast of a harsh beauty

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-04 21:17:45

Marie Florence won the Aboriginal Art Prize at the Coraki Art Prize with a work titled Restriction = Loss of Freedom. She explained to me that it was about the former Cubawee mission and her life there as a child. I’ve spoken...» Read More


ABC fails to strike out defamation case

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-03 22:01:13

A defamation claim by an Aboriginal art dealer against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is to proceed in the Northern Territory Supreme Court. The Supreme Court in Alice Springs has denied an application from the ABC to strike out the defamation claim. The...» Read More


Out of the desert great artists come

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-03 21:58:45

Aboriginal art has travelled a long way since the early days at Papunya in the 1970s. Painting about his culture and country, and in an uncharacteristic pink, senior law man Ginger Wikilyiri spends weeks just sitting and thinking before he picks...» Read More


Stolen Gloria Petyarre Painting

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-11-02 00:24:46

By now, my painting by Gloria Petyarre (Bush Medicine Leaves 2008, International Artwork Code A15119, 200 x 150, 2062) an esteemed Australian Aboriginal artist, could be in Timbuktoo by now. Thanks to questionable management of the Sydney-based art investment...» Read More


Scheme looks to get parents, kids learning together

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-29 21:52:55

A not-for-profit group has launched a program to help Indigenous parents in Roma become more involved in their children's education. The Downs Industry School Co-op says the Parent and Community Engagement scheme creates activities that both parents and the child can...» Read More


Dancers entertain at exhibition opening

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-29 21:52:48

Last Friday night more than 70 people were greeted with wine and nibblies and entertained by Aboriginal dancers at the opening of local aboriginal artist Johanna Parker’s solo Indigenous art exhibition. The exhibition represents her first days at univerity, drawings,...» Read More


Get linear on most mediums

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-28 21:51:53

One of the state's foremost experts on Aboriginal art was in Shepparton yesterday to encourage locals to enter the upcoming Victorian Indigenous Art Awards. Visiting Shepparton's Gallery Kaiela, VIAA curator Nicholas Boseley said local artists were well-placed for success at the...» Read More


Local artists take out major prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-28 20:53:58

Euraba Artists and Papermakers have taken out the 2010 NSW Parliament Aboriginal Art Prize. The winner of the prize was announced at NSW Parliament House on Wednesday, October 20. The Euraba artists won with their collaborative work, ‘Gaduu – Murray cod 2010’,...» Read More


Cobra and Aboriginal art brought together in Breaking with Tradition

Cobra and Aboriginal art brought together in Breaking with Tradition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-27 22:44:44

BREAKING WITH TRADITION: Cobra and Aboriginal art explores the influence of the ideas of the European avant-garde movement Cobra on the development of contemporary Aboriginal art. Work by Paji Honeychild Yankarr, Narputta Nangala Jugadai and Yata Gypsy Yadda will be...» Read More


Gallery puts final touches to indigenous wing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-26 23:21:31

After several years and millions of dollars $100 million to be precise the monumental building works in the National Gallery precinct are finally complete, with a grand new entrance to prove it. But with the official opening not until next week,...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-23 20:48:35

Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection "Saturday Tour" Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m. Join docent Nancy Venable for a free, guided tour of the current exhibitions. No reservations...» Read More


Proposal to house the Keeping Place in Barangaroo

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-23 20:39:02

Aboriginal artist Gordon Syron and his wife Elaine have put together a 30-page proposal to the Barangaroo Delivery Authority requesting a home for their Keeping Place aboriginal art collection. “It is our dream for the collection to form the basis of...» Read More


Aboriginal artist Weaver Jack dies in Broome

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-23 04:45:46

The Aboriginal art community is mourning the death of Weaver Jack, the first indigenous artist to be shortlisted for the Archibald Prize. She was a master colourist whose work showed a strong bond to her home country. Jack, a senior Yulparija woman...» Read More


Big Crocs, Big Trucks and Big Magnets in Oz Read More http://www.wired.com/autopia/2010/10/big-crocs-big-trucks-and-big-magnets-in-oz/#ixzz143WfTf8t

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-22 03:56:10

A thousand miles from any ocean, Alice Springs is the biggest outpost in the Outback. It is a major hub for Aboriginal or indigenous artists who travel from their desert communities to sell their works. Aboriginal art took millennia to...» Read More


Art Palm Beach’s annual lecture series and panel discussion highlights

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-22 03:52:15

rom Sand Drawing to Synthetic Polymer in Aboriginal Contemporary Art, a lecture on the Aboriginal sand design that has influenced contemporary Aboriginal art, led by Dr. Margo Smith, Director and Curator of the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University...» Read More


Other side art: Trevor Nickolls, a survey of paintings and drawings 1972-2007

Other side art: Trevor Nickolls, a survey of paintings and drawings 1972-2007

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-21 12:25:39

Other side art is the first museum survey of the work of South Australian Indigenous artist, Trevor Nickolls. Known as 'the father of urban aboriginal art', Nickolls has developed his own iconic language that has influenced and informed subsequent...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-10-17 12:17:29

Aboriginal artworks sent from Catholic missions in the north and west of Australia earlier last century are on display at the Vatican’s Ethnological Museum in Rome to coincide with today's canonisation of Mary MacKillop. And their presence was celebrated with...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-10-17 11:20:38

On Tuesday (19th Oct), what's being called “a unique collection of contemporary Aboriginal Art” will be auctioned at Sotheby¹s in Sydney in aid of the Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES). The occasion will also be the official launch of the AES...» Read More


Vatican echoes to sound of didgeridoo

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-17 03:14:51

The Vatican echoed to the sounds of the didgeridoo on Friday at an Aboriginal show in memory of Mary MacKillop, who is about to be named Australia's first saint. A dozen bare-chested dancers wearing body paint performed songs and dances in...» Read More


Cultural capital war flares on new front

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-17 02:59:17

Some interesting developments for future Indigenous Art museums.... Premier Bligh thinks differently as far as indigenous art is concerned. In revealing early plans to The Age to build a major gallery devoted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art in Queensland...» Read More


Story of aboriginal art at La Fontaine

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-15 02:54:20

TRADITIONAL aboriginal art will come to the fore in Bahrain tomorrow night at the opening of the Songlines art exhibition at the La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art, Manama. According to event organisers, aboriginal art is more of a ritual involving...» Read More


Art’s new face at Canberra gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-15 02:53:48

Ron Radford, the Director of Canberra’s National Gallery of Australia, can say almost exactly when Australians and overseas visitors became interested in Aboriginal art. ‘’You can pinpoint it to the 1988 Bicentennial,’’ Mr Radford said. ‘’That’s when people would come up...» Read More


Contemporary Aboriginal Art in Holland

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-13 02:55:48

When I look around this country and think about the efforts of our state art galleries to excite and educate people about Aboriginal art and culture, I’d have to conclude that there’s not much fire in the belly. True —...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-12 15:54:37

12th October 2010, Sydney Australia: A unique collection of contemporary Aboriginal Art will be auctioned at Sotheby’s in Sydney on 19th October by national not for profit organisation, the Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES). Marking the official launch of the...» Read More


art + soul - Dreams And Nightmares

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-12 02:52:46

art + soul, a one hour documentary series by Warwick Thornton and Hetti Perkins, is a powerful and emotionally engaging series about contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, and the artists who create it. In episode two, Hetti explores...» Read More


Keeping Place collection seeks a permanent home

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-10 01:43:20

Keeping Place consists of 1500 artworks plus artefacts and photographs collected over 40 years by Aboriginal artist and activist Gordon Syron and his wife Elaine. The collection had been housed in an Eveleigh railway shed described as "dilapidated, daggy and downright...» Read More


An aboriginal art exhibition; latest works by Barbara Weir

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-09 01:38:50

Mbantua Gallery have an art exhibition running from today until Thursday 4th November, of works by a prestigious aboriginal artist named Barbara Weir. The Grass Seed paintings represent a grass called Lyaw in Barbara's native language and she's experimented with...» Read More


art + soul - Home And Away

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-08 01:32:53

In this three-part documentary series, Hetti Perkins takes us on a personal journey into the world of Aboriginal art. art + soul, directed by Warwick Thornton (Samson and Delilah), is the powerful and emotionally engaging television series about contemporary Aboriginal and...» Read More


Art + Soul

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-08 00:44:13

7 October, 2010 1:06PM ACST Art + Soul By Emma Sleath ( Cross Media Reporter)The new three part series on Aboriginal Art debuts tonight on ABC1. Directed by Warwick Thornton and presented by Hetti Perkins, the journey begins where else but in...» Read More


Indigenous Cultural Development Officer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-06 07:59:52

Communities NSW Arts NSW Position: Indigenous Cultural Development Officer Location: Sydney Job Grade/Classification: Clerk Grade 9/10 Vacancy ref: ART1075-000008GZ The Arts NSW Indigenous Cultural Development Officer leads and manages the development and implementation of the NSW Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Strategy. You will identify, assess...» Read More


US gallery adds to indigenous collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-06 02:58:13

Next year I’m off to America, where I have been invited to do a show at the Kluge-Ruhe Museum at the University of Virginia. The Kluge-Ruhe institution is dedicated to Australian Aboriginal art and is the largest body of such work...» Read More


Aboriginals of Australia: Museum Shows Contemporary Natives’ Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-06 02:56:58

WSU's Museum of Art showed “Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art: From the Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan,” Thursday [30 September 2010] . The new, free exhibit is open to the public from Oct. 1 through Dec. 11. “It’s a fabulous...» Read More


The Healing Power of Indigenous Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-06 02:55:21

What a long weekend of Indigenous art! While I haven't seen the new Indigenous galleries in Canberra, I did dive wholeheartedly into art + soul at the Art Gallery of New South Wales www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au One of the joys of living at...» Read More


Aboriginal art demands dignity

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-05 04:09:51

Amnesty International’s Demand Dignity and Eora College art exhibition opened at the Boomalli Aboriginal Arts Gallery on September 22 to a crowd of 50 people. The exhibition was based on the theme of the UN Declaration on the Rights of...» Read More


Lecture offers insight into native art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-05 02:50:12

WSU's Museum of Art showed “Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art: From the Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan,” Thursday. The new, free exhibit is open to the public from Oct. 1 through Dec. 11. “It’s a fabulous collection ... It literally...» Read More


Colours of our Country returns to Perth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-05 01:56:13

Accomplished and emerging artists, traditional stories and stunning Pilbara imagery was once again on show at this year’s ‘Colours of our Country’ Aboriginal art exhibition in Perth on the 22nd September. For the fifth consecutive year, Rio Tinto transformed the walls...» Read More


Joining the dots

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-04 00:30:19

Hetti Perkins helps viewers understand the complexity and diversity of Aboriginal art 'I THINK I initially imagined the series being able to satisfy my simple curiosity about what the dots mean," Hibiscus Films producer Bridget Ikin (An Angel at My Table,...» Read More


Gallery offers an indigenous opening

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-04 00:25:46

ABORIGINAL art takes centre stage at the revamped NGA in Canberra. THE entrance to the National Gallery of Australia, in Canberra, used to be hidden mysteriously in a side street, reached by a utilitarian flight of concrete stairs or a long...» Read More


Indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-04 00:20:40

KERRY O’BRIEN, PRESENTER: From the inner city to the remotest part of the nation, Australia's contemporary Aboriginal art movement is on the move. A new exhibition in Sydney is showcasing its richness and diversity. Curated by Hetti Perkins, the daughter of the...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-10-03 19:28:19

Prototype, precedent, templet, archetype, scantling, paradigm...so reads my Roget's Thesaurus – which I think gives you the drift of my thinking regarding the importance of recent events in Canberra. No – not on the Hill, where Tony Abbott seems determined not...» Read More


Fluid face of art and soul

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-03 00:30:36

HettiI Perkins doesn't like to play favourites, but in the second episode of the new television series Art + Soul, she stands by Fruit Bats, a sculpture by Yorta Yorta artist Lin Onus, to explain its unique appeal. The work...» Read More


Gallery opens new chapter

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-03 00:28:17

After three years in the making, the National Gallery of Australia has finally revealed its stunning new $100 million entrance and indigenous art wing. Governor-General Quentin Bryce officially opened the additions last night before a buzzing VIP crowd of about 1000...» Read More


Aboriginal art's new face at Canberra gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-03 00:23:44

Ron Radford, the director of Canberra's National Gallery of Australia, can say almost exactly when Australians and overseas visitors became interested in Aboriginal art. ''You can pinpoint it to the 1988 Bicentennial,'' Mr Radford said yesterday. ''That's when people would come...» Read More


Art from top to bottom

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-03 00:22:50

Elsewhere in the gallery, you can enjoy masterpieces of Italian printmaking dating from the mid-fifteenth century in A beautiful line: Italian prints from Mantegna to Piranesi until October 31, and opening on October 29 comes Desert Country, drawn entirely from...» Read More


Finalists announced for Aboriginal Art Prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-10-03 00:21:32

The finalists of the 2010 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize have been announced, with 43 works from 37 artists being displayed at NSW Parliament House from September 29 - October 28. The art prize was established in 2005 and is...» Read More


MoB provides ANKAAA members shared resources

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-30 23:33:28

Our theme for the Matrix on Board Late September Newsletter seems to be that organisations are stronger when we work together and stay connected. That idea is the core philosophy behind the missions of many of our clients. One MoB...» Read More


Curator unveils a triple treat

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-30 23:28:54

Hetti Perkins has put her heart and soul into an exhibition, television series and book about indigenous art, writes Steve Meacham. Like her famous father, the elegantly trouser-suited Hetti Perkins bites her nails and loves soccer. Unlike her famous father -...» Read More


Helping local Aboriginal artists find their feet

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-29 23:28:02

Cowra resident Ted Budd has been appointed as the new Central West Aboriginal Arts Development Officer (CWAADO) for Arts OutWest, a role that will see him help develop the commercial opportunities of local Aboriginal artists. Mr Budd, of Wiradjuri heritage, previously...» Read More


Whats on in DC?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-26 22:48:56

>> If you've ever wanted to learn about art from Down Under (insert gratuitous "shrimp on the barbie" joke here), head on over to the Touchstone Gallery Thursday for a lecture on Australian Aboriginal art. Given by Solenne Ducos-Lamotte, the...» Read More


Inteview: Ngurra Kutju Ngurrara - Belonging to One Country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-22 20:43:06

What is the inspiration behind the show? Papunya Tula remains the defining art centre of the modern Aboriginal art movement, it is steeped in history and one cannot proclaim to be a serious Aboriginal art space without a show or the...» Read More


Billionaire Kluge buried in modest pine casket

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-22 20:19:32

Billionaire philanthropist John W. Kluge was laid to rest in a modest pine box Tuesday afternoon at a ceremony that was alternately spirited and meditative. Kluge, who would have turned 96 on Tuesday, died Sept. 7 at his home in Albemarle...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-22 20:18:26

Opening of Aboriginal Art Exhibition. City Gallery Bydgoszcz (Poland), as a part of 5th Mozg Festival, 26.11.2009. Lecture by dr John von Sturmer.Translator – dr Rafał Zimny. ...» Read More


Politics of the Secret

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-21 20:12:55

Rumors that Vivien Johnson was writing a history of painting at Papunya have been reaching my ears for a long time now. When the publication of Johnson’s Lives of the Papunya Tula Painters was announced in 2008 by IAD...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal art draws on spiritual traditions

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-21 20:00:35

PULLMAN - “Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art: From the Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan,” will be exhibited at the Museum of Art/WSU Oct. 1-Dec. 11. Levi and Kaplan have a large collection of indigenous Australian art, part of which...» Read More


Clap Sticks by Marcia Alice Panangka

Clap Sticks by Marcia Alice Panangka

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-20 20:11:30

Hand crafted Clap or music sticks are used during Aboriginal ceremonies. They are made from Mulga wood and are burned using a hot wire to create patterns such as concentric circles which represent camp sites, curved lines which represent rain...» Read More


Discover Dunkeld, Nerissa Major's Art Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-20 18:58:17

A display of Unique Local Affordable Aboriginal Artworks, Giftware and Jewelry For Sale. Listen to Some Local Koori Stories $3 per Person or $6 per family See Unusual Aboriginal Stone Tools and how they're used $2 per person...» Read More


Can Aboriginal Art Be Contemporary Art?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-19 20:09:52

The Australian wades into a controversy over the current generation of aboriginal artists: A paper by Melbourne academic Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios says major artists such as Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri and Rover Thomas, are promoted as Aboriginal in a way...» Read More


Aboriginal art dying with desert masters

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-19 19:59:55

The pursuit of cultural authenticity in Aboriginal art will make it harder for young artists to enjoy the success of the old masters. New research into the sustainability of Aboriginal art claims the market for new works is already falling away,...» Read More


We want to showcase cream of Oz culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-18 20:02:49

So, what are you charting out to provide a better insight into Australian culture and bring the two countries closer in this sphere? We want to bring some of the cream of Australian culture. For instance, a modern dance company,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-09-17 17:57:46

It's quite strange when the one thing you know a man by doesn't get a mention in his obituary! That's happened repeatedly with the late John Kluge – known in Australia virtually only because of his magnificent Aboriginal art collection...» Read More


'Old stuff' seen in a new light

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-17 00:24:59

Historic Cape York art is on show alongside contemporary indigenous works. To see the first historic artworks collected from Aurukun on western Cape York alongside his own sculptures is an extraordinary occasion for artist Craig Koomeeta. "It makes the hair stand up...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-09-16 19:35:03

The 50th anniversary of Albert Namatjira's death last year didn't get great play around Australia as his art is still coloured by confusion over its white origins and the patronising treatment that the artist received in his life. He was...» Read More


The indigenous "genius" of Sally Gabori

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-15 21:27:37

I intended to speak with the artist Sally Gabori for this article, but was informed in a terse e-mail that she is not available for interviews. “Interviews need to be done in her Kayardild language and in person,” a...» Read More


Code to stop exploitation of Aboriginal artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-15 21:27:27

Unethical galleries and dealers will be named and shamed under the Indigenous Australian Art Commercial Code of Conduct. The voluntary code has been introduced after a Senate report found some Indigenous artists were exploited, bullied and harassed. The code allows reports of...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-09-14 16:30:10

The opening of this year's 4th Togart Contemporary Art Award – whose speciality is to feature both Black and white Northern Territory artists – was also the occasion for the opening of a new contemporary art space in Darwin: the...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-13 19:33:52

ARTS D’AUSTRALIE • STÉPHANE JACOB has great pleasure in inviting you to its new exhibition ABORIGINAL ART: THE SONGLINES Opening Wednesday September 8, 3 pm to 9 pm Galerie SEINE 51 - 51 rue de Seine, Paris 6ème Showing from September 9 to September...» Read More


Artist Spotlight: Alma Nungarrayi Granites

Artist Spotlight: Alma Nungarrayi Granites

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-13 19:21:38

1. Briefly describe yourself. When and how did you first become interested in art? How long have you been a practising artist? I became interested in aboriginal art since the time that she was working as assistant teacher at the Yuendumu...» Read More


'Ngurra Kutju Ngurrara - Belonging to One Country

'Ngurra Kutju Ngurrara - Belonging to One Country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-07 21:27:50

REDOT FINE ART GALLERY, Singapore, in collaboration with Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd presents: ''Ngurra Kutju Ngurrara - Belonging to One Country" The ReDot Fine Art Gallery is proud to welcome back the beautiful works of Australia’s foremost Aboriginal art community,...» Read More


Boomalli bounces back in the cultural renaissance

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-05 23:48:27

Excerpt from the article A NSW Aboriginal artists co-op is blossoming after a near-death experience Indigenous art is the darling of the contemporary art world. In recent decades the sector has grown to be worth an estimated $500 million a year with...» Read More


John's Stories

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-03 11:48:28

New paintings and ceramics by John Murray, who is based at the Girringun Aboriginal Arts Centre in Cardwell. John's bright and naively direct works brings to life the pleasures he takes in fishing, camping and living in the natural environment....» Read More


Council approves changes to Indigenous art permits

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-09-01 22:29:56

The Alice Springs Town Council has given its final approval to new rules for Aboriginal artists selling paintings in the Todd Mall. The council was charging $205 a day for artist permits but was not enforcing the payment. The council's chief executive,...» Read More


Aboriginal art at Parcours des Mondes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-29 22:14:17

Paris-based dealer and Australian Indigenous Art specialist, Stéphane Jacob, will exhibit works by several of Australia´s most admired and innovative Contemporary Aboriginal Artists at this year’s “Parcours des Mondes” the world’s leading international tribal art fair which will take place...» Read More


From boomerangs to didgeridoos, Aboriginal art is a huge part of Aussie culture.

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-29 22:11:24

Aboriginal paintings and crafts often hang in souvenir shops and art galleries around the country. But over the past few years fake Aboriginal art and craft has been brought in from overseas. As Kirsty explains this wave of cheap imports has...» Read More


Breakfast with Hetti Perkins. Part two – life, work, art and more

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-29 22:08:37

This is the second part of a chat I had with Hetti Perkins over breakfast at The Roma Bar during the Darwin Festival. Here Hetti talks about her recent work on a new 3 part series called art + soul to...» Read More


No keeping place for Sydney Aboriginal art collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-29 22:07:56

Yet another eviction deadline has passed but Aboriginal artist Gordon Syron and his wife Elaine are still desperately seeking a home for their collection of Aboriginal art, the Keeping Place, one of the largest collections in the country. Currently housed in...» Read More


Tracking the stories of Indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-29 22:05:51

Storylines -- the first comprehensive assessment of Indigenous artists from urban Australia is being launched this week. The three-year Australian Research Council project brings together biographical information about the artists on a website, completing a full picture of Aboriginal art in...» Read More


Website delivers boost to Indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-27 22:04:23

A website that includes the first national register of Aboriginal artists from urban areas has been launched. Storylines has made its debut after three years of research into Aboriginal visual art in urban Australia. It features 600 artists with a summary of...» Read More


Indigenous art goes in diverse directions

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-27 22:01:30

Aboriginal art can be deep and reflective, ancient yet contemporary - and now it’s adorning Glen Eira. Outback Aboriginal Art is unveiling the depth of indigenous art forms in an exhibition at the Glen Eira City Council Gallery. Journeys will feature a...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection Reopens Aug. 31 With New Exhibit

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-27 21:59:59

August 23, 2010 — The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection reopens Aug. 31 with the exhibit "Sally Gabori: Danda dulk ngijinda dulk (This Land is My Land)." The exhibit is on view through Dec. 19. An opening reception will be held Sept....» Read More


Glen Iris features centre of art excellence

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-27 21:58:14

Ancient stories from Australia’s red centre told in contemporary tones will feature at a local gallery this week. In Desert Stories, distinctive Aboriginal art from the Northern Territory’s Ikuntji region, also known as Haasts Bluff, comes to Gallery Ranfurlie at Korowa...» Read More


UQ unveils first major survey of Aurukun art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-25 21:51:48

The University of Queensland Art Museum will be swimming with crocodiles, sharks and the odd dugong for its next exhibition, and you're encouraged to dive in for the experience. On show from September 11, Before Time Today is the first...» Read More


Contemporary works alive with the rhythms of the past

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-24 21:49:03

From Nicolas Rothwell in the Austrlian on the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair: Displayed in the cavernous interiors of two World War II-era concrete storage bunkers, the works on view at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair offer an intriguing overview of Queensland's...» Read More


Aboriginal Artists Contemporary Card Project

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-20 23:46:44

This collection is supported by Catherine Manuell Design as part of our Women’s Aboriginal Artists Project. In buying this card you are directly supporting the artists and their community in their working lives. The project showcases the paintings of eight...» Read More


Aboriginal art industry struggling

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-20 21:28:01

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 19/08/2010 Reporter: Peter McCutcheon Many artists, wholesalers and retailers within the aboriginal arts industry say they are struggling. Blaming in part the recent decline in international tourism but they also say a flood of pseudo-aboriginal craft imports from Bali,...» Read More


Labor's efforts a hard act to follow

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-19 19:42:14

UNDER Labor the arts has moved centre stage. And that is where it deserves to stay. After all, our artists provide great nourishment for the community, are key to our sense of identity and often reflect the best expressions of our...» Read More


27th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award (NATSIAA)

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-17 23:11:42

Check out this absolutely beautiful photograph (link below to the post) of Mr. Donegan addressing the audience. I was in Darwin recently, en route to Balgo for another five months at Warlayirti Artists. What a great time to be there;...» Read More


Colourful Djon has an eye for art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-17 22:06:27

Aboriginal art curator Djon Mundine hasn’t had a haircut in 25 years, and his character is as colourful as his eye for art. The dreadlocked Mr Mundine said he wants to shatter the stereotype that Aboriginal art is a “sea of...» Read More


First Australians have had to fight for any advance

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-17 21:53:57

From The Age: John Howard always bemoaned the "black armband" view of history, the one historian Geoffrey Blainey said was the pendulum swinging too far in the Aboriginal direction. Howard didn't want to wake up each day facing stories of our...» Read More


Hetti Perkins opens 2010 Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-17 21:50:19

The annual Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair provides a unique opportunity for art buyers within the industry and the members of the public to purchase Aboriginal art directly from the Indigenous owned and incorporated art centres. Visitors also get to see...» Read More


Leichardt Mayor joins Sunnyfield at Aboriginal Community Arts Program

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-17 19:47:59

Leichardt’s Mayor, Jamie Parker will show his support for NSW disability service provider Sunnyfield at an event celebrating the diversity of culture, and commitment from Leichardt Council. The Sunnyfield Day Options creative team in Lilyfield has been working with Aboriginal...» Read More


History, bold designs of Annan Fabrics on exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-16 22:04:27

Annan Fabrics were part of an emergence in the 1940s and 1950s of a distinctive Australian design style inspired by Australian flora and fauna, and Aboriginal art and culture. Customers included Qantas who used the designs to “brand” Australian tourism. Ms...» Read More


Darwin Festival diary – day minus one

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-15 21:55:41

From Bob Gosford's, The Northern Myth.... Its only day one of a long week ahead and I’ll be up early for a media call for the annual Telstra Aboriginal Art Award, then I’m off to the opening of the Darwin Aboriginal...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-08-13 14:11:58

“I was truly amazed by the strength of the competition this year”, declared one of the two final judges of the 27th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Art Awards at today's announcement of the winners in Darwin. Sylvia Kleinert, an...» Read More


Vying for Indigenous art award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-10 20:12:35

This week, the winner of one of Australia's most prestigious prizes for Indigenous art will be announced. The winner of the 27th Telstra National and Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award will be announced on Friday, August 13. For me, this is...» Read More


Rare Aboriginal art found in school store cupboard

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-10 20:07:15

A treasure trove of rare and valuable Aboriginal art has been found languishing in the back of a school store cupboard in Canberra. The bark paintings, which are estimated to be about 25 years old, were unearthed during a spring clean...» Read More


27th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-07 17:51:15

One of the nation's premier prizes for art unfolds in the Top End. Editorial Review When: 14 August - November 7 2010; Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat, Sun & Public holidays 10am- 5pm Where: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin Tickets: Entry to...» Read More


Break Thru NAIDOC Week Celebrations - Maitland

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-04 21:12:23

Saturday night was the launch of WUPA @ Wanaruah, an Aboriginal Art Exhibition organised by Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation. This black tie event was held in the Barrel Room at Tempus Two Winery, Pokolbin. Ungooroo, in conjunction with major sponsors Hunter...» Read More


Rare Aboriginal art found in college cupboard

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-04 21:09:52

A rare collection of Aboriginal art has been unearthed in a cupboard at a college in Canberra. The National Gallery and the National Museum have confirmed the paintings are part of an Arnhem Land collection; some are by well-known Indigenous artists. Dickson...» Read More


Artwork stamped superior

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-04 21:09:12

Aboriginal artwork by the Worimi people is “superior” to any other land council on the east coast, a university Aboriginal department head said. Liz Cameron, portfolio leader at the Wollotuka Institute, a department within the University of Newcastle supporting Aboriginal students,...» Read More


Aboriginal art gallery in Munich

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-01 06:28:25

Down Under Gallery - Australian Aboriginal Art Gallery has opened in Munich at Isartorplatz 4. Featuring works by 27 talented Aboriginal Artists. Many of the artists feature in the 50 most collectable Australian Artist list: Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi Michelle Possum Nungurrayi Walangkura Napanangka Judy Napanangka...» Read More


Art market gets ugly as indigenous bubble bursts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-08-01 06:23:52

It began with a bang just over a decade ago in the lush years of fast-paced economic growth, faltered in the global financial crisis, and was quietly, sadly laid in its grave over the past two weeks, its funeral marked...» Read More


Aboriginal art - Elcho Island, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, W1

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-29 03:45:30

ABORIGINAL artist Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi is in England to demonstrate the culture of his people. His art is currently on display at the Rebecca Hossack Gallery in Fitzrovia in a world-first show. Gali (pictured above), talks poignantly about the changes that...» Read More


Desert Art from Utopia

Desert Art from Utopia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-28 00:54:58

Opening, Wednesday, 28 July, 5:00pm DACOU (Dreaming Art Centre of Utopia) and Monash Southern Health have developed a fundraising initiative in bringing indigenous contemporary art from the Central Desert to a major public hospital in Melbourne. An exhibition of works by...» Read More


Save Boomalli art co-operative

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-27 01:59:50

Boomalli, one of Australia’s longest running Aboriginal artists’ co-operatives, is threatened with closure. Based in Sydney’s inner-city suburb of Leichhardt, Boomalli was set up in 1987 by Aboriginal artists to get their art recognised. Boomalli means “to strike, to make a...» Read More


Bindi Cole: Artist Spotlight Interview with the 2009 Deadly Art Award winner

Bindi Cole: Artist Spotlight Interview with the 2009 Deadly Art Award winner

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-26 10:00:00

Bindi Cole is a Wathaurung woman and a budding photography, video and installation artist from Melbourne. In November 2009, she won the $25,000 Deadly Art Award for her evocative photograph Ajay, one in a series of photographs bringing transgender women...» Read More


Indigenous artworks auction likely to fetch $6m

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-26 00:00:08

WHEN the late Australian art dealer Gabrielle Pizzi was at school in the 1950s, students were taught that Aboriginal culture was of no interest. The young schoolgirl couldn't have paid much heed to those ill-informed and unenlightened views. She went on...» Read More


Before time today: Reinventing Tradition in Aboriginal Art from Aurukun

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-24 23:36:18

Date: 11 September – 28 November 2010 Time: 10:00 - 16:00 daily Venue: UQ Art Museum, Building No. 11, St Lucia Campus Reinventing Tradition in Aboriginal Art from Aurukun The exhibition focuses on the art from Cape York’s Aurukun community, involving Wik, Kugu and associated peoples. The...» Read More


Public works

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-23 23:36:05

In August last year, however, a group of artists from the region caused a sensation when they showed new experimental work at the inaugural Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. It was such a hit it all sold within hours. These artists from...» Read More


Wilcannia pride

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-22 23:17:59

The gallery idea comes from 37 mainly Barkindji men and women who are transforming a dusty town park in Wilcannia in western New South Wales. It will become Reconciliation Park, a green, welcoming space with picnic tables, a playground, barbecues...» Read More


Papunya and Balgo exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China - promotion of Australia’s rich cultural heritage

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-22 23:11:12

Extraordinary collections of Indigenous art from Australia’s remote deserts are now on display in Beijing. The highly regarded Papunya Painting: Out of the Australian Desert and BALGO: Contemporary Australian Art from the Balgo Hills collections collectively form the National Art Museum...» Read More


Kirby joins fight to save indigenous art collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-20 00:09:54

The campaign to salvage The Keeping Place, one of the largest collections of indigenous art in Australia, has found a staunch ally in the former High Court judge Michael Kirby. Kirby opened an exhibition of selected works from the collection at...» Read More


Less is more: Sotheby's hope for indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-18 23:58:27

Sotheby's Australia is poised to stage one of its biggest indigenous auctions after scrapping its $5000 lower threshold. The move has given Sotheby's competitors reason to smile after they predicted the brand would go downmarket when it was bought by Sydney...» Read More


Art code: Arts Minister Peter Garrett quick on the draw

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-17 23:58:15

Federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett yesterday announced the introduction of an Indigenous Australian Art Commercial Code of Conduct. The code is to protect Aboriginal artists against sharp practices within the industry -- without first telling the board of the company established...» Read More


London calling

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-17 23:53:42

A VIBRANT but little-recognised style of Aboriginal art produced in Wynnum and Manly will be showcased to the world next year. London’s Coningsby Gallery has accepted the works of award-winning Wynnum artist Troy Little and Hemmant’s Nancy Torrens, who approached the...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Show at Jewish Centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-14 23:21:46

Aboriginal Art Show at Jewish Centre from Henry Benjamin on ...» Read More


Stories of the Dreaming

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-14 23:17:52

These stunning puzzles are worth having purely to admire the Aboriginal art - that the kids will be kept busy trying to piece them back together is an added bonus! Designed by Aboriginal artist Donna Henson of the Wiradjuri people, each...» Read More


Joining the Dots: The Sustainability of the Aboriginal Art Market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-14 23:17:45

On top of the symposium I’m co-convening at the University of Melbourne next week, with speeches by the Minister for the Arts, Peter Garrett, 2010 Archibald and Wynne winner Sam Leach, and other venerable members of the visual art community,...» Read More


Council revamps Indigenous art permits

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-14 23:15:32

Controversial laws restricting the sale of Aboriginal art at Todd Mall in Alice Springs are set to be overhauled and the price of permits will be drastically reduced. While some say the new laws will be great for tourism and are...» Read More


Colours of an arid landscape

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-13 23:11:06

A vivid world has sprung to life from the brushes of the painters of the APY lands. A colour-field of pulsing gold and scarlet; a ground of turquoise and psychedelic blue; a snake's form, pink and purple, writhing around the canvas....» Read More


Lin Onus @ Counihan Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-11 22:57:14

Lin Onus: Meaning of Life at the Counihan Gallery is an exhibition of prints by Lin Onus. The exhibition also traces Lin Onus’s development, his “apprenticeship” in the Northern Territories, to when he had truly found his voice as an...» Read More


More Aboriginal Art at the Kimberley Coastal Camp

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-11 22:55:34

Last year I visited the Kimberley Coastal camp and blogged about the amazing Aboriginal art around the camp. Last week Maureen and I were back there again. And once again I was simply blown away by the variety and quantity...» Read More


Hunter indigenous art with special meaning

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-11 22:40:26

The Wupa@Wunaruah exhibition, by the Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation, is at Hunter Valley Gardens this month and features the works of eight Hunter artists. Wupa is an Aboriginal word of the Hunter's Wanaruah people, meaning to paint or create. Artist and Aboriginal enterprise...» Read More


Indigenous history carved in stone

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-10 22:42:52

Djon Mundine thinks there should have been more of an Aboriginal presence in the Sydney Biennale. He mentions the theme of the event - "The beauty of distance: songs of survival in a precarious age" - and asks why more...» Read More


Closing the gap through art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-10 22:41:33

Now an annual event, the NAIDOC Celebration Exhibition displays pieces from University of Ballarat Visual Art and Contemporary Craft students as well as artists in the local Aboriginal community. The exhibition feature piece about 'closing the gap' between Indigenous and non-Indigenous...» Read More


Not so super: investment proposals leave art market reeling

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-08 22:35:12

If investors have only five years to divest themselves of artworks as the review recommends, it will worsen the impact. ''It's an added blow,'' Mr Ayers said. ''Art takes a while to appreciate … it could possibly severely damage that...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-07 22:34:15

Type: Council Event Date: 06 Jul 2010 - 24 Jul 2010 Location: Bellingen Library You are invited to view an exhibition of artwork by Aboriginal Artists in Bellingen Library in celebration of NAIDOC Week. Starts Tuesday 6th July until Saturday 24 July 2010 Bellingen Library opening...» Read More


Aboriginal Art the Theme of

Aboriginal Art the Theme of "Hot Rock Dreaming", the New Thriller from Writer Martin Roth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-07 16:38:46

Alice Springs and the world of Aboriginal art form the background to “Hot Rock Dreaming”, the second novel from Martin Roth starring private detective Johnny Ravine. Australia’s most famous Aboriginal painter is dead - supposedly killed when a heavy object tumbled...» Read More


Super proposal 'could devastate' Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-06 22:36:37

The Aboriginal art market could be devastated by a recommendation to ban art, jewellery, wine and collectables from self-managed superannuation funds, says the director of a big art auction house. The recommendation to ban collectables is one of 180 made in...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 22:35:25

Last weekend I was in Washington DC for the annual conference of the American Library Association. The city was crowded, the weather sub-tropical, but I managed to escape for a while to the deserts of Centralia by visiting the Australian...» Read More


Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts brought a piece of Australia to Miami with "The Inspired Dream"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 22:33:36

Whatsupmiami announces the closing of the exhibit "The Inspired Dream," a collection of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art showcased at the Wynwood gallery for over two months. The collection was very impressive, clean and enjoyable from every perspective. The present-day Australian...» Read More


Aboriginal and Oceanic Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 22:25:55

Catalogue Now Online 1 July 2010 Sotheby's Australia is delighted to announce our forthcoming Aboriginal and Oceanic Art auction on July 26 and 27 in Melbourne. Under the directorship of Tim Klingender, the July auction has been firmly established for more than...» Read More


Wesfarmers gives indigenous art a $1.2m boost

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 22:22:40

Wesfarmers is boosting indigenous art with a $1.2 million fellowship scheme to train the next generation of administrators and curators. The WA-based company, already a big sponsor of the arts, will provide the money over five years through the National Gallery...» Read More


Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art – Now

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 20:30:22

Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art – Now July 9 – August 31, 2010 Sante Fe, NM- Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art in association with Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne, Australia, will present the inaugural biennale exhibition, Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art – Now. This exhibition presents new...» Read More


Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art - Now

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-05 20:20:19

Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art (Main Space) 702 ½ Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 09 July 2010 - 31 August 2010 Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art in association with Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne, Australia, will present the inaugural biennale exhibition, Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art – Now....» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-03 22:02:56

Start: 12/08/2010 End: 14/08/2010 Venue: DARWIN CONVENTION CENTRE Address: Stokes Hill Road, Darwin, NT, Australia, 0800 A major Arts industry event Showcasing the work of established and emerging artists from over 40 community owned incorporated Aboriginal art centres from across Australia. Providing opportunities to meet the...» Read More


The 2010 NPSW Aboriginal Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-03 22:00:54

5 June -10 July 2010 Bruce McLean, Associate Curator of Indigenous Australian Art, at the Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, was at Lismore Regional Gallery to judge the winning works of the 2010 NPSW Aboriginal Art Award on Saturday 5...» Read More


Aboriginal artists exhibition and competition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-03 21:56:23

The annual Aboriginal Artists Exhibition and Competition celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2010. NSW Fair Trading has been pivotal in organising the exhibition since its inception in 2000. The competition has grown from a small event of 20 paintings displayed at the...» Read More


Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-03 21:55:33

Event Name: Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition Event Organization: Shalom Gamarada Event Date: Sunday, 27 June 2010 - Sunday, 4 July 2010 Event Time: 11:00am - 7:00pm Event Venue: Caspary Conference Centre, Shalom College, Barker St Kensington Cost: Free Description: Shalom Gamarada supports scholarships for indigenous...» Read More


Indigenous art sale to aid Indigenous medical students

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 21:48:24

Sydney’s Shalom College is selling over $1 million of Aboriginal art…and the revenue will fund residential scholarships for indigenous medical students. Now on its sixth year, the art show features work from many sought-after artists including Judy Watson and Shorty Robertson…and...» Read More


Toledo Museum of Art Names New Director Brian P. Kennedy to Lead Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 21:46:58

The Toledo Museum of Art announced today that Brian P. Kennedy, director of the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College, has accepted the position as the Museum’s ninth director with a start date of September 1. Board Chair Betsy...» Read More


Deadly celebrations for NAIDOC Week

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 21:46:58

NAIDOC Week celebrates the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and there is so much going on around Lismore it’s being spilled over 10 days. The theme this year is ‘Unsung Heroes – Closing the Gap by Leading Their...» Read More


NAIDOC celebrations Sydney

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 21:46:50

NAIDOC Week celebrations (July 4-11) are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The...» Read More


Keeping place needs a home: Call for Indigenous art gallery at Barangaroo

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 17:47:01

Sydney Greens councillor Irene Doutney echoed calls by the National Trust to set up an indigenous art centre at Barangaroo, saying it could be an ideal location to permanently house the world-renowned Aboriginal art collection known as The Keeping Place. “The...» Read More


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art exhibition talk

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-02 16:56:43

Wally Caruana, former Senior Curator of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art at the National Gallery of Australia, will be undertaking an exhibition floor talk at 3pm Saturday 3 July at Michael Reid at Elizabeth Bay. The primary intention of...» Read More


Art makes a difference

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-01 22:31:00

The work of some of Australia’s most renowned Indigenous artists is on show at Shalom College this week to raise funds for UNSW Indigenous medical students. In what has become the largest contemporary Aboriginal exhibition of its kind, Shalom Gamarada features...» Read More


National Gallery launches Indigenous jobs push

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-01 21:52:16

Indigenous artists are a strong presence on the Australian and international art scenes, but their voices are almost silent when it comes to leadership roles in many of the country's public and private galleries. In a bold bid to inject change...» Read More


Influential artist in local showcase

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-01 21:46:56

A new and important exhibition for artists in the community will open at the Moree Plains Gallery on August 5. Margaret Adams is one of the most esteemed Kamilaroi artists in Moree. This exhibition of new work celebrates her valuable contribution to...» Read More


National Gallery launches Indigenous jobs push

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-01 17:12:31

Indigenous artists are a strong presence on the Australian and international art scenes, but their voices are almost silent when it comes to leadership roles in many of the country's public and private galleries. In a bold bid to inject change...» Read More


Contemporary Indigenous art at Toowoomba Regional Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-07-01 17:07:23

Indigenous art assembled by one of Australia’s leading collectors will be on display at Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery until July 18. Contemporary Aboriginal Art from the Ann Lewis Collection includes paintings, prints and photographs Dr Ann Lewis, OBE, is one of Australia’s...» Read More


Aboriginal art ‘from within’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-28 21:02:13

As someone’s skin does not reveal their aboriginality, nor does art created by indigenous people necessarily follow the stereotypes laid out for it by the art world, says Old Guildford artist Kerrie Kenton. Kenton’s stunning artwork weaves together tradition and contemporary...» Read More


Art For Education - Indigenous Art Sale For Indigenous Study Scholarships

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-28 20:58:43

Shalom Gamarada, Australia's biggest selling exhibition of contemporary indigenous art, gets underway at University of NSW this Sunday. More than $1 million worth of world class indigenous artwork will be exhibited and sold with all profits going towards residential scholarships for...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-06-27 19:42:10

“Now, almost forty years after its genesis, the epicentre and dynamic thrust of the Western Desert art movement has dramatically shifted from Papunya, Kintore and Kiwirrkura to Ngaanyatjarra and APY art centres. The untrammelled painting of senior men and women...» Read More


Gloria Petyarre attending her solo exhibition in Melbourne

Gloria Petyarre attending her solo exhibition in Melbourne

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-26 17:38:32

Gloria Petyarre Attending Her Exhibition Opening Dacou Gallery Melbourne 1 July to August Opening, Thursday, 1 July, 6:00pm to 8:00pm Gloria Petyarre will be proudly attending her nephew’s gallery for her latest solo exhibition, at DACOU (Dreaming Art Centre of Utopia), Middle Park,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-06-26 13:03:16

The Papunya Tula Artists organisation representing the mainly Pintupi artists of Kintore and Kiwirrkurra in the Western Desert has signed an exclusive sales deal with Harvey Art Projects in the United States. Based in Sun Valley, Idaho but presenting events...» Read More


Wizards of Oz

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-25 21:00:59

"We are thrilled to have this opportunity to present to the Chinese public these inspiring works of Australian indigenous art. The artworks featured in the exhibition reflect the different histories, traditions and stories of these two aboriginal communities," he says. When...» Read More


Shalom’s showpiece event funds education

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-25 20:49:48

Indigenous artist Judy Watson will headline this year’s Shalom Gamarada Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition when it opens on Sunday. The annual show, in its sixth year, raises money for indigenous scholarships and has become a highlight of the Shalom calendar,...» Read More


On Track: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Western Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-25 20:45:37

An ART ON THE MOVE touring exhibition. On Track showcases the dynamic development of Western Australian Aboriginal artists' expression over the last decade. 32 works have been selected from the prestigious University of Western Australia, Berndt Museum of Anthropology collection. The exhibition presents...» Read More


Indigenous art on show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-25 20:44:37

An exhibition of 32 works by some of WA’s best indigenous artists opened at the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre on Thursday. On Track: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from WA, featuring works from the University of WA’s Berndt Museum of Anthropology, will...» Read More


The Owen and Wagner Collection of Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-24 20:53:49

For Immediate Release June 2010 Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Announces the Owen and Wagner Collection of Australian Aboriginal Art The Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College is pleased to announce an important private gift of contemporary Aboriginal art. Will Owen...» Read More


Two named as art judges

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-24 20:47:49

The judges for the 2010 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize have been announced. Poet, film writer and professor of philosophy Romaine Moreton and ABC radio presenter Daniel Browning will decide who gets the $20,000 first prize awarded annually to...» Read More


Early but no less special

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-24 20:45:28

Norville State School may have been celebrating NAIDOC Week early but the importance of the event has not been lost on the students. For the past two days students have been rotating through three activities which teach them about Indigenous culture...» Read More


New book marks 25 years for the Koorie Heritage Trust

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-23 20:52:58

Date: 18 June 2010 A new book tracing the history of Indigenous art in Victoria has been launched by Arts Minister Peter Batchelor today. Visiting the Koorie Heritage Trust in Melbourne, Mr Batchelor said the Government had been pleased to provide $100,000...» Read More


Aboriginal Art - Denise Hedges - NAIDOC Week

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-23 20:52:08

An unsung hero is not how Denise Hedges would describe herself. However the quiet achiever fits the title more than she believes. An accomplished Aboriginal artist, mother and proud Wanaruah woman, Denise has used art to inspire and educate both the Indigenous...» Read More


Cairns Indigenous Art Fair 2010 & Symposium

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-22 20:39:28

Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is a boutique art market showcasing traditional and contemporary artwork by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from Queensland. The CIAF Symposium (Saturday 21 August) will be facilitated by leading Aboriginal artist, curator and academic Dr Brenda...» Read More


Breathing new life into public spaces

Breathing new life into public spaces

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:48:33

Event: art + place workshop When: 2.00 – 5.00pm Wednesday 21 July 2010 Where: The Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre, Cardwell Cost: FREE Want to breath new life into your public spaces, buildings, parks and facilities? Find out how in a free workshop on public...» Read More


Ella Savage and George Nona to exhibit at Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:48:28

Two Torres Strait Islander artists have been pre-selected to exhibit their artwork in this year’s 27th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards. From 321 entries, Ella Savage (Darnley Island) and George Nona (Badu Island) were among 96 artists...» Read More


Hood Announces Major Gift of Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:44:31

The Hood Museum of Art has announced a private gift of more than 300 works of contemporary Aboriginal art. The collection donated by Will Owen and Harvey Wagner makes the Hood one of the foremost repositories of contemporary Aboriginal Australian...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal art exhibition is on debut in China

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:43:13

In celebration of Year of Australian Culture, sponsored by the National Art Museum of China and various departments of the Australian government, an Aboriginal art exhibition from Australia is currently on display at Hall 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17...» Read More


Circles in the Sand opens at Embassy of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:42:06

The Kluge-Ruhe Collection opened an exhibit of western desert art at the Embassy of Australia in Washington DC on June 14. Circles in the Sand: Aboriginal Art from Central Australia in the Kluge-Ruhe Collection features work from the art centers...» Read More


Exhibition – Papunya: Aboriginal Art from Australia’s Deserts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:41:59

Showcasing the work of Aboriginal artists and telling the story of the artists and supporters of the Papunya Tula art movement between 1974 and 1981. Until August 28. Daily 9am-4pm. National Art Museum of...» Read More


The resale royalty debacle for the aboriginal fine art industry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-21 20:40:56

Lack of proper Consultation with private sector of the Aboriginal/Indigenous Fine Art Industry Galleries/Dealers required to send full details and even images to CAL (Copyright Agency Limited) of all original artworks/artefact sold even if they sell for just $100 Resale Royalty takes...» Read More


Art Can Change Lives - Shalom Gamarada Ngiyana Yana 2010

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-19 00:06:21

This years Shalom Gamarada Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal Art Exhibition promises to be even more exciting with some new discoveries in Aboriginal Art to be displayed. For those of you who are not familiar with the exhibition profit from all art...» Read More


Indigenous artist Judy Watson to feature at the Shalom art exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-19 00:05:18

In a huge coup for Shalom Gamarada’s sixth annual Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition, it has been announced that internationally renowned contemporary Indigenous artist Judy Watson will, for the first time, exhibit at the show - which runs from June...» Read More


End of Financial Year Sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-19 00:04:34

Dear Art Lovers, For a limited time only we are offering a 10-20% discount on all our works (conditions apply). Come and celebrate the end of the financial year by brightening up your home or corporate interior with a new contemporary aboriginal...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-06-18 13:34:53

The Queen's Birthday this year added two top Aboriginal artists to the roll of honour. John Mawurndjul from Maningrida in Western Arnhemland and Peggy Patrick from the East Kimberley both became Members of the Order of Australia – AMs. Mawurndjul's citation...» Read More


Clifford Possum Japaltjarri

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 20:59:40

For Art Sunday today, a great Australian artist, Clifford Possum Japaltjarri. Clifford Possum was born in 1932 on Napperby Station. He worked extensively as a stockman on the cattle stations in and around his tribal country. At this time he...» Read More


Kuwarita Tjuta Ara Irititja. People today, old stories

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 20:30:24

Outstation and the Western Desert Mob are proud to present this exhibition which features paintings and sculpture by emerging artists from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, Western Australia. Western Desert Mob is a group of six Aboriginal art centres whose artists are producing...» Read More


25 years of artistic vision

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 20:12:42

One of Darwin's best-known art galleries is celebrating its 25th anniversary and is pulling out all the stops to celebrate, with three shows on this weekend. Leading the way is Melbourne painter Judy Holding, who first came to the Territory as...» Read More


Made in Australia: Aboriginal art excites China

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 20:05:20

Art enthusiasts in China have the chance to get their first look at quintessential Aboriginal art. A new exhibition, Papunya Painting: Out Of The Australian Desert, opened at the National Art Museum of China on Wednesday night. Almost 50 works and 18...» Read More


$42 million supports Australia's Indigenous arts, culture and heritage

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 20:05:10

$42 million from five Australian Government programs is supporting over 380 Indigenous arts, culture and heritage projects across Australia, the Minister for Arts and Heritage, Peter Garrett, announced today. "The Australian Government is committed to supporting Indigenous communities through funding for...» Read More


Judy Watson to Exhibit at Shalom Gamarada Ngiyana Yana 2010

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-14 19:59:25

In a huge coup for Shalom Gamarada's sixth annual Ngiyana Yana Aboriginal art exhibition, it has been announced that internationally renowned contemporary Indigenous artist Judy Watson will, for the first time, exhibit at the show -­‐ which runs from 27th...» Read More


The Penny & Tony Coleing Collection of Aboriginal art- at Murrurundi

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-10 18:34:09

Caruana & Reid are pleased to present this selection of works for the Coleings’ collections. Tony is a renowned artist – a painter, printmaker, sculptor and photographer - who can take the credit for discovering and nurturing the talent of...» Read More


Aboriginal art show heads to China

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 19:54:11

Art enthusiasts in China are about to get what for many will be their first look at quintessential Aboriginal art. A new exhibition, Papunya Painting: Out of the Australian Desert, opens at the National Art Museum of China tonight. Almost 50 works,...» Read More


Aboriginal art show heads to China

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 19:53:56

Art enthusiasts in China are about to get what for many will be their first look at quintessential Aboriginal art. A new exhibition, Papunya Painting: Out of the Australian Desert, opens at the National Art Museum of China on Wednesday night. Almost...» Read More


Wanted: Good home for $1.5m Aboriginal art collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 18:55:28

If you are caught in Sydney’s housing squeeze, spare a thought for Gordon and Elaine Pelot-Syron who need a home for around 1,500 seminal Aboriginal artworks, most recently collectively valued at $1.5 million. Entering their temporary warehouse in the old Eveleigh...» Read More


Uluru climb - Garret comments

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 18:53:56

SUBJECTS: Commencement of the resale royalty scheme; CPRS; Uluru climb GARRETT: It is fantastic to be here in Alice Springs today to announce the delivery of significant support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture across a range of...» Read More


Miami's Wynwood art walk offers everything from cheerleaders to Aborigines

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 18:52:24

Downwind at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts (2043 N. Miami Ave., Miami), "The Inspired Dream: Contemporary Aboriginal Art" corrals a dozen artist from Down Under in an exhibit showcasing art inspired by Australia's indigenous belief systems and the region's unique creation...» Read More


Australia’s art market threatened by proposed Superannuation changes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 18:51:34

One of Australia’s leading experts on Australian indigenous art and artists, Susan McCulloch, co-author of the industry authority “McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art”, says the Cooper Review recommendations create a disturbing disparity in allowing APRA-regulated funds to invest in art,...» Read More


Braybrook artist paints on, loud and happy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-09 18:50:06

Emerging Indigenous artists are putting their best work on display as part of the Western Region Indigenous Art Show. Now in its eighth year, the exhibition is part of Reconciliation Week and marks the 40 years since the laws allowing discrimination...» Read More


Marcia Langton's Challenging Portrait

Marcia Langton's Challenging Portrait

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-06-09 13:50:48

The National Portrait Gallery today unveiled a new commissioned portrait of Professor Marcia Langton AM by leading Blak artist Brook Andrew. Andrew was invited to produce a contemporary portrait of Professor Langton. And the result is designed to embody Langton’s...» Read More


Aboriginal galleries unhappy with royalty scheme

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 21:22:06

From ABC Online: An artist-owned Aboriginal art gallery says the Federal Government must make major modifications to its resale royalty scheme for visual artists. Minister for the Arts Peter Garrett is in Alice Springs today to launch the scheme, which kicks off...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Award opens

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 11:55:45

A colourful and diverse range of entries for the ninth annual National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Aboriginal Art Award 2010 was officially opened at the Lismore Regional Gallery on Saturday at 131 Molesworth Street Lismore. The exhibition features works from...» Read More


Indigenous work lauded

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 02:13:06

Every year, Manningham City Council acknowledges National Reconciliation Week with a celebration of indigenous culture and art. This is the fourth year that curator, Megan Cadd, a descendant of the Yorta Yorta people, has participated in Reconciliation Week. In putting Winyarr-Ngu-Bala: Aboriginal...» Read More


Art dealers up in arms over levy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 01:50:48

From the Age: Australian art gallery owners and dealers are in revolt over the federal government's artist resale royalty scheme, which comes into effect on Wednesday. Though many concede the intention was honourable, the effect, they fear, will be dreadful. Prices will...» Read More


2010 Aboriginal Art Award Opening

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 01:45:45

A colourful and diverse range of entries for the ninth annual National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Aboriginal Art Award 2010 will be officially opened at the Lismore Regional Gallery this Saturday 5th June. The exhibition, to be held at 131...» Read More


Aboriginal artists in Sunnyfield project

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 01:41:54

Aboriginal art is helping to raise the confidence and self-esteem of intellectually disabled people on the northern beaches. Non-profit organisation Sunnyfield has just concluded a five-week pilot program at its Frenchs Forest site that brought in Aboriginal artists to work with...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Award opens

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 00:58:03

A colourful and diverse range of entries for the ninth annual National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Aboriginal Art Award 2010 was officially opened at the Lismore Regional Gallery on Saturday at 131 Molesworth Street Lismore. The exhibition features works from...» Read More


Painters will suffer, says art dealer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-08 00:11:11

More concerns about the royalty scheme from Yulparitja artists and Papunya Tula: Just over 10 years ago, Emily Rohr was approached at her Broome gallery by a young indigenous artist named Daniel Walbidi. He told her there were old people in...» Read More


Utopia aboriginal art to Brisbane: June 22nd - 25th

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-07 02:00:07

Mbantua Gallery will have a team in Brisbane from Tuesday 22nd - Friday 25th June showcasing the works by aboriginal artists Lena Pwerle, Jeannie Mills and Gloria Petyarre. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or home show during this...» Read More


OPR Supports Mid-West Aboriginal Artists with ‘Good Heart’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-05 02:03:11

OPR Supports Mid-West Aboriginal Artists with ‘Good Heart’ OPR promoted the development of the inaugural Good Heart Exhibition in 2008, helping to bring the vision of local Aboriginal artists to reality. Through its involvement with the exhibition OPR aims to support mid-west...» Read More


Join the conversation at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-05 01:55:36

Leading Aboriginal artist, curator and academic Dr Brenda Croft and renowned Torres Strait Islander artist Alick Tipoti will lead debate at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair Symposium in August (Saturday 21 August). Presented by Arts Queensland James Cook University, the symposium...» Read More


Arts job: Senior Curator, Aboriginal Art and Material Culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-05 01:51:35

Development of the MAGNT’s Aboriginal art and material culture collection development and maintenance of exhibition programs provision of expert advice and information on matters relating to Indigenous art and culture and involved in planning Telstra Art Awards (NATSIAA). Applications close Friday,...» Read More


Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-04 02:10:10

The third Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair is taking place from the 12 to 14th of August 2010 in Darwin. The Fair coincides with the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, (NATSIAA’S) and the Darwin Festival, a time...» Read More


Aboriginal Art to be placed on display at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-04 01:40:41

Dot paintings from the indigenous Papunya community from National Museum of Austalia's successful 2007-08 exhibition are being sent to an exhibition at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing. The exhibition, Papunya painting: Out of the Austalian Desert, will...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-03 10:51:41

Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery is pleased to present In Our Father’s Eyes: Works by Sisters Tarisse & Sarrita King. In Our Father’s Eyes will portray Tarisse & Sarrita King’s connection, love, and respect for their father, William King (1966-2007),...» Read More


Aboriginal artists in Sunnyfield project

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-02 18:29:30

Aboriginal art is helping to raise the confidence and self-esteem of intellectually disabled people on the northern beaches. Non-profit organisation Sunnyfield has just concluded a five-week pilot program at its Frenchs Forest site that brought in Aboriginal artists to work...» Read More


Exhibition of Quality Aboriginal Art until sold out or 10 June

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-06-01 18:23:51

Exhibition of Quality Aboriginal Art until sold out or 10 June Opens Wednesday 2 June, 6pm Selected works on SALE. HUGE discounts on many selected quality works. BUY 1 - GET THE 2ND HALF PRICE (Second work to be of equal or lesser...» Read More


World comes to new Aboriginal art gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-30 18:35:30

The view may be spectacular, but it's the eclectic range of indigenous art works inside that is drawing visitors from all over the world into the Burrunju Aboriginal Art Gallery at Yarramundi Reach. The gallery is the first of its kind...» Read More


A new Aboriginal Art Gallery in Canberra

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-30 18:33:48

An eclectic range of indigenous art works inside the gallery is drawing visitors from all over the world into the Burrunju Aboriginal Art Gallery at Yarramundi Reach. The gallery is the first of its kind in the region, an indigenous social...» Read More


World comes to new Aboriginal art gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-28 21:02:12

The view may be spectacular, but it's the eclectic range of indigenous art works inside that is drawing visitors from all over the world into the Burrunju Aboriginal Art Gallery at Yarramundi Reach. The gallery is the first of its kind...» Read More


$15,000 Indigenous Art Fellowship on offer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-28 03:30:50

Arts Minister Virginia Judge is urging NSW based indigenous artists to apply for the 2010 Indigenous Arts Fellowship. Ms Judge said the $15,000 award aims to assist an indigenous artist to further develop their career. “As part of the application process, artists...» Read More


Cairns Indigenous Art Fair Symposium 21 August 2010

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-28 00:54:33

Join the conversation at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair Leading Aboriginal artist, curator and academic Dr Brenda Croft and renowned Torres Strait Islander artist Alick Tipoti will lead debate at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair Symposium in August (Saturday 21 August). Presented...» Read More


Sublime Works by Sally Gabori to Open at The Gallery in Cork Street

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-24 23:56:32

LONDON.- With her expressive brushstrokes, tactile layering of paint and expert use of colour, the work of Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori can be described as truly sublime. Jennifer Guerrini Maraldi Art (JGMart) and Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne, in conjunction with Mornington...» Read More


Prisoners reveal their stories in FORM of art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-24 23:43:32

As the old adage goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” and 15 Aboriginal prisoners from Greenough Regional Prison have used brushes to tell their stories. These artworks are now on display at Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery until 23...» Read More


2009 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize to visit local gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-24 23:33:26

The Northern Rivers Community Gallery will host the 2009 Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize. The exhibition begins on Wednesday 26 May, with the official launch on Friday 28 May at 6.00pm. The Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize is...» Read More


What is the fate of Papunya Tula?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-24 23:26:40

The threat of hostile takeover leaves many waiting in anticipation for the fate of Papunya Tula Arts. From the ABC: The Australian Aboriginal Arts industry has been waiting in great anticipation for the fate of Papunya Tula. For the past two weeks...» Read More


Not necessarily for art’s sake

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-24 23:21:23

An ABC report that one of the Centre’s most successful private art dealers has “launched a takoever bid” for the Papunya Tula Co-operative points to an interesting new chapter in the turbulent history of Central Australian Aboriginal art. ........ Is it really...» Read More


San Francisco: Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery at SF Fine Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-21 04:47:27

At the San Francisco Fine Art Fair, Rebecca Hossack will be exhibiting work by the leading contemporary Australian artists David Bromley, Paul Davies, Allyson Reynolds, Richard Allen and Andrew Taylor. Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery was the first gallery in Europe...» Read More


Call for entries, Important Aboriginal Art from Private Collections- June exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-21 04:47:18

The gallery has had consigned a select group of Aboriginal artefacts, sculptures and paintings from three major private collections. For our June exhibition we are looking to augment these works with a small number of important paintings. In recent months...» Read More


Desert art to show in Beijing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-19 22:11:48

From the Age: Dot paintings from the indigenous community of Papunya are heading to the heart of Beijing. In an exercise in cultural diplomacy, packers at the National Museum of Australia spent yesterday sliding paintings from its successful 2007 exhibition into crates...» Read More


Aboriginal art makes the long trek to China

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-19 22:11:42

From the Australian: The works are large and bold. Most were created in the central Australian community of Papunya in the 1970s when the Aboriginal art movement was starting to gather pace. In Canberra yesterday, some of those early pieces were being...» Read More


25 May, Artist Talk by David Garneau

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-19 22:11:36

Australian Aboriginal Art: A Reading Group Artist Talk by David Garneau Visiting Canadian Indigenous Métis artist & curator Apropos Appropriate Appropriations (Art after the Apology) Koorie Heritage Trust, Tuesday, 25 May 2010, 3- 5pm Followed by discussion & coffee. RSVP: reception@koorieheritagetrust.com 295 King Street, Corner...» Read More


Mount Liebig Photography Project 2004; Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Museum; Through August 15

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-18 22:57:50

The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection is one of my favorite places in Charlottesville. I like its serene setting on Pantops, the simplicity of the museum’s purpose, and the way the staff is either unobtrusive or delighted to see me and...» Read More


'Mount Liebig Photography Project 2004' opens at Kluge-Ruhe

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-18 22:57:42

"Mount Liebig Photography Project 2004" will be on display at Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection from May 11 through Aug. 15. An opening reception will be 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday. No reservations are required. In 2004, photographer Simon Davidson visited Amunturrngu,...» Read More


On Track: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Western Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-14 22:54:51

City of Wanneroo Event Monday 7 June - Sunday 27 June 2010 On Track showcases the dynamic development of Western Australian Aboriginal artists' expression over the last decade. The exhibition presents a unique opportunity to view the diversity of regional and artistic...» Read More


Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre at Canopy

Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre at Canopy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-13 19:35:20

Emerging from the rainforest canopy and a culture spanning countless generations, the work of Girringun artists is attracting a lot of attention. The stories and environments of this ancient culture are being transformed into visual images and designs by weavers, painters,...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Reading Group: May meeting

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-11 18:47:22

May meeting: Marcia Langton, “The Art of Being Aboriginal” and Ian McLean “Historicity and Aboriginal Art: How Long Will It Take for Aboriginal Art to Become Modern” May 11, 2010 · Leave a Comment The next Aboriginal Art Reading Group meeting will...» Read More


Desert Mob 2010

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-11 18:43:10

Desert Mob is the premier Indigenous art event showcasing work from Central Australian artists, with an increasing number of national and international collectors and researchers returning each year for the show, to view the exhibition and to purchase. The Araluen Arts...» Read More


Two new art shows feature the work of nonartists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-11 17:31:10

First, I'm hoping to make my way out to Pantops for a show that's opening at Kluge-Ruhe tomorrow. On display will be selections from the Mount Liebig Photography Project 2004, a show by the young people of Amunturrngu in Australia's...» Read More


‘Jukurrpa – Our Story’ – Warlukurlangu Artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-11 17:11:00

Tandanya is excited to present ‘Jukurrpa – Our Story’, an exhibition from the Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation. Warlukurlangu Artists was established in 1985, and is recognised as one of the most significant Aboriginal art centres in Australia. Specialising in the...» Read More


Lowanna by Aboriginal Artist of the Year Wayne Quilliam

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-11 17:07:07

Tuesday May 11 2010 Media Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute presents Lowanna by Aboriginal Artist of the Year Wayne Quilliam Tandanya is proud to present the NAIDOC Artist of the Year Wayne Quilliam and his international...» Read More


Collecting the Dots

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-09 17:40:20

From ArtNews May 2010 In a few decades, the seemingly abstract compositions of Australia's aboriginal artists have moved from body painting and sand mosaics to board to acrylics on canvas—and to the walls of major museums by Carly Berwick Bush raisins grow in...» Read More


“Urban Aboriginal Art – A Survey Show 2010”

“Urban Aboriginal Art – A Survey Show 2010”

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-08 18:15:30

Australian Indigenous art is not all that we had imagined it to be. When one thinks of Aboriginal art, a genre driven by a nomadic way of life, one thinks of watering holes and an ancient form of communicating. The...» Read More


“Urban Aboriginal Art – A Survey Show 2010”

“Urban Aboriginal Art – A Survey Show 2010”

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-08 18:02:21

Australian Indigenous art is not all that we had imagined it to be. When one thinks of Aboriginal art, a genre driven by a nomadic way of life, one thinks of watering holes and an ancient form of communicating. The...» Read More


The Inspired Dream | Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-07 21:39:12

Miami, Florida/March 2010 - Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts is pleased to announce the opening of The Inspired Dream | Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art on Saturday, May 8th during the Wynwood Art District Second Saturday Gallery Walk. A reception...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-05-07 14:37:14

Johnnny Warangkula Tjupurulla (1918 - 2001) was one of the outstanding artists in the Aboriginal art movement. Warangkula was born around 1925 at Mintjilpirri, south of Lake Mackay. Close by is his major dreaming site Tjilkari. His mother was of...» Read More


Art News: The Rise of Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-06 17:35:03

This May, we examine the thriving, complex market for art made by artists from Arab and North African countries. We talk to Rona Pondick, who mixes animal body parts with her own to create hybrids that are at once sublime...» Read More


McCulloch’s contemporary Aboriginal Art – the complete guide

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-06 06:05:50

Rebecca Cannon reviews McCulloch’s contemporary Aboriginal Art – the complete guide: If you’re planning a trip across outback Australia and want to visit contemporary Aboriginal artists and co-ops, or if you simply have an interest in contemporary Australian Aboriginal art, there’s...» Read More


Art set to celebrate spirit

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-06 06:03:32

A Bundaberg artist’s recent exhibition has led her to launch a state-wide Aboriginal art festival and competition in her home town. Nicole Wone said she was inspired to hold the inaugural Yoorellgoo Bundaberg Aboriginal Art Festival, featuring an art competition as...» Read More


Death of John Bulun Bulun

Death of John Bulun Bulun

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-05-05 15:29:20

Johnny Bulun Bulun was born in 1946 just after the Second World War near the Arafura Swamp of Central Arnhem Land. When he was older, his family moved to the nearby mission in Milingimbi so that he could attend school....» Read More


Aboriginal art lecture series

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-04 23:16:02

An introduction to Aboriginal art and culture Wednesdays, 23 June – 11 August 2010 6–7pm Centenary Auditorium, Lower Level 1 This six-part course, presented by Jonathan Jones, curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art at the Art Gallery of NSW, introduces the...» Read More


Collecting Australian Aboriginal Art by Marie Geissler

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-04 06:05:02

Marie Geissler tells us how now is a great time to start investing in Aboriginal art: Today, however with the impact of the global financial meltdown being all pervasive, sales in all sectors – including Aboriginal art – have dropped. Within...» Read More


How One Art Teacher Changed the Destiny of the Aboriginal People

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-04 05:57:07

Mata H talks about the history of the Aboriginal Art and the role of Geoffrey Barden in bringing it to the world: In the 1970s, Geoffrey Barden was a young art teacher in Australia. He taught art at a few country...» Read More


Multicultural Events Calendar Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-04 05:54:26

Etched in the Sun Organized by: Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection Date and Time: exhibit runs January 12-May 2; Tuesday – Saturday (10 AM - 4 PM), Sunday (1 - 5 pm) Free Guided Tour: Sat. 10:30AM Location: Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Suzun Bennet

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-04 05:51:51

The story of Suzun Bennet, an Australian who wanted to set up an Aboriginal Art business in New York City but instead ended up in real estate Hailing from Australia, Bennet arrived in the Big Apple six weeks before the 9/11...» Read More


Opening this evening: Johnny Warangkula Tjupurulla 1925 - 2001

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-03 22:57:46

I am delighted to invite you to a rare exhibition of paintings by one of the founding masters of the Aboriginal art movement, Johnny Warangkula Tjupurulla (or Johnnny W, as he is affectionately known). The show opens...» Read More


Saturday | Aboriginal inspirations

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-03 21:37:15

ART EXHIBIT ABORIGINAL INSPIRATIONS See Ngaminya by Ningura Napurrula and works by several other artists at the opening of The Inspired Dream: Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art , running through July 6. Details: Opening reception 7:30-10 p.m. at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, 2043 N....» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-02 23:17:49

Australian Aboriginal art has always been a huge inspiration in my abstract artwork. I love indigenous art from cultures all over the world, but Aboriginal art always held a certain attraction for me – the colors, the patterns, and the...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art: Ancient Culture Reborn

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-02 05:57:23

As part of the Penola Coonawarra Arts Festival, enjoy a rare opportunity to view some treasures of the Rodney Gooch collection, as well as works from private Australian and International collectors. Rymill Coonawarra, Riddoch Highway, Coonawarra, SA. During the month of May,...» Read More


Art Fair Celebrates Australia's Aboriginal Culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-01 23:06:58

Those who want to experience something distinct and unique in Australia will appreciate the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, which returns for a second year from August 19-22. The Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is an annual boutique art market for showcasing the...» Read More


2010 NPWS Aboriginal Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-01 23:05:09

2The National Parks and Wildlife Service Northern Rivers Region Aboriginal Art Award, now worth $6,500 in prize money, will be held in collaboration with Lismore Regional Gallery from the 5th June to 10th July 2010. The Award is open to...» Read More


"Parisian perspectives on Australian Art", an article by Rosemary Willink

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-05-01 23:04:54

An important question facing European galleries today is: how to exhibit contemporary indigenous works, whose inspiration is not founded on the western tradition, and present these works to a European audience. Australian art is visible in France both in museums...» Read More


Pre-Selection Underway to Select Telstra Art Award Finalists

Pre-Selection Underway to Select Telstra Art Award Finalists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-30 10:34:52

Pre-selection for the 27th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award is underway at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) this week. Telstra Art Award curator Kate Podger said MAGNT and Telstra were...» Read More


Rare and elegant art wins buyers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-27 23:14:48

Rival auctioneers rolled up to the Armadale showroom to watch Goodman take to the Sotheby's podium, among them Deutscher-Menzies' national head of art, Tim Abdallah, and Deutscher and Hackett's head of Aboriginal art, Crispin Gutteridge, and head auctioneer Anita Archer. The...» Read More


Tiwi art takes centre stage for opening of new gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-24 09:55:33

The new art gallery at Charles Darwin University will open this week with an exhibition of Tiwi Island art. NT Administrator Tom Pauling will open the new Art Gallery at Charles Darwin University. The gallery's first's exhibition, Jilamara: Looking back, looking forward...» Read More


All artists welcome to join in new group

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-24 09:53:49

In her new role as the Outback Arts Regional Indigenous Cultural Development Officer (RICDO) for the Lightning Ridge district, Karin Thurston has established a group for artists. The group meets at the CDEP rooms on Shincracker Street every Friday from 9am...» Read More


Big name, big art, big chance

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-24 09:49:24

The National Parks and Wildlife Service Northern Rivers Region Aboriginal Art Award has one of the longest names in art history. Maybe we can just call it the NPWSNRRAAA… yes, that’s better. Anyway, the NPWSNRRAAA is in its ninth year and...» Read More


5 By 5 at Menier Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-24 09:47:58

Contemporary Modern Australian Art (COMODAA) will premiere new and recent works by Australian artists in London this spring with an exhibition entitled 5 By 5. The exhibition, running from 27th May until 5th June 2010 at The Menier Gallery in...» Read More


Innate Calling

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-24 09:42:35

The Dreamers celebrates the lives and outstanding work of eight distinguished Aboriginal artists who have contributed significantly to Australia’s cultural landscape through their creative endeavors. The exhibition is drawn exclusively from the Art Gallery of New South Wales’s collection, and...» Read More


Moral Lip Service: Government's Hard Hit at the Art Market is a Soft Form of Redress

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-23 09:46:58

Since the 1970s, a significant rise in Indigenous rights debates and protocols on the world stage has occurred in tandem with dramatic growth in the appreciation of Aboriginal art. Over the same period the federal government has introduced legislation and...» Read More


Tangentyere Artists - The Story Belonging to Us

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-22 03:45:53

Tangentyere Artists is an Australian Aboriginal Art Centre, owned and directed by Tangentyere Council. The enterprise represents artists from the 18 Alice Springs town camp communities who produce acrylic paintings and local seed jewellery. A defining feature of this product...» Read More


NPWS Aboriginal Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-21 09:35:51

One of the Northern Rivers Region’s most prestigious art prizes is once again set to build community bridges and celebrate local art. Now entering its ninth year the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Northern Rivers Region Aboriginal Art Award this...» Read More


Dutch Icons of Aboriginal art on Show

Dutch Icons of Aboriginal art on Show

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-04-20 21:01:29

Aboriginal art today! provides a fascinating overview of the evolution of contemporary Aboriginal art from its beginnings in1971 right up to its most recent developments. What is particularly significant is that all the works featured in this exhibition come from...» Read More


Australasian Arts Projects Presents The Utopia Story The art and artists of Utopia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-19 12:20:33

Australasian Arts Projects is a regionally focused arts production company, newly established to entertain, inform and educate the general public about art, artists and artistic practice. Initially based in Singapore, Australasian Arts Projects is delighted to present its first event...» Read More


Curator Announced for Telstra Art Award

Curator Announced for Telstra Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-14 17:40:11

The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) and Principal Sponsor Telstra are pleased to announce Kate Podger as the curator for the 27th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award. Kate has worked in the Indigenous...» Read More



Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-04-14 16:08:38

Arts Minister Peter Garrett announced on April 7th that Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) was the successful tenderer to act as the collecting society to implement and administer the resale royalty scheme for visual artists. “CAL has 20 years experience collecting and...» Read More


Nomad Art Gallery - Manuka, A.C.T - Now Open!

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-08 17:48:17

Nomad Art Gallery Shop 11, M Centre Palmerston Lane Manuka, A.C.T. Tel: 61 2 6162 1512 canberra@nomadart.com.au www.nomadart.com.au Nomad Art Gallery - Manuka, A.C.T - Now Open! Where: Shop 11, M Centre, Palmerston Lane, Manuka, A.C.T Open: Tuesday to Thursday 10 – 5,...» Read More


Anmanari Brown & Tjayangka Woods

Anmanari Brown & Tjayangka Woods

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-08 15:52:07

This exhibition marks Anmanari Brown and Tjayanka Woods’s first co solo exhibition in their intense painting careers, with a new body of work focussing on the Kungkarrakalpa, or Seven Sisters Tjukurpa. Anmanari Brown and Tjayanka Woods are two of the four...» Read More


Exploring Aboriginal Art Prints with Dean Dass

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-01 15:12:07

Dean Dass, Professor of Studio Art at the University of Virginia, will explore Aboriginal art prints in the exhibition Etched in the Sun: Prints by Australian Indigenous Artists on Thursday, April 1, at 7:00 pm at the Kluge-Ruhe Collection. Dass...» Read More


Indigenous art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-01 14:54:03

The Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize (long name but a rich art prize) is awarded to a NSW Aboriginal artist . The prize is $20,000. Yeeha! And the winning work is bought by the Parliament of New South Wales. For...» Read More


New museum catalogue published in April

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-01 08:31:29

Simultanously with the opening of Aboriginal art today! our new museum catalogue will be released. The richly illustrated book entitled Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Dutch collections at AAMU provides an extensive overview of Aboriginal art, based on Dutch collections only, from...» Read More


As of April 21: new exhibition Aboriginal art today!

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-01 08:24:15

Aboriginal art today! provides those who are keen to know more about this young and dynamic art movement a fascinating overview of the evolution of contemporary Aboriginal art from around 1970 right up to the most recent developments. The various...» Read More


Blood River

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-04-01 08:18:07

New Works by Joanne Currie Nalingu Opening Tuesday 6th of April at 6pm 6th of April - 1st May 2010 Blood River Louise Martin-Chew February 2010 Joanne Currie was born and spent her earliest childhood years at an Aboriginal mission just outside Mitchell, on...» Read More


Australian Trilogy: Dennis Nona, Abie Loy Kemarre, GW Bot

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-31 20:29:53

Spring 2010 is upon us and we will begin on a journey to the heart of 6, Mandel. This special journey will take us to the antipodes of Paris where we will discover three Australian artists of international fame - Dennis Nona,...» Read More


Aboriginal art sale draws artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-31 13:46:33

Fairymead House is about to get a whole new collection with some of the biggest names in Australian art – but this time, they will be for sale. Paintings and artworks by Albert Namatjira, Walter Ebaterinja, Pro Hart and David Badcock...» Read More


‘Ngamu nu la ngurra ra kujupa – Bringing Cultures Together’

‘Ngamu nu la ngurra ra kujupa – Bringing Cultures Together’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-30 20:09:18

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is proud to announce the 2nd Singaporean show of innovative works of the Martumili Artists. Following on from last year’s first ever, sell out, international show we will be exhibiting the latest and most exciting works from...» Read More


Aboriginal artist goes to Oxford University

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-29 13:51:14

The 32 year old Bidjara artist from SW Queensland, Christian Bumbarra Thompson has been announced as one of the first two Aborigines to go to study at Oxford University. Working mainly in Melbourne in recent years, and operating mostly in photography...» Read More


First Friday Lecture: Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-27 14:05:44

First Friday Lecture: Australian Aboriginal Art Friday, Apr 2 11:00a to 12:00p at Seattle Art Museum Downtown, Seattle, WA Phone: (206) 654-3137 SAM's Curator of Art of Africa and Oceania discusses how a contemporary art movement has emerged from one of the world's...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Exhibition – Seasons Greetings Opens Blackheath

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-27 14:04:41

Aboriginal Art Exhibition – Seasons Greetings Opens Blackheath 26 March 6pm March 23rd, 2010 Blue Mountains seasons… Aboriginal perspectives An exhibition of mixed media work in progress lino cuts & prints, painting, photography, audio & dance on video Opens Friday 26 March @...» Read More


Buyers show restraint

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-27 13:56:49

The art auction year got off to a hesitant start in Melbourne on Wednesday night, indicating that it was still very much a buyers' market - and that buyers were treading warily. In the year's first big auction, Deutscher and Hackett...» Read More


Collaboration etched in the desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-26 13:58:18

How to track the rhythmic dotting of a desert artist, hand poised close above the canvas? How to convey the smooth, floating line of an East Kimberley master or the fine, cross-hatched brushstrokes of a bark painter from north Arnhem...» Read More


Outsider, aboriginal art in Springs show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-25 15:01:15

Despite the hundreds of assorted exhibitions that take place each year in scores of museums and galleries along the Front Range, certain types of art, for unexplained reasons, remain scarce. Two of the most notable such examples are outsider and Australian...» Read More


The Modrogorje Gallery Affair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-25 14:06:27

A Croatian gallery owner in Katoomba has been forced to abandon her home in the face of death threats and vandalism after inciting the rage of the local Aboriginal community. Vesna Tenodi commissioned art teacher, Benedikt Osvath to carve the 8.5...» Read More


Aboriginal family donates 'Possum Dreaming' to the Canberra Hospital

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-25 13:57:46

ACT Minister for Health, Katy Gallagher MLA, today accepted the artwork ‘Possum Dreaming' from an Aboriginal family, which has donated the painting as a way of thanking Canberra Hospital staff for the culturally sensitive care, commitment and professionalism provided to...» Read More


"Ngamu nu la ngurra ra kujupa" – Bringing Cultures Together

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-24 17:46:20

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is proud to announce the 2nd Singaporean show of innovative works of the Martumili Artists. Following on from last year’s first ever, sell out, international show we will be exhibiting the latest and most exciting works from...» Read More


"Ngamu nu la ngurra ra kujupa" – Bringing Cultures Together

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-24 15:59:00

ReDot Fine Art Gallery is proud to announce the 2nd Singaporean show of innovative works of the Martumili Artists. Following on from last year’s first ever, sell out, international show we will be exhibiting the latest and most exciting works from...» Read More


China, Australia sign MOU on reciprocal years of culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-24 15:00:29

The Year of Australian Culture in China, the opening ceremony of which is scheduled for June 8 in the National Center for the Performing Arts, lasts from June 2010 to June 2011. It will be a showcase of cooperation between China...» Read More


First Friday Lecture: Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-22 15:02:16

Friday, Apr 2 11:00a to 12:00p at Seattle Art Museum Downtown, Seattle, WA Phone: (206) 654-3137 SAM's Curator of Art of Africa and Oceania discusses how a contemporary art movement has emerged from one of the world's oldest living cultures. Pam McClusky's...» Read More


Firestick sculptures light the way

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-22 14:55:30

Far north Queensland indigenous artists are taking a new approach to traditional artefacts THE reaction to the first showing of ceramics by the Girringun artists of Cardwell, in far north Queensland, was overwhelming. "We were mobbed," says Valerie Keenan, manager of the...» Read More


Museum Victoria: 2010 Lecture Series, Indigenous Cultures Department

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-21 15:16:03

When: 1pm – 2pm, last Tuesday of every month, February to November, 2010 Where: The Discovery Centre, Lower Ground Floor, Melbourne Museum The Indigenous Cultures Department of Museum Victoria is launching a monthly lecture series in February 2010 entitled Culture and History....» Read More


Art battle turns ugly as Aborigines condemn sculpture's sacred image

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-21 15:03:10

"This is the most beautiful thing that has been done for Aboriginal people," a Blue Mountains gallery owner, Vesna Tenodi, says. "They should be thanking me, but instead I get yelled at wherever I go." Tenodi is the owner, together with...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art and the contemporary gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-20 14:00:25

Colin Laverty speaks on Beyond Sacred - Australian Aboriginal art and why it belongs in contemporary galleries + institutions and not ethnographic + anthropological museums. Colin and Elizabeth Laverty began collecting Aboriginal art twenty years ago, and their collection has been...» Read More


Indigenous art in Nundah

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-19 15:14:28

Art enthusiasts can view the works of nationally renowned indigenous artists at Centred Art Gallery from March 19 to May 1. The gallery’s latest exhibition is titled Senior Desert Artists and owner Rene Dings said the art on display was...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-03-18 12:53:49

The 32 year old Bidjara artist from SW Queensland, Christian Bumbarra Thompson has been announced as one of the first two Aborigines to go to study at Oxford University. Working mainly in Melbourne in recent years, and operating mostly in...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-03-18 09:49:22

It's been a bad time for Aboriginal art – far too many deaths of the Old People have occurred, the artists who often saw no white people until their maturity and are painting the deserts and their stories first hand....» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-03-13 16:46:31

I was drawn to this gorgeous and important book, 'We Are One' by the prospect of Damien Hirst – the English artist infamous for his crazy concepts like a floating shark or a diamond encrusted skull – sharing his...» Read More


13th Annual West Hollywood Art & Design Walk

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-11 17:30:10

On March 26th & 27th our gallery will be a part of the 13th Annual West Hollywood Art & Design Walk event. This year, the event will be held in conjunction with Westweek at the Pacific Design Center. A must-see event...» Read More



Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-03-11 14:47:49

Registration is now open for art dealers, agents, galleries and arts centres to register their interest in becoming signatories to the Indigenous Australian Art Commercial Code of Conduct. Arts Minister, Peter Garrett, congratulated the Code Administration Committee on their efforts to...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-03-04 09:53:22

Upon seeing the painting 1957 #20 by Mark Rothko at the National Gallery of Australia, Rover Thomas, the star of the original group of East Kimberley painters, asked: ‘Who’s that bugger who paints like me?’. Rothko himself was not averse...» Read More


The rainforest travels to Hahndorf

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-03-02 06:16:50

THE ARTISTRY OF JAWUN: Neriba Gallasch, Abe Muriata, Erima Gallasch and Sarenah Gallasch at the opening of Bi-cornual Artistry at the Tineriba Gallery in Hahndorf, South Australia. Photo Girringun Aboriginal Corporation. VIEWING THE JAWUN: Artist Abe Muriata, Gallery Director...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-02-25 16:45:45

The Northern Territory's Togart Contemporary Art Award is one of Australia’s richest contemporary art awards and entries are now open until 15th March. The annual Award is open to all artists who base their practice within the Northern Territory or whose...» Read More


Tjukurpa Pulkatjara - The Power of the Law

Tjukurpa Pulkatjara - The Power of the Law

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-02-12 23:15:49

The South Australian Museum in association with Ananguku Arts and Culture Aboriginal Corporation proudly invites you to the opening of Tjukurpa Pulkatjara – the Power of the Law. Wednesday March 3 @ 6 pm South Australian Museum The 50th Adelaide Festival includes...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-02-10 15:30:02

David Elliott, director of the 17th Biennale of Sydney later this year, scratched an old sore today in launching his forthcoming feast of visual arts by asserting that “all art is folk art”. As a major feature of his BOS...» Read More


McCulloch's Aboriginal Art @ Flinders 2010: A Summer Exhibition from The Lands

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-02-09 10:55:40

A wide variety of more than 55 new and vibrant Aboriginal artworks as well as baskets, books, jewellery and more from the APY Lands, Utopia, Kintore, Yuendumu, the Canning Stock Route and the Tiwi Islands. Opening drinks: Thurs. Feb 18 6-8pm Curators...» Read More


Sorry: More than a Word

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-02-09 00:19:31

National Australia Bank together with the Aboriginal Artist of the Year Wayne Quilliam is pleased to host the photographic exhibition "Sorry: More than a Word" to commemorate the second anniversary of the Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples. The popular exhibition opened...» Read More


Soul of the outback

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-02-04 19:32:16

Samuel Namunjdja walks into the gallery barefoot, bearing two paintings on bark; abstract works in ochre of lines and dots representing stories from Aboriginal mythology. He is one of the gallery’s rising stars. Namunjdja’s paintings hang in galleries and private collections...» Read More


Soul of the outback

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-02-04 19:32:16

Samuel Namunjdja walks into the gallery barefoot, bearing two paintings on bark; abstract works in ochre of lines and dots representing stories from Aboriginal mythology. He is one of the gallery’s rising stars. Namunjdja’s paintings hang in galleries and private collections...» Read More


Djambawa Marawili Receives an AM

Djambawa Marawili Receives an AM

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2010-02-04 09:07:19

The Yolgnu community of Eastern Arnhemland and art lovers widely are celebrating the recognition of the Madarrpa clan leader, Buku-Larrngay Arts Chairman and ANKAAA Chairman, Djambawa Marawili, who received a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of...» Read More


New developments for ABORIGINAL ART

New developments for ABORIGINAL ART

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-01-13 13:04:13

www.idaia.com.au Specialising in International Development for Australian Indigenous Art IDAIA is dedicated to the development of a quality and ethical Australian Indigenous art among international audiences. ACQUISITION Advising and sourcing works for acquisition projects EXHIBITION Organising exhibition projects for overseas galleries and institutions EDUCATION Developing educational programs...» Read More


The shifting centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2010-01-02 23:28:49

A fascinating article by Nicolas Rothwell on the shifting of the Aboriginal art industry out of Alice Springs, looking primarily at Papunya Tula and Desart: But the contours of the central Australian art world map are changing fast in the wake...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-23 15:25:23

Club 21 and tjala Aboriginal Art are proud to bring, for the first time, to Singapore, an exhibition of evocative and outstanding aboriginal art work from the artists of Bulgul, a remote area 200km Southwest of Darwin, in Australia’s stark...» Read More


New Year, New Home – Stock Room Show 2010

New Year, New Home – Stock Room Show 2010

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-22 16:40:32

The ReDot Fine Art Gallery will start 2010 in a new venue. After almost 6 years in the charming Everton Road shophouse, ReDot Gallery is moving to new premises. From the 1st of January 2010, our increasing collection will...» Read More


The ReDot Fine Art Gallery will start 2010 in a new venue.

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-22 16:12:51

The ReDot Fine Art Gallery will start 2010 in a new venue. After almost 6 years in the charming Everton Road shophouse, ReDot Gallery is moving to new premises. From the 1st of January 2010, our increasing collection will...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-12-20 18:40:07

New York's mighty Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of those institutions that take to new trends at what might (before global warming) have been called glacial speed! So the appearance of a 14-canvas showing of Aboriginal art is both...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-12-15 21:09:24

“For better or worse, it is the strangest and most beautiful show of abstract paintings I have seen in a long time”. The Sydney Morning Herald's art critic, Terence Maloon was bemusedly describing his response to the first ever commercial...» Read More


Warrnambool Home Lifestyle Show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-12 15:03:14

Nerissa Major will be having a display of her Unique Affordable Local Koori Aboriginal Art, Gifts and Gemstone Jewellery. Site...» Read More


Lake Bolac Eel Festival

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-12 14:59:32

Nerissa Major will be having a display of her Unique Affordable Local Koori Aboriginal...» Read More


Nerissa Major's Artworks

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-12-12 14:55:38

A Unique Affordable Collection of Local Koori Aboriginal Art by Local Koori Artist Nerissa...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-12-02 09:18:33

It doesn't often hit the headlines, but the Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (to give its proper name) in Adelaide has been plugging away at the job of showing the world through Aboriginal eyes for 20 years now. I assume...» Read More


Kwementyay Stockman passed away

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-29 04:20:08

We have sadly confirmed that Utopia artist Kwementyay* Stockman was killed in a single vehicle roll over on Saturday 21st November 2009. Kwementyay was one of few young high profile aboriginal artists with what seemed a bright future ahead of...» Read More



Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-11-28 19:14:55

While all else in Parliament was in chaos, the Senate quietly passed the Resale Royalty for Visual Artists Act 2009 on Thursday November 26th. Not that it comes into effect until the Queen has signed off on it (date unknown),...» Read More


Stunning patterns emerge from circles, dots, lines

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-26 15:34:20

It was not until the second half of the 20th century that Aboriginal art gained true international recognition. This is staggering, especially when considering the long history and rich culture of Indigenous Australians; but the explanation is simple. Not until...» Read More


Sky's the limit at $1.38m

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-26 15:31:32

Sotheby's posted the week's best auction result - bringing in a total of $7.36 million (including commissions) on Monday night, and another $2 million on Tuesday at its Aboriginal art sale. As the week drew to an end, Tim Goodman, the...» Read More


McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art Updated 2009 Edition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-26 15:18:49

It’s arrived! McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art Updated 2009 Edition After selling out its first print run in bookshops and galleries in under a year, the eagerly awaited new edition of Australia’s top selling art guide book McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete...» Read More


New McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art has arrived!

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-25 11:04:17

McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art Updated 2009 Edition After selling out its first print run in bookshops and galleries in under a year, the eagerly awaited new edition of Australia’s top selling art guide book McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-11-23 15:29:48

There aren't many art shows that could place side by side paintings, carvings, sculpture and weaving by a disparate of artists such as John Mawurndjul and John Olsen, the late Lofty Bardayal Nadjmirrik and James Gleeson, the Tjampi weavers and...» Read More


It's hammer time for Sotheby's

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-20 15:40:13

It IS the end of an era for Sotheby's art auction house as it heads into its final sales for the year - a tough year marked by falling profits, the global financial crisis, and an audacious takeover by an...» Read More


Kaminabend mit Tarisse and Sarrita King

Kaminabend mit Tarisse and Sarrita King

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-17 18:37:18

ÜBACH-PALENBERG Liebe Aborginal Art Freunde, Es ist uns eine grosse Freude und Ehre, Gastgeber sein zu dürfen für die frisch aus Paris eingetroffenen und gefeierten „King Sisters“ - die indigenen Künstlerinnen aus Australien - Sarrita und Tarisse King, die...» Read More


Kaminabend mit Sarrita and Tarisse King

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-17 16:31:43

ÜBACH-PALENBERG Liebe Aborginal Art Freunde, Es ist uns eine grosse Freude und Ehre, Gastgeber sein zu dürfen für die frisch aus Paris eingetroffenen und gefeierten „King Sisters“ - die indigenen Künstlerinnen aus Australien - Sarrita und Tarisse King, die...» Read More


Find a Dream at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-17 16:16:55

Women’s imaginative thoughts and desires are celebrated in Dreams, on show at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery from 5 - 29 November 2009. The annual Aboriginal women’s exhibition features the work of Shirley Amos, Euphemia Bostock, Tracey Bostock, Charmaine Davis, Joy Duncan,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-11-16 11:38:59

Helen McCarthy Tyalmuty is an Aboriginal/Irish woman from the Daly Rivermouth, south of Darwin. But her painting identity is solely with her mother's Wadjigan tribe, specifically the Batjamal language group, from whom she inherited the mud crab as her totem....» Read More


ART Sense launches in Cairns

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-14 20:33:13

A new Aboriginal art sales service and community development organisation has been founded in Cairns, with a second office set to open in Alice Springs. General Manager Tim Cram said four years of development had gone into the ARTSense business model,...» Read More


How can I visit a remote Aboriginal Art Centre?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-14 15:27:30

Many people write in asking about visiting an Aboriginal Art Centre in remote desert Australia. There is information on the Desart website that can help you with all of the questions related to this type of enquiry. Desart suggests you contact the...» Read More


Important aboriginal art collection for private sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-14 15:27:30

Welcome to this fine aboriginal art collection to be offered by individual lots or offers to be considered for the purchase of the entire collection. Accumulated over 14 years, each painting has detailed provenance documents available for actual perusal by...» Read More


High Profile Aboriginal Artists to Exhibit at Ayers Rock Resort

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-14 15:22:41

The artists Bessie Nakamarra Sims and her daughters, Wendy Nungarrayai Brown and Alma Nungarrayai Granites will be painting and exhibiting their art among other artists work from Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation of Yuendumu, a not-for-profit organisation of more than 600...» Read More


Alice Springs, city of fraud

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-13 15:24:06

Dishonest employees have allegedly fleeced more than $600,000 from a range of Alice Springs businesses. Police said they had seen a disturbing trend where a large number of workers in the town had been duping their bosses of tens of thousands...» Read More


Jung's Secret Book, Aboriginal Paintings, and Mandalas

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-09 15:27:26

Very interesting article, here is an excerpt: But Is It Art? Here I want to make the case that we should not look at Australian Aboriginal paintings, Jung's visionary drawings (1902-1913), or Tibetan mandalas as art, for to do so is reductive. ...» Read More


Desert Knowledge makes $34m funding bid

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-07 15:43:54

The Desert Knowledge Co-operative Research Centre is hoping three projects aimed at understanding and responding to the needs of remote Aboriginal people will help it secure long-term funding. The projects are part of a new bid the centre is making in...» Read More


Art and Meaning

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-07 15:35:20

John Perreault’s popular blog, Artopia, has a recent posting that brings together a disparate variety of themes. Braided into Perreault’s personal ruminations is reference to “Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya”, the aboriginal art show at Grey...» Read More


Thomas Ray Ahwang

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-11-07 09:48:55

THOMAS RAY AHWANG At Pandanus Gallery, Palm Cove Saturday, 14 November, 2009 from 2 – 5pm Thomas is a Torres Straits Islander born in December, 1974. A precocious child, primary school did not satisfy his yearning and craving to learn, establishing a...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-10-28 16:27:25

I first spotted Gunybi Ganambarr's powers of innovation at the Melbourne Art Fair a couple of years ago. Out of nowhere, seemingly, a bold black and white bark lit up the Annandale Galleries stall. A year later, he was recognised...» Read More


Sale on Australian Aboriginal art - 25% off

Sale on Australian Aboriginal art - 25% off

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-28 01:41:12

This sale, which includes all of Aboriginals: Art of the First Person's tribal art inventory, also includes several pieces of Australian Aboriginal art, all acquired prior to 2001, with some works acquired in 1979. These are works in our personal...» Read More


Aboriginal Art for sale in Paris

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-25 19:35:46

From Paris Daily Photo: Today (Sunday) the auction house Gaïa will sell Aboriginal art at 60 rue de Richelieu, very close to my house. I went to see it today, for after my trip down under I really fell in love...» Read More


From a Primitive Present

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-24 05:37:31

By Melik Kaylan from the Wall Street Journal: Imagine that you could travel back in time to meet a Stone Age hunter-gatherer, that you could hand him a paintbrush and ask him to paint something on a board or canvas—not warpaint...» Read More


Adelaide Festival unveils its line-up

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-23 18:51:33

ADELAIDE Festival director Paul Grabowsky aimed straight for "The Heart" with the poster and program for next year's 50th anniversary Adelaide Festival. US jazz great Wayne Shorter, an international opera production of Le Grand Macabre, the London Sinfonietta and Australia's indigenous...» Read More


Residents to kick up their heels

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-23 08:21:36

In keeping with the spirit of reconciliation that is spreading over the nation, Coorabell Hall Association members decided they wanted to do something to recognise the Bundjalung people. “Everyone speaks the words,” said association president George Lewin. “But we thought, how better...» Read More


Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery opens in West Hollywood

Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery opens in West Hollywood

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-22 07:31:12

Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery is pleased to announce it's second location in West Hollywood, CA. Their opening night which was held on September 24th, 2009 proved to be a great success and the gallery will be featuring an exhibition...» Read More


Jeannie Petyarre: Medicine Leaves

Jeannie Petyarre: Medicine Leaves

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-22 03:46:51

Jeannie Petyarre (Pitjara) was born in c.1951 on the Boundary Bore Outstation of Utopia, Aboriginal Art Regions of Central Australia. She is the sister to well known artists Greeny Purvis Petyarre, Evelyn Pultara, Rosemary Petyarre and Anna Price Petyarre. Her...» Read More


Richard Bell: I Am Not Sorry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-19 15:18:03

Australia’s foremost – and most controversial – Aboriginal artist exhibits his work for the first time in New York A Location One International Fellowship exhibition curated by Maura Reilly OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, 8 October 2009, 6–8 PM DATES: 9 October 2009 – 25 November...» Read More


Dunkeld Mosiac, Nerissa Major's Art Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-10-03 12:54:56

Some Local Koori Stories 11.30am & 2.30pm Cost $3 per person Also Available a Large range of Unique Affordable Local Aboriginal Artworks (Traditional, Dot, Modern, Contemporary, Abstract, Landscape and Sculpture), Emu Egg and Wood Art, Handmade Gifts and Gemstone Jewellery....» Read More


Dunkeld Open Galleries and Gardens, Nerissa Major's Art Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-18 17:46:04

Some Local Koori Stories 2.30pm Cost $3 per person Also Available a Large range of Unique Affordable Local Aboriginal Artworks (Traditional, Dot, Modern, Contemporary, Abstract, Landscape and Sculpture), Emu Egg and Wood Art, Handmade Gifts and Gemstone Jewellery. All created...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-09-11 18:23:51

Menagerie is back in town! The 3-D show that began life in Sydney in 2009 spread across two venues - the Australian Museum and Object Gallery, has returned from its travels to Sydney. But it's all in one place this...» Read More


Potomac River dreaming

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-10 16:52:46

Renda Croft had a clear purpose in mind when she chose Culture Warriors as the title of the first triennial of contemporary Aboriginal art presented by the National Gallery of Australia. She wanted to pay tribute to the 30...» Read More


NSW Art Gallery renovation mixes old and really old

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-09 17:47:27

Barry Pearce, head curator of Australian Art, said an extremely important addition to the works of the great masters was Indigenous art. “We are going to surprise people and bring some old Aboriginal art back in to the gallery,” he said. The...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-09-09 00:18:07

The Tiwi people who drove the first White colonialists off their remote Melville Island (80kms north of Darwin) less than 5 years after they tried to establish a fort there are enjoying yet more schadenfreude as their ancient burial poles...» Read More


Last hurrah for old man of brush Tommy Watson

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-08 07:10:55

It was only about a decade ago that Tommy Watson, already an old man, first turned his hand to art. His career took off at once. His works were eagerly sought by collectors, breaking records at auction and establishing him as...» Read More


Aboriginal art master puts on final public show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-06 07:05:09

Aboriginal artist Yannima Tommy Watson is a man of few words, but his vibrant works literally shout at audiences from the Muse du Quai Branly in Paris and Australia's most prestigious art galleries. The man widely regarded as Australia's most distinguished...» Read More


Life and art in the sky, Part 2: “Ilgarijiri – Things Belonging to the Sky”

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-06 07:03:01

Further to my previous post on Alma Nungarrayi Granite’s paintings from Warlukurlangu Artists at my home town of Yuendumu I found a fascinating set of links between Aboriginal art, the sky and the objects we find there and modern science. In...» Read More


Uluru and Kata Tjuta's Influence On Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-03 06:59:07

Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park and the Ayers Rock Resort is the center of Australia and is considered to be the center for much of the Aboriginal Art world. Around this park and nearby Alice Springs are many Aboriginal...» Read More


El Norte de Australia ofrece el recorrido artístico Aboriginal Art Trail

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-02 06:58:04

Aboriginal Art Trail de Alice Springs conecta prestigiosas galerías de arte a la cultura de las comunidades aborígenes locales y ofrece excelentes oportunidades para profundizar en el conocimiento de historias y leyendas relacionadas con el Dreamtime, o de lugares sagrados...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-09-01 07:01:07

From Will Owen: Having stayed at home this year, I don't have much of substance to say about the 26th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards that hasn't already been said elsewhere. I've never been terribly fond of winner...» Read More


Recommended: Sally McKay on Aboriginal Art Shows Panel

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-29 06:56:30

The aboriginal art panel that I flagged last week happened on Sunday, and I was worried initially that without some kind of blog notation it might disappear into the ether. (Also, then I wouldn't be able to find out what...» Read More


Australian Code to Regulate Aboriginal Art Trade

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-28 06:54:36

Australia’s Aboriginal art business will have to follow minimum standards for dealers, agents, and artists, under a wide-ranging code of conduct that’s been recently updated and awaits the signature of the federal arts minister. Intended to crack down on unscrupulous operators,...» Read More


Bust up: Artworks withdrawn from sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-27 07:39:09

Two artworks depicting renowned Tasmanian indigenous leaders have been withdrawn from sale. The busts of Truganini and Woureddy were due to be auctioned tonight by Sotheby's but have been taken off the list, after protests from Tasmanian Aborigines. They were expected to...» Read More


Aboriginal art wrangle

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-27 06:48:14

ACADEMICS have defended opposition to the sale of two art works, rejecting claims of political correctness gone mad. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre opposed the planned auction of the busts of famous Tasmanian Aborigines Truganini and Woureddy on the basis of cultural...» Read More


Harrison Galleries Sale 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-26 08:05:49

BEGINS SATURDAY 29 AUGUST, 10AM After the great success of last year's sale, Harrison Galleries is pleased to invite you to our second clearance sale event. Selected works from our stockroom - both contemporary Australian art and Aboriginal art - are...» Read More


Wayne Quilliam 2009 NAIDOC ‘Artist of the Year’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-26 07:10:59

Wayne Quilliam 2009 NAIDOC Artist of the Year Aboriginal photographer/videographer and artist Wayne Quilliam has been awarded what is considered one of the most prestigious Australian art accolades: 2009 NAIDOC Aboriginal Artist of the Year. Wayne is considered one of Australia’s most...» Read More


PR and Politics at the 2009 Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-25 15:41:28

PR and POLITICS at the 2009 TELSTRA ART AWARDS. THE POWER of PR The fanfare is over and the red carpet has been rolled away for another year. The winners of the 2009 Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards are...» Read More


Shining lights of the north

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-25 08:31:40

WHAT are these colours amid the shadowed greenery? What are the sounds of chant and dance rhythm in the dark? Here, at the rainforest-surrounded Tanks Art Centre on the northern fringe of Cairns, in a set of converted World War...» Read More


Nyree does it again

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-23 08:25:03

Local artist Nyree Reynolds is again a finalist in the Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize. Mrs Reynolds made the short list for her work “From the shadows of the past to the light of the future” which was inspired by...» Read More


Outback art code draws line in the sand

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-22 08:21:36

Art dealers will be able to pay artists with alcohol or secondhand vehicles but will be forced to declare their agreed value under a wide-ranging code of conduct for the Aboriginal art business. The final copy of the code, obtained by...» Read More


Clash of cultures wins

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-16 18:07:38

THE winner of the 2009 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award has been announced and is set to be the most controversial in many years. At a ceremony in Darwin last night, the $40,000 Telstra Award was given to...» Read More


Keszler Gallery Brings Society And Art Together For 'Nomad Two Worlds'

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-14 18:07:42

Southampton - This past Saturday, Aug. 8 the Keszler Gallery in Southampton was the epicenter of a cultural and societal reconciliation with the exhibit “Nomad Two Worlds" a collaboration between Australian photographer Russell James and Aboriginal painter Clifton Beiundurry. “Innocence...» Read More


Moriah students meet top Aboriginal artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-13 17:58:52

Sydney’s Moriah College students met acclaimed Aboriginal artist Barbara Weir who was Artist in Residence at the school last week prior to their drive to assist needy Aboriginal children living in remote areas. The artist shared her life story with the...» Read More


Vernon Ah Kee

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-13 17:51:22

Vernon Ah Kee Who let the dogs out? (detail) 2008 Applied vinyl, variable dimensions Site-specific work for Contemporary Australia: Optimism at QAG Vernon Ah Kee is an Indigenous Australian artist who lives and works in Brisbane. Ah Kee often utilises text withint his...» Read More


Art Fair strengthens Darwin’s lead in national stakes

Art Fair strengthens Darwin’s lead in national stakes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-13 09:24:39

Australia’s original national Aboriginal Art Fair will be held in Darwin from 13 – 15 August. The 2009 event has attracted a record 32 Indigenous owned and operated art centres from as far as East Gippsland in Victoria and the Torres...» Read More


Lismore cafe is no longer a wannabe

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-12 17:51:26

RECIEVING national recognition in the third edition of Tourism Australia's National Indigenous Tourism Product Manual is Lismore's very own GunnaWannaBe Cafe, Gallery and Learning Centre. GunnaWannaBe owners Thelma James and Mick Roberts said they were proud of their achievement. “GunnaWannaBe is delighted...» Read More


This Week In Arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-12 17:13:43

Keszler Gallery Presents Russell James 'Nomad Two Worlds' There will be an opening reception on Saturday, Aug. 8 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for a new show entitled “Nomad Two Worlds" - an artistic collaboration of modern photography and...» Read More



Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-08-12 15:47:20

“My art is a story about the universe – about the stars”, says Gulumbu Yunupingu artlessly. The eldest member of the important Yunupingu clan, on whose land in the far North East corner of Arnhemland the annual Garma Festival has...» Read More


ART.TRADE to hold General Meeting in Darwin / AGM in Alice Springs

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-11 17:44:30

The Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association is holding a general meeting on Saturday the 15th of August 2009 at 10 am at the Palms City Resort on The Esplanade in Darwin. This coincides with the Annual Telstra Indigenous Art Awards...» Read More


Aboriginal leader lashes at assimilation

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-11 17:42:28

Australian National University professor Jon Altman also spoke at the forum and lambasted the territory government's homelands policy to turn 20 towns into regional hubs. Funding to more than 500 outstations, or homelands, would be frozen, forcing residents into larger towns...» Read More


Desert Mob 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-11 17:40:53

Desert Mob is three days of events and celebrations in Alice Springs, Northern Territory in early September 2009. Desert Mob is presented by Desart in partnership with Araluen Arts Centre. Art Talks: Desert Mob Symposium – Friday 4 September 9-3pm...» Read More


Aboriginal art flourishes despite recession

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-10 17:56:59

The current global financial crisis may be putting the economic pinch on the Australian art market but Aboriginal art centres in the Northern Territory are more than weathering this fiscal storm. “The global financial crisis is an interesting phenomenon,” said John...» Read More


Discover Dunkeld, Nerissa Major's Art Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-09 18:04:45

Demonstration of Emu Egg Carving 11am & 2pm Some Local Koori Stories of the Area 12.30pm & 3.30pm Cost $3 per person Also Available a Large range of Unique Affordable Local Aboriginal Artworks (Traditional, Dot, Modern, Contemporary, Abstract, Landscape...» Read More


Painting by William Barak – the last chief of the Yarra Yarra tribe

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-09 17:28:50

WHAT ONE MILLION DOLLARS BUY Painting by William Barak – the last chief of the Yarra Yarra tribe – sold for 504,000 AUD William Barak’s painting, the Corroboree, was sold for 504,000 AUD ($421,797) at Sotheby’s during the “Aboriginal Art” auction event....» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-08 00:15:43

It has been widely written how the Papunya movement, or dot painting style, started at the Papunya Aboriginal Community, about 240 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs in 1971 when a young school teacher Geoff Bardon encouraged senior elders to paint...» Read More


Artists of the Barkly

Artists of the Barkly

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-05 19:07:40

An extraordinary journey has begun for a group of artists from the Barkly region who have been invited to showcase their work at Tandanya. Tying in with Tandanya’s 20th Anniversary celebrations this year, a two-year exhibition in the making, Artists...» Read More


Our Metro Mob 09

Our Metro Mob 09

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-05 18:57:57

Tandanya is proud to present the ‘Our Metro Mob’ exhibition for 2009 as part of the SALA Festival Program. The ‘Our Metro Mob’ exhibition features Adelaide based Aboriginal emerging and established artists showcasing contemporary, vibrant, modern pieces from artists with backgrounds...» Read More


ARTKELCH zeigt Aboriginal Art in Berlin - Papunya Tula Artists im Rahmen von "pro community"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-04 17:25:02

ARTKELCH zeigt Aboriginal Art in Berlin - Papunya Tula Artists im Rahmen von "pro community" Kunst & Kultur Ab 02. Oktober zeigt ARTKELCH eine handverlesene Auswahl der besten aktuellen Arbeiten der Aboriginal Art aus Australiens führendem indigenen Kunstzentrum „Papunya Tula Artists“ in...» Read More


The most eye-opening show of Aboriginal art ever

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-04 06:02:30

Here goes: This is finest show of Aboriginal art I have ever seen. It is neither the biggest (only 20 barks, and some objects), nor the most varied (it is narrow in range), but the works are unique in historical and...» Read More


Aboriginal standouts should hold their value

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-08-04 05:34:09

Sotheby's Aboriginal art sale on Monday night is likely to see prices equal those of earlier sales of white-fella art this year. That means a discount of 20 to 30 per cent on the prices that were being paid before the...» Read More


The Creation of Indigenous Collections in Melbourne: How Kenneth Clark, Charles Mountford, and Leonhard Adam Interrogated Australian Indigeneity

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-31 05:58:16

My paper will explore three personalities, Kenneth Clark, Charles Mountford and Leonard Adam, and the impact they had on the creation and exhibition of collections of indigenous objects in Australia. Kenneth Clark visited Australia briefly in 1948 and left a...» Read More


UK Move On Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-31 05:55:51

Negotiations between Australia and UK could soon re-start in a battle over the return of valuable Aboriginal artworks, writes Nick Gibson. The Dja Dja Wurrung tribe are seeking the return of a pair of Aboriginal bark paintings - insured for more...» Read More


Rumours got my artists rejected: dealer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-30 05:55:48

Mr Ioannou, the private dealer at the centre of last year's bitter split in the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, yesterday accused award organisers of discriminating against his clients. He said a "vicious whispering campaign" was to...» Read More


The art of war

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-25 05:44:53

Also drawing collectors this week was Sotheby's Aboriginal art sale, which answered some of the breathless questions troubling the art world. Would the indigenous market hold up or would it succumb to the global financial malaise? As with the great conflicts fought...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-07-24 18:34:52

The 2009 Clemenger Contemporary Art Award has selected four indigenous artists amongst the 15 long-listed for this important triennial exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.This will be the sixth and final Award in the series following a generous gift...» Read More


Our Mob 09

Our Mob 09

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-24 17:10:35

Adelaide Festival Centre is proud to present the fourth annual Our Mob exhibition, on display in the Artspace Gallery (upstairs in the Dunstan Playhouse), as well as Festival Centre theatre foyers from 8 August – 20 September 2009. Held during the...» Read More


Aboriginal art auction framing a resurgent market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-22 05:51:11

Gabriella Coslovich July 21, 2009 FOR a glimmering moment, it seemed as if the boom times were back. People burst into applause when a prized drawing by the late William Barak sold for almost three times its lower estimate at Sotheby’s Aboriginal art...» Read More


Aboriginal art exhibition raises funds for Indigenous medical students

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-20 09:05:18

Daniel Walbidi discovered art as a ten-year-old at school, starting out painting still life scenes. Now he introduces the traditional Aboriginal art style to old and young people in his Western Australian community. "Usually in our culture it's the elders that...» Read More


The Allure of the Aboriginal Arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-20 05:39:45

Nice blog post about Aboriginal...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Exhibition to Raise Funds for Indigenous Medicine

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-07-19 11:05:13

"I'm privileged I'm able to use my success to help other people", says Yulparija artist Daniel Walbidi from Bidyadanga near Broome. Walbidi - still in his 20s - discovered art as a ten-year-old at school, starting out painting still life scenes....» Read More


Aboriginal standouts should hold their value

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-19 05:34:09

Sotheby's Aboriginal art sale on Monday night is likely to see prices equal those of earlier sales of white-fella art this year. That means a discount of 20 to 30 per cent on the prices that were being paid before the...» Read More


Indigenous art sale a litmus test of the bigger picture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-19 05:28:27

It is sometimes said that when the Australian art market catches a cold, the indigenous art sector ends up with pneumonia. This fragility is why so many collectors, dealers, gallery owners and artists will be closely watching Sotheby's Aboriginal art sale...» Read More


Totems tell the story

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-18 05:34:07

Aboriginal totems are painted in a modernist style making some of them appear as shiny and straight as steel, in artist Ian Waldron's new show opening July 17. Waldron's varying depictions of his Kurtjar clan's bloodwood tree dominate his new show...» Read More


The local road to recovery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-18 05:28:36

Various paradoxes flow from the strange configuration of divergent interests in the Territory. Traditional community leaders and those close to the cultural heart of remote Aboriginal societies tend to have quite strong biases in favour of a degree of modernisation...» Read More


Public Works: Ginger Riley Munduwalawa

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-18 05:24:54

Ginger Riley Munduwalawala, Limmen Bight River Country (1992). Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, bought 1992. On display until December 6. IN the 1950s Ginger Riley Munduwalawala was working as a stockman, droving cattle from the vast stations of the Northern Territory...» Read More


National art award for local artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-18 05:21:54

Local Aboriginal artist, Nyree Reynolds, has won the prestigious Mil-Pra AECG Aboriginal Art Award for the second time. Ms Reynolds received the award for her painting, ‘Elders Knowing-Elders Showing, Children Watching-Children Learning’. The award was presented at Casula Powerhouse as part of...» Read More


Aboriginal art exhibition raises funds for Indigenous medical students

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-18 05:21:52

Daniel Walbidi discovered art as a ten-year-old at school, starting out painting still life scenes. Now he introduces the traditional Aboriginal art style to old and young people in his Western Australian community. "Usually in our culture it's the elders that...» Read More


Explore the Red Centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 22:13:30

Wander through Alice Springs and visit the numerous Indigenous art galleries — excellent places to pick up an authentic piece of unique Aboriginal art. The award-winning Alice Springs Resort is a good base from which to take to the skies...» Read More


Taking Bundjalung art to the world

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 22:10:29

From the Northern Rivers Echo: If you travel to places with a high population of Aboriginal artists like Alice Springs or Darwin, there’s plenty of venues where you can find and buy local Indigenous art. But in Lismore, such a venue...» Read More


Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 07:42:47

Indigenous Instyle is excited to announce we will be attending the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair in August to search for artworks from established and new...» Read More


Indigenous art on show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 07:42:45

The opening of the Visual Voices - Aboriginal Art of the South East Exhibition at Central Tilba Hall on Friday evening felt like something of an historic occasion. The atmosphere was one of pride in achievement, cultural reaffirmation and reconciliation. Renowned Aboriginal...» Read More


New theory may put location of Joseph Lycett painting in perspective

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 07:27:44

A 200-year-old mystery about one of Newcastle's most famous pieces of Aboriginal art history may have been solved, with a new theory about the location of a Joseph Lycett painting. Lycett was a convict and one of Australia's earliest colonial artists. The...» Read More


Warlukurlangu Survey Show 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-17 07:21:10

The beautiful and colourful works of the Warlukurlangu Artists' Aboriginal Association, hailing from Darwin, Australia, will be in town between 26 August to 3 October. International. Dubbed the Warlukurlangu Survey Show 2009, the exhibition pays homage to the aboriginal art...» Read More


NGA to run programs to foster indigenous art curating

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:49:06

The Aboriginal art market generates more than $300 million a year and produces some of Australia's most talented artists. But when it comes to managing and curating art, only a tiny percentage of Australia's visual arts professionals are indigenous. For three years,...» Read More


Di West - Murmurs and memories realised in Di's artwork

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:43:26

Di admits that she loves Aboriginal art and believes it is not appreciated enough. “Aboriginal art is so beautiful, underestimated and undervalued and the lovely thing about their work is that they don't know who Picasso is or who Van Gogh...» Read More


State Government helps indigenous artists with program support

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:39:17

The Liberal-National Government has provided a $30,000 grant to help remote indigenous communities develop their art as a sustainable means of income. Premier Colin Barnett today confirmed the funding when he visited FORM Contemporary Craft and Design in Port Hedland,...» Read More


Cash for Desart, other centres

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:35:24

Central Australian Aboriginal art centres are the big winners from the federal government's latest arts funding package, which divides $9.3 million between 86 organisations. The biggest recipient is Desart, the umbrella body for central Australian Aboriginal art centres, with $1,489,300 over...» Read More


Taking Bundjalung art to the world

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:32:28

Arts Northern Rivers and Lismore Tourism have put their heads together and created an Indigenous art space at the Lismore Visitor Information Centre so people can enjoy and buy homegrown Bundjalung art. The centre attracts around 50,000 visitors each year (that’s...» Read More


2 Live 2 Deadly

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:30:36

TIGA BAYLES: It's hard to have a blackfella radio station without blackfella music, and it's hard to get the promotion and get known as an Aboriginal artist if you haven't got Aboriginal radio stations, because the mainstream stations and mainstream...» Read More


GWAS Media Musings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-10 02:26:24

ArtWorld magazine, the bi-monthly glossy dedicated to the contemporary art scene launched in early 2008 by publisher Steve Bush, is set to fold, along with stablemates Adam & Eve and Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Gallery on wheels

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-06 05:43:33

A unique vehicle, which has spent the past few years spreading the message on indigenous culture, is undergoing an amazing transformation. But the stunning artwork, which makes the message stick unique, will not be touched. The ex army Landrover ambulance is owned...» Read More


Campbelltown Arts Centre - Aboriginal Art Display

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-06 05:23:28

Great post by Kate on the bike about the Aboriginal Art Display at the Campbelltown Arts Centre: ...» Read More


Seattle Museum to Return Aboriginal Object, Without Being Asked

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-03 09:34:58

In 1970, Seattle Art Museum (SAM) founder Richard Fuller purchased an Australian Aboriginal sacred object that the museum has never shown. Now it’s being returned, even though no one has asked SAM to do so. The person responsible is SAM's African...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Shines in Charlottesville

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-03 09:31:45

Aboriginal Art Date:2009 Auction House:Sotheby's Location: Australia Catalogue Information: 153 lots 150 with images Viewing Notes: Fri, 17 Jul 09, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat, 18 Jul 09, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sun, 19 Jul 09, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sale Notes: Absentee Bids, Sydney Tel: +612...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-03 09:29:09

Last week the head of WA’s peak multicultural lobby group, the Ethnic Communities Council of WA warned that Australian society is becoming more racist as the economic downturn fuels hostility towards foreigners. In response the Council has developed a website...» Read More


From little things . . .

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-07-03 09:24:51

Another business entrepreneur who captured a simple idea and took it to the next level is Kelli Ryan, who last year started the Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Art & Culture Studio in Gerringong, on the south coast of NSW. While many people...» Read More


Big City Challenges – The Marrka Wangka Story

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-30 17:35:12

A group of artworkers have used a visit to Melbourne for personal and career development. The ten artworkers from across Central Australia took part in ‘Marrka Wangka’ – meaning ‘strong talk’ – a five day training program designed to...» Read More


Two auctions at Shapiro this Sunday, 28 June

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-28 02:05:52

Two auctions at Shapiro this Sunday, 28 June: 20 / 21 C Design Auction commences 2pm Aboriginal Art Auction commences 3pm Viewing Friday & Saturday 11am - 5pm. Viewing Sunday 10am - 12noon Catalogues available online For further information please...» Read More


Western Desert Mob Art Centres go Troppo - Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair August 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-23 18:37:20

Western Desert Mob members Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Tjarlirli Art and Warakurna Artists are travelling north to Darwin to participate in this year’s prestigious Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair. The Art Fair coincides with the 26th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait...» Read More


Artist ‘returns from the dead’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-23 03:45:22

The last time Keith Adams saw Nyarrapyi Giles, she was an emaciated teenage mother trying desperately to keep her two small sons alive in the Gibson Desert while teetering on the brink of death herself. After arranging for the dehydrated, starving...» Read More


Buy your 'aboriginal art' — direct from Indonesia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-23 03:41:57

An art wholesaler investigated for selling phoney Aboriginal artefacts imported from Indonesia has exposed the breadth of use of non-existent "pseudonyms" to cash in on the success of legitimate indigenous artists. Australian Dreamtime Creations and its director, Tony Antoniou, are under...» Read More


In other worlds

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-22 03:46:34

From The Age: In the Northern Territory's imaginary landscapes, Sophie Cunningham sees anew. I realised that, despite my distance from Central Australia and the indigenous culture there, I had heard Aboriginal stories and looked at Aboriginal art for much of my...» Read More


Australian Company Sold Fake Aboriginal Art, Watchdog Group Says

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-19 08:01:06

An Aboriginal art wholesaler and retailer is being sued for allegedly selling works purported to be of Aboriginal origin when actually they were from Indonesia. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is bringing a lawsuit against the Australian Dreamtime Creations Pty...» Read More


ACCC investigates 'Aboriginal' art dealer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-19 07:58:11

The consumer watchdog has taken legal action against an Aboriginal art dealer which allegedly sold art made in Indonesia under the guise it was Australian. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accused the retailer, Australian Dreamtime Creations, of falsely...» Read More


Up Cazaly fly NT artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-17 20:43:33

Are footy stars Michael O'Loughlin and Leon Davis represented in this year's Telstra Aboriginal Art Award? Or are they figures from a bygone era, perhaps Derek Kickett and Wally Lovett - or Robbie Ah Mat, who played for both Sydney and...» Read More


Journey with art: Descendants of Purfleet band work with visiting artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-17 20:39:49

Descendants of the members of a Purfleet band in 1909 have placed their hands and finger prints on a huge painting copied from an historic photograph at Manning Regional Art Gallery this week. Families of the people in the photograph were...» Read More


Aboriginal Art and Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-16 17:54:18

Australian Aboriginal Art is much sought after internationally, but Australians overall and Aborigines themselves benefit little from it. By John August Gordon Syron is an Aboriginal artist who understands the market better than most, having run an art gallery in...» Read More


ArtiFacts Aboriginal Art Consultancy Launch

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-12 16:57:40

Jane Raffan, former Head of Aboriginal Art at Shapiro, has launched ArtiFacts, a consultancy practice focused on delivering dependable and expert advice in the specialist field of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art. THE SERVICE Services include collection management, market...» Read More


Ngalla marraaju wuuju dulka kilwanmaruthu / We'll show you our country

Ngalla marraaju wuuju dulka kilwanmaruthu / We'll show you our country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-12 15:57:18

The ReDot gallery is proud to welcome the 1st Singaporean show for the powerful and colourful works of the Bentinck Island Art Gang. "Ngalla marraaju wuuju dulka kilwanmaruthu/we'll show you our country" will showcase the very best from this group of...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-06-12 11:47:16

Yolgnu painter and rights campaigner Gawirrin Gumana AO was honoured with the most senior prize in Indigenous arts at the Australia Council's 2009 National Indigenous Arts Awards recently. The $50,000 Red Ochre Award was presented by film director Baz Luhrmann, recognising...» Read More


Ochre Dreaming: Stories from the East Kimberley

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-11 21:19:25

The ReDot gallery is proud to welcome back the natural ochre artworks of the famous Warmun Art Centre. After a very successful 1st exhibition in June 2008, the unique canvases of this Kimberley community will again be gracing the walls...» Read More


3 Rivers Aboriginal Art Space to open in Lismore on 19 June 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-11 02:26:54

The long awaited Indigenous art centre has arrived in the form of the ‘3 Rivers Aboriginal Art Space’. Located at 125 Magellan Street Lismore the centre will be used for workshops, meetings, forums, exhibitions as well as an artist studio...» Read More


Warakurna Artists Travelling North - Darwin Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-11 02:04:05

Outstation Gallery, Darwin in conjunction with Warakurna Artists, Western Australia proudly invites you to view new paintings by Warakurna Artists, including: Tommy Mitchell, Tjapartji Bates, Eunice Yunurupa Porter, Peter Tjarluri Lewis, Carol Maayatja Golding, Tjunka Lewis & Rachel Jennings. DETAILS Exhibition Opening...» Read More


Colour Country: Art from Roper River' Tours for a Year

Colour Country: Art from Roper River' Tours for a Year

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-06-10 13:45:29

It could hardly be further from the rich wetlands of the Roper River on the Gulf of Carpentaria coast at the southern fringe of Arnhemland. But the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery in dry old New South Wales has just opened...» Read More


Real to Surreal, Scenes from the Centre

Real to Surreal, Scenes from the Centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-09 17:23:47

Real to Surreal, Scenes from the Centre: Journey with the new generation of Hermannsburg watercolour artists The Art Centre Ngurratjuta Iltja Ntjarra; Many Hands Art Centre is situated in the township of Alice Springs and has been established to provide a place...» Read More


Menzies Art Brands June 2009 Catalogue Online

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-09 00:58:14

A combination of fine art and Australian Aboriginal art. Please follow the link below for further details and to view the catalogue...» Read More


Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-09 00:31:33

13 AUG 2009 - 15 AUG 2009 Free entry The Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair will provide a unique artistic experience for all lovers of indigenous art and culture. Representing over 30 community arts centres from across Australia, including Arnhem Land, the...» Read More


2009 Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-09 00:24:45

The Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize has an award of $20,000, and is awarded annually to a NSW Aboriginal artist. Entries for the 2009 Parliament of New South Wales Aboriginal Art Prize close on 26 June. Further information:...» Read More


Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Art & Culture Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-05 00:49:33

A photo from Flickr of the Boolarng Nangamai Aboriginal Art & Culture Studio Uploaded to Flickr on June 3, 2009 by...» Read More


Nerissa Major's Artworks

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-04 23:21:42

An Unique Collection of Affordable Aboriginal Art by Western Victorian Koori Artist, Nerissa...» Read More


Fake art damaging reputation of local artists (TBM)

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-06-01 00:27:48

Indigenous galleries and artists have recently raised concerns about unauthentic Aboriginal art in Australia. Sales and marketing manager of Murra Wolka Creations, Dean Slockee, said unauthentic Aboriginal art gave profits to other countries and altered the reputation of the Aboriginal artists...» Read More


Shalom Institute funds Aboriginal medical students

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-29 00:46:24

Sydney’s Shalom Institute is funding Aboriginal medical students through the exhibition and sale of Aboriginal art..with ten indigenous students currently in residence in Shalom College. The Shalom Institute’s support for the Aboriginal education scholarship program Shalom Gamarada goes from strength to...» Read More


Art For Sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-29 00:26:30

Speaker: Barbara Ashford, School of Social Science, UQ The art dealership is situated at a nexus of relationships that contest and negotiate culturally informed values and categories of fine art, Aboriginality and commodities. I argue that dealers in Aboriginal art...» Read More


McCulloch’s Aboriginal Art @ Salt Contemporary

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-26 18:12:01

McCulloch’s Aboriginal Art @ Salt Contemporary A decade of Australia’s indigenous fine art 1999-2009 Curated by McCulloch & McCulloch Art & Books Designed as a ‘walk through our books’, the exhibition, part of Salt Contemporary Art's Winter Arts Programme, comprises more than 40...» Read More


Senior Kimberley artist couple show paintings of their country

Senior Kimberley artist couple show paintings of their country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-25 16:27:59

Luka (Mud) 13 June – 4 July 2009 In their second joint exhibition, husband and wife Tommy and Dorothy May present colourful new paintings of their country, The Great Sandy Desert. A beautiful large canvas was painted jointly...» Read More


Assortment of art awaits

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-25 00:32:07

Article about the Roebourne Art Group: Roebourne, known as Yirramagadu to the region’s indigenous peoples, is a place rich in culture and arts and nowhere is this more evident than at the Roebourne Art Group. Located in a small unassuming building in...» Read More


Tribal Art - New artist at Tony Bond art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-25 00:26:55

From TribalWords blog: Here at Aboriginals Gallery, also known as TribalWorks, an online gallery offering Australian Aboriginal art and artifacts, we received the following letter from our good friend, Tony Bond of Adelaide, South Australia. We have purchased from Tony and have...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Tour with Margo Smith

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-25 00:26:54

Kluge-Ruhe Tour with Margo Smith Date/s: May 23, 2009 Time:10:30 a.m. Location Kluge-Ruhe Sponsored by Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection Category Speakers, Public Event Web Site Event Web Site Contact Information Phone:...» Read More


Club banner to promote region

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-25 00:26:50

The Wagin Shire Council was approached to submit a banner for this project and this year they offered the idea to Wagin Rotary Club member Gloria Bliss. Mrs Bliss, who has a degree in Contemporary Aboriginal Art and graduated her Batchelor...» Read More


EMSAH Research Seminar: Aboriginal Art & Systems Theory

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-21 18:23:10

This paper examines parallels between Aboriginal knowledge paradigms and key principles of Systems Theory. Twentieth century scholarship in Cultural Anthropology was instrumental in formulation of ‘whole systems thinking’ that underscores multidisciplinary imperatives of contemporary scholarship. Through analysis of artworks as...» Read More


Kanyiri with Bob Randall

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-20 22:41:19

Nerissa Major, a Koori Aboriginal Artist from Western Victoria, will be displaying some of her Unique Art at "Kanyiri with Bob Randall'. Also a Didgeridoo Performance by Russell Smith and a 'Bush Tucker' supper is provided. Entry is Adults ...» Read More


Best in the west

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-18 08:06:49

Culture vulture: The clutch of modern and heritage buildings on the city's northern shoulder house the Western Australian Museum, the Art Gallery of Western Australia and the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts. Founded in 1895, the art gallery collection contains...» Read More


Pushing boundaries

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:50:57

Just read the book! You can understand Cees Nooteboom's frustration. He writes a potentially controversial book about a young Brazilian woman having mystically awakening sex with an almost speechless Aboriginal artist, and the response in Australia is silence. "I'm curious," he says...» Read More


Warwick Thornton discusses Samson and Delilah with the WSWS

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:46:50

Samson and Delilah writer, director and cinematographer Warwick Thornton spoke with the World Socialist Web Site this month when his film screened at the Message Sticks film festival in Sydney. Thornton, who was born and raised in Alice Springs, Central Australia,...» Read More


Desart welcomes $10m industry funding

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:42:18

The head of Desart in central Australia says the Federal Government has got its priorities right in granting extra money to the Aboriginal art industry. A $10 million package for Aboriginal art was announced in this week's Federal Budget. The package is...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Shines in Charlottesville

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:39:48

The surprising Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection is part of the University of Virginia (which was designed by Thomas Jefferson). The small museum opened in 1997 through a gift by businessman John W. Kluge, who began collecting Aboriginal art in the...» Read More


Interview with Warwick Thornton, writer/director of Samson & Delilah

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:37:37

Interview with Warwick Thornton, writer/director of Samson & Delilah: Few first-time feature filmmakers are greeted with the kind of accolades bestowed upon Australian director Warwick Thornton, whose triumphant Cannes-selected indigenous drama Samson & Delilah has prompted a gushing response from critics...» Read More


Venice Reflux: Doctorin' The Tardis

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 22:08:20

All that is missing from Gladwell's imagery is a large monolith and some token Aboriginals with a spear and shield. Vernon Ah Kee rises from the pages of The Australian to create an interesting debate with his 'Commissioner': "The problem...» Read More


Minister lashes the 'culture vultures' of Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 21:58:08

Responding to growing disquiet in central Australia, where Aboriginal artists are angry that secret cultural material contained in paintings is being exhibited internationally, NT Arts and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Alison Anderson has intervened to overturn government policy of researching and...» Read More


Susan Lowish - Treasuring Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 21:52:11

Host/Speaker Susan Lowish, Ph.D. Sponsored by Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection Type Speakers - Arts/Performing Arts Location Kluge-Ruhe Date and Time Friday May 15, 2009 7:00 PM (EST) Description Susan Lowish, Lecturer in Australian art history, University of Melbourne, will discuss the different values placed upon Aboriginal art across a spectrum...» Read More


Mike Anderson new director of AAMU

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-16 18:46:13

As of 1 June Mike Anderson, presently Cultural Governance programme leader at Kunst & Zaken, will be director of the AAMU Museum of contemporary Aboriginal art in Utrecht. He will succeed Ms Daniëlle van den Broek, who was director of...» Read More


Interview with Leon Paroissien and Bernice Murphy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-10 06:27:03

Interview with Leon Paroissien and Bernice Murphy This is an excerpt from the interview which looks at Aboriginal art only. The full interview can be found at the url below. The interview was made in 2006. In the Perspecta exhibition organised by...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Exhibit Opens at the Fowler

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-10 06:22:56

In 1971 in the tiny settlement of Papunya, a group of Australian Aboriginal men began transferring their sacred ceremonial designs onto pieces of masonite board. Since this crucial transformative period, Australian Aboriginal art has become an international phenomenon, widely exhibited...» Read More


Visiting the old outback haunts of an Aboriginal water colourist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-06 09:05:39

Aboriginal art to many tourists in Australia means paintings on bare rock and the Rainbow Serpent creation myth rendered in rich colours with the dot technique. Aborigines and watercolours hardly seem to go together. But Albert Namatjira, who ranks as...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-04 20:11:22

INVITATION TO JOIN US AT THE KUNSTTOUR 2009 Once again the town of Uebach-Palenberg - bordering the Netherlands - is host to Aboriginal Art from Australia. If you are looking for masterpieces of indigenous art the Aboriginal Art Gallery Brit‘s Art...» Read More


Artistic gems from the Australian outback

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-04 20:09:19

It's not often that I come across a painting that vibrates. I don't mean literally, as in a work engineered for actual physical movement, or one that plays with both a viewer's perception and a picture's surface in the style of...» Read More


Oxford's Pitt Rivers Museum reopens after £1.5m revamp

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-04 19:45:59

The Pitt Rivers Museum in Parks Road closed last July for the £1.5m revamp, which won £1m from the Heritage Lottery Fund and other grants. A special programme of Bank Holiday weekend events starts tonight. Collections move assistant Kate Greenaway said:...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-05-01 20:11:33

The Cannes Film Festival will host the world-wide launch of the Aussie film, Samson & Delilah – featuring the great Warlpiri artist, Mitjili Napanangka Gibson, in her second film role. Not only the artist, but her art features seriously in...» Read More


The Blackstone Reading Room

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-05-01 17:55:58

A great post with a wonderful picture from Papulankutja Artists: Edith Lyons and Jean Lane, having an in-depth read of the new 'Art Collector Guide to Aboriginal Art Centres' Magazine. Both featured in the magazine with stunning artworks. Please check out the...» Read More


Families cry foul over artists' move

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-30 18:38:08

More controversy surrounding John Ioannou from Gabriella Coslovich in The Age: During Easter, art dealer John Ioannou, who owns Agathon Galleries in Melbourne and Sydney, arranged for two senior Aboriginal artists to be moved from their remote desert community in South...» Read More


Aboriginal Art at

Aboriginal Art at "Kunsttour 2009"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-30 00:46:52

INVITATION TO JOIN US AT THE KUNSTTOUR 2009 Once again the town of Uebach-Palenberg - bordering the Netherlands - is host to Aboriginal Art from Australia. If you are looking for masterpieces of indigenous art the Aboriginal Art Gallery Brit‘s Art...» Read More


Art award rules on hold

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-27 18:37:51

No code of conduct will be used to keep exploitative art dealers out of this year's Telstra indigenous art award, despite a push from within sections of the Aboriginal art industry. Museum and Art Gallery NT indigenous art curator Franchesca Cubillo...» Read More


Finding salvation in film

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-27 18:37:34

Article in The Age about Samson & Delilah director Warwick Thornton. The future film director and writer spent three years skipping school and roaming the streets of Alice Springs, where he was born, some 400 kilometres south of the country of...» Read More


Famous Aboriginal painting returns

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-21 07:33:49

A well known piece of Aboriginal art will return to its rightful home next week. Earth's Creation by Emily Kame Kngwarreye will go on display at the Mbantua Fine Art Gallery on...» Read More


Dunkeld Open Galleries and Gardens, Nerissa Major's Art Studio

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-19 15:34:42

Unique Affordable Aboriginal Art, Gifts and Gemstone Jewellery For Sale. Direct from the Local Koori Artist, Nerissa...» Read More


Winter Open Weekend

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-19 15:32:56

Unique Affordable Aboriginal Art, Gifts and Gemstone Jewellery For Sale. Direct from the Local Koori Artist, Nerissa...» Read More


Daniel Walbidi : de la collection au prêt : entre enthousiasme et absence

Daniel Walbidi : de la collection au prêt : entre enthousiasme et absence

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-19 10:13:51

Ces trois peintures de l'artiste Daniel Walbidi viennent de me quitter quelques mois pour une exposition au Musée Aborigène de la ville d'Utrecht en Hollande, le AAMU. Un sentiment étrange m'habite. D'un côté l'enthousiasme. Ce prêt contribue à présenter ce jeune...» Read More


DH March 09 Aboriginal Art Auction Pt. 1

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-14 07:23:13

Nicholas Forrest reviews the two auctions held on the 25th of March. In the first installment he looks at the build up to the auctions: All eyes were on Deutscher and Hackett on the 25th of March with the Melbourne based...» Read More


DH March 09 Aboriginal Art Auction Pt. 2

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-14 07:23:11

The second installment from Nicholas Forrest talks about each auction in detail and comments that there is a reduced momentum in the Aboriginal art market: On a more positive not, Emily Kngwarreye’s “Untitled (Alhalkere) 1995″ sold for $210,000 against an estimate...» Read More


Australia’s aboriginal art enthralls all

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-14 07:20:32

Australian art seems to be the flavour of this week. Everywhere we can see reviews of ‘Desert Dreamings’ – an exhibition of works by 43 ethnic artists, from Yuendumu, a remote part of Central Australia. Unfortunately, the exhibition mounted at...» Read More


Dream works find way in America

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-13 02:58:26

The story of Margo Smith and the Kluge-Ruhe: For most people, watching your house burn down would be a catastrophic event. It could make you pessimistic, angry and fearful. The tragedy could haunt you for the rest of your life. But...» Read More


Aboriginal Australian art in India

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-13 02:42:13

The Warlukurlangu Artists, a non-profit cooperative of aboriginal painters from Australia, documents a legacy that has been handed down hundreds of generations among the ethnic groups inhabiting the rugged outback. They showcase the traditional Warlpiri culture, which is central to the...» Read More


Aboriginal Australian art in India

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-13 02:42:13

The Warlukurlangu Artists, a non-profit cooperative of aboriginal painters from Australia, documents a legacy that has been handed down hundreds of generations among the ethnic groups inhabiting the rugged outback. They showcase the traditional Warlpiri culture, which is central to the...» Read More


Show your colours

Show your colours

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-11 21:20:02

EXPLOSION OF COLOURS IN RECENT ART NEW EXHIBITION “SHOW YOUR COLOURS” OPENS 23 APRIL From the intense colours in Emily Kame Kngwarreye’s work to Billy Benn’s subtle palette: ”Show Your Colours” celebrates the bold use of colour in contemporary Aboriginal art....» Read More


Some highs for Aboriginal art in economic downturn

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-10 03:02:48

Its executive office John Oster says up to 20 art centres have had a drop in turnover and Aboriginal art sales are being affected by the slowing economy. He says it's already leading communities to focus on the quality of the...» Read More


Some highs for Aboriginal art in economic downturn

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-10 03:02:48

Its executive office John Oster says up to 20 art centres have had a drop in turnover and Aboriginal art sales are being affected by the slowing economy. He says it's already leading communities to focus on the quality of the...» Read More


Aboriginal artists break into Indian market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-09 03:12:15

An excerpt from AM: TONY EASTLEY: While the global economic slowdown has taken the heat out of art sales right around the world, two Central Australian Aboriginal artists are in New Delhi this week hoping to to break into India's lucrative...» Read More


Aboriginal Artists Test Global Art Market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-08 03:05:18

Aboriginal art in Australia is one of the few sources of income for the indigenous population that also perpetuates their ancient culture. In an effort to expand the market for Aboriginal art–which has been hard hit in Australia in recent...» Read More


India offers Aboriginal artists opportunity

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-07 03:09:06

Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming): Ormay Gallagher is one artist hoping to capture the imaginations of Indian art lovers. (Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation : Ormay Nangala Gallagher ) From the Tanami Road to Chandi Chowk, two central Australian Aboriginal artists are on...» Read More


Delhi's India Habitat Centre plays host to Australian aboriginal art exhibits

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-07 03:08:35

New Delhi, Apr.6 (ANI): Warlukurlangu Artists, Australia, in partnership with art curator, Durga Vishwanathan, are showcasing contemporary Australian art in New Delhi. Titled 'Desert Dreamings', the paintings from the Central Desert of Australia is the first exhibition of contemporary art of...» Read More


Open Over Easter

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-06 23:43:32

Nerissa's Art Studio/Gallery will be open over the Easter Holidays. Affordable Aboriginal Art, Giftware and Gemstone Jewellery for...» Read More


Mediating Forms: The Spiritual and Personal Dimension of Yolngu Portraiture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-06 02:52:37

Date: April 6, 2009 Time: 6:00 p.m. Speaker / Performer Dr. Howard Morphy Description Mr. Howard Morphy will present the John W. and Maria T. Kluge Distinguished Lecture in Arts and Humanities. Dr. Morphy argues that the presence of a person and attributes of...» Read More


Interview with Philip Hammial

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-06 02:50:00

And for something slightly off topic: What about aboriginal art? Has that had an influence on your work? Not at...» Read More


Aboriginal Art: Yarramunua

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-05 02:48:10

You can buy Aboriginal Art directly from artist. Yarramunua from Darwin is performing and selling own art at Circular Quay. ...» Read More


Galleries with a glass of red

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-05 02:45:50

TarraWarra Estate At the other end of the winery-meets-art scale is the Yarra Valley's TarraWarra Estate, home of the TarraWarra Museum of Art. Directly across from the wine bar, cafe and tasting room is Australia's first significant privately funded public art gallery....» Read More


Central Australian artists in the running for Telstra Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-01 16:29:46

Aboriginal Art Centres from central Australia have reserved their very best works for the 2009 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award later this year. With the close of entries last Friday (27 March) the Art Centres have indicated...» Read More


Central Australian artists in the running for Telstra Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-04-01 02:00:28

Aboriginal Art Centres from central Australia have reserved their very best works for the 2009 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award later this year. With the close of entries last Friday (27 March) the Art Centres have indicated...» Read More


Envoy for our colonial past

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-31 07:34:04

Not really relevant but wouldn't this have been amazing: "Old switcheroo art deal weathers well", ran the headline in The Daily Telegraph. The exchange program was soon derailed after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, an event that took place while the exhibition of...» Read More


Aboriginal arts talk

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-31 07:34:01

An update from Will Owen: No essay this week, I confess, as I've happily spent the last seven days entertaining my friend Walter, down from Boston for a springtime visit, our first since we saw each other at the opening of...» Read More


Teacher earns grant, heads to Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-31 07:33:55

From Boulder and County News: Jason Gage, an art teacher at Spangler Elementary in the St. Vrain Valley School District, has been chosen to receive the 2009 Eleanor Venture grant -- created five years ago to support a teacher "travel experience." Gage...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-03-29 14:44:10

The painting that briefly set the record for Aboriginal art, and still holds the record for a painting by an Australian woman – Emily Kngwarreye's 'Earth's Creation' – is now on show in Alice Springs. During the 2007 peak in Aboriginal...» Read More


You can still buy from the Important Aboriginal Art Auction

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-26 21:09:12

For bargain hunters and those looking to purchase Aboriginal Art you can still buy off the catalogue from the Important Aboriginal Art auction that went under the hammer on the 25th...» Read More


Downturn hits art auction hard

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-26 21:05:24

From the Age: Barely half of the 265 works offered at Deutscher and Hackett's inaugural Aboriginal art auction last night sold, fetching a total of $1.3 million, including commissions. Executive director Chris Deutscher, who had been hoping for a $2 million sale,...» Read More


Opening auctions to test art market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-26 21:02:06

From the Age: The sales will be a litmus test of the market in these tight financial times. In Melbourne, Deutscher and Hackett will launch its inaugural Aboriginal art sale, while, in Sydney, Rod Menzies will auction 250 works in the...» Read More


Auction houses get creative

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-26 05:28:23

After a bumper turnover in 2007 the market contracted, and predictions for this year have been gloomy. Tonight's sales at Menzies Art Brands and Deutscher and Hackett will be a test of how the downturn is affecting the Australian market. Internationally,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-03-25 12:37:26

The small showing of barks and works on paper collected by Charles Pearcy Mountford during his American-Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhemland in 1948 – currently at the AGNSW – raises more questions than it answers. Which is not necessarily a...» Read More




Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-23 11:52:58

CREATIVE AUSTRALIAN AICEY ZARO RECOGNISED FOR INSPIRING THE TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY Creativity comes in a surprising range of shapes and sizes in Australia and is often the inspiration behind people becoming involved in their local community. This year, Sensis is celebrating the...» Read More


New Indigenous Art Gallery To Showcase Shoalhaven Local Talent

New Indigenous Art Gallery To Showcase Shoalhaven Local Talent

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-17 19:01:50

New Indigenous Art Gallery To Showcase Shoalhaven Local Talent The House of Koorang Gallery is owned and operated by international renowned Aboriginal artist and Eora Elder, Mundara Koorang and his wife Novy. The focus of the gallery is in providing education...» Read More



Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-03-17 18:17:54

People who care about how Aboriginal art is 'brought to market' have only until Friday 20th March to respond to the Australia Council's draft Code of Conduct for the industry. The place to go to examine their proposals – which were...» Read More


The shock of the old

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-14 08:04:24

The major auction houses are offering the strongest catalogues of Aboriginal art since indigenous paintings found their way from Turkey Creek to the mainstream. Names such as Rover Thomas and Emily Kame Kngwarreye excite the art market as much as Brack,...» Read More


UQ Art Museum Exhibition Floor Talk: Next Generation Lockhart River ‘Old Girls’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-10 05:04:34

‘Aboriginal Art and Another History’ Dr Sally Butler is Senior Lecturer in Art History at The University of Queensland. Her recent publications include a book covering the history of the Lockhart River Indigenous art movement in Queensland`s Cape York region,...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2009-03-06 08:59:21

The important annual Wynne Prize for landscape painting – handed out today at noon by the Art Gallery of New South Wales Trustees – is getting more and more indigenous. This year 7 of the 30 acceptances are by Aboriginal...» Read More


The art sale orgy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-03-02 07:17:49

What will happen here when the domestic sales start is unknown. Most likely value will hold for quality although volumes will drop off and the low to medium end of the market may suffer. The Australian season opens on March 25 with...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art issue 1

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-26 14:20:42

The first issue of the Australian Aboriginal Art magazine issue 1. ...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-26 14:13:16

7pm Sat 7 March, Theatre, Araluen Arts Centre. A new magazine - Australian Aboriginal Art will be launched inAlice Springs. The launch will include special guest speakers and a performance by the Bangarra Dance Theatre Company. RSVP: lucy@aboriginalartmagazine.com, 02 9357 5355 The...» Read More


The soul of oceania

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-24 09:37:58

The LA Times looks at Oceanic Art and a little bit of Aboriginal Art: "Just look at the noses," says Los Angeles collector Valerie Franklin, approaching a display of Melanesian masks at the San Diego Museum of Art. One resembles a...» Read More


The Art Centre Way

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-24 09:35:21

www.artcentreway.com is now live! The Art Centre Way is a set of resources for people who work in Aboriginal art centres, or studios. The resource uses simple English language with photographs and videos to provide step by step examples of many...» Read More


An Individual Perspective: From the Indigenous Collection of Lauraine Diggins

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-24 07:18:49

Lauraine Diggins has been involved in the Australian fine art market since 1974. Throughout her commercial gallery enterprise she cultivated many strong relationships with Australian Indigenous communities and in 1989 curated the exhibition A Myriad of Dreaming: Twentieth Century Aboriginal...» Read More


Contemporary Aboriginal Art with Danie Mellor

Contemporary Aboriginal Art with Danie Mellor

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-18 09:44:51

This series of lectures will discuss the significance of Aboriginal art in Australia, and its place as a contemporary movement in this country’s cultural landscape. We will focus on the production of the city-based Indigenous artist, their approaches, and...» Read More


Indigenous art tells a story in Laura

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-16 06:41:29

An Aboriginal Art Exhibition is on display at the Laura Court House Gallery throughout January and February, giving people the opportunity to view and purchase an exciting range of colourful indigenous art that reflects and tells the story of the...» Read More


Aboriginal Underground Art Crawl 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-16 06:40:02

We came across a new site yesterday, Aboriginal Underground Art Crawl 2009. It looks very exciting: Marlaina Buch is a Victoria curator and artist. The Aboriginal Underground Art Crawl was started as a way for her to address her own ignorance...» Read More


Many Friendships at Bunjilaka – Last Days

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-16 06:36:08

Western Desert Mob Exhibition Yamatji Pirni: Many Friendships draws 55,000 visitors to Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum. Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum and Western Desert Mob have successfully partnered to celebrate the importance of connection to Country...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Gallery Sydney: William, Tarisse & Sarrita King

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-16 06:32:30

First exhibition at this exciting new Aboriginal Art Gallery at Sydney’s Opera Quays Opening night with the artists: Friday 20th Feb 6 - 9pm Artists will be painting in the gallery during the exhbition Exhibition showing 19 - 22 February 2009 All...» Read More


Sustainable Living Festival

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-14 19:06:03

Nerissa Major will be having a display at the Sustainable Living Festival, Federation Square, Flinders Street, Melbourne. Site number 142. Unique Aboriginal Art, Gemstone Jewellery and Gifts are available for purchase. 30% of sales will go to Wildwood Wildlife...» Read More


From the deserts, artists came

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-14 06:52:20

In 1994, John and Barbara Wilkerson, American art lovers, were visiting the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory when they caught sight of a handful of early board paintings from Papunya in the western desert. They were struck:...» Read More


Ready to Dream by Donna Jo Napoli and Elena Furrow

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-12 12:22:55

From the Reading Zone regarding Ready to Dream by Donna Jo Napoli and Elena Furrow: But the real star here is Bronwynn Bancroft. An Aboriginal artist and designer herself, she has made this book a masterpiece. I wish I...» Read More


Art from Down Under

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-11 06:50:09

Learn about Aboriginal art at Cornell University: Guest curator Roger Benjamin of the University of Sydney will lecture on "Aboriginal Art from Papunya Tula: From the Beginning," Feb. 12 at 5:15 p.m. at the Johnson Museum. He gives a gallery talk...» Read More


Art of the emu

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-10 12:41:22

An extensive and unique collection of work from Aboriginal artist Kudditji Kngwarreye is on display at Burrinja. Kudditji hails from the Northern Territory's Utopia community. He was one of the first established male artists from the region. Burrinja Visual Arts Co-ordinator Tilla...» Read More


Willie's world

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-07 12:23:03

Willie Gordon asks what was the most important lesson my father taught me. I have signed on for an Aboriginal art tour out of Cooktown way up in northern Queensland and this delving into my personal affairs is not the...» Read More


Pass artists' resale royalties bill, politicians urged

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-05 12:06:08

John Oster from Desart talks to the ABC about the bill going to parliament shortly relating to artist royalties: "There's not too much contention in the bill and it's been a long process of sorting. We've been looking at this for...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-04 16:10:03

A very, very interesting article in the Telegraph about Aboriginal art from the perspective of UK journalist Will Storr. The article covers the Yuendumu and Papuya communities as Will follows Roslyn Premont from Gallery Gondwana on a buying trip: Indeed, Cecilia...» Read More


My top 10 aussie aboriginal art pieces by Aphiinspi

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-02-02 09:18:01

Aphiinspi's top 10 Aboriginal art pieces. Have a look t the...» Read More


The evolving face of Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-28 16:55:01

One painting resembles a Roy Lichtenstein, another has the emblematic target of Jasper Johns, and a photographic portrait channels Andy Warhol. If that doesn’t sound like Aboriginal art, then an exhibit touted as Australia’s first major survey of indigenous art...» Read More


Imagine if batik was the new black

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-28 16:47:17

From the Age about the new exhibition at the Ian Potter Centre, National Gallery of Victoria: The spectacular flowering of art in the Australian outback has sometimes been called the Aboriginal Renaissance. Some whitefella pride sits in this charming title, designating...» Read More


Deleuzian or not, it's all sensation

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-27 11:31:52

From The Australian In her little book Chaos, Territory, Art, philosopher Elizabeth Grosz provides us with a way of, if not understanding, at least experiencing and appreciating Aboriginal art, with the assistance of one of the 20th century's most exhilarating...» Read More


Aboriginal art: it's a complicated thing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-27 11:27:33

Tim Acker's article in ArtLink: While the art dazzles the eye and the prices make headlines, there is a fundamental disconnect at work within the Aboriginal art industry. The market's focus on the consumption of art and the profitability of its...» Read More


Collecting Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-26 11:29:55

Described by renowned Australian art critic, Robert Hughes, as belonging to ‘the world’s last great art movement’, collectors of art from this extraordinary ancient but vibrant living culture have, in recent years, fuelled a boom in sales. Prices at auction...» Read More


The healing power of art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-23 11:01:58

From the Northern Rivers Echo: When Michael Philp burnt out from his welfare job several years ago, a friend suggested he try painting as therapy. It was a suggestion that changed his life. Five years on Michael couldn’t imagine his life without...» Read More


Australian Film Festival & Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-22 11:01:03

Celebrate Australia Day 2009 with an extraordinary Film Festival and Art Exhibition “Dreaming Stories - Australian Indigenous Cultural Festival” Date : 22- 26 January 2009 Place : Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia Shopping Centre Film – Screening of award winning...» Read More


Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-22 06:54:20

Exhibition of some of the earliest and rarest paintings by Indigenous Australian artists; artists to visit Ithaca and create “ground work” The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University presents Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya,...» Read More


Creativity feels the crunch

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-17 10:56:40

A very interesting article in the Australian about the impact of the credit crunch on the Aboriginal art market: The new year looms dark and forbidding for the nation's most distinctive visual product, that purest symbol of Australian complexity: Aboriginal art. The...» Read More


Fine Tribal, Aboriginal Art & International Antiquities

Fine Tribal, Aboriginal Art & International Antiquities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-13 07:52:06

Over 100 lots: Early India, Chinese, Southeast Asian, Islamic, Indus Valley, Gandharan, Khmer, art and antiquities. Art and Artefacts from, Australian, Oceania, and Africa. The highlights include;*Early Indian sculpture from Rajasthan dating 10 - 12th Century AD.*An outstanding collection of...» Read More


Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya Opens at Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-12 18:50:36

The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art presents today Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya, on view through April 5. In the more than thirty-five years since its advent at the tiny settlement of Papunya in the...» Read More


Blemishes mar a sumptuous history of Australian art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-10 08:24:15

In 1886, there was a tussle for control over the future direction of Australian art. At its heart the dispute appeared simple, but it highlighted a deep division. A student of the School of Art in Melbourne, Alice Chapman, was...» Read More


Aboriginal artists take a stand on heart health to close the gap

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-10 07:54:53

Seven well known Aboriginal artists, Lloyd Hornsby, Laurie Nilsen, Peter Muraay Djerippi Mulcahy, Debbie Taylor, Raquel Jackson, Jennifer Herd and Bianca Beetson are each donating a major piece of work to be auctioned at the Heart Foundation s second annual...» Read More


Icons of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-04 20:02:48

Post by Will Owen about the new icons of the desert exhibition: The largest exhibition in the United States to date of seminal works of contemporary Aboriginal painting from central Australia will open on January 10 at Cornell University's Herbert F....» Read More


Traders change tack

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2009-01-01 08:17:58

"We’ve noticed since the credit crunch hit hard three months ago, people haven’t been buying paintings above $10,000," Doongal Aboriginal Art Gallery manager Nava Wahl said. "So we’ve gone for more little paintings and gifts. We’ve changed some of our merchandise. "One...» Read More


TiTi's Daily Picture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-29 08:11:22

Nice blog post with picture: I have always enjoyed Aboriginal Art and even more so since I have been confronted to the amazing collection of the Ian Potter Centre in Melbourne some years back. Now that I am in the Northern...» Read More


Arts Tasmania Aboriginal Arts Fund

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-28 08:08:58

Aboriginal artists and recognised Aboriginal arts organisations have been invited to apply for assistance though the Arts Tasmania Aboriginal Arts Fund, which aims to support, revitalise and preserve traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art forms and practices. The Minister for Environment, Parks,...» Read More


Art from the heart speeds up recovery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-23 07:38:00

When CRS Australia rehabilitation consultant Kathryn McKewin met Mr Weston, all he could do was walk on flat ground and use his hands after a serious motorcycle accident had wrecked his body. “This bloke came in and everything said his body...» Read More


Museum has even more stories to tell

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-23 01:13:07

A large range of new objects and stories will be on display at the National Museum of Australia from next year as it transforms its five permanent galleries after seven years on show. Rolfe Harris's wobble board, which was recently added...» Read More


Sights Unseen - Moving Pictures by Michael Riley

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-22 01:34:02

Sights Unseen is a compelling story about the short but prolific life work of Aboriginal photographer, Michael Riley, his view on Aboriginal art and his determination to bring together a solid Aboriginal arts movement before passing away in 2004. Riley...» Read More


Intellectual inbreeding, but insight aplenty

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-21 01:35:42

The final piece, ‘The Collector’, is by Nicolas Rothwell, perhaps our finest essayist. This subtle, sublime piece — 14 pages long — was first published in The Monthly. It documents how in late June 1956, the Paris-trained Czech artist Karel...» Read More


Art code may not erase dodgy dealers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-20 07:34:04

What impact will the new code have? The intensely negotiated draft code for the Aboriginal art market was unveiled yesterday by federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett, a year and a half after a Senate report into unethical practices in the indigenous...» Read More


A passionate engagement

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-17 05:20:25

Marie Geissler on collecting Aboriginal art Described by renowned Australian art critic, Robert Hughes, as belonging to ‘the world’s last great art movement’, collectors of art from this extraordinary ancient but vibrant living culture have, in recent years, fuelled a boom...» Read More


Art Education 2009: Michael Reid Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-17 04:00:36

In 2009 the art galleries Michael Reid at Elizabeth Bay and Michael Reid at Murrurundi will continue to offer one of the most comprehensive Australian art education programmes in the country. Our aim is to equip both collectors and art...» Read More


The titles that bind

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-16 05:24:07

From the Age: After a career as a publisher, anti-Vietnam War campaigner, art critic, columnist, investigative journalist (not to mention serial wife; four husbands were acquired and released along the way), McCulloch is on the cusp of a new phase, in...» Read More


New Beginnings: Classic Paintings from the Corrigan Collection of 21st Century Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-15 04:27:56

For more than 40 years leading businessman Pat Corrigan has been one of Australia’s largest and most significant arts benefactors. A strong supporter of the innovative and of living artists, post-2000 Pat turned his eye towards Aboriginal art. The vibrancy...» Read More


The NIT Blacklist 2008

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-15 04:00:27

From the National Indigenous Times: 2008 was a year of highs and lows for Aboriginal Australia. The high was, undoubtedly, the national apology in February. But the lows were... well, take your pick. The federal government's failure to endorse the UN...» Read More


BEYONCE'S momento of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-13 04:08:54

When the singer Beyonce toured here, The Sydney Entertainment Centre came to The Artery to find a piece of artwork they could give to the singer as a memento of her visit to Sydney. They were looking for something...» Read More


Black and White

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-11 09:41:06

NG Art Gallery warmly invites you to the opening of Black & White in collaboration with Coo-ee Aboriginal Art Gallery tuesday 9 december 6pm – 8pm exhibition 9 – 20 december 2008 An exhibition of Aboriginal works by: Ronnie Tjamptjinpa Lily Sandover Kngwarre Abie Loy Kemarre Ngoia...» Read More


Radiant Surprises

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-11 09:04:36

Helen Read is in town with her end-of-year showing of Aboriginal art at the Barn in Kew. Helping out with setup last week evoked memories of making displays in my own shop years ago – there was the similar challenge...» Read More


New dawn of respect

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-11 09:03:28

Wingham High School has ushered in a new era of respect and acknowledgement of Aboriginal people after unveiling two murals celebrating the Wingham area’s indigenous history. The stunning artworks, now a permanent fixture in the school grounds, were shown for the...» Read More


Turning landscape on its head

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-09 04:19:25

Nicholas Rothwell from the Australian on Lydia Balbal, an emerging star in the Aboriginal art world: It was just a year ago that the most mesmerising new star of western desert art, Lydia Balbal, walked into Broome's Short Street Gallery and...» Read More


Art association pushes for Indigenous cultural centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-09 01:08:59

John Oster from Desart discusses the possiblity of an Indigenous art and culture in Alice Springs: The executive officer of an Aboriginal art association says central Australia would benefit from a visitor centre for Indigenous art and culture. The longstanding idea was...» Read More


Aboriginal art in the Northern Rivers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-06 02:58:26

Building on a highly successful event in 2004, a special art and craft exhibition is planned for the Australia Day long weekend at Lismore City Hall to help build livelihoods for and improve the health of Indigenous communities. The exhibition...» Read More


Art brings health and wealth to Indigenous artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-06 02:56:05

Building on a highly successful event in 2004, a special art and craft exhibition is planned for the Australia Day long weekend at Lismore City Hall to help build livelihoods for and improve the health of Indigenous communities. The exhibition is...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Selling Exhibition - Catalogue Online

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-06 02:15:00

ABORIGINAL ART SELLING EXHIBITION Select Works on Display 8 – 23 DECEMBER Shapiro Gallery 162 Queen Street Woollahra ON VIEW Monday through Saturday 11-5pm Department Enquiries Tel 612 9326 1588 CATALOGUE ONLINE www.shapiro.com.au ENQUIRIES aboriginal.art@shapiro.com.au Jane Raffan (+612) 9326 1588...» Read More


Written in the Land: The Life of Queenie McKenzie

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-05 00:41:54

Written in the Land: The Life of Queenie McKenzie This beautifully produced book tells the story of Queenie McKenzie, a remarkable indigenous woman from the East Kimberley in Western Australia. Now deceased, Queenie was an important cultural leader, revered...» Read More


Black and White At NG Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-04 09:02:19

The latest in an on-going series of thought provoking Aboriginal art exhibitions at NG Art curated by Coo-ee Aboriginal Art “Aboriginal paintings are often described as landscapes but they are far more than this. They are all about nature and the...» Read More


Harrison Galleries: Christmas Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-03 14:58:51

3-20 December 2008 Our last exhibition for 2008 features a selection of works, including works on paper, photography, sculpture and painting. Stockroom and Aboriginal artwork sale continues due to popular demand. Christmas bargains for Art Lovers! Sincere thanks to our patrons...» Read More


A modern hunter gatherer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-02 08:24:35

New Beginnings: Classic Paintings from the Corrigan Collection of 21st Century Aboriginal Art, Emily McCulloch Childs and Ross Gibson with a preface by Margo Neale, McCulloch & McCulloch, 156pp, $79.95. From the Australian: When Therese Rein recently launched the book New Beginnings:...» Read More


Crews in choppers hit the red centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-02 03:45:34

Hot on the heels of Baz Luhrmann's movie, Australia, international film crews can't get enough of the landscape in Central Australia. They're shooting everything from Aboriginal art to feral camels. Travelling from Japan, Europe, and Canada, many are hiring helicopters to shoot...» Read More


Many Friendships thrive at Bunjilaka, Melbourne Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-02 01:12:41

Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum Presents Western Desert Mob Exhibition Yamatji Pirni: Many Friendships. Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum and Western Desert Mob are celebrating the importance of Aboriginal connection to country and culture through art,...» Read More


Unearthed - Stories Written in the Land

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-02 00:57:53

Unearthed - Stories Written in the Land 9 December 2008 - 31 January 2009 To be opened by Pat Corrigan AM 6pm Tuesday December 9th 2008 Pat will be available to personally sign copies of the recently released book New Beginnings Classic...» Read More


Unearthed - Stories Written in the Land

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-12-02 00:53:41

Unearthed - Stories Written in the Land 9 December 2008 - 31 January 2009 To be opened by Pat Corrigan AM 6pm Tuesday December 9th 2008 Pat will be available to personally sign copies of the recently released book New Beginnings Classic...» Read More


Aboriginal artists take control

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-28 04:56:00

The Wynnum Aboriginal Art Gallery has changed hands: Troy Little has been the resident artist at Wynnum Aboriginal Art Gallery in Florence St for almost a decade. Little is looking forward to his work being exposed to a wider range of...» Read More




Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-11-26 11:45:00

Of the key (white) facilitators of the Aboriginal art movement, only Geoffrey Bardon has ensured his own immortality via assiduous publication. And his reputation is based on just 12 months effort between the school wall painting at Papunya and his...» Read More


Launch of Written in the Land: the Life of Queenie McKenzie

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-25 01:21:13

I would first like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land. And I want to acknowledge the contribution made by Argyle Diamonds – the first major company to make Aboriginal employment a priority and a supporter of the book. And Peter...» Read More


Wish comes true

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-22 03:12:04

One of the individual donors is Dr Patrick Corrigan, who provided the funds for Barbie Kjar’s work Escucha. Corrigan, who recently gave the gallery a substantial collection of valuable artists’ prints and drawings, has made hundreds of donations to galleries,...» Read More


What is current? Who is current? These are pertinent questions in the ever-changing realm of visual art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-19 06:51:01

With 80 artists spread across 300 glossy colour pages, Current is up-to-the minute, controversial, sexy, political, dangerous or reassuringly familiar, depending on what page you turn to. Current is the new book from the Art & Australia team, and took...» Read More


A fortnightly wrap-up of how the media reported Indigenous affairs from the National Indigenous Times

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-18 02:17:22

AN art auction house spent more than $100,000 moving a sale from Melbourne to Sydney this month after misinterpreting a new law. Sotheby's admits it was confused about a change to the Australian Heritage Act 2006. The Act requires individual...» Read More


From rock to canvas

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-18 02:08:48

An art culture that is thousands of years old has not only evolved successfully but is now a commercial triumph internationally, too. BEYOND THE DOTS Nov 7-21, Pace Gallery, PJ MY fascination with contemporary Australian aboriginal art – in particular the dot paintings...» Read More


Tjungurrayi claims prestigious art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-17 20:23:36

From The Western Australian: WA painter Patrick Tjungurrayi has won Australia’s richest Aboriginal art prize with his monumental series of canvases depicting a scrub fire in his Gibson Desert homeland. “They were the best, the best-looking,” judge Djon Mundine said with...» Read More


Beyond Sacred

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-17 05:21:54

Listen to the audio Last week on Artworks, Julie Copeland talked to the Sydney pathologist and art collector Colin Laverty about how you make a collection. This week Julie is taking the conversation further with him, to tease out ideas...» Read More


Aboriginal artworks reflect history spanning 40,000 years

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-16 08:02:08

Visitors to Pace Gallery in Petaling Jaya have a chance to see examples of these artworks, which had been especially brought in from Australia and will be on display until Nov 21. Appreciating her peer: Maida Stewart standing next to...» Read More


Pacific solutions

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-16 07:15:03

The most significant exhibition of islander art in two decades is a confronting experience for all, writes Christopher Allen Gods, Ghosts and Men National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Until January 11. Quote from the article: In fact this is the first significant exhibition of the...» Read More


Harrison Galleries invites you and your friends to our first ever sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-14 01:25:22

Harrison Galleries invites you and your friends to our first ever sale. We have on offer a wide selection of Aboriginal works with some works starting from $300. Doors open at 10am this Saturday. We look forward to seeing you then....» Read More


East meets West at local exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-14 01:03:44

One of the East Kimberley’s longest practising artists will showcase her unique artwork at an exhibition in Subiaco this month. Senior artist Peggy Griffiths, from Waringarri Aboriginal Arts in Kununurra, will present her East meets West collection of six large...» Read More


Gallery on the go looks for a new home

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-13 12:00:14

A great story about the unlikely Aboriginal art collection of Gordon Syron: A convicted murderer who learnt to paint in Long Bay jail 30 years ago, he paints and collects art to depict his experience of a racist and unjust Australia....» Read More


New Beginnings: Classic Paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-13 12:00:04

From the Brisbane Times comes the announcement of an upcoming event in Queensland, the launch of New Beginnings: Classic Paintings: Therese Rein will launch a book chronicling the master artists of the Western Desert, The Kimberley and Top End at the...» Read More


Lifestyle Visit to aboriginal art exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-13 11:52:39

An excellent community newspaper, Pine Rivers Press, has a nice little article about a planned visit to the Namatijira to Now exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery. THE Friends Group of the Pine Rivers Regional Art Gallery in Strathpine is organising...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-10 23:42:05

„Common Ground“ Wir freuen uns, Ihnen vom 28.11.2008 - 30.11.2008 Zeitgenössische Aboriginal Art aus verschiedenen Regionen Australiens vorstellen zu können. Begleitend zur Ausstellung „Common Ground“ wird am 29.11.2008 um 17:00 Uhr ein Vortrag zur „Einführung in die Kunst der ersten Australier“...» Read More


Redrock Gallery's Aboriginal Art Exhibition - in Bejing

Redrock Gallery's Aboriginal Art Exhibition - in Bejing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-10 17:06:33

It is Redrock Gallery’s 7th exhibition promoting Australian Aboriginal Art in China. From Mem Aziz, of Redrock gallery: 'More and more Chinese are learning About Australia’s indigenous culture and its significant history, though exhibitions and lectures on the topic...» Read More


Leading Commentators to Discuss New Developments and Trends in Collecting Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-10 12:44:59

Free Public Forum & Book Launch at 2pm Saturday, November 15 Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, 100 Roberts Road, Subiaco November 8, 2008— Leading Australian art commentator and writer, Susan McCulloch, and coauthor/ publisher Emily McCulloch Childs will launch two important...» Read More


Garrett’s resale royalty proposal - views from the Aboriginal arts industry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-09 09:16:55

A very interesting post from the Crikey blogs by Peter Gosford. The article looks at the royalty system coming out of Canberra and the benefit that it will produce for Indigenous artists. Here is some of the article: Garrett’s model for the...» Read More


New Self-Drive Map to discover Kimberley Aboriginal Artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-09 00:54:39

A new Self-Drive Map has been developed to help visitors access the four art centres which make up the Kimberley Aboriginal Artists alliance. The map helps visitors to be part of a special journey and to gain a closer insight...» Read More


Contemporary Indigenous photographers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-08 02:49:28

A fantastic article about Indigenous photographers from COFU: Historically Australian Indigenous art has been perceived by many to be hampered by its cultural and national perceptions. It continues to be dealt with in a way in which there is a selective...» Read More


'Hot' categories cool rapidly as crisis bites

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-07 23:48:22

More poor news from the auction market: October seemed to be the month when the wheels began to come off the global art market in the wake of turmoil in the wider economy. This was particularly evident at auctions in the...» Read More


Dreams of life and death

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-04 03:55:58

A wonderful article by Nicholas Rothwell about Wingu Tingima: For who, among the legions of keen collectors tracking the most admired Aboriginal art star of the western desert, Wingu Tingima, knows anything about her life and the way her mythscapes shape...» Read More


Tjungurrayi claims prestigious art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-01 01:00:53

Patrick Tjungurrayi is announced as the winner of the inaugural $50,000 WA Indigenous Art Award: “They were the best, the best-looking,” judge Djon Mundine said with disarming simplicity to explain the choice announced by Premier Colin Barnett at the Art Gallery...» Read More


Beyond The Dots: Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-01 00:57:07

The exhibition is titled “Beyond The Dots: Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art” and is organised by Tjala Aboriginal Art and Asia Promote Ventures with the support of the Australian Trade Commision and the Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry. It features 20...» Read More


Intricate dots from Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-11-01 00:53:09

From Nov 7 to 21, art lovers can discover the best of Aboriginal Australian art, characterised by its colourful and intricate dot patterns, at Pace Gallery in Jalan Kemajuan, Petaling Jaya. The exhibition is titled “Beyond The Dots: Contemporary Australian...» Read More


New mid range works by Papulankutja artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-27 06:49:14

New mid range works by Papulankutja artists from the remote life blog: I have decided to put works with Martin at Aboriginal Art online. The Revealed Showcase in Perth together with the move to the new art centre at Blackstone seems to...» Read More


Aboriginal art triples

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-27 05:27:33

Kieran Finnane from the Alice Springs News discusses the new publication, McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art: McCulloch notes eight Aboriginal-owned arts centres in Alice at present. These, and in particular the two set up to cater for artists from town camps, get...» Read More


Emerging indigenous artists revealed in Perth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-26 00:54:34

Artworks from Western Australian emerging indigenous artists will be showcased in an exhibition titled Revealed, from October 25 to November 15 at Perth’s Central TAFE Art Gallery. Three art centres form the Kimberley Aboriginal Artists alliance - Mangkaja Arts, Mowanjum...» Read More


Tribal art auction yields mixed results

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-25 14:24:21

Peter Fish reviews the Sotheby's auction: Retired NSW politician and tribal art buff Richard Jones was as pleased as punch at Sotheby's Aboriginal and Oceanic Art sale at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Monday. The striking north-east Queensland hardwood rainforest shield...» Read More


Concerns Aboriginal art wealth not reaching communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-25 14:20:25

ABC Media reports that the Papunya and Kintore communities are not benefitting from the sale of artists works as much as is possible: Minister for Central Australia Alison Anderson has expressed concern that the communities of Papunya and Kintore are not...» Read More


Telstra Award wraps up

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-25 14:20:20

The NT News lets all Darwin locals know that they have one last chance to view the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards: This weekend is the last chance Territorians have to see the finalists in the Telstra Award. The...» Read More


Art resale royalties 'may cost indigenous artists'

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-25 14:15:44

Does the new federal government royalty plan benefit Indigenous artists: Based on sales figures over that period, Whiteley, Brack, Williams, Arthur Boyd and Charles Blackman would have been the top beneficiaries of a royalty scheme similar to the model proposed by...» Read More


36 Hours in Charlottesville, Va

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-25 07:56:37

The New York times looks at Charlottesville, Virginia, and reckons that the Kluge-Ruhe is worth a visit: 10 a.m. 5) OUTBACK For a fascinating detour little known by outsiders, visit the university's Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection. Twenty years ago, John W. Kluge, a...» Read More


Going, Going...Soon to be Gone! Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-24 14:15:47

Last opportunity to experience ‘Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert’, the rarely seen art of the Western Desert Aboriginal culture concludes its stay at the Australian Museum on 2 November 2008. This extraordinary exhibition brings together, for the first time in...» Read More


Going, Going...Soon to be Gone! Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-24 14:15:47

Last opportunity to experience ‘Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert’, the rarely seen art of the Western Desert Aboriginal culture concludes its stay at the Australian Museum on 2 November 2008. This extraordinary exhibition brings together, for the first time in...» Read More


Slowdown hits the art market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-24 14:15:20

Sara Everingham from Radio Australia reviews the Sotheby's Aboriginal and Oceanic art sale. Listen by following the link below to the Radio Australia website: Well those millionaires are a staple at the world's art auctions - but with economic downturn...» Read More


Slowdown hits the art market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-24 14:15:20

Sara Everingham from Radio Australia reviews the Sotheby's Aboriginal and Oceanic art sale. Listen by following the link below to the Radio Australia website: Well those millionaires are a staple at the world's art auctions - but with economic downturn...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Artist Lloyd Hornsby Gawura

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-24 12:24:17

From Lloyd Hornsby Gawura's blog: My exhibition at the State Library- 2008 Heart Foundation East Coast Aboriginal Art Exhibition. The Art Exhibition which celebrates the strength, tenacity and generosity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities in taking a stand to...» Read More


2008 Desert Mob Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-23 14:11:03

The 2008 Desert Mob exhibition shone with an explosion of colour, life and energy as more than 800 visitors from all over Australia came to see the latest annual exhibition of Central Australian Aboriginal art centres at the Araluen Galleries. Record...» Read More


2008 Desert Mob Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-23 14:11:03

The 2008 Desert Mob exhibition shone with an explosion of colour, life and energy as more than 800 visitors from all over Australia came to see the latest annual exhibition of Central Australian Aboriginal art centres at the Araluen Galleries. Record...» Read More


Roebourne Art Group Seeks New Manager

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-10-23 11:41:28

An exciting opportunity exists for an, energetic and dedicated arts professional to organize and manage the operations of an emerging Aboriginal art centre in Roebourne, Western Australia - on the Pilbara coast, 1500 kilometres from Perth. The position involves management...» Read More


Aboriginal art left hanging as Sydney auction falters

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-22 12:24:33

Reuters reports on the Sotheby's Aboriginal and Oceanic art sale: An auction of Aboriginal art fell far short of pre-sale expectations on Monday as the global financial crisis appeared to halt years of rapid growth, although a shield sold for...» Read More


Aboriginal art auction falls short

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-22 12:22:04

Sara Everingham from ABC News reports on the Sotheby's Auction that failed to meet expectations. The highlights (or lowlights) were: Less than half of the work on offer cleared No works reached $1 million dollars The auction only raised $3.6 million If the results of...» Read More


Alpha males abandon art sales

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 20:19:54

Dissappointing auction results reported by The Australian: ART adviser Michael Reid calls them the "alpha male business people who need to own more than they want to own". Last night's disappointing Sotheby's art auction result suggests these European-suited, stock market-savvy collectors are...» Read More


Desert masters claim place in history

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 20:16:07

Vivien Johnson's emotive book launch as reported by Nicolas Rothwell for The Australian: IT was almost four decades ago, in this harsh desert country, that the Aboriginal painting movement was born. Now, after many tribulations and triumphs, the definitive history...» Read More


Shield raises $84,000

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 20:09:51

Bridie Smith for The Age reports on a new sale record: A SHIELD sold at a Sydney auction last night for $84,000, setting a record price for an Aboriginal artefact sold at auction. The kidney-shaped shield, collected from far north-eastern Queensland...» Read More


Demand for Australian indigenous art steady

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 20:09:40

Radio National reported: The head of an organisation representing Indigenous artists in Central Australia says the financial crisis shouldn't stop people buying high-quality Aboriginal art. A charity auction to raise money for health research raised more than 250-thousand Australian dollars in...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 12:19:25

Syndicated content about the history of Australian Aboriginal Art: In 1971, Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri painted his first art work using acrylic on canvas. This was - except for a very few preliminary attempts - the beginning of the Aboriginal Art Movement,...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Exhibition in Florence

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-21 11:55:55

The Australians, the original ones, are coming Aboriginal Australian Art has an universal theme: “the Dreaming”. This concept permeates Aboriginal culture, from ritual to contemporary art. The term refers to the time of creation when Aboriginal people and all of...» Read More


Sotheby's Aboriginal and Oceanic art sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-20 11:55:59

Exhibition Previews Location: Kiddell Gallery, London Mon, 22 Sep 08, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Tue, 23 Sep 08, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Wed, 24 Sep 08, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Thu, 25 Sep 08, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Location: Melbourne Fri,...» Read More


Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents Form and Function, Bondi Beach Australia

Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents Form and Function, Bondi Beach Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-20 01:27:41

Form and Function A collection of fine 18th and 19th century Ethnographic Objects and Bark Paintings. Items that took thousands of years to perfect, are elevated, in the hands of the 'collector', from mere curio to beautiful examples of 'primitive'...» Read More


Revealed - Emerging Artists from Western Australian's Aboriginal Art Centres

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-19 12:18:01

From Thriving in the Desert: In association with the Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts and Department Industry and Resources. Some of regional Western Australia's finest emerging Aboriginal artists are set to shine in an event which celebrates the next...» Read More


The Pursuit of Portraits from a Land without People

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-19 11:50:17

John Ogden, who has a new show starting at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection on Tuesday, will give a lecture at the gallery at 7 p.m. Thursday. His photo exhibition, “The Pursuit of Portraits from a Land without People,” shows portraits...» Read More


Demand for Australian indigenous art steady

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-18 11:50:12

After a recent auction industry insiders have announced that demand for Aboriginal art is steady: The head of an organisation representing Indigenous artists in Central Australia says the financial crisis shouldn't stop people buying high-quality Aboriginal art. A charity auction to raise...» Read More


Art auction raises $250k for Indigenous health care

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-17 12:50:01

ABC Online reports: An auction of Aboriginal art in Melbourne has raised more than $250,000 for research into Indigenous health. Proceeds from the sale of the 14 artworks will go towards the Darwin-based Menzies School of Health Research. The school's director, Professor...» Read More


Koorie Heritage Trust 3rd Charity Aboriginal Art - post auction sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-17 11:59:23

There was great success for the Koorie Heritage Trust 3rd Charity Aboriginal Art Auction, and the post-auction sales continue. Over half the works were sold and those unsold works will be exhibited for sale for two weeks at the Koorie...» Read More


Quality Aboriginal Art in Perth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-17 11:47:31

The Business Spectator recommends the current Japingka Gallery exhibitions: In WA, if you want to see, and possibly buy, quality, genuine Aboriginal art, Japingka Gallery is the next best thing to going out in person to the remote communities. Japingka, in Fremantle,...» Read More


Art auction to benefit health care

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-14 19:58:23

INDIGENOUS health care in the Territory will benefit when Aboriginal art is auctioned in Melbourne next week. A new organisation, Ochre, backed by the business community and philanthropists, including Western Bulldogs president David Smorgon, will sell paintings by top indigenous artists. The...» Read More


A culture celebrated

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-09 14:42:39

CAMPBELLTOWN Arts Centre kicked off its latest exhibition with a talk about the concerns facing Aboriginal artists in NSW. Ngadhu, Ngulili, Ngeaninyagu was launched last month by activist, actor and writer Gary Foley. He spoke at the first Black2Blak2 conference about the...» Read More


Aboriginal artists gain royalties for resold art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-06 18:40:33

Reuters reports: Australian Aboriginal artists whose paintings sell for millions of dollars internationally but who often struggle for money will get a lifeline through a royalty charge imposed on Friday on their resold works. In a pointer to the problem, a distinctive...» Read More


Honey Ant Gallery presents Watiyawanu Artists of Mt Liebig, Sydney Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-06 01:19:07

Watiyawanu Artists of Mt Liebig Some of the most interesting Aboriginal art today is coming from the Mt Liebig community - 325kms west of Alice Springs in the heart of the Western Desert. Leading artists represented in the exhibition include the...» Read More


Last opportunity to experience ‘Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert’

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-03 23:50:59

Last opportunity to experience 'Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert', the rarely seen art of the Western Desert Aboriginal culture concludes its stay at the Australian Museum on 2 November 2008. This extraordinary exhibition brings together, for the first time in...» Read More


Indigenous art code group sacked

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-03 12:46:20

Ashleigh Wilson for The Australian, reports: THE Australia Council will develop a voluntary code of conduct for indigenous art after a lobby group was stripped of responsibility because of "regrettable" delays and inadequate consultation. At the Cultural Ministers Council meeting in...» Read More


Field in rich Aboriginal art prize down to 16

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-03 07:20:53

More than 150 Aboriginal artists have been cut down to just 16 to contest Australia’s richest indigenous art prize at the Art Gallery of WA next month. WA artists make up at least a quarter of the finalists in...» Read More


Field in rich Aboriginal art prize down to 16

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-02 21:27:15

The Western Australian reports: More than 150 Aboriginal artists have been cut down to just 16 to contest Australia’s richest indigenous art prize at the Art Gallery of WA next month. WA artists make up at least a quarter...» Read More


Alice hosts Indigenous art forum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-02 12:23:50

Industry representatives and Aboriginal artists will come together in Alice Springs today to talk about issues pertinent to Indigenous art in Australia. Charles Darwin University (CDU) is hosting the one-day symposium, which will be an opportunity for participants to debate topics...» Read More


Ombudsman investigates radio station complaint

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-01 12:30:24

From the Northern Territory News: RADIO Larrakia is being investigated after a complaint was lodged with the Workplace Ombudsman. Aboriginal artist Dotty Fejo has complained about the indigenous broadcaster and community organisation's work practices after working there for two years. She said she...» Read More


Chemically Coded Paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-01 12:17:05

An interesting blog entry on copyright and a new technology using chemical forumlas to identify originals: A few years ago I was invited to attend a launch at the Australia Council of the then new Indigenous Protocols booklets for media arts,...» Read More


Aboriginal art program has a positive effect on students

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-01 12:08:06

A local report on an Aboriginal art program and its positive impact on the community from the Moree Champion: The Aboriginal art program being run from the Moree TAFE is having a hugely positive effect on school students. The students came into...» Read More


Place in sun for Desert Mob spectacular

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-10-01 10:18:46

Nice article in The Age by Gabriella Coslovich celebrating the success of Desert Mob: Running for 18 years, the exhibition, which shows the best and newest work of central desert artists, is so esteemed that when it opens the scramble to...» Read More


Koorie Heritage Trust - Auction Catalogue

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-30 18:52:03

The Koorie Heritage Trust has just released their auction catalogue for their upcoming 3rd Annual Aboriginal Art Charity Auction on 6pm Sunday 12th October 2008. You can download it...» Read More


Collector demonstrates fine art of giving

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-30 03:24:28

The Australian reports on Ann Lewis donating more than 100 works and $500,000 in cash: Arts figures were full of praise for Dr Lewis yesterday after the announcement that she was donating about 130 works by leading Australian contemporary artists to...» Read More


Beyond Sacred: Buy This Book!

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-29 05:15:25

A fantastic post by Will Owen about his introduction to Australian Aboriginal Art and the role the Laverty collection played in expanding his mind. Like all of his posts this is wonderfully written and the personal touch is incredibly...» Read More


Forums to review Telstra art award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-28 22:59:32

Telstra's sponsorship of the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards is secure, but the format of the awards is not. Focus groups are being run around the country as the NT News reports: MAGNT acting director Apolline Kohen said...» Read More


Contemporary Aboriginal art has the wind in his sails in France

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-27 02:56:45

Read more at the Yimbama blog: After the opening of the Quai Branly Museum, some exhibitions in galleries such as Galerie Luc Berthier and some auctions Gaïa and Artcurial, the market of aboriginal art has the wind in the...» Read More


Aboriginal art in France - The Peter Los Collection: Journey through "Time of Dreams"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-27 02:50:51

On July 7 the first-ever sale of Aboriginal Art at Artcurial | Briest - Poulain - F. Tajan. It will be the most important ensemble ever to come to auction outside Australia. Some sixty works from the personal collection of Peter...» Read More


3rd Annual Aboriginal Charity Art Auction

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-26 14:56:46

3rd Annual Aboriginal Art Charity Auction, 12th October 2008 @6pm, Melbourne Australia: Koorie Heritage Trust presents ‘gnokan danna murra kor-ki’ = ‘give me your hand my friend’. Over 100 significant artworks collected from community art centres, artists and...» Read More


UWA reveals world's first chemically coded painting

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-25 22:04:55

Article about the chemical code that is being trialled in Western Australia which protects the authenticity of artworks: A secret chemical code has been painted into an Aboriginal art work in a world-first step to outwit forgers who prey on indigenous...» Read More


Distinctive contemporary works

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-25 22:03:12

The Lam Collection is on display through South Texas: On view through Oct. 25, the Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art is one of the most distinctive art exhibitions presented in South Texas this year. The collection comes from the Lam family of...» Read More


Indigenous art centre celebrates 60 years

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-25 22:00:21

ABC News helps Ernabella Arts celebrate 60 years: Sixtieth anniversary celebrations at South Australia's Ernabella Art Centre culminated last night with an emotional community concert. The art centre, in the APY Lands near the Northern Territory border, is the longest-running Aboriginal art...» Read More


QUT students coming to aid of island population

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-25 00:28:32

A group of QUT engineering students is traveling to Bentick Island to build much-needed infrastructure: Five engineering students from Brisbane will travel more than 2000 kilometres to a remote indigenous community in the state's far north tomorrow to build much-needed sustainable...» Read More


Where To for the Telstra Prize?

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-09-24 12:34:34

Telstra Art Awards Consults Arts Community The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) announced today (24th Sept) that it will be holding open discussions about the future direction of the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art...» Read More


Desert Mob 2008 starts Friday

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-24 03:37:56

Desert Mob 2008 starts Friday, 26 September, with the Desert Mob Symposium. Events Symposium: Friday 26 September DanceSite: Friday 26 September Marketplace: Saturday 27 September Exhibition Opening: Sunday 28 September Exhibition: Monday 29 September to Sunday 9 November Details DanceSite Desert Mob DanceSite celebrates Australian Indigenous dance. The DanceSite...» Read More


Etched in the Sun

Etched in the Sun

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-09-23 18:24:38

Prints by Aboriginal artists have not always been a total success. Unlike their Torres Strait cousins, the mainlanders don't always manage the clarity and simplification that makes for a great etching, woodblock or silkscreen print. But if any collaborator is...» Read More


Aboriginal art uproar

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-20 03:43:06

The Herald looks at the works of Lucas Grogan, who interprets Indigenous bark paintings. The works have recently caused some controversy: Lucas Grogan's pictures look indigenous but he is not Aboriginal. The situation is causing a big fuss in the art world,...» Read More


Koorie Heritage Art Auction Highlight

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-18 16:14:04

An auction of Aboriginal Art in Melbourne in October, in support of the Koorie Heritage Trust, will feature a comprehensive collection of works sourced from leading galleries and aboriginal art communities around Australia. The auction curator, Ms Claire Mitchell, says the...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-17 16:56:05

McCulloch’s New Edition to be Launched in Red Centre 6pm next Saturday, September 27 at The Lane, 58 Todd Mall, Alice Springs MELBOURNE, SEPTEMBER 17, 2008— The eagerly awaited new edition of McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide will be launched...» Read More


Cultural warriors with a different angle

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-17 16:17:43

The curator of an indigenous exhibition tells Stephen Bevis she wants to celebrate the artists as well as their works Culture Warriors: National Indigenous Art Triennial is at the Art Gallery of WA from Friday to November 23. Danie Mellor: The...» Read More


Blayney's Nyree finalist in state art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-16 15:16:32

Last week Blayney community artist Nyree Reynolds found out she had just missed out on having her artwork adorn the cover of the next telephone book for the region. However, as some consolation, one of her works has been short listed...» Read More


Warmun Art Centre is Aboriginal Business of the Year

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-16 15:00:52

Warmun Art Centre, a member of Kimberley Aboriginal Artists, has been named Aboriginal Business of the Year at the East Kimberley Aboriginal Achievement Awards in Kununurra. The award recognises emerging Aboriginal businesses or corporations that have demonstrated good management and...» Read More


As Sept. 19 grand opening approaches, Lorton Workhouse Arts Center scrambles to prepare.

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-13 07:25:40

The Lorton Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton, Virginia is opening and everyone is getting ready. Ron Acker from Gallery Sydney-East talks about the Aboriginal Art Exhibit: Ron Acker, curator of the Grand Opening Aboriginal Art Exhibit and director of Gallery Sydney-East...» Read More


Melbourne launch of McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art and McCulloch's Australian Art Diary 2009

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-13 01:22:06

The eagerly awaited third edition of McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide, vastly expanded and completely updated by Susan McCulloch and Emily McCulloch Childs, will have its Melbourne launch in October, 2008. It will be launched by Dr.Janine Burke, art...» Read More


Alice Springs launch of the new edition of McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art & the Australian Art Diary

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-13 00:17:55

The eagerly awaited third edition of McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide, vastly expanded and completely updated by Susan McCulloch and Emily McCulloch Childs, will be launched in Alice Springs in September 2008, to coincide with the leading ...» Read More


Greenie Purvis Petyarre

Greenie Purvis Petyarre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-11 10:47:48

Greenie Purvis Petyarre is the most successful male artist in an artistic dynasty that includes his aunt Emily Kngwarreye, cousin Gloria Petyarre and a number of blood sisters and half sisters. Now a highly respected tribal elder for...» Read More


Art Review + Top 200 Artist Insight featuring Greenie Purvis Petyarre

Art Review + Top 200 Artist Insight featuring Greenie Purvis Petyarre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-11 10:47:13

Contents Top 200 Australian Aboriginal Artists Insight: Greenie Purvis Petyarre Latest Aboriginal Artworks From The Gallery Most Popular Art: Top 5 This Month Most Popular Art: Top 5 From The Art Lover's Gallery Latest News Hosted By Aboriginal Art News Upcoming Aboriginal Art Exhibitions Hosted By...» Read More


50,000 Years New, Aboriginal Art Curated by Ron Acker

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-09 17:16:08

Exhibition Opening: 50,000 Years New, Aboriginal Art Curated by Ron Acker Some of the most extraordinary art in the world today is being created by Aboriginal men and women in remote communities throughout Australia. Aboriginal art is often described as radical,...» Read More


SAMANTHA HOBSON: Our life ... is land ... is culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-09 17:04:15

At 27, Samantha Hobson is one of a handful of young celebrated Aboriginal artists exhibiting widely both in her native Australia and abroad. Samantha Hobson began painting with the Lockhart River Art Gang, a group of young Indigenous painters from Queensland....» Read More


Reverb Media presents the award winning documentary Kanyini

Reverb Media presents the award winning documentary Kanyini

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-09 11:03:41

Kanyini (which means connectedness) is a hard-hitting and beautiful film, which exposes the world's oldest living culture in a way that's never been seen before. Proust once said, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes...» Read More


Kanyini - The Award Winning Documentary Film from Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-09 10:44:54

Kanyini is a story told by an Aboriginal man, Bob Randall, who lives beside the greatest monolith in the world, Uluru in Central Australia. Based on Bob's own personal journey and the wisdom he learnt from the old people...» Read More


Kevin Wirri - Artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-09 03:55:36

From ABC Radio's Street Stories comes a story about Kevin Wirri. Listin to it on ABC radio on September 14 2008. This is the story of a great artist who lives with his family in one of the town camps that...» Read More


ACPACS Seminar: Art and Politics in Melanesia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-08 13:25:07

Political crises and social upheavals galvanise artists to give vision and voice to people’s concerns. In Melanesia, as elsewhere, art is an active agency that draws attention to issues of human rights and assists people to make sense of complex...» Read More


How outsiders get a raw deal

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-06 12:14:04

John McDonald for the Sydney Morning Herald writes an interesting piece on outsider art: IN SEPTEMBER 2006, the Halle Saint Pierre in Paris hosted a survey of Australian outsider artists. The event was organised by Orange Regional Gallery, without a cent...» Read More


Aboriginal art in regional round up

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-06 11:57:04

Design*Sponge editor Grace Bonney blogs about Aboriginal art: for the past few weeks we’ve been exploring the major design hubs in australia. but as with anywhere, there are those incredibly talented artists and designers who are able to make a...» Read More


The Colour Black: Photographic Exhibition by Leading Aboriginal Artist Wayne Quilliam"

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-03 16:51:22

The Colour Black' photographic exhibition by leading Aboriginal photographer Wayne Quilliam is certain to evoke a wide range of emotions by people who visit this stunning collection of work when it opens at Alliance Francaise in Canberra on November 14. http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/q/qphotography/>Quilliam,...» Read More


Untitled (The Tyranny of Distance), 2008 - Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-03 16:19:36

Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Paddington is currently hosting new installation works by Indigenous-Australian artist Jonathan Jones. Untitled (The Tyranny of Distance), 2008 is positioned within the main exhibition space and is composed of a series of six blue tarpaulin covered...» Read More


Journey through the Pilbara without leaving Perth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 20:08:22

The biggest ever exhibition of Aboriginal art from the Pilbara will go on show next month, giving West Australians an opportunity to see a style of art that has remained largely undiscovered in Australia, but has been making waves on the international...» Read More


Journey through the Pilbara without leaving Perth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 20:08:22

The biggest ever exhibition of Aboriginal art from the Pilbara will go on show next month, giving West Australians an opportunity to see a style of art that has remained largely undiscovered in Australia, but has been making waves on the international...» Read More


A Celebration and Appreciation of the Richness of Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 20:01:01

From the beginning Gallery de Boer Fine Art & Jazz has represented First Nations artists. Now we are expanding the range of aboriginal artists we represent and those whose works we have in the Gallery Collection. Our new format builds...» Read More


ARTSingapore expects October event to tap into continuing demand momentum for contemporary Asian work

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 19:53:55

The Bangkok Post reports on ARTSingapore: After having successfully introduced some relatively unknown artists from across Asia over the past few years, ARTSingapore is gearing up for its next annual event in early October, with the hope that other artists...» Read More


ARTSingapore expects October event to tap into continuing demand momentum for contemporary Asian work

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 19:53:55

The Bangkok Post reports on ARTSingapore: After having successfully introduced some relatively unknown artists from across Asia over the past few years, ARTSingapore is gearing up for its next annual event in early October, with the hope that other artists...» Read More


Spring Festival of Arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-09-02 19:40:33

The Spring Festival of Arts will be held on Saturday 6th September from 9am to 4pm at the Canberra Seniors Centre 10 Watson St Turner. The Festival will feature the aboriginal art of Lewis Langton and Duncan Smith with its...» Read More


Warakurna Artists Win Illustrious Australian Indigenous Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-30 18:18:58

The significance and value of Aboriginal owned and governed Art Centres in the Australian art industry has been officially recognised and endorsed with Western Desert Mob’s Warakurna Artists winning Reconciliation Australia and BHP Billiton’s Indigenous Governance Awards announced...» Read More


Kimberley Aboriginal Artists successful at national showcase

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-30 14:59:18

The newly formed Kimberley Aboriginal Artists alliance has established a successful presence amongst a national audience. The alliance took part in the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair in August. The art fair, now in its second year, exhibits indigenous art which...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe toasts 'Best' and the 'Son'

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-30 02:34:58

The Kluge-Ruhe Collection will hold an opening reception for its new exhibitions this evening from 5:30 to 7:30. The local gallery will feature two new exhibitions. “All Time Favorites: Best Loved Works from the Kluge-Ruhe Collection” will be on display along...» Read More


Gelam Nguzu Kazi - Dugong My Son

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-30 02:32:03

Gelam,” an exhibition of limited edition linocut prints by artists from the Torres Strait Islands, will be on display through Oct. 12. Part of a U.S. tour, the exhibit includes prints by Dennis Nona, winner of the Telstra National Aboriginal...» Read More


All Time Favorites: Best Loved Works from the Kluge-Ruhe Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-30 02:29:31

“All Time Favorites” will include paintings on bark and canvas, sculpture and objects representing styles and techniques used by Aboriginal artists from different regions of Australia. This exhibition will run through the rest of the year, but pieces will rotate...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-29 13:22:00

MELBOURNE, AUGUST 29, 2008— McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art, widely referred to as the “bible” of Australian art, turns 40 this year and this significant milestone in Australian publishing is being celebrated with a series of events around the...» Read More


Survival of the Fittest

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-29 13:03:36

Interesting blog entry on the Wordy-Gurdy, blog, by Jackey Coyle: If Darwinian theory can be summed up as the survival of the fittest, how apt that this, the silver anniversary of the Telstra NATSIA Award, is located in Darwin. Talk was rife...» Read More


Business and art make winning partnerships

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-28 17:37:44

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on Rio Tinto and the State Library of NSW win at the Australian Business Arts Foundation Awards at the Museum of Sydney last night. Rio Tinto and the State Library of NSW created an...» Read More


Indian Art and Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-27 20:51:41

Nicholas Forrest of Art Market Blog makes an interesting comparison between Indian art and Australian Aboriginal art in his entry about the Indian Art Fair and Summit that was held recently: The fact that Australian’s have shown such an interest...» Read More


Darby Jampijinpa Ross

Darby Jampijinpa Ross

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-27 06:59:28

Exciting news from Brisbane where an all-too-rare retrospective of the life's work of an Aboriginal artist has just opened at the Dell Gallery, Queensland College of Art. Darby Jampijinpa Ross died in 2005 almost immediately after receiving his telegram from the...» Read More


Annual General Meeting of ArtTrade – August 15 2008 in Darwin

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-27 05:10:35

The Board of Art.Trade has been active "behind the scenes" over the last nine months, contributing to the development of a national code of ethical practice, making submissions to the Senate Committee investigating the Australian Indigenous Visual Arts and Craft...» Read More


THE PLACE OF ART: Livelihoods in Remote Communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-27 00:34:40

The Aboriginal Art Directory is delighted to introduce the first feature article by independent arts consultant Tim Acker. In this edition, Tim writes about the wider and more complex conversation between artists and consumers in affecting Aboriginal livelihoods in remote...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Direct #6: The Place of Art - Livelihoods in Remote Communities

Aboriginal Art Direct #6: The Place of Art - Livelihoods in Remote Communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-27 00:30:06

Welcome to AboriginalArtDirect. Our goal is to provide you with a thought-provocative newsletter on the events and trends in the industry. In the feature article of this edition Tim Acker, independent art consultant discusses the importance of Aboriginal art in...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak Out

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-26 14:25:22

Forty three Aboriginal Art Centres, representing more than one thousand Indigenous artists have united to speak out on the devastating effects that art dealing outside the Art Centres has on Aboriginal communities.The Artists and Art Centres are speaking through their...» Read More


Walangari Karntawarra ' Songlines' Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-25 14:20:09

"SONGLINES :EXHIBITING TO SEPTEMBER 24" by WALANGARI KARNTAWARRA. About this exhibition and Walangari Karntawarra: WALANGARI WANGARDI KARNTAWARRA JAKAMARRA, also known as COLIN MCCORMACK, was born in Alice Springs in 1961. He is of the Arrernte, Luritja, Walpiri, Yankuntjatjarra, Pintubi, Anmatjerre and Alyawarre peoples...» Read More


South Australian Living Artists Festival presents Our Mob 08, Adelaide Australia

South Australian Living Artists Festival presents Our Mob 08, Adelaide Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-25 00:10:39

A statewide celebration of regional and remote South Australian Aboriginal artists. Our Mob 08 demonstrates the diversity and vitality of South Australian Aboriginal art. Now in its third year as part of the South Australian Living Artists Festival over...» Read More


Aboriginal Art & Wine Exhibition in Belgium

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-24 14:32:33

Making Tracks is holding an Aboriginal Art exhibition in Belgium. I've just finished packing some great Aboriginal paintings to go to Belgium, they will be part of an Australian exposition on Australian wines and art held at Antwerp in October...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak Out

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-23 14:28:20

Remote Life republishes the media release, Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak Out

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-23 14:28:20

Remote Life republishes the media release, Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak...» Read More


Art Around Town (Darwin)

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-23 13:54:18

Will Owen discusses what's on in Darwin in Aboriginal Art outside the Telstra awards. The post talks about exhibitions: Three Countries, all of us, our good designs Kimberley Ink Jirrawun Editions "Yarrpany Honey" - Art from the Marrakulu Clan (Yirrkala) Jirrawun...» Read More


The 8th ARTSingapore is the Largest Contemporary Asian Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-23 08:06:43

Australian Aboriginal Art will be represented in this years ARTSingapore, with Ballan and Pannan Galleries participating in this enormous contemporary art fair in Singapore this October. The most anticipated Asian contemporary art fair will be here once again to set the...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak Out

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-22 17:13:05

A recent press release highlights the important role art centres play in the world of Aboriginal art: Forty three Aboriginal Art Centres, representing more than one thousand Indigenous artists have united to speak out on the devastating effects that art dealing...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak Out

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-22 14:25:15

Kim Christen republishes the media release, Aboriginal Art Organisations Speak...» Read More


Awaye! - The 25th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-20 14:38:35

A program on ABC radio's 'Radio National' about the 25th Telstra awards: If the 25th National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award is anything to go by, there's a flowering in the Western Desert and Arnhem Land. But the decision...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-20 14:28:41

Seven Aboriginal Artists present their stunning works in this exhibition opening at Williams Gallery on 14th September. Williams Gallery was established 2001 in Petone to show and provide quality New Zealand art by established significant New Zealand artists, as well as...» Read More


Michael Nelson Jagamara exhibition shows totemic focus

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 14:01:44

The Courier Mail continues their focus on Aboriginal art with an article about Micharl Nelson Jagamara: The work of senior Warlpiri tribesman and artist Michael Nelson Jagamara divides art lovers. There are those who adore his bold, modern take on an...» Read More


Theory of national selection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 14:01:38

Nicholas Rothwell from the Australian discusses the Telstra Art Awards and talks about what else is happening in Darwin at the moment. He makes the case that the Aboriginal art industry has outgrown NATSIAA and that some of the best...» Read More


Dollar Dreaming lifts the lid on Aboriginal art industry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 13:57:36

Genocchio points out there is an essential paradox in the increasing profitability of Aboriginal art. "Aboriginal people living in remote communities are poor and need money. And painting gives them the opportunity to make that money. But you can't help but...» Read More


Aboriginal Art at the Seattle Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 13:45:24

Lois in Wonderland visits the Aboriginal Art room at the Seattle...» Read More


Annette Webb and Friends

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 13:07:30

This exhibition showcases a number of exciting works by Aboriginal artists Annette Webb, David Webb, Ann-Maree Webb, Lynette Williams and Chontel King. This diverse range of works includes paintings, mixed media on canvas as well as gourds, bags and jewellery...» Read More


Custodians: Country and Culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-19 04:08:56

I saw this portfolio in Darwin and it is of exceptional quality and price. Each print is more than a $1000 each print. This show is a must-see for all who doubt the power of the print in Aboriginal art, and for...» Read More


Makinti Napanangka wins $40k indigenous art award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-17 14:30:52

The Courier Mail reports the winners of the Telstra Art awards: The problem-plagued awards were announced in Darwin last night, August 15. Queenslander Dennis Nona from the Torres Strait was named as the winner of the $4000 Works on Paper award. One...» Read More


Winner shines amid protests at indigenous art awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-17 14:20:28

The West Australian celebrates Makinti Napanangka's Telstra Art award: Judge Hetti Perkins, from the Art Gallery of NSW, said the field of 117 entries in the Darwin-based award was strong despite the withdrawals. “We regret that the withdrawn works aren’t...» Read More


2008 Aboriginal Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-17 14:11:55

Nicholas Forrest talks about the Telstra Awards: Well, today is my last day in the extremely beautiful Darwin which, as well as being the capital city of Australia’s Northern Territory, is the centre of the world renowned Australian Aboriginal art movement....» Read More


New alliance strengthens Kimberley Aboriginal artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-14 14:54:23

Four Aboriginal owned art centres in the Kimberley have today launched Kimberley Aboriginal Artists, a powerful alliance strengthening artists and art centres in the region. Kimberley Aboriginal Artists is a new alliance that is committed to sharing the richness and diversity...» Read More


Desart Media Statement

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-14 14:37:59

Over the past few years there have been concerted efforts by many Aboriginal artists to involve themselves in training about governance and the business connected with their art. We think it is commendable that artists are engaging in this debate...» Read More


Buffalo attack victim relives gory details for art award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-14 13:52:04

One of the finalists in the Telstra Aboriginal Art Award has depicted a buffalo attack that left her badly gored. Yolngu artist Nyapanyapa Yunupingu's entry is accompanied by a video telling of when she was attacked in the 1970s. "He charged at...» Read More


Emily's art return home after dream run

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-14 13:45:47

James Massola from the Canberra Times lets readers in the ACT know that the Emily Kngwarreye exhibition is returning to Canberra: After a ground-breaking tour of Japan that took in Osaka and Tokyo, Utopia: The Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye is...» Read More


Buffalo attack victim relives gory details for art award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-14 12:18:57

The interesting story of Nyapanyapa Yunupingu's entry into this years Telstra Aboriginal Art Award: 'ONE of the finalists in the Telstra Aboriginal Art Award has depicted a buffalo attack that left her badly gored. Yolngu artist Nyapanyapa Yunupingu's entry is accompanied...» Read More


Like mother, like daughter

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-13 13:07:24

The Cenberra Times discusses the work of the Webb sisters: The works of mother and daughter Aboriginal artists Annette and Ann-Maree Webb are part of a new exhibition at Hurstville's St George Regional Museum. The exhibition, Annette Webb and Friends includes paintings,...» Read More


Artist Spotlight featuring Walangari Karntawarra

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-12 00:03:24

1. Briefly describe yourself. When and how did you first become interested in art? How long have you been a practising artist? I am an Arrernte man from Alice Springs and lived a traditional lifestyle until I was made a Ward...» Read More


Artitja Fine Art invite you to a collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-11 14:05:39

Artitja Fine Art invite you to a collection of fine Aboriginal...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Fair and Art Award 08

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-11 14:02:02

Nicholas Forrest from the Art Market Blog will be in Darwin for the Telstra awards: On Wednesday the 13th of August I am heading to Darwin, which is the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory, for the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair as...» Read More


Cautious Garrett exhibits masterpiece of inaction on indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-10 03:27:29

Nicholas Rothwell launches a scathing attack on the government's response to the Senate inquiry. Quoted from the article published in the Australian: What does the federal Government's new pledge to the indigenous art industry contain? A whole lot of nothing. And why...» Read More


Ethics code on Aboriginal art to deter fraud

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-10 03:23:07

More on the Rudd Government's response to the Senate inquiry in the Australian: The Rudd Government yesterday took its first step to clean up the Aboriginal art sector by supporting a national ethics code that aims to deter carpetbaggers and fraudsters. The...» Read More


Australian Government Responds To Senate Indigenous Arts Inquiry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-10 03:19:19

Arts Minister Peter Garrett has today tabled the Australian Government’s response to the 29 broad recommendations outlined in the Senate Inquiry Report Indigenous Art: Securing the future. "The Rudd Government recognises that a vibrant and sustainable Indigenous art sector is critical...» Read More


Art history makes waves

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-09 04:29:16

Ric Spencer from the West Australian talks about Wanderlust Wonderlust, the new presentation of the State Art Collection at the Art Gallery of WA based on five themes — Home, Mapping, Presence, Story and Material Gesture — is now not a...» Read More


Beyond Sacred – The Laverty Collection of Indigenous Art in Print and on Exhibition

Beyond Sacred – The Laverty Collection of Indigenous Art in Print and on Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-08 15:48:57

Jeremy Eccles looks at Beyond Sacred. Quoted from the article: It's a crucial time for Aboriginal art. We should be sitting up and admiring the maturing of the most dynamic art movement in the country from a condition of amateur...» Read More


Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-08 15:00:28

The second Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair is taking place from the 14th to 16th of August 2008 at the Darwin Convention Centre. Set up to coincide with the opening of the NATSIAA (Arts Awards) and the Darwin Festival, the Fair...» Read More


McCulloch's Australian Art Diary 2009 Launch at the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-08 14:57:17

New Australian Art Diary 2009 launch at Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books is launching the first edition of The McCulloch's Encyclopedia Australian Art Diary at the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, Darwin Convention Centre. Guest speaker: Katrina...» Read More


Our Mob 08

Our Mob 08

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-08 02:11:03

For the third consecutive year, Adelaide Festival Centre is proud to present Our Mob, a statewide celebration of remote and regional South Australian Aboriginal artists, on display in the Festival Centre Artspace and foyers from 2 August - 7 September...» Read More


Harry Paints His Way Into Outback Row

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-08 01:42:45

Prince Harry seems to be in trouble with some Aboriginal artists: In terms of cultural distances, they don't come much greater than Buckingham Palace and the deserts of Western Australia. But Prince Harry has unwittingly put the two worlds on a...» Read More


Desart Job: Program Manager

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-06 23:15:29

Desart are looking for a Program Manager. The job is based in Alice Springs and the salary is between $55,000 to $60,000. Applications close Friday, August 22, 2008. Desart is the Association of Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Centres. Desart represents...» Read More


Aboriginal art and the best event at WYD

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-05 22:43:22

A post by Joanna Lawson about World Youth Day 2008 and her exposure to Aboriginal...» Read More


Fine Tribal, Aboriginal Art & International Antiquities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-04 02:24:20

It is with pleasure that I announce our forthcoming auction. The sale will include 10th - 12th Century Indian sandstone sculpture, superb Gandharan antiquities, important 12th - 13th Century Khmer sculpture; rare Chinese, Southeast Asian, Near Eastern and Classical antiquities;...» Read More


Cornucopia of tribal creativity

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-04 02:13:43

Peter Fish talks about upcoming auctions for East Australian Trading Consolidated and Sotheby's. Quoted from the article: On Sunday, August 17, Guy Earl-Smith's East Australian Trading, based in Double Bay, will hold a typically eclectic auction that willinclude Aboriginal, African and...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Searches in July

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-02 05:54:18

In July Minnie Pwerle was no longer the most searched artist on the Aboriginal Art Directory. Joyce James has taken over, followed by Daisy Leura Nakamarra and then Minnie Pwerle. For a complete breakdown of the most popular Aboriginal...» Read More


Durmmu Arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-01 23:47:49

Durrmu Arts launched a great new website, http://www.durrmu.com.au/ in late March this year. Durrmu Arts, the Peppimenarti community art program, is renowned for its fine, contemporary art production, including acrylic painting and fibre work. Senior artist Regina Pilawuk Wilson (winner,...» Read More


Aboriginal art award for local artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-01 23:42:04

Local artist Nyree Reynolds has received national recognition for her outstanding work, taking home the prestigious 16th Annual Mil-Pra AECG Aboriginal Art Award at Liverpool Regional Museum last Saturday July 26. The Mil-Pra AECG Aboriginal Art Award and associated Exhibition is...» Read More


Probe on artworks dealer

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-01 06:02:06

From the Cairns Post: A Cairns art dealer accused of selling allegedly bogus Aboriginal art made by non-indigenous artists is being taken to court by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Two of the non-indigenous artists use tribal names. The ACCC says Doongal...» Read More


Row over Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-08-01 05:59:21

More about the artist that painted under the name of Duk Duk that has Doongal gallery in hot water with the ACCC. Quoted from the article: Non-Indigenous Cairns artist Stephen McLean (Duk Duk) says his career is in tatters after the Australian...» Read More


Artists from the Utopia and Watiyawanu Regions in Central Austraila

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-31 02:18:43

Just a gentle reminder for those who missed out on seeing us at Elwood Community Centre in June, Tjukurrpa Arts is holding an Exhibition of new works by various artists from the Utopia and Watiyawanu Regions in Central Austraila. ...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Direct #5:

Aboriginal Art Direct #5: "Drawn into the world of Aboriginal Art" - A Conversation with Vivien Johnson, Curator of Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-31 00:27:01

Welcome to AboriginalArtDirect. Our goal is to provide you with a thought-provocative newsletter on the events and trends in the industry. In the feature article of this edition we talk to Vivien Johnson, University Professor, author and curator about her...» Read More


Drawn into the world of Aboriginal Art" - A Conversation with Vivien Johnson, Curator of Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-31 00:26:54

The Aboriginal Art Directory talks to Vivien Johnson, University of New South Wales Global Professor and curator of Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert. An exhibition currently showing at the Australian Museum bringing together for the...» Read More


Melbourne Art Fair

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-31 00:16:06

The Age previews the 2008 Melbourne Art Fair. Even the Aboriginal art this year has become galvanised as so much more than a beautiful commodity, especially with the leadership of urban indigenous artists. Brook Andrew at Tolarno Galleries, with spooky historical...» Read More


Only regulation will stop shonks

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-31 00:10:32

Joyce Morgan from the Sydney Morning Herald talks to Ben Genocchio about his book, the Four Corner's Programme Art for art's sake and how to improve the Aboriginal art industry. Mandatory regulation is essential if carpetbaggers, fakes and frauds are to...» Read More


Meet the Mr Big of indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 11:30:15

Leesha McKenny of the Sydney Morning Herald talks to controversial figure John Ioannou about his experiences in the Aboriginal art industry. Quoted from the article: John Ioannou agrees he is one of the most controversial figures in indigenous art and his reputation...» Read More


MICHAEL NELSON JAGAMARA: FROM THE STUDIO major survey to open at fireworks gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 07:17:47

FROM THE STUDIO, a comprehensive survey exhibition of MNJ’s Brisbane studio based 1996-2008 practice will open on Tuesday 12 August and will continue to Saturday 27 September. Doug Hall, in the exhibition catalogue Foreword states: “Michael Nelson Jagamara’s most traditional paintings...» Read More


Most Popular Aboriginal Art

Most Popular Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 02:14:59

Assimilation by Adam Hill is the most popular artwork in the Aboriginal Art Coop Gallery. The work has received 8 votes already from Aboriginal art lovers around the world. Other popular artworks include: My Country by Kudditji Kngwarreye Bush Potato...» Read More


Dealers exploit aboriginal Australian artists, TV show reports

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 02:11:47

CBC News from Canada reports on the Four Corners programme, Art for Art's Sake. Unethical aboriginal art dealers are commonly called carpetbaggers in Australia. Four Corners broadcaster Quentin McDermott said most insiders are afraid to speak publicly about industry practices. Dealers and auction...» Read More


Aboriginal art dealer paints himself into a corner

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 02:07:01

Peter Michael reports on the ACCC investigating the Doongal Aboriginal Art Gallery over the paintings of Duk Duk or Stephen McLean. Quoted from the article: Art dealer Farzad Nooravi has been accused of selling Aboriginal art painted by three non-indigenous white artists...» Read More


More artworks pulled from Aboriginal award

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 02:02:45

Warlayirti Artists, based in the Balgo, have confirmed that three of their artists have withdrawn their works from the shortlist of the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards. Quoted from the article: The Australian revealed two weeks...» Read More


Gallery accused of selling indigenous fakes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-30 01:55:27

The ACCC is investigating claims that Doongal gallery sold works by an non-Indigenous artist as Aboriginal Fine Art. Quoted from the article: Farzad and Homa Nooravi, the operators of Doongal Aboriginal Art and Artefacts, stand accused of misleading and deceptive conduct by...» Read More


Mil-Pra Aecg Annual Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Mil-Pra Aecg Annual Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-29 03:18:20

Nyree Reynolds is the winner of the Mil-Pra Aecg Annual Aboriginal Art award. This Award is in conjunction with Casula Powerhouse, which is part of Liverpool Council. About the Mil-Pra Aecg Annual Aboriginal Art award A national annual event aimed...» Read More


Art for Art's Sake

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-29 00:24:12

The Four Corner's story, Art for Art's Sake, also has a website which contains additional information about the program and extended transcripts of some of the interviews. It is a very interesting read. Read transcripts and resources Read program transcript Read...» Read More


Dealer accused of selling fake Indigenous works

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-28 23:44:22

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accused a far north Queensland art dealer of selling fake Indigenous artworks. The ACCC alleges Doongal Aboriginal Art and Artefacts misrepresented the work of three non-Indigenous artists at its galleries in Kuranda and...» Read More


Australian fashion gets hip

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-28 23:34:33

An article in the Sunday Times that talks about Australian fashion and mentions the impact of Aboriginal art. Quoted from the article: THE ART Contemporary Aboriginal art is “the most important new art movement in the world today”, according to the critic...» Read More


Cravin' images

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-26 04:35:30

Article in the Sydney Morning Herald about two private collections of Aboriginal Art. Within a week, I visited two impressive exhibitions of private collections of Aboriginal art held in two different parts of the country. The first was My Country 2,...» Read More


New work at Aboriginal Art Collection

New work at Aboriginal Art Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-26 04:23:23

New work by Alice Nampitjinpa Christopher Poulson Fiona Omeenyo Jeannie Petyarre Kathleen Petyarre Rosella Namok Silas Hobson is available at Aboriginal Art Collection in...» Read More


Eastern Desert Art presents Carved Wooden Bird by Wally Pwerle Clark

Eastern Desert Art presents Carved Wooden Bird by Wally Pwerle Clark

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-26 02:44:03

A eBlast sent to the Aboriginal Art Directory. View Eastern Desert Art presents Carved Wooden Bird by Wally Pwerle Clark This beautifully detailed work has been hand carved from the wood of the local native Bean Tree. The artist,...» Read More


Space and Light

Space and Light

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-26 00:28:42

An Indigenous Art exhibition inspired curatorially by James Turell, Claude Monet and Walter De Maria, The Chicho Museum, Naoshima, Japan. 'There is no object in this work. There never was. There is no image within it. It demonstrates the play...» Read More


Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents Space and Light, Bondi Beach Australia

Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents Space and Light, Bondi Beach Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-26 00:25:43

Coo-ee Aboriginal Art recently had an eBlast about their current exhibition, Space and...» Read More


NT super shires mean uncertain future for art centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-23 02:43:03

Harold Furber from the Titjikala Art Centre has spoken out about the Federal Government's intervention and its impact on Aboriginal art centres: Harold Furber says all remote art centres across the territory have been affected by the shire changes. Mr Furber says...» Read More


San Antonio Report: Review of The Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-22 04:35:29

A review of the Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art: For those living outside the Lone Star state, the idea of organizing a significant show of contemporary Aboriginal art within the regional center of San Antonio might not seem apparent. Such reservations...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Sunglasses

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-22 04:08:03

Aboriginal art sunglasses from Australia Gift Shop. The glasses are part of the Outback ® Eyewear, Australian Outback ® Artists Series. Features include: Soft protective gift pouch. Story of the featured artwork on an attached swing tag. Australian standard approved EPF 10 as recommended...» Read More


New artworks from Aboriginal Art Online

New artworks from Aboriginal Art Online

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-22 03:41:49

New artworks from Aboriginal Art Online are now available on the Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Buyer beware

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-20 05:29:50

Benjamin Genocchio writes about the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 which is preventing international collectors from acquiring certain pieces of Aboriginal art. Quoted from the article: I am all for banning the export of art of national cultural value. For...» Read More


Aboriginal art brings spirituality to WYD

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-18 05:16:16

From SBS world news Australia. Quoted from the article: WYD08 is using the art of renowned Aboriginal artist Richard Campbell to convey the message of Aboriginal Catholic spirituality to the pilgrims. Nineteen of Richard's works are being used as images on WYD08 merchandise,...» Read More


Art exhibition a great success

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-18 05:14:34

Quoted from the article: The Desert Sands art exhibition closed on Tuesday after displaying local Aboriginal art in the Lightning Ridge Bowling Club foyer during the past three weeks. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art and Culture course is a Technical...» Read More


Boycotting of indigenous art award attacked

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-17 05:10:36

More reports about the withdrawal of artworks from six art centres in Central Australia. Quoted from the article: Organisers of the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards went to ground yesterday after The Australian revealed works from six Aboriginal...» Read More


New Aboriginal Art in carpet form

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-16 04:39:05

Stylex has brought a new twist to aboriginal art by introducing the Dreamtime in textile form. In collaboration with Glen Austin and three Aborginal artists, “Forty Thousand Spirits” is a collection of original designs interpreted in hand-carved, hand tufted rugs....» Read More


Our life ... is land ... is culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-10 04:41:54

SAMANTHA HOBSON: Our life ... is land ... is culture, 11TH SEPTEMBER– 18th OCTOBER 2008. London Solo Debut At 27, Samantha Hobson is one of a handful of young celebrated Aboriginal artists exhibiting widely both in her native Australia and...» Read More


Growing demand for indigenous art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-10 03:50:10

Article in the WA business news about the growing demand for Aboriginal...» Read More


Take time to savor arts and crafts in a gallery of variety

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-04 23:34:45

Mary Shustack lets us know that there is now Aboriginal Art at the Eclectic Collector in New...» Read More


Atnwengerrp: Land of Dreamings

Atnwengerrp: Land of Dreamings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 12:06:49

To celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the late Minnie Pwerle - one of Australia’s most collected Aboriginal artists – Designer Rugs is proud to present an outstanding limited edition collection of Minnie Pwerle rugs. To be launched in Australia on 17th...» Read More


Beyond Sacred : Recent Paintings from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities

Beyond Sacred : Recent Paintings from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:53:50

Jeremy Eccles scans the most lavish book of Aboriginal art in years 'Beyond Sacred' : Recent Paintings from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities. Designed by Jane Kleinmeyer Published by Hardie Grant Books @ $120 Edited by Colin and Elizabeth Laverty Contributions from Judith Ryan, Nick...» Read More


Paintings from remote communities - from the Laverty Collection

Paintings from remote communities - from the Laverty Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:46:03

The winter in Newcastle will be immeasurably brightened by 87 paintings from the remotest parts of Australia – just a tiny part of the art collection of a remarkable couple, Colin and Liz Laverty. It's been a 20 year labour...» Read More


Greetings from Warburton

Greetings from Warburton

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:32:42

Mori Gallery is right off the beaten track, beside Sydney's Western Distributor near the Entertainment Centre, and doesn't often associate with Aboriginal art. But the Warburton community is such a law unto itself, any show is of interest. Most art made...» Read More


Contemporary art at your fingertips

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:27:09

Aboriginal Art is about to hit the EmorArts website, based in...» Read More


NAIDOC art show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:25:45

In celebrating the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people throughout NAIDOC Week, an Aboriginal art display opens today in the Parkes Shire Council Coventry Room. Doors to the exhibition will open at 10am and the display will...» Read More


Campaign for the Arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-03 08:05:59

The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection is featured on the new Campaign for the Arts promotion to improve the study of the arts, at the University of...» Read More


Local art show grows

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-02 08:10:45

The Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery will open an exhibition of local Aboriginal artists this Thursday as part of NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Of Celebration) Week celebrations. The exhibition will feature works from some of the Macleay’s best known...» Read More


Lockhart River artist opens solo London exhibition at October Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-07-02 08:08:20

“When the fire burns on the hills ... you get a lot of wind. On top of the hill ... it makes it burn fast ... makes it big. It also makes place for new fresh grass to grow.” Samantha...» Read More


A shonky easel empire

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-29 08:30:57

Beverley Knight talks to the Australian about shonky Aboriginal art. Quoted from the article: The Aboriginal art market is particularly vulnerable. Issues such as language barriers, the geographic remoteness of many artists' communities, poverty, artists who work outside the art centre-commercial gallery...» Read More


Behind the dollar signs

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-28 07:57:21

An excerpt from Benjamin Genocchio's new book, Dollar Dreaming, published in the Australian. Quoted from the article: What is different, even unusual, about Aboriginal art is that prices rose at all; after all, Australian art generally doesn't have much of an international...» Read More


Half their luck as mining boom boosts fortunes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-28 07:49:01

The Art Gallery of Western Australia talks about the recently announced Indigenous Art Prize as well as possible acquisitions. "We moved heaven and earth to find $500,000 to buy a Rover Thomas painting recently and we've got great Emily Kngwarreyes. Indigenous...» Read More


Behind the dollar signs

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-28 07:44:24

Benjamin Genocchio looks beyond the dollar signs in a review of Aboriginal art as an investment This blog links through to an article, Behind the dollar signs, published in the...» Read More


Artist takes a step into the future

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-27 07:46:09

Article in the Donnybrook Mail about Sharlene Harte. Sharlene previously ran the Djinang Kwap retail Aboriginal shop in Donnybrook, where she sold her artwork and taught art classes. She has also worked at the Forrest Nursery in Lowden. “I’m hoping to put some...» Read More


blood language - Judy Watson at GrantPirrie

blood language - Judy Watson at GrantPirrie

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-26 05:46:10

Watson of course was the winner of both the 2006 Works on Papert Award at the NATSIAAs in Darwin and the Clemenger Contemporary Art Prize that year. Also installd in Musee du quai Branly that year - a big one! As...» Read More


A considered approach to building wealth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-25 08:14:55

The recent focus on DIY has lead to a spate of new books. In this article in the Australian Michael Reid's How to Buy & Sell Art has many pointers about how and where to buy Aboriginal...» Read More


Yilpinji Portfolio Edition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-25 08:11:08

This is the first time in the history of Australian printmaking that a portfolio of limited edition prints has become available that focus on a unique aspect of Aboriginal culture. Fifteen senior Aboriginal artists have each created a thematic work on...» Read More


Top end turns it on while nation shivers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-25 08:06:10

Jeremy Eccles talks in the West Australian about the top-end in August with a special focus on the Telstras, the Darwin Art Fair and all of the other Aboriginal art exhibitions held in Darwin during...» Read More


Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert

Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-24 08:26:44

Discover the rich and special meanings behind Indigenous ‘dot patterning’ in ‘Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert’. Featuring a stunning collection of rarely seen artworks, ‘Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert’ will answer all the questions you have wanted to ask...» Read More


Contemporary exhibition will surprise, says art curator

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-22 07:47:42

An exhibition showcasing the diversity of Indigenous Australian art is about to open at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Culture Warriors features 90 works from 30 Aboriginal artists from all states and...» Read More


Auctioneers withdraw Rover painting over concerns at listing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-20 07:19:12

A Rover Thomas painting was removed from last night's Lawson-Menzies Aboriginal Art sale over concerns regarding missing information. The auction was a success though: Last night's auction reaped $2,715,600, including buyers' premium, with 122 of the 137 lots sold. This brought in...» Read More


Modern, Contemporary & Important Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-18 07:29:19

Modern, Contemporary & Important Aboriginal Art auction at Lawson...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Direct #4: Ngurrara The Great Sandy Desert Canvas

Aboriginal Art Direct #4: Ngurrara The Great Sandy Desert Canvas

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-17 22:38:28

Welcome to AboriginalArtDirect. Our goal is to provide you with a thought-provocative newsletter on the events and trends in the industry. In the feature article of this edition Larissa Behrendt tells the story of Ngurrara the Great Sandy Desert...» Read More


From the Desert to the Sea, the Launch of Yurlunggur Art

From the Desert to the Sea, the Launch of Yurlunggur Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-17 06:27:34

View a distinctive art current from the desert to the sea. Canvasses reveal a world of desert patterns, free arcs, line-grids, circles, contemporary designs painted from a palette of bright purple, pinks as well as the desert hues. The...» Read More


Kakadu art stolen from cultural centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-14 07:00:08

Several Aboriginal art works worth thousands of dollars have been stolen from a cultural centre in Kakadu National Park, in the Northern...» Read More


Carpenter to announce Aboriginal art prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-12 03:53:13

The West Australian previews a new WA Aboriginal art prize, which will be the most lucrative in Australia and places Perth at the centre of the Indigenous arts industry. Quoted from the article: Perth will be the epicentre of Aboriginal art when...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Lecture in Brisbane

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-11 00:49:37

Jude from Making Tracks will be at Oriel Gallery in Brisbane, Sunday 15th June at 2.00pm giving a talk on Aboriginal...» Read More


More than dreaming: bringing to light a blaze of beauty

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-11 00:09:42

Nicolas Rothwell from Nicolas Rothwell examines the changing face of Australian Indigenous art scholarship and criticism. Quoted from the article: Much about Aboriginal art is complex, and lends itself to specialisation, formal probes and technical examination, and the result of such involved...» Read More


Desert Gems: Small Paintings from Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-07 09:04:26

Gallery Reception - Friday June 15, 2008 5:00 ~ 6:30 Nicole Worden on Didgeridoo and drums The spiritual significance of the Dreaming symbols are represented in small acrylic paintings on canvas and wood. Through August 8th. Location: 421 2nd Street, Petaluma - three...» Read More


Reception for the Mara Tjuta Circle

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-06 08:47:08

Will Owen continues his fabulous blog with beautiful photographs and an articulate and insightful look at the "inaugural reception for the Mara Tjuta Circle, honoring donors, friends and supporters of the Collectio Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection in Charlottesville,...» Read More


More Aboriginal art stolen

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-05 09:21:24

Kim Christen wonders whether the theft of Aboriginal art is becoming a...» Read More


Aboriginal art stolen from Kakadu

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-05 09:20:14

From ABC media: Northern Territory Police are investigating the theft of almost $3,500 worth of Aboriginal art from Kakadu. Police say five painted emu eggs, five bark paintings, a hand-carved, painted barramundi and a didgeridoo were among the items stolen from the...» Read More


Top class art on show in exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-05 09:18:37

The Leeton Art Society exhibition will be held at the Masonic Hall, in Acacia Avenue opposite the Soldiers Club, from 10am to 4pm daily. It will will feature over 120 works from Leeton artists, as well as Aboriginal...» Read More


Bundi Gurdurdu Mid-West Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-05 07:41:34

Works from new artists who have not previously exhibited will take centre stage in Perth next week as part of the Bundi Gurdurdu (Good Heart) mid-west Aboriginal Art Exhibition. More than 40 Indigenous artists will be featured in the exhibition, which...» Read More


Yurlungurr Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-05 05:01:03

Eastern Desert Art will feature in the launch of Yurlungurr Art - Brisbane’s latest Aboriginal art venture - on Friday 13 June. Art from four regions of Australia will be exhibited in Art from the Desert to the Sea. Please...» Read More


TV Doco on Aboriginal Art at the Musee Du Quai Branly on SBS Friday 6 June at 7.30pm

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-06-05 01:05:15

Was the Aboriginal art contribution to the new Musee du quai Branly in Paris a huge beat-up by Australia's cultural diplomats? Or was it a genuine and lasting tribute by the French to the oldest extant culture in the world?...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Auction

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-02 09:12:44

Engineers Without Borders together with Dreamtime Elements are holding an exhibition of Aboriginal Art at 1st Floor Customs House, Circular Quay June 4th to June 8th 11.00am to 7.00pm Daily. On Sunday 8th June 2008 we will be holding an auction...» Read More


Japan takes Emily to heart

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-02 09:11:05

Russell Skelton from the Sydney Morning Herald talks about the impact Utopia: The Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye is having, both in Japan and on Australian Aboriginal...» Read More


Public invited for art’s sake

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-06-01 08:59:23

The exhibition, Private Treasures Public Pleasures Two, opening tonight is comprised entirely of works from private collections in and around Orange. In all 37 collectors have loaned works to the exhibit, 20 years after the first Private Treasures Public Pleasures was...» Read More


Increased support for Aboriginal Art Centres

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-29 21:25:18

Australia’s Indigenous arts industry will be strengthened thanks to $1.6 million worth of additional funding announced today by Arts Minister, Peter Garrett. Delivering on a 2007 election commitment to boost support to Aboriginal art centres, 32 organisations have been funded to...» Read More


Lauraine Diggins Fine Art presents at the Moscow World Fine Art Fair 2008, Moscow Russia

Lauraine Diggins Fine Art presents at the Moscow World Fine Art Fair 2008, Moscow Russia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-29 01:14:33

We are pleased to announce our participation in the 5th edition of the Moscow World Fine Art Fair 2008 (Московский Международный Салон Изящных Искусств 2008), held from 27 May to 2 June 2008 in the famous Manège, next to the...» Read More


They Are Meditating: Bark Paintings from the Museum of Contemporary Art's Arnott's Collection

They Are Meditating: Bark Paintings from the Museum of Contemporary Art's Arnott's Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-29 01:08:54

Larissa Behrendt reviews the first expanded showing of over 200 bark paintings at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. "If these paintings are sacred, how can they be done for Balanda (Europeans) to buy? The Balanda can buy the painting,...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Directory top search queries for April

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-29 01:00:11

The Aboriginal Art Directory has released its Top Aboriginal Art search queries for April. As always it makes for interesting...» Read More


Not Enough Actioned Since Aboriginal Art Senate Inquiry

Not Enough Actioned Since Aboriginal Art Senate Inquiry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-28 01:58:55

According to one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal art enterprise coalitions - Western Desert Mob, not enough has been actioned since the Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Indigenous visual arts and craft sector (report released June 2007). This inaction is compromising...» Read More


Dreamtime logic helps save the planet

Dreamtime logic helps save the planet

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-28 01:34:32

“Dreamtime logic helps save the planet”, says internationally respected Australian Aboriginal artist, Walangari Karntawarra. Walangari’s exciting work is included in the “Kick the Carbon Habit” exhibition launched by the Natural World Museum and United Nations Environment Programme at Te...» Read More


Auckland exhibition of leading Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-28 01:31:42

Media Release 27 May 2008 Dick Bett AM curates Auckland exhibition of leading Aboriginal Art Auckland’s art lovers are gearing up for an exhibition of some of the finest Aboriginal art the city has ever seen. Between 5 and 14 June, the exhibition...» Read More


Sound buy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-28 01:01:39

The Perth Sunday Times writes about ethical purchasing in the Aboriginal Art Industry: It is estimated that 80 to 90 per cent of Australian indigenous art is sold overseas, but unethical trading threatens to undermine the industry’s reputation. It was the subject...» Read More


Aboriginal Art with Second Grade

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-27 01:43:29

Read to find out how Aboriginal Art is taught to second grade...» Read More


White Knight

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-24 04:49:58

Martin Flanagan looks at Beverley Knight, owner of Alcaston Gallery and direct of the Essendon Football Club. Quoted from the article: Knight connected with Aboriginal art in the 1980s after she decided to decorate two Melbourne restaurants she and her husband Anthony...» Read More


Unusual technique, for the sake of friends and heritage

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-24 04:17:32

A Sydney Morning Herald article about Lin Onus and the current exhibition, . The Aboriginal Art Directory launched an eBlast about this exhibition in May 2008. View the It All Started from Black - In Memory of...» Read More


Introducing Australia's Premier Aboriginal Art Gallery to the World Wide Web

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-24 03:55:39

Bundarra Gallery showcases contemporary and modern Aboriginal art from the finest indigenous artists of Australia. It houses a unique collection of paintings and artifacts displaying the best work of Australian Aboriginal Culture. Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia (PRWEB) May 22, 2008 --...» Read More


Kate Owen Gallery presents 30 Emu Dreamings by Kudditji Kngwarreye, Sydney Australia

Kate Owen Gallery presents 30 Emu Dreamings by Kudditji Kngwarreye, Sydney Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-23 14:14:54

A rare solo exhibition of 30 paintings by Kudditji Kngwarreye. Paintings by the eighty year old legend Kudditji, are hot property right now both here and internationally, as his highly individual works soar in popularity. Like his late sister Emily...» Read More


Aboriginal art can still be bought, despite world demand

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-22 14:48:04

Adam Knight's a passionate man. The Melbourne gallery owner and art dealer just loves Aboriginal art. And he's not the only one. This article focuses on the Aboriginal Art market, suggesting: Aboriginal people may only make up two per cent of the...» Read More


Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair website

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-20 03:33:08

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair website which provides information about this exciting event to be held at the Darwin Convention centre from the 14th to the 16th of August 2008. Apolline Kohen &...» Read More


More than Just a Fake

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-16 03:13:47

Nicholas Forrest talks about non-Indigenous artists painting in the style of contemporary Aboriginal artists and pretending to be Indigenous people. The article and the following discussing are all very...» Read More


First-time Funding for Aboriginal Arts in Tasmania

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-16 01:57:56

Michelle O'Byrne, MP Minister for Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts Thursday, 15 May 2008 First-time Funding for Aboriginal Arts in Tasmania The Minister for Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts, Michelle O’Byrne, today announced funding of almost $50,000 in grants to Aboriginal artists...» Read More


Budget a big test for Garrett in arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-12 03:29:14

NineMSN asks whether Peter Garrett and the new Labor government will deliver for the arts in Australia in this weeks budget. During the election Labor promised $7.6 million for Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Evolution in sacred tradition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-09 01:44:04

How can it be that the most tradition-bound Aboriginal art centre in Australia, Buku-Larrnggay, at Yirrkala on the tip of northeast Arnhem Land, is pouring forth the nation's boldest and most innovative indigenous paintings and three-dimensional works? asks Nicholas Rothwell...» Read More


Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents It All Started from Black - In Memory of Lin Onus, Bondi Beach Australia

Coo-ee Aboriginal Art presents It All Started from Black - In Memory of Lin Onus, Bondi Beach Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-06 07:37:24

A large selection of Lin Onus experimental collaborative prints will be exhibited for the first time in Sydney, at Coo-ee Gallery from 8 May - 7 June. Pioneer of the urban Aboriginal Art Movement in Australia, Lin Onus created...» Read More


Isarte presents Arte Agli Antipodi: pittura aborigena contemporanea, Milan Italy

Isarte presents Arte Agli Antipodi: pittura aborigena contemporanea, Milan Italy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-05-02 07:50:53

Isarte invites you to the opening of our new gallery in Milan featuring the exhibition Arte Agli Antipodi: pittura aborigena contemporanea, showing 20 high selected paintings from different communities. Read about Isarte presents Arte Agli Antipodi: pittura aborigena contemporanea,...» Read More


BareNest: Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-30 23:08:42

A post on BareNest, a blog by a Nyungar woman. The post talks about people imitating Aboriginal art, or drawing inspiration from Aboriginal art and selling works as 'Aboriginal art'. It is an interesting post about a strange...» Read More


Dr Sally Butler: `Creative Thinking in Aboriginal Art`

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-30 23:00:36

Public Floor Talk by Dr Sally Butler `Creative Thinking in Aboriginal Art` (Free) This talk will focus on art works by Dorothy Napangardi, Arthur Pambegan, Gloria Petyarre and George Tjungurrayi on display in the UQ Art Museum, and will discuss how...» Read More


Aboriginal Artist Rusty Peters

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-29 10:06:48

YouTube video featuring Aboriginal Artist Rusty Peters ...» Read More


Upcoming exhibitions at Alison Kelly Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-28 00:51:30

Crossing Country: Contemporary Paintings from the East Kimberley In Association with Waringarri Aboriginal Arts, Kununurra, Western Australia 21 May to 14 June...» Read More


NT Govt considers purpose-built Aboriginal art gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-23 23:21:57

The Northern Territory government is considering building a new purpose built Aboriginal Art gallery in either Darwin or Central Australia reports the...» Read More


Uluru (Ayers Rock) by Vincent Forrester

Uluru (Ayers Rock) by Vincent Forrester

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-23 07:54:47

Vincent Forrester is a Luritja/Aranda man born in Alice Springs, central Australia. Vincent grew up on a cattle station where he was brought up traditionally by his forefathers. Vincent is an artist and teacher of traditional law to young men....» Read More


Modern landscapes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-21 12:25:54

CHAPEL BY THE SEA BONDI BEACH UNITING CHURCH MEDIA RELEASE 20th April 2008 LEADING ABORIGINAL ARTISTS TO EXHIBIT AT CHAPEL BY THE SEA Ruby's Place Gallery within the Chapel by the Sea will exhibit the work of Mini Heath, one...» Read More


Buyers beware bulk art 'dumped' online industry's e-scourge

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-17 01:44:34

The NT News today reports that "unscrupulous dealers are dumping low-quality Aboriginal art on the internet, exploiting artists and dragging the industry down". The article talks to several galleries, eBay and an online store about fakes in the market and the...» Read More


Artist Slideshow featuring Mervyn Rubuntja

Artist Slideshow featuring Mervyn Rubuntja

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-16 05:02:39

Mervyn Rubuntja was born at the Telegraph Station in Alice Springs. His mother was a Western Arrernte woman. His father was the famous painter, the late Mr. W Rubuntja Pengarte. His father has been an important role model for Mervyn. He...» Read More


Recognition for lake's platypus project artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-15 23:41:45

The creators of Ballarat's giant platypus project were acknowledged last night at the opening of the Fresh & Salty exhibition at Kirrit Barreet Aboriginal Art and Cultural Centre. Artists Michael Shiell and Billy Blackall worked with the Ballarat and District Aboriginal...» Read More


Aboriginal Fine Art Finds a home in Chicago

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-15 22:06:35

Aboriginal Art Collection, a New Gallery Devoted to Showcasing Established and Emerging Aboriginal Artists, to open April 11 CHICAGO – Aboriginal Art Collection, the only gallery in Chicago devoted to contemporary Aboriginal fine art, will officially open with an opening night...» Read More


Virtuosity: Fred Myers and Pintupi Masters at the Kluge Ruhe

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-14 23:43:59

Will Owen posts about the new exhibition at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection. The post has some great pictures and interesting information about the...» Read More


Divided Australia sails into the future

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-12 23:38:40

An article about the changing face of Australia. Quoted from the article: In an age when the world is becoming aware of the number of cultures that it is losing, the Aboriginal revival came at just the right time. Big business sat...» Read More


Justice for leading black artist

Justice for leading black artist

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-12 02:07:49

Tommy Watson, one of Australia’s most famous indigenous artists, was successful yesterday in getting back from Red Sands Gallery, Alice Springs, 5 key paintings, valued conservatively at $265,000. Tommy had sued the gallery for his being grossly underpaid...» Read More


Abuela Ellen explores the beauty of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-11 23:38:33

An American in Australia: The Anangu guides who lead walking tours throughout Kata Tjuta National Park to lookouts, caves, Aboriginal art sites and rock pools taught us about the complex ecosystem of the desert, which is now suffering due to desertification....» Read More


Adam Hill: Art is his weapon

Adam Hill: Art is his weapon

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-10 02:18:27

The Aboriginal Art Directory artist spotlight with Adam Hill was republished in the Koori Mail this week. Download the article now or read the Koori Mail's introduction to the interview: They say art is a weapon. If thatʼs true, Aboriginal...» Read More


Hands on approach to mural

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-09 23:12:29

Cultural recognition and appreciation were represented in colourful fashion at Oxley Vale Public School yesterday. Students were eager to get their hands dirty for the sake of fine art and assisted local artist Corey Strong in painting a mural on one...» Read More


Historic Aboriginal art stolen, quickly recovered

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-09 23:10:56

The Aboriginal art heist made the China Post. Seven historic Aboriginal paintings were stolen Tuesday from an Australian museum then recovered hours later after the thief apparently changed his mind and dumped them in a park, police said. The paintings, valued at...» Read More


Original Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-09 23:00:14

Australian Aboriginal art at the India Habitat Centre. Quoted from the article: Looking at Aboriginal paintings is like scanning the DNA of art itself, tracing the primordial codes and colours before they got mutated over millennia and travelled from rock faces to...» Read More


Aboriginal art at school

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-09 22:58:55

If you are studying Aboriginal art at home, this post at Learning2Love might give you some ideas on how to go about...» Read More


Rebecca Hossack - Tales of belonging

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-07 22:50:21

An article about Rebecca Hossack's journey to the United Kingdom and her importance to the Aboriginal Art industry in Europe. Quoted from the artcile: Seven years after she arrived, Hossack opened an art gallery, which became the first to seriously show Australian...» Read More


Rebecca Hossack - Tales of belonging

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-07 22:50:21

An article about Rebecca Hossack's journey to the United Kingdom and her importance to the Aboriginal Art industry in Europe. Quoted from the artcile: Seven years after she arrived, Hossack opened an art gallery, which became the first to seriously show Australian...» Read More


Australia's best living artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-05 22:44:07

A discussion about Australia's best living artists in the Australian. The author comments on Australian Aboriginal art: I have included in my list only one Aboriginal artist and no dot painters, despite the fact Aboriginal art is such a key part...» Read More


Mystery of our art in darkness

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-05 22:40:36

An interesting article in the Australian with a slightly different take on the heist including some of the mystery's surrounding it. It is a very interesting article about the place of Aboriginal art in the Northern Territory and well worth a...» Read More


Art Thief Changes Mind, Returns Paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-02 20:08:14

Finally the New York Times also made a report into the Aboriginal art...» Read More


Aboriginal art stolen from Australian gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-01 15:42:09

A Reuters India report about the overnight theft of Aboriginal artworks from the Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery. Quoted from the article: Gallery director Anna Malgorzewicz said the stolen paintings were not the most valuable in the gallery's collection, but they...» Read More


A just program for Indigenous employment

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-04-01 01:09:25

An article in the Green Left about Aboriginal art and the changes to the CDEP program in the Northern Territory. Quoted from the article: The long-term CDEP support for Aboriginal art cooperatives would also be maintained, and more training aspects, particularly in...» Read More


Fresh as a daisy, bar a pretentious minx

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-31 01:14:35

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald that discusses an exhibition of painted bark cloths of the Omie people in Papua New Guinea's remote Oro province, and the similarities in interpretation to modern Australian Aboriginal...» Read More


Samantha Hobson - Ngayu Aalmana Ngaachi Ngatangku - Growing up with Cuontry

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-29 14:37:52

Samantha Hobson was born in 1981 at Lockhart River, Cape York, the northern most settlement of Eastern Australia. She began painting with the Lockhart River Art Gang at the age of 17, producing paintings of the land and reef that...» Read More


What's the proper way to buy Aboriginal art?

What's the proper way to buy Aboriginal art?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-27 19:36:42

There was a time when it seemed easy to answer the frequently asked question: What's the proper way to buy Aboriginal art? There are many ways to buy Aboriginal Art, ensuring the gallery is a member of the Indigenous Art...» Read More


AboriginalArtDirect #2

AboriginalArtDirect #2

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-27 19:29:18

In this edition of AboriginalArtDirect Jeremy Eccles examines how you buy your art and key moral questions facing every buyer in the Aboriginal art market. We also highlight the latest Emily Kngwarreye exhibition in Japan and the...» Read More


Hieronymous the Anonymous

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-26 01:38:52

An interesting post about Aboriginal art and its impact from Hieronymous the Anonymous. The article is about the writer walking around a gallery and describing the colours and the art. Quoted from the post: I moved from painting to painting, taking in...» Read More


Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-25 01:38:47

Article about Aboriginal Art in Express India. Quoted from the article: The individual character of Aboriginal art lies in its depiction of the Western Desert region of Australia, its social activities, material culture, economy, environmental change, myth and religion. Creation myths, hunting...» Read More


Record prices for Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-24 01:30:09

Information about a recent Aboriginal art auction from Lawson-Menzies. Quoted from the article: Some 120 works went under the hammer tonight for the Lawson-Menzies auction, many of which were post-1980 Aboriginal works. A spokeswoman for auction house Lawson-Menzies said a clearance rate of...» Read More


Lawyers offer lessons in legacy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-22 01:35:23

An article in the Australian about ArtsLaw and other bodies helping Indigenous artists and Aboriginal art centres develop wills to protect royalty streams for artists. Quoted from the report: Arts Law's services in will-making are part of a program called Artists in...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art at ‘Art Now’ art fair in NY

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-21 22:50:56

The ‘Art Now’ art fair runs Thursday March 27 through Sunday March 30 at Hotel 30/30 in New York. It is one of the major art fairs taking place in New York in the last week of March, along with...» Read More


Emily Kame Kngwarreye in Osaka

Emily Kame Kngwarreye in Osaka

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-18 12:28:57

From the very first time he laid eyes on the work of Emily Kame Kngwarreye (c.1910-96), in the 1998 retrospective at the Queensland Art Gallery, Akira Tatehata knew that it was something special. At that time, Tatehata was a curator...» Read More


Crowds gather for Tiwi art sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-17 01:24:45

Flooded roads have not stopped one of the country's biggest Aboriginal art sales from going ahead on the Tiwi Islands off the Northern Territory coast today. Around 90 artists from Bathurst and Melville Islands have gathered on the Nguiu football field...» Read More


Ngaruwanajirri – New Work

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-16 14:22:21

In association with Ngaruwanajirri, Nguiu, Bathurst Island, Northern Territory 12 March to 12 April 2008 Following highly successful exhibitions in 2004 and 2006, Alison Kelly Gallery is pleased to present new works of artists from Ngaruwanajirri Inc., located at Nguiu on Bathurst...» Read More


Desire to inspire winks

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-15 23:49:56

A quick wink that shows some artworks from Artery. Quoted from the wink: "My background is design - I am an interior designer and spent about 6 years working for Freedom Furniture as a furniture designer - anyway now I have an...» Read More


Culture on air, close-up and personal

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-15 23:49:49

An article in the Financial Times about Tim Marlow and his brief but involvement with Aboriginal...» Read More


Art mafia 'ordered' minister's bashing

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-13 23:39:06

An article in the NT News about the assault on retired politician Peter Tonyne. Quoted from the article: Peter Toyne, 62, who was stabbed in the leg with a sharpened nulla nulla and clubbed across the head several times by a professional...» Read More


Artist Spotlight featuring Adam Hill

Artist Spotlight featuring Adam Hill

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-12 07:37:39

1. Briefly describe yourself. When and how did you first become interested in art? How long have you been a practising artist? I am a complex man striving for simple answers. I became interested in art when I first distinguished...» Read More


GIs and Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-11 06:34:37

An article in IPilogie about the potential use of geographical indicators in Australian Aboriginal art. A reason why ‘new world’ countries should support the protection of geographical indicators (GIs) is because the GI concept can be applied to aboriginal art...» Read More


Decipher Creation Myths, Blow Glass at Singapore Art Galleries

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-08 02:37:51

Tiger Palpatja, born around 1920, had a late start as an artist. He began painting only three years ago. Palpatja, who is from Amata in South Australia, about 1,100 kilometers (684 miles) northwest of Adelaide, is one of a growing number...» Read More


Chance to see Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-07 02:23:39

Authentic contemporary Australian Aboriginal artwork will be unveiled at 7pm tonight during the opening of the Warlukurlangu Artists exhibition at La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art, Manama. The exhibition will showcase the work of Otto Simms and Ormay Gallagher, who work...» Read More


East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-06 01:55:08

East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation (EGAAC) have hit the ground running after a very successful 2007. Over the past year sales and visitors (local, national and international) have increased dramatically. We are being recognized as a place to visit not only...» Read More


Not just dots

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-06 00:51:09

Article about a current exhibition of Aboriginal Art from East Gippsland. Quoted from the article: Aboriginal art, especially Aboriginal art from East Gippsland, is about more than dots - that's the message the East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation is hoping to convey...» Read More


Out of Australia

Out of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 14:16:46

You are invited to the opening of Out of Australia this Thursday night at the Medea Gallery in San Pedro. The show features works from local collector Sherry Thompson. I have seen her collection and she has some...» Read More


Warlukurlangu Artists - Australia

Warlukurlangu Artists - Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 09:21:27

Australian Aboriginal art is the oldest living art tradition in the world, done by Australian Aborigines, with paintings in rock shelters dating back 20,000 years as well as contemporary art by Aborigines based on traditional culture. Art is one of...» Read More


Dacawi: Transforming to the indigenous view

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 06:42:32

Article about Aboriginal culture in the Philippines. Quoted from article: Students from all over recently shared with each other the news of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's pre-Valentine's Day formal apology to his country's Aboriginal people for the years of injustice inflicted...» Read More


Exciting times at Kluge-Ruhe

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 06:40:20

New article by Will Owen about the recent lecture delivered by Terry Smith at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection at the University of...» Read More


Award defies stereotypes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 06:36:09

Indigenous artists are being urged to enter their work into the first and longest running indigenous art award in the country. The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory and Telstra are calling for entries for pre-selection in the 25th...» Read More


Curtain rises on Spring of Culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 06:35:58

Quoted from article: A month-long aboriginal art exhibition entitled Warlukurlangu takes place at the La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art starting at 7pm on...» Read More


The Power of Place: Paintings and Sculpture from the Eastern Desert at Tandanya, Adelaide

The Power of Place: Paintings and Sculpture from the Eastern Desert at Tandanya, Adelaide

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-04 04:34:59

The Power of Place: Paintings and Artefacts from the Eastern Desert is currently showing at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute. The exhibition is a celebration of the land – a vibrant spiritual landscape – seen through the art of the...» Read More


Feast for the Senses dinner

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-01 09:15:19

Yirrkala Aboriginal community in East Arnhem Land will benefit from a third Feast for the Senses dinner at NG Art Gallery's Mission Restaurant & Bar in Sydney's Chippendale on Tuesday. In association with the gallery's Utopia Revisited exhibition (until March...» Read More


Emily finally gets a stage as big as her paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-01 02:48:01

Article in the Australian about the Emily Kame Kngwarreye exhibition in Japan. Quoted from the article: Utopia: The Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye opened this week at the National Museum of Art in Osaka and in late May will move to the...» Read More


Tucker tops a million as boom goes on

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-03-01 02:47:50

Article in The Age that mentions the continued boom in Aboriginal...» Read More


David Dunn

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-29 09:14:49

Posted by David Dunn from David Dunn Aboriginal Art: hello everyone Im back again had a very busy christmas, getting ready again for some more great works on ebay and also a new web...» Read More


Easier access for 'real' tourists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-29 09:10:51

An article about Indigenous tourism in the Northern Territory news: Busloads of tourists should be allowed in indigenous communities for the "cultural experience'', an Aboriginal businessman saidyesterday. Jungala Enterprises director Jungala Kriss said permits should not stop communities from taking advantage of...» Read More


Kudditji Kngwarreye Artist Slideshow

Kudditji Kngwarreye Artist Slideshow

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-29 00:56:48

The Kudditji Kngwarreye Artist Slideshow was the first Aboriginal Art Directory eAlert to be released to the Aboriginal Art Directory mailing list. Born in the 1920's, Kudditji Kngwarreye is the brother of the famous Emily Kame Kngwarreye (dec.1996)....» Read More


Dynamism down under: The riveting Lockhart River Art Gang

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-28 02:52:30

This winter may be paltry in terms of snowfall, but it has dished out plenty of sullen, gray days like so many bowls of cold gruel. Last Saturday morning, for instance, the sky was drab as I drove to see...» Read More


Where to stash your cash while it grows

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-26 05:40:17

A response to the recent share market fluctuations, with a focus on different investments. Tim Klingender from Sotheby's is quoted: If you're thinking of forming your own art collection as an investment alternative, you'll need to be careful. And patient. "The majority...» Read More


Culture in colour

Culture in colour

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-26 00:19:54

This exhibition celebrates Aboriginal art of the 'New Wave': the daring and visionary use of colour by Aboriginal artists throughout Australia. The use of bright acrylic paints rather than ochres has fired the imagination of artists and liberated them...» Read More


Aboriginal artist in residence

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-25 12:55:17

From ABC online: For the next nine weeks you'll be able to visit the Western Plains Cultural Centre in Dubbo on the weekend and see one of Australia's best Aboriginal artists at work. Lewis Burns is an internationally renowned painter and didgeridoo...» Read More


National Center for Modern Art in Roppongi

National Center for Modern Art in Roppongi

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-25 02:58:34

A beautiful and interesting post from ibonito blog 2007 about the National Center for Modern Art in Roppongi. Quoted from the post: I saw that they have another exhibition coming up: the works of the acclaimed (but unpronounceable) Australian Aboriginal artist Emily...» Read More


Ellendale host to art show this weekend

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-23 05:40:35

More than 40 countries will be represented with paintings, carvings, pottery and a host of other forms of artistic expression in the lobby of the Opera House in Ellendale this weekend. Quoted from article: And some of the art comes to Ellendale...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Sale

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-21 15:05:56

In today’s fast and exciting world there are many ways to make your investments in Art , so whether you are looking for an investment or just something nice in your office its important to consider all types of art....» Read More


Important Aboriginal Art at Caruana Reid

Important Aboriginal Art at Caruana Reid

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-21 03:04:17

The annual Important Aboriginal Art exhibition at Caruana Reid, Michael Reid at Elizabeth Bay, opened last night and will run until the 22nd March 2008. One of the highlights of the show, and the work chosen for the catalogue's cover is...» Read More


AboriginalArtDirect #1

AboriginalArtDirect #1

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-19 09:34:59

Welcome to the first issue of AboriginalArtDirect, the Aboriginal Art Directory Newsletter. Its been an exciting and challenging first four months for the Aboriginal Art Directory and we are thrilled to be able to bring you the first edition of...» Read More


Aboriginal Art goes Overseas: 3 Contintents, 3 Exhibitions

Aboriginal Art goes Overseas: 3 Contintents, 3 Exhibitions

Posted by Jeremy Eccles | 2008-02-19 09:19:24

The intercontinental trio are the first big commercial showing of Aboriginal Art on barks in London, courtesy of Josh Lilley Fine Art September-October 2007; the imminent opening of Utopia - The Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye in Osaka, Japan...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal Art in the Sixties

Australian Aboriginal Art in the Sixties

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-19 01:27:59

Post on blogger about Ronald M. Berndt's book, Australian Aboriginal Art. New York: The Macmillian Company and London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd, 1964. This is a very interesting post by Steve Thornton about an early book on Aboriginal Art. Quoted from the post: This...» Read More


Sydney Museum Showcases Aboriginal Bark Painting Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-17 10:44:33

The Museum of Contemporary Art is set to unveil a new exhibition showcasing its collection of rare and significant Aboriginal bark paintings, dating from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. They are Meditating: Bark paintings from the Museum Of Contemporary...» Read More


Painting meets medicine for healing dream in country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-17 10:40:14

Sydney Morning Herald preview of Utopia Revisited exhibition. Quoted from article: After establishing the Aboriginal Benefit Foundation in 2005 and funding small-scale indigenous health and welfare projects, the Aboriginal art specialist and gallery owner has set a goal of raising $1 million...» Read More


Terry Smith deliveres the inaugural Kluge Lecture in Arts and Humanities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-17 10:25:25

On February 13, 2008, the Kluge-Ruhe Collection of Aboriginal Art at the University of Virginia sponsored the first John W. and Maria T. Kluge Distinguished Lecture in Arts and Humanities, featuring professor Terry E. Smith of the University of Pittsburgh....» Read More


The next mission

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-16 10:40:05

Inga Clendinnen writes in the Age about her book True Stories. Quoted from the article: Although I am Australian and a historian, I discovered the history of indigenous Australia only a decade ago. The stimulus was an invitation from the ABC to...» Read More


Look Homeward, Angel

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-16 10:29:28

Article in the New York Review of Books by J.M. Coetzee about Lost Paradise, a new novel by Cees Nooteboom, translated from the Dutch by Susan Massotty. The novel is heavily concerned with Aboriginal...» Read More


Investing In Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-16 10:23:43

When investing in Aboriginal art or artefact's it is sometimes hard to find a good investment, with many of the more popular artists’ works out of the reach, financially, of the small to medium investor. If you invest in a...» Read More


Australian Aboriginal art at Charles Darwin University

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-15 10:36:49

A Flickr post about Australian Aboriginal art outside the School of Australian Indigenous Knowledge Systems at Charles Darwin...» Read More


'Dingo' art film go-ahead

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-15 03:16:21

A new film about forgery in the Aboriginal Art world will begin filming shortly. Quoted from the article: A new film about forgery in the Aboriginal art world will begin shooting in central WA after the project got the green light from...» Read More


Aboriginal art on Vox

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-14 10:48:43

Some examples of Australian Aboriginal art on...» Read More


Stolen Generation - a small tribute to John Moriarty

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-13 03:16:29

A very interesting post about John Moriarty. Quoted from the article: But now I want to make my little tribute to a member of the stolen generation. John Moriarty was picked in 1960 to represent Australia in football. The first aboriginal to do...» Read More


Utopia Revisited

Utopia Revisited

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-09 11:35:25

NG Art Gallery is hosting 'a women's' only exhibition to coincide loosely with International Women's Day on Saturday 8 March. A number of established indigenous artists will show their work in 'Utopia Revisited' to be opened by Her Excellency Professor...» Read More


Utopia Revisited exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-09 11:22:46

NG Art Gallery in association with Coo-ee Aboriginal Art Gallery, Dacou Gallery, Gallery Australis and Lauraine Diggins Fine Art present ’Utopia Revisited’ Exhibition to opened by Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO, Governor of New South Wales Tuesday 12 February...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection Announces Distinguished Lecture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-07 11:46:54

February 6, 2008 — The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection will host a distinguished lecture named for the museum’s benefactors, John W. and Maria T. Kluge, on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in Newcomb Hall Ballroom. An annual event held...» Read More


Aboriginal Art in February

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-05 03:58:31

Aboriginal Art in February 5th February 2008 The term ‘aboriginal art’ is a tricky one. Separating indigenous Australian art from the religious practices and social customs with which it has been intertwined for at least 60 000 years is almost impossible—people, country,...» Read More


Dreamtime Art from Down Under beckons US Collectors

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-02 11:02:07

La Jolla CA – January 9, 2008 – Molloy Gallery of La Jolla announced today that it will be holding the first major US exhibition of works by renowned Australian Aboriginal artist, Kudditji Kngwarreye (pronounced “koo-ba-gee noo-war-uh”). A satellite exhibition...» Read More


The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Announces Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-02 10:59:29

(Media-Newswire.com) - Ithaca, NY—The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University presents Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya, which will be on view at the Museum beginning in January 2009. “Drawn from a private collection, these...» Read More


The Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art

The Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-02 02:37:15

UTSA gallery presents aboriginal art collection By Ashley Harris Public Affairs Specialist (Jan. 28, 2008)--The UTSA Department of Art and Art History will present "The Lam Collection of Aboriginal Art," an exhibit featuring work by contemporary Australian aboriginal artists, from Wednesday, Jan. 30...» Read More


Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River

Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-02-02 02:27:09

Join us for an opening reception for the exhibit Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart...» Read More


Australian Country Style reader event at Murrurundi - Aboriginal Art in March

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-29 04:05:27

Australian Country Style reader event at Murrurundi - Aboriginal Art in March 29th March 2008 The term ‘aboriginal art’ is a tricky one. Separating indigenous Australian art from the religious practices and social customs with which it has been intertwined for at...» Read More


Selling Art from the Australian Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-28 13:44:01

The Painted Door Gallery Opening Reception The Painted Door 421 2nd Street Petaluma, CA Free Refreshments 5:00 ~ 8:00 Reception 5:00 ~ 6:30 Nicole Worden on Didgeridoo Selling Art from the Australian Desert: Acrylic Paintings by: Barbara Napangardi Reid, Cheryl Campbell, Kudditji Kngwarreye, Margaret & Annette Davis,...» Read More


A Fine Romance: White Money, Black Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-26 13:52:04

An Quoted from the paper: Despite allegations of corruption and fraud, the Aboriginal art market continues to flourish. Early paintings fetch increasingly higher prices, while indigenous art centres maintain a steady supply of new works. This frenzied activity is of course,...» Read More


AlphaWomen.com and Aboriginal Art Collection Showcase Aboriginal Art and Artists

AlphaWomen.com and Aboriginal Art Collection Showcase Aboriginal Art and Artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-26 13:38:50

CHICAGO,IL. (January 18, 2008) - Women and art. The history is deeper than most can ever imagine, particularly in Australia. The Aboriginal Art Collection Gallery and AlphaWomen.com will host a special exhibition to showcase the amazing works of Indigenous Australian Aboriginal...» Read More


Axes swing at the NAMM Show

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-23 08:01:13

Special about the four-day NAMM Show at the Anaheim Convention Center featuring the Ulladulla Aboriginal Art Gallery. The annual dam-burst hosted by the International Music Products Assn. (though the original acronym for the National Assn. of Music Merchants refuses to die)...» Read More


Critics blast city as art wasteland

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-22 08:03:55

A Herald-Sun article about Melbourne being a cultural backwater, with its saving grace being Aboriginal Art. Quoted from the article: Melbourne is a cultural backwater far beneath cities such as Paris and London, foreign art experts say. If not for Aboriginal art,...» Read More


Dreamtime Art from Down Under beckons US Collectors

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-16 06:28:49

La Jolla CA – January 9, 2008 Molloy Gallery of La Jolla announced today that it will be holding the first major US exhibition of works by renowned Australian Aboriginal artist, Kudditji Kngwarreye (pronounced “koo-ba-gee noo-war-uh”). A satellite exhibition of LA...» Read More


AUSTRALIA CONTEMPORARY:  Aboriginal Art + Modern Architecture

AUSTRALIA CONTEMPORARY: Aboriginal Art + Modern Architecture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-15 03:38:23

It is that time again – time for us to wow and delight you with some stunning art and architecture at the MODAA Gallery. Please do join us next Friday, 1/18 from 7PM – 11PM, as we celebrate the opening...» Read More


Our Way wows the USA

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-15 03:29:18

The University of Queensland's successful exhibit of Lockhart River Aboriginal art is continuing its international tour with a two-month showing at the University of Virginia. The Virginia exhibit of Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River will run from January...» Read More


Drawn to a primitive urge

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-12 03:52:48

The Age Drawn to a primitive urge Gabriella Coslovich January 12, 2008 Quoted from the article: Onians is one of more than 300 international experts descending on Melbourne this week for what is considered the "olympics" of the art historians' world. Although another sporting event...» Read More


Mixing of cultures is far from black and white

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-12 03:50:23

The Age Mixing of cultures is far from black and white Gabriella Coslovich January 12, 2008 Quoted from the article: PHILIP Batty, a one-time art teacher at the Aboriginal community of Papunya in the Western Desert, recently received an unexpected call from a former student. The...» Read More


Culture Warriors

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-12 03:46:13

Sydney Morning Herald A vivid trip back to where it all began January 12, 2008 Quoted from article: CULTURE WARRIORS is a curious name for the inaugural National Indigenous Art Triennial at the National Gallery of Australia. Gallery director Ron Radford admits that a...» Read More


Bedford's retrospective

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-11 03:54:47

The Courier-Mail Bedford's retrospective January 11, 2008 Quoted from article: It was sheer chance that the indigenous artist Paddy Bedford's work became known. In 1988 when Tony Oliver, the chief executive officer of the Jirrawun Aboriginal Art Corporation, went to visit his friend Chocolate Thomas...» Read More


Scholars blow the canon apart

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-11 03:42:19

The Australian Scholars blow the canon apart Rosemary Sorensen January 11, 2008 Article about the 32nd congress of CIHA will be held at the University of Melbourne. It will bring together more than 600 participants from a record 47 countries, a number convener Jaynie...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Collection Features 'Contemporary Aboriginal Art from the Lockhart River'

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-09 03:44:16

January 9, 2008 — The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection reopens Jan. 15 with a special exhibit, "Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River." A free reception, open to the public, will be held Friday, Jan. 18 from 5:30 to...» Read More


Keringke Aboriginal Arts Centre at Ulladulla Gallery

Keringke Aboriginal Arts Centre at Ulladulla Gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-07 08:25:15

Keringke Aboriginal Arts Centre is holding an exhibition at Ulladulla Gallery January 7th -11th...» Read More


Bold vision of artistic rebirth

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-05 06:41:52

Bold vision of artistic rebirth January 5, 2008 Quoted from article: In a dusty corner of the outback, among artworks covered in dirt, Judith Ryan set out on a journey that has transformed the NGV's indigenous collection, writes Robin Usher. Judith Ryan will never...» Read More


MD leaves auction house after a year

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-05 06:38:45

The Age MD leaves auction house after a year Gabriella Coslovich January 5, 2008 Quoted from article: Rod Menzies, the head of Australia's art auction leader, the Menzies Art Brand, has lost his right-hand man, Adrian Newstead, who helped achieve a record $9.5 million in...» Read More


2008: The year in preview

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2008-01-03 06:35:39

2008: The year in preview Cristoph Mark Daily Yomiuri Quoted from article: Shifting to another Commonwealth nation, The Yomiuri Shimbun will sponsor an exhibition of Emily Kame Kngwarreye, an Australian Aborigine artist whose impressive but short career (only about six years between her first...» Read More


Are you getting what you paid for? Tips for buying Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-29 09:11:11

A post in Thriving in the desert about tips before buying Aboriginal Art. This is a great read. Some of the suggestions include: Ask the gallery which Art Centres they support. Then check with the Art centre to confirm. Does the gallery...» Read More


Community winner recognised for outstanding work with Aboriginal communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-28 09:09:09

27/11/2007 Invaluable work with remote Aboriginal communities by Department of Industry and Resources Project Officer Tim Acker was recognised with a double win at last night’s 2007 Community Services Industry Awards. Mr Acker, who has been working with Aboriginal artists and communities...» Read More


The cost of culture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-28 06:30:31

The Age The cost of culture December 28, 2007 An article about the art world in 2007. Quoted from the article: The buying frenzy began to rev up in May when Emily Kame Kngwarreye's Earth's Creation (1995) became the first work by an Aboriginal artist...» Read More


Forging a language of emotion

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-27 06:33:15

The Australian Forging a language of emotion Nicolas Rothwell December 27, 2007 Quoted from the article: A little more than a year ago, the style of Makinti Napanangka, queen of the Western Desert's Pintupi painters, began to change. The trademark yellow and white arcs of...» Read More


An ageless quest for the sublime

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-25 01:46:26

The Australian An ageless quest for the sublime John Armstrong December 24, 2007 Quoted from the article: Christmas has been a God-send to the artistic tradition of Western civilisation. That's not just because of the opportunity to produce vast nativity scenes - with plenty...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald - Emily Kame Kngwarreye - Summer Awelye 2

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-20 02:29:31

Sydney Morning Herald Stroke of genius as unseen Emilys go on display Louise Schwartzkoff December 20, 2007 Quoted from the article: For 15 years, the Holt family kept a million-dollar painting by one of Australia's most successful Aboriginal artists rolled up in a storeroom on...» Read More


art at the heart - The Journey Begins

art at the heart - The Journey Begins

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-19 01:15:23

In October 2008, delegates will be streaming in to Alice Springs from around Australia and the world for the 6th Regional Arts Australia (RAA) conference art at the heart. The previous conference, held in Mackay, Queensland in October 2006, attracted...» Read More


The canvas economy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-15 07:11:52

The Adelaide Advertiser Tim Lloyd August 31, 2007 Article in the Adelaide Advertiser about rising art auction prices Quoted from article: The Aboriginal art market has been dominated by Clifford Possum, who sold a single work for $2.4 million, and Emily Kame Kngwarreye, at $1.1...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald - Shields and swords set cracking pace at Sotheby's auction

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-15 03:31:38

Peter Fish December 15, 2007 Article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the Sotheby's November 25 auction. Quoted from the article: If Tim Klingender was gnashing his teeth about a few unsold lots in Sotheby's recent Aboriginal and Oceanic Art sale in Paddington, it...» Read More


Capability Statements from service providers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-14 08:24:57

The Association of Northern, Kimberley and Arnhem Aboriginal Artists (ANKAAA) is seeking capability statements/CVs from suitably qualified individuals and organisations that are interested in delivering a range of arts and business training and development activities to artists and arts workers...» Read More


Aboriginal Art + Modern Architecture

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-14 07:51:23

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dafna Zilafro, Dafna@spfa.com P: 310.558.0902 AUSTRALIA CONTEMPORARY Aboriginal Art + Modern Architecture Opening Reception – January 18, 7PM -11 PM Exhibit Remains Open Throughout January JANUARY 2008, Culver City, CA - This January, MODAA Gallery at SPF:a celebrates Australia Week with...» Read More


Wanted: Fine Art Taste Makers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-14 07:50:23

Contact: Joel Newman FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel: 310-282-7257 Mobile: 310-926-7532 Email: joel.newman@austrade.gov.au WANTED: FINE ART TASTE MAKERS Delegation being assembled for “Journey of a Lifetime” in the Australian Outback The Australian Government is recruiting seven American delegates for a 14 day tour of remote aboriginal art...» Read More


Aboriginal Arts Collectors Tour

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-14 07:47:57

Austrade Aboriginal Arts Collectors Tour Media Release 7 delegates over 14 days will take 8 charter flights visiting more than 23 remote art centres getting unparalleled access and attention from the industry’s leading figures Join Us Come join us for an unforgettable experience,...» Read More


UVa names ex-curator 1st provost of the arts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-13 02:36:25

Elizabeth Hutton Turner, an American art expert, will work to integrate the arts across the university’s curricula, officials announced Tuesday. Turner spent nearly 18 years at the Phillips Collection. Turner will have oversight of the University Art Museum and the Ruhe...» Read More


Utopia: the Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Utopia: the Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-12 12:47:29

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan, 26 February, 2008 An Australian Aboriginal artist, Emily Kame Kngwarreye (1910-96) created Compellingly free-spirited and innovative art outside of any Western tradition. This event marks the first full-fledged examination of this world-renowned...» Read More


The Australian - A movable cultural centre

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-10 03:19:37

An article in the Australian about the potential development of a large collection of Australian Aboriginal Art in Perth, and into the digitisation of Aboriginal Art. Quoted from the article: John Stanton, the director of the Berndt Museum of Anthropology, is not...» Read More


Tjukurrpa Arts Exhibition Fri 7th Dec

Tjukurrpa Arts Exhibition Fri 7th Dec

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 08:01:50

Just a gentle reminder that Tjukurrpa Arts is holding its final Exhibition for 2007 this Friday the 7th of Dec. at the Elwood Community Centre (located behind Elwood Beach House). Details below. Please feel free to drop by and view...» Read More


UQ News - Vote for prize to win Aboriginal Art Book

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 02:22:42

Vote for the people's choice award at Australia's first self portrait prize and win a copy of Sally Butler's Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart...» Read More


NT News - Centre Aboriginal art draws buyers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 02:12:34

An article in the news about the recent Papunya Tula sale, with some interesting quotes from Tim Klingender from Sotheby's Australia. Mr Klingender said the Aboriginal art market was at an all-time high. Sotheby's cleared 88 per cent of indigenous works at...» Read More


ABC News - Exhibition paints story of Papunya

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 02:09:02

An article about the November 2007 exhibition at the National Museum of Australia featuring western desert Aboriginal artworks from the Papunya art movement. These artworks are commonly referred to as dot paintings. During the 1970s and early 1980s artists in the...» Read More


Richard’s art has a message of joy on such a special day

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 02:06:51

POPE Benedict XVI’s first visit to Australia will include a private viewing of Richard Campbell’s artwork. Richard, an Aboriginal artist from the Gumbaingirr/Dunghutti people, has been handpicked to have his work on display in Sydney for World Youth Day in July...» Read More


Indigenous Australian Art In NZ

Indigenous Australian Art In NZ

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-06 01:29:46

Paintings from remote communities: Indigenous Australian art from the Laverty Collection, Sydney 15 December 2007 - 24 February 2008 The most expansive exhibition of Indigenous Australian paintings ever seen in Aotearoa New Zealand opens at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery on 15 December...» Read More


The Age - Brisbane and Beyond

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-03 07:38:00

An article in The Age about the new Directory of the Queensland National Art Gallery, Tony Ellwood. The article talks about Ellwood's early years spent in Kununurra, at Waringarri Aboriginal Arts. Ellwood, who grew up in country Victoria, had his first...» Read More


Out of the Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-12-03 07:34:48

Papunya Painting: Out of the Desert showcases the National Museum of Australia's extraordinary collection of Western Desert art. These works have rarely been seen in Australia. In the 1970s and early 1980s Central and Western Desert artists at Papunya, in Australia's Northern...» Read More


Aboriginal artists in vibrant fashion collaboration

Aboriginal artists in vibrant fashion collaboration

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-28 06:11:08

Catherine Manuell Design has just announced a sensational collaboration with celebrated Aboriginal artists Amy (Jirwullurr) Johnson, Evelyn Pultara and Maureen (Murrarngulu) Thompson. Together they have created a range of extraordinary looking luggage and fashion accessories, available from October this year....» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald Breakaway auction house packs 'em in

Sydney Morning Herald Breakaway auction house packs 'em in

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-26 02:56:31

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald about art auctioneer Deutscher and Hackett and a preview of Lawson-Menzies's Aboriginal art sale in Kensington in August 2007, with the highlight being Emily Kngwarreye's Earth's Creation, a 6.3-metre wide riot of densely...» Read More


National Indigenous Times - Labor's plan for a shared future

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-26 02:20:00

An article about Labour's election promises and the impact on Indigenous communities including the following comment about Aboriginal Art: Labor will also provide $7.6 million over four years for the National Arts and Crafts Industry Support program to support Aboriginal Art...» Read More


Bonhams & Goodmans Australian, International and Aboriginal Art 19 November 2007

Bonhams & Goodmans Australian, International and Aboriginal Art 19 November 2007

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-26 01:41:02

Bonhams & Goodmans recently hosted an Australian, International and Aboriginal Art auction. The auction took place on19 November 2007 and featured works from Patrick Oloodoodi Tjungurrayi, Ewald Namatjira, Albert Namatjira, Kathleen Petyarre, Emily Kngwarreye, Samantha Hobson, Walangkura Napanangka, Millie Skeen...» Read More


NT News - Art stored in shed worth big money

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-24 02:15:49

An article in the Northern Territory news previewing the Elders Fine Aboriginal Art auction. The article focusses on a former cab driver who is selling his entire collection, and the story of how he began collecting Aboriginal Art. Rob Hefford thought...» Read More


Paddy Bedford retrospective opens at UQ Art Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-18 02:36:30

The first major solo exhibition of one of Australia’s most respected artists, Paddy Bedford, opens at The University of Queensland Art Museum on Friday 16 November 2007. The exhibition is organised and toured by the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA),...» Read More


What makes a good Aboriginal artwork?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-15 08:16:37

A fantastic entry by Edwina Circuitt from Warakurna Artists Aboriginal Corporation about the start up of the Art Centre, and the particular work of one Aboriginal artist. This article really describes what Aborginal Art Centres are all...» Read More


Aboriginal artist to work with World Youth Day

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-15 05:24:45

From the World Youth Day 2008 website: Organisers of World Youth Day 2008 (WYD08) are excited to be working with Aboriginal artist Richard Campbell, using a selection of his artwork on official WYD08 merchandise. Originally from the Gumbaingirr/Dhungutti people, Richard Campbell has...» Read More


Aboriginal Experience in South Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-15 03:25:11

Information about how to get an Aboriginal Experience in South Australia, including a visit to the Ceduna Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Centre and to Iga...» Read More


Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-14 07:24:53

Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition Mon – Sat 11am – 5pm 13 – 24 November...» Read More


Melbourne Herald Sun - Jail for Toorak fake art couple

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-10 03:31:01

Kate Uebergang November 10, 2007 12:00am Article about the sentencing of the Toorak couple that were found guilty of forging Aboriginal...» Read More


The Age - Labour Arts Initiative

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-10 03:29:03

Labor courts arts vote with $34m November 10, 2007 - 4:14PM Quoted from article: Labor pledged $34.6 million in new arts initiatives at a star-studded policy announcement in Sydney. If elected, Labor would spend $17 million over four years to set up an arts...» Read More


The Age - Aboriginal Art Forgery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-10 03:26:58

Art-forging couple go straight to jail Kate Hagan November 10, 2007 Quoted from article: A TOORAK couple who funded their lavish lifestyle by forging Aboriginal art and selling it through auction houses for more than $300,000 spent last night behind bars after a judge...» Read More


Power of the past - Art Museum's 'Earth and Spirit' presents us with contemporary art that has its roots firmly planted in the past.

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-09 03:38:42

An article by Karen Rene Merkle about the Erie Art Museum's Earth and Spirit: Contemporary Indigenous Art from Australia and New Zealand exhibition. The exhibition features artworks from Aboriginal artists: James P. Simon, Walangari Karntawarra, Darcy Nicholas, Robyn Kahukiwa and...» Read More


Melbourne Herald Sun - Libertos in court over forged Rover Thomas paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-09 03:32:56

November 09, 2007 02:38pm A TOORAK couple found guilty of forging paintings by a prominent Aboriginal artist sold for more than $300,000 have been jailed for nine months. Quoted from article: Ms Liberto told the court she inherited five of the supposed Thomas...» Read More


Kalgoorlie-Boulder Art Prize

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-08 03:34:54

HUNDREDS of colourful and often beautiful artworks are on display at the Boulder Town Hall. And the entries for the massive City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Art Prize are well worth viewing. Predictable only for being eclectic, they cover a vast range of sizes,...» Read More


NT News - Czech mate on art sales

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-07 03:44:16

Northern Territory News article about a former gallery that is now establishing an Aboriginal Art gallery in the Czech Republic. Quoted from article: Territorians will soon be selling Aboriginal art to European tourists - from a 250-year-old hotel in the Czech Republic. The...» Read More


Paddy Bedford retrospective opens at UQ Art Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-07 03:41:48

The first major solo exhibition of one of Australia's most respected artists, Paddy Bedford, opens at The University of Queensland Art Museum on Friday, November 16. The exhibition is organised and toured by the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Sydney. "Mr Bedford...» Read More


Utopia dreaming

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-11-01 03:46:38

Almost 50 paintings are on display in the exhibit "New Works From Utopia" at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust's Downtown gallery SPACE, as part of the Trust's "Australia Festival," a six-week celebration of contemporary and indigenous performing and visual arts from...» Read More


Always Been There

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-31 03:55:13

Aboriginal culture has Always Been There - this is the theme addressed by five local Aboriginal artists showing works at the Fairfield City Museum and Gallery. Fairfield mayor Nick Lalich opened the exhibition on Saturday, October 13, and said the exhibition...» Read More


Painting The Waves

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-30 03:08:31

Monday, October 29th, 2007 Painting the wavesArt on cruise ships is becoming increasingly popular on cruise ships, with some vessels in the Pacific set to see an influx of art from Australian artists. Carnival Cruises, the parent company of P&O Cruises, has...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald - Big, beautiful and bountiful

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-29 03:10:16

October 28, 2007 Ian McKinnon gives a preview of life aboard P&O's eagerly awaited Pacific Dawn and the potential for an Aboriginal Art collection aboard the...» Read More


Sydney Morning Hearld - Spotted in Kensington: an important Rover

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-28 03:27:54

An article by Peter Fish in the Sydney Morning Herald discussing the highlights of the November 2007 auction season. Quoted from the article: For its part, Sotheby's has not let much out of the bag on its Aboriginal art sale, although for...» Read More


The Age - Word of accused art forgers good enough for expert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-26 12:33:59

Kate Hagan October 25, 2007 A WORLD expert on Australian Aboriginal art has told a court he accepted at face value what a couple, now accused of art forgery, told him about the history of a painting he later sold for $58,000. Judge...» Read More


Tribal Voices -  A Visual Dialogue

Tribal Voices - A Visual Dialogue

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-25 08:47:57

The impact of the Aboriginal art movement goes well beyond the works’ value as art. An important dimension of the movement is the education of this unique Indigenous way of life. These vibrant and contemporary visible representations of language and...» Read More


ANKAAA Katherine regional meeting

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-21 08:49:32

The ANKAAA (Association of Northern, Kimberley and Arnhem Aboriginal Artists) Katherine regional meeting was held last week, both in Katherine and at Djilpin Arts' new and impressive Ghunmarn Cultural Centre at...» Read More


Lockhart River art arrives in New York

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-17 12:38:49

Spectacular Indigenous art from far North Queensland has arrived in New York for the latest leg of a UQ Art Museum international tour. Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River will be officially opened at Stony Brook University on October...» Read More


Culture Warriors : National Indigenous Art Triennial 07 13th October 2007- 10th February 2008 National Gallery of Australia

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-15 07:33:49

The inaugural National Indigenous Art Triennial opened on the 13th of October at the National Gallery of Australia (Canberra) in the presence of many artists and a huge crowd of over 2000 people. ‘Culture Warriors’ curated by Brenda Croft presents...» Read More


Bring back CDEP: Claire Martin

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-12 12:53:43

From ABC online: Northern Territory Chief Minister Clare Martin is calling for the Community Development Employment Program (CDEP) to be reinstated by the Federal Government. Ms Martin says the loss of the scheme has damaged the Aboriginal art industry and remote communities...» Read More


The Art Newspaper: Aboriginal art dealers fight back

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-10-09 13:01:08

Red Sand Art Gallery sues journalists who accuse them of defrauding indigenous artists In mid July in the massive modernist Supreme Court in Darwin, a frail Aboriginal man with a shock of grizzled white hair and beard took the witness stand...» Read More


Desert Mob 2007

Desert Mob 2007

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-24 16:34:41

The Araluen Arts Centre is the annual host venue for Desert Mob. In 2007 the exhibition displayed 342 works from 35 Aboriginal art centres in Central Australia, with works by artists living and working in remote areas of the Northern...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-24 13:16:35

Bargehouse Gallery South Bank London SE1 9PH September 21 – October 7 2007 11am – 6pm daily Private view Thursday September 20 2007 6pm - 9pm In September 2007 a major exhibition of over 100 works of art from Arnhem Land will take place...» Read More


NT News - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-22 02:50:10

Prize for 'Pa Harry's canoe Nadja Hainke 22 September 2007 Article in the Northern Territory News about the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards. Quoted from article: A painting celebrating the work of a traditional canoemaker has been chosen by the people...» Read More


Curse of alcohol and the fate of Aborigines

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-19 03:13:19

International Herald Tribune Tim Johnston September 19, 2007 Article in the International Herald Tribune about Aboriginal artist Dicky Brown and the difficulties living in Hoppy's camp. Quoted from article: Still, there are advantages living in Hoppy's. Brown, who suffered a stroke five years ago, gets...» Read More


Aboriginal art under threat

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-18 15:15:34

Brisbane Times Aboriginal art under threat Stephanie Peatling and Joel Gibson September 17, 2007 Article in the Brisbane Times about the changes to CDEP and the potential impact on the Aboriginal Art industry, with quotes from several Aboriginal Art centres. Quoted from article: The Federal Government's...» Read More


Bloomberg - Iraqi Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-18 03:11:50

An article in Bloomerg that compares some Iraqi art to Australian Aboriginal art. Quoted from article: I, however, could bring Iraqi art back to the U.S. I bought a colorful painting of fish by Hesen Fetah for a mere $200. Bahadin helped...» Read More


Sydney Morning Hearld - Rangers ask who will protect the north

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-14 03:25:22

Lindsay Murdoch Darwin September 13, 2007 Article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the CDEP program changes and the impact on the Aboriginal ranger programs and Aboriginal art industry. Quoted from the article: The Northern Territory Chief Minister, Clare Martin, has warned that axing the...» Read More


Minister denies Indigenous art community under threat

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-11 04:57:42

ABC News Tuesday Sep 11, 2007 The federal government responds to claims that the removal of CDEP will hurt the Aboriginal Art industry. Quoted from the interview: "Where there's an art community in a particular settlement, then we will look very carefully at...» Read More


Financial Times: Rock-Solid Abstracts

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-07 06:40:04

Jeremy Eccles, Financial Times (UK) 7 September 2007 “Are you ready for London?” Apolline Kohen asks artist Samuel Namunjdja. “What time we going?” is his eager response about a visit that is still a month away. Time has an elastic quality out...» Read More


Desert Mob 2007 Events

Desert Mob 2007 Events

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-05 16:29:38

The Araluen Arts Centre, in association with Desart and the Alice Desert Festival present Desert Mob Symposium, Desert Mob MarketPlace and the Desert Mob DanceSite. This year’s event brings together recent works from 35 Aboriginal art centres in Central Australia, with...» Read More


New start in Papunya

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-05 07:07:16

The Australian New start in Papunya Simon Kearney September 04, 2007 Article in the Australian about Papunya Tjupi. Quoted from the article: The work of these two men and many of the children and grandchildren of the original Papunya artists will be shown at an exhibition...» Read More


Aboriginal Art Motorcycle

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-05 06:39:01

Eliasson’s “climate car” is the 17th entry in the BMW Art Car Collection, which was founded in 1975 and ranges from Robert Rauschenberg’s BMW 635 CSi car, covered with images of classic art and swamp grass, to the world’s first...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald - Sting in the sale for buyers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-09-01 05:02:29

Sydney Morning Herald Sting in the sale for buyers Peter Fish September 1, 2007 Article in the Sydney Morning Herald about a new 25 per cent buyer's premium at auction.The article also talks about the Menzies Art Brand rationalisation. Quoted from the article: The Menzies Art...» Read More


The canvas economy

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-31 07:11:52

The Adelaide Advertiser Tim Lloyd August 31, 2007 Article in the Adelaide Advertiser about rising art auction prices Quoted from article: The Aboriginal art market has been dominated by Clifford Possum, who sold a single work for $2.4 million, and Emily Kame Kngwarreye, at $1.1...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - Michael Nelson Tjakamarra

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-28 05:11:02

International Herald Tribune A lone dreamer in the Aboriginal art boom Tim Johnston August 28, 2007 Quoted from the article: Tjakamarra designed the mosaic in the courtyard outside Australia's Parliament house. An 8-meter, or 26-foot, canvas hangs in the Sydney Opera House, and other paintings...» Read More


RINGY'S RAMBLINGS: The art of the possible

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-24 23:53:32

Graham Ring looks at the 24th Aboriginal Art Awards and the state of Australia's political...» Read More


Lone wolf discovered art for ages

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-24 08:09:55

Nicolas Rothwell | August 24, 2007 Article by Nicolas Rothwell in the Australian about the life of Grahame Leslie Walsh, rock art scholar, who died in Brisbane, August 18 2007, aged 62. Quoted from the article: But the wider continent beckoned. During the...» Read More


Discover Australia's leading contemporary artists

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-17 14:37:16

A three-week exhibition of over 100 major works of Aboriginal art from Western Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory will be on display from 21 September to 7 October at the Bargehouse Gallery, on London's South Bank. RARRK - LONDON...» Read More


The Elizabeth Jones Collection of Contemporary Aboriginal Art 14 August 2007

The Elizabeth Jones Collection of Contemporary Aboriginal Art 14 August 2007

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-15 02:28:56

Mossgreen Auctions specialises in single owner auctions for collections covering fine art and antiques. Services include auctions held in our stylish multi-level building on Toorak Road South Yarra, on site auctions at the owner’s property or staged events in hired...» Read More


Crikey Aboriginal art popular at home and abroad

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-09 02:51:40

An article in Crikey about Aboriginal Art auctions and the Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act, which precludes certain Australian Aboriginal artworks leaving the country. The purpose of the act is to “protect, for the benefit of the nation, objects...» Read More


Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-08 07:32:31

Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition Mon – Sat 11am – 5pm 7 – 25 August...» Read More


Shadows cast over Garma

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-07 08:14:28

Article in the Australian newspaper about the upcoming Garma festival that is being overshadowed by two controversies, the federal government intervention into Aboriginal communities and the Senate committee report into the sustainability of the Aboriginal art industry. Quoted from the article: This,...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald - A pretty good result all round, possums

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-06 03:00:29

Sydney Morning Herald article about the success of the Sotheby's Aboriginal Art July 24 auction, including record prices for: Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri Warlugulong for $2.4 million Tommy Lowry Tjapaltjarri Two Men Dreaming for $440,000 Gordon Bennett Possession Island for $384,000 Naata Nungarrayi The Soakage...» Read More


Aboriginal artwork sells at record price

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-03 09:56:11

An article about the Aboriginal Art industry in light of the Sotheby's auction in Melbourne last week. More than 400 well-heeled dealers and collectors flocked to Sotheby's in Melbourne last week for the much-hyped sale of Clifford Possum's epic 1977 work,...» Read More


Africa: What Do These Zillionaires Do With All That Money?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-08-02 09:18:04

An article in the Nation from Kenya about wealth in the 21st century. Quoted from the article: Back to Earth, in recent years Aboriginal art has become highly covetable. The Independent, however, reports that commercial success has come with controversy. Two-thirds of Aboriginal...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-07-20 08:52:28

aboriginal art collection invites you to preview one of the most dynamic art movements in Australia. Genesis is the opening exhibition for aboriginal art collection and will feature contemporary paintings from established and emerging Australian aboriginal artists. Mr Bob Charles, Australian Consul...» Read More


Above and Beyond: Fine art works sourced on our May 2007 Aboriginal art tour

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-07-18 04:07:07

Michael Reid at Elizabeth Bay Above and Beyond: Fine art works sourced on our May 2007 Aboriginal art tour 18th July 2007 to 4th August...» Read More


Art sales: Will the Aboriginal magic return?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-07-17 08:57:18

Article in the Telegraph about the upcoming Sotheby's auction and in particular Warlugulong by Clifford Possum with a price tag of over 2.5 million AUD. Quoted from the article: When Warlugulong was painted, the average price for a Possum painting was between...» Read More


Aboriginal art industry booming in outback

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-07-16 08:52:11

Article in canada.com about the Aboriginal art industry, the boom and the issues. Quoted from article: Aboriginal art in Australia is booming and improving the lives of poor black communities, but unscrupulous dealers are ripping off artists and fraud from China...» Read More


NYC: Gallery Reception - Utopia Aboriginal Exhibition

NYC: Gallery Reception - Utopia Aboriginal Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-07-11 01:23:32

Details on "NYC: Gallery Reception - Utopia Aboriginal Exhibition" Advance, the American Australian Association and Robert Steele Gallery invite members to a special reception to view the Australian Aboriginal art exhibition New Work From Utopia. Named by German settlers immigrating to...» Read More


Desert Dreaming: Australian Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-06-15 05:17:59

In honour of Jeanne and Donald Kahn, the Albertina is presenting their major collection of Australian Aboriginal art. Australian Aboriginal art is a genre which has no associations with the Albertina, its collections, or its history and culture. In presenting Australian...» Read More


Special Aboriginal Art Tours Set NT Apart

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-05-30 15:08:51

Media release - May 30, 2007 A new travel initiative to be launched by Tourism Minister Paul Henderson this evening will set the Northern Territory apart on the world stage for lovers of Aboriginal Art. Mr Henderson said Aboriginal Art Trails...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - Arts Guide: Exhibits around the world

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-05-30 05:16:14

International Herald Tribune Arts Guide: Exhibits around the world Elisabeth Hopkins May 30, 2007 Quoted from article: -- To Aug. 29: "Desert Dreaming: Australian Aboriginal Art." The American philanthropist and collector Donald Kahn, a patron of the Albertina, was one of the first to...» Read More


Our Way: Contemporary Aboriginal Art From Lockhart River

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-05-03 02:32:59

The University of Queensland proudly presents Our Way, Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Lockhart River, the first exhibition to survey the work of the Lockhart River Art Gang. Our Way celebrates the remarkable story of this group of 24 young artists...» Read More


Dreaming in Color: Aboriginal Art from Balgo

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-04-30 03:19:43

Dreaming in Color: Aboriginal Art from Balgo is a breathtaking exhibition of paintings from the community of Balgo, Australia, the traditional land of the Kukatja, Ngarti, and Walmajarri peoples. Brilliant in color and vibrant in design, the paintings reflect traditional Aboriginal tenets relating...» Read More


Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-04-10 07:11:30

Shapiro: Aboriginal Art Exhibition Monday 9 April – Saturday 21 April 2007 11am –...» Read More


Aboriginal artists unite to stand strong on Australia Day

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2007-01-26 08:21:28

Aboriginal artists unite to stand strong on Australia Day As a defiant and bold step toward maintaining strong, sustainable, Aboriginal-owned enterprises, an alliance of Indigenous artists and art centres from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in Western Australia today announced the formation of...» Read More


The New McCulloch Encyclopedia of Australian Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-11-23 04:06:01

The Age reviews The New McCulloch's Encyclopedia of Australian Art and examines the difference between The Encyclopedia of Australian Art and The New McCulloch's Encyclopedia of Australian Art: I have in front of me the third edition of The Encyclopedia of...» Read More


Talking under wet concrete

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-30 03:17:58

DataDot is also developing a variant product for verifying artwork, especially Aboriginal art, which is notoriously prone to...» Read More


A bigger and better bible

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-27 03:17:47

Faults aside, the new McCulloch's Encyclopedia of Australian Art is a mammoth achievement and a must-have for art buffs, writes Sebastian Smee From the Australian: Alan McCulloch began compiling his Encyclopedia of Australian Art as a loose-leaf filing system in the 1940s,...» Read More


Australian Exhibitions Running

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-26 03:05:42

All the paintings came from the community’s Arts Center which was established in 1996 to support, promote and encourage aboriginal art and...» Read More


In the mind's eye

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-20 03:03:02

Aboriginal art is the classic example of good intentions being funnelled through art towards a higher social and political...» Read More


In the mind's eye

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-20 03:03:02

Aboriginal art is the classic example of good intentions being funnelled through art towards a higher social and political...» Read More


Dreaming their way: Aboriginal art on view at Hood Museum

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-20 02:59:28

The Aboriginal people of Australia are that country's most impoverished group. They have an average household income 40 percent lower than the rest of Australia's residents, according to the Australian government's social justice commission. They have an unemployment rate three...» Read More


Denise Green Metonymy in Contemporary Art: A New Paradigm

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-15 03:43:00

In her book, Metonymy in Contemporary Art: A New Paradigm (University of Minnesota Press, 2005), Green outlines her understanding of Greenberg’s formalist position and her complaints against it, which are complex, far-reaching and personal. From her perspective as an Australian,...» Read More


Community art centres unite for desert art market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-10-05 03:49:33

More than 10 community art centres affiliated with DesArt, the Association of Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft...» Read More


Architecture Australia Naturally In Paris

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-30 06:25:13

An article about the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris featuring the work by Australian Aboriginal...» Read More


Samantha Hobson Land To Sea

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-29 03:47:23

Courier Mail Kathleen Noonan September 29, 2006 11:00pm From the Courier Mail: We're out the back of Andrew Baker's art gallery in Brisbane's Bowen Hills, in a room where the real deals are done. It's chock-a-block with paintings. But this morning all eyes are on...» Read More


Beyond Nuclear symposium held

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-28 06:27:44

A September 15-16 national symposium hosted by the Beyond Nuclear Initiative — a collaboration between Friends of the Earth, the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Poola Foundation (Tom Kantor Fund) — featured presentations on the health and environmental impacts of...» Read More


Radiance: Seeing the Divine in Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-28 06:11:07

Through Dec. 21. Free admission. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection, 400 Worrell Drive, Peter Jefferson Place, Charlottesville....» Read More


Effusions of colour

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-23 06:24:03

But such was Kngwarreye's reputation that the eminence of Aboriginal art is still intimately connected to the eminence of her...» Read More


Central Midlands and Coastal Advocate: Noongar culture celebrated

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-22 07:13:26

YOU don't have to head to Broome to see some of the best Aboriginal artwork WA has to offer. One only has to visit the Moora Fine Arts (MFA) gallery until this weekend to experience the incredible artwork that local Aboriginal...» Read More


Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-21 02:44:32

The exhibit "Manta Wiru: Paintings from Amata" ends Saturday. While you're at it, swing on by "Radiance: Seeing the Divine in Aboriginal Art." It's gonna be there until December, but you've already trekked out to Charlottesville. You might as well...» Read More


The Australian: provocative statements with a positive message

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-15 07:01:33

Richard Bell: Positivity Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, until October 14. THIS survey of Richard Bell's work in the past 15 years requires a rapid-fire engagement. It proves, had there been any doubt, that Bell - a political activist who came to...» Read More


Journeys of the Dreamtime: An Exhibition of Australian Aboriginal Art from the Central and Western Deserts and Cape York Peninsula

Journeys of the Dreamtime: An Exhibition of Australian Aboriginal Art from the Central and Western Deserts and Cape York Peninsula

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-14 03:19:26

Jointly organised by Beijing Blue Gallery and Warlimpirri Art, this is the first major exhibition of Aboriginal art in Hong Kong. It brings together paintings by a group of both well-known and emerging Australian Aboriginal artists from the Central and...» Read More


Record sales at Desert Mob exhibition

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-13 02:41:07

The annual Desert Mob art exhibition has attracted record sales on its opening weekend in Alice Springs. More than 2,000 people attended over the two days. They spent more than $360,000 on Aboriginal art from across central...» Read More


The Australian: the desert's tainted brush

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-11 06:36:35

As the Aboriginal art community struggles against a growing culture of fraud, one group of desert artists is taking a stand, writes Nicholas Rothwell A thread of rich, autumnal colours, fit for the burning season, runs through the latest Desert...» Read More


Outback journeys unearth the mystical stories of Dreamtime

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-11 03:23:57

Outback journeys unearth the mystical stories of Dreamtime Publication: South China Morning Post, 10 September 2006 Author: Jade Lee-Duffy There’s more to Aboriginal art than a few dots and squiggly lines. That’s what the founder of Beijing Blue art gallery, Bridget Dewar Uebel,...» Read More


Domic is drawn to roots

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-09-04 02:28:28

Another article about Sid Domic, this time in the Mirror, about how he was drawn to Aboriginal Art while teaching kids in the...» Read More


ABC SA 'not encouraging Indigenous artists'

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-08-30 03:45:13

Jim Elder, from Elder Fine Art, talking to the ABC about the encouragement of Aboriginal artists in both the Northern Territory and South...» Read More


Authentic Aboriginal Experiences On The Increase

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-08-29 01:10:48

Press Release: Tourism Australia Authentic Aboriginal Experiences On The Increase Aboriginal experiences provide a unique glimpse into Australia’s rich cultural history and below are five encounters suggested by Tourism Australia for Kiwis planning their next trip across the Tasman. “Kiwis are increasingly looking...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald Breakaway auction house packs 'em in

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-08-26 03:37:51

Kirsty Simpson from the Sydney Morning Herald looks at the recent increase in value of Aboriginal Art and whether it makes a good investment for a superannuation fund. Simpson uses Rover Thomas's premonition of Cyclone Tracy, Bugaltji - Lissadell Country, sold...» Read More


National Indigenous Times: Near record price for Aboriginal artwork

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-08-11 07:25:32

A painting by Aboriginal artist Rover Thomas depicting the destruction of Darwin by Cyclone Tracy has set a near record price at auction in Melbourne last week. The 1986 work, Bugaltji, Lissadell Country, sold for $660,000 at Sotheby’s 10th Aboriginal art...» Read More


The Age: Pictures from home

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-07-27 13:17:35

An article by James Cockington in The Age previewing the upcoming Sotheby's Aboriginal Art exhibition. The article follows the trend of dramatically increasing prices and the large proportion of international buyers. From the article: Starter guide $6000+ For those who prefer a more authentic...» Read More


Dreaming Their Way: Australian Aboriginal Women Painters

Dreaming Their Way: Australian Aboriginal Women Painters

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-06-30 09:13:41

Dreaming Their Way: Australian Aboriginal Women Painters is a groundbreaking exhibition of art by indigenous women of Australia. The first-ever of its kind in the U.S., the exhibition presents over seventy works of art, from intensely colorful canvases to intricate...» Read More


A Sign of the Crimes

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-05-30 12:20:06

Addressing issues such as petrol sniffing, land rights, uranium and racism in your paintings is all very well, but it's also rewarding for the people who inspire your art to come and enjoy it. Adam Hill's solution was to fill...» Read More


Mossgreen Auctions Important Early Aboriginal Art

Mossgreen Auctions Important Early Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-03-26 02:45:49

The Important Early Aboriginal Art was held at Mossgreen Auctions in early...» Read More


Dream Tracks: Aboriginal Art of Arnhem Land

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2006-03-08 03:29:03

2006 Dream Tracks, Aboriginal art of Arnhem Land La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain From the Kluge-Ruhe mail out: The final touches are being put on the first Aboriginal art exhibition in the Middle East. The King and Queen...» Read More


The Age: Uncertain quest for the sublime

The Age: Uncertain quest for the sublime

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-12-03 13:13:55

Sindicated article by Germaine Greer in the Guardian talking about the Aboriginal Art industry and asking whether the bubble has burst following a relatively weak showing by the Papunya Tula Artists at a recent exhibition raising money for a community...» Read More


The Guardian: Can you tell what it's worth yet?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-11-10 07:27:40

An article by Germaine Greer in the Guardian talking about the Aboriginal Art industry and asking whether the bubble has burst following a relatively weak showing by the Papunya Tula Artists at a recent exhibition raising money for a community...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - For art buyers,where to go and how to get there

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-11-06 07:48:24

International Herald Tribune For art buyers,where to go andhow to get there Susan Gough Henly Sunday, November 6, 2005 Quoted from article: 'Contemporary Aboriginal Art" by Susan McCulloch is an excellent reference book for people interested in buying Aboriginal art. Among the companies offering tours to...» Read More


Powerful growth of Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-11-06 07:44:47

International Herald Tribune Powerful growth of Aboriginal art All about Earth and the people on it Susan Gough Henly Sunday, November 6, 2005 Quoted from the article: With the opening next year in Paris of the Musée du Quai Branly, focusing on the art and culture...» Read More


Rarrk! Flowing on from Crossing Country

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-11-02 06:46:41

In Arnhem Land Aboriginal artists have been painting in bark for nearly one hundred years, beginning with the laying down of ceremonial and body paint designs for interested anthropological expeditions. Maningrida, in central Arhem Land is home to over 100 different...» Read More


Major Aboriginal art exhibition supports Indigenous health

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-06-25 06:38:58

A major exhibition of Aboriginal art, featuring more than 60 works by some of Australia's most celebrated Indigenous artists, is being held at Shalom College at UNSW this week (24-28 July). The Shalom Gamarada Art Exhibition will help raise funds to...» Read More


Aboriginal paintings exhibition at Hong Kong gallery

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-06-17 06:45:21

Aboriginal paintings exhibition at Hong Kong gallery raises international standing of Australia’s indigenous artists (15 June 2005) The prestigious Wellington Gallery in Hong Kong will present an exhibition of aboriginal paintings as Australia celebrates the achievements of its indigenous people. The...» Read More


Marcia Langton: Aboriginal Art and Film The Politics of Representation

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-05-08 12:55:49

Marcia Langton: Aboriginal Art and Film The Politics of Representation Published in Rouge...» Read More


A Gallery of Dreaming

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-04-08 07:18:14

An interesting article about Australian Aboriginal artists, focussed on women from the Central Desert region, that describes the difficulties facing artists and the industry and why critical success in the art world does not necessarily lead to...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2005-03-21 06:48:15

It is with great pleasure and enormous excitement that Annandale Galleries will begin its program for 2005 with a groundbreaking show of completely new work, facilitated by the endeavour of Arnaud Serval. As a precursor into his unparalleled collection of...» Read More


Lofty Bardayal Nadjamerrek: New work on bark

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-11-08 06:51:20

Annandale Galleries is proud to present an exhibition of new work by acclaimed Aboriginal artist Lofty Bardayal Nadjamerrek. Featured in the AGNSW Crossing Country exhibition, which opened at the Art Gallery on the 24 September, Lofty has a hugely distinguished...» Read More


New International Auction House Enters Aboriginal Art Market

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-10-20 07:39:57

October 19, 2004 -- New International Auction House Enters Aboriginal Art Market. The significance of the Aboriginal art movement and its impact on the global art market has been compared to the emergence of the French Impressionists. The exponential growth of...» Read More


Aboriginal art in Paris: In your dreaming

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-10-11 14:26:43

A select slice of Paris’s art collecting elite gathered at elegant rooms on Avenue Matignon earlier this month for auction house Christie’s first-ever exhibition of Australian Aboriginal art. Thirty or so works on preview had been selected especially to tempt...» Read More


John Mawurndjul - New paintings

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-09-14 06:49:44

Annandale Galleries is proud to present an exhibition of the work of leading contemporary Australian artist, John Mawurndjul. Mawurndjul has received global recognition for his work and is without doubt one of the most pre-eminent Aboriginal artists working today. Far from...» Read More


Original Aboriginal Art Exhibit Comes To Music City

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-09-02 08:28:21

Original art from the land down under, Australia has arrived to Nashville. Starting this week (August 30th - Sept. 4th), Hanging Around, in conjunction with the Art & Soul gallery will be hosting the third annual Aboriginal Art Exhibition. Native stories...» Read More


The Age Carving up art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-03-16 01:51:34

A recent article in The Age discusses the growth of the Aboriginal Art auction house industry and some news players in the market: Deutscher-Menzies and Bonhams and...» Read More


Yilpinji - Love Magic and Ceremony

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2004-03-05 00:00:00

A nationally touring exhibition of fine art prints by senior Aboriginal artists from Balgo Hills, Yuendumu and Lajamanu, that explores the powerful traditions of love magic rituals amongst the Kukatja and Warlpiri peoples of the Tanami Desert region.These love magic...» Read More


Building partners with Aboriginal artists and communities

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-12-19 03:23:38

Building partners with Aboriginal artists and communities U.Va. has largest Aboriginal art collection in world, outside of Australia Jane Ford When the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection opened here in January 1999, its off-Grounds location on Pantops Mountain was so remote that it may...» Read More


FACE UP - Contemporary Art from Australia, Hamburger Bahnhof

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-10-06 03:12:59

People milled around Mikala Dwyer's tactile installation, I Maybe You, only barely prevented from reaching out to feel the intriguing shapes of cloth and blow-up clear plastic by the presence of a stern-looking museum guard. James Angus's huge upside-down hot...» Read More


The Age - Aboriginal works and artful dodgers

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-09-20 06:43:40

The Age - September 20, 2003 Gabriella Coslovich As the value of Aboriginal art increases so, too, do claims that artists are being exploited, reports Gabriella Coslovich. An incredibly interesting article about the impact of the boom of Aboriginal Art sales globabbly in...» Read More


The Painted Desert

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-07-29 00:12:50

Letter from Australia The Painted Desert How Aborigines turned ancient rituals into chic contemporary art. A discussion of Aboriginal Art in Fitzroy Crossing focussed on two special canvases, Ngurrara I and Ngurrara...» Read More


Artists of Wangkatjungka

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-07-25 00:00:00

A new and exciting style of Aboriginal art from a little-known but emerging community of fine artists is to feature in Japingka Gallery\'s forthcoming exhibition - Artists of Wangkatjungka from the Great Sandy Desert.Wangkatjungka, is a remote community 125km south-east...» Read More


Sydney Morning Herald Shepherd of the Aboriginal art industry dies at 62

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2003-05-08 06:49:53

Geoffrey Bardon has died aged 62. Bardon's work with Aboriginal artists in the Papunya community in Central Australia, where he was an art teacher, included introducing them to canvas and to acrylic paints and became legendary as the Aboriginal Art...» Read More


The Native Born

The Native Born

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2002-09-20 09:20:00

Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Ramingining, Arnhem Land The Native Born is an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by distinguished Australian Aboriginal artists from Ramingining, Arnhem Land in northern Australia. Arranged according to six different natural environments found in this region:mangroves (larrtha’puy),...» Read More


Pila Nguru Art of the Spinifex People

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2002-08-07 08:34:56

'When the Spinifex people returned to their homelands in the 1980's after their displacement during the Maralinga atomic tests, they found the southern part of their country had been converted in to a nature reserve, the northern third leased to...» Read More


The fortunes of Aboriginal art outside Australia: ethnographica or art?

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2002-06-24 14:14:05

When Australians with even the most glancing interest in art meet overseas visitors, Aboriginal art is invariably a pressing topic. Tourists routinely buy Aboriginal work from all sorts of vendors, ranging from airport shops to Aboriginal-owned cooperatives. But many Australians...» Read More



Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2001-11-23 08:32:32

Recent paintings of the Wandjina, the spirit ancestors of the present north-west Kimberley peoples, by the great aboriginal artist, Lily Karedada (Bubbles). Lily Karedada was born of Woonambal parents in her father's country. Woomban-go-wangoor, around the Prince Regent River. She belongs...» Read More


Papunya Tula - the birthplace of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2001-08-25 07:41:39

The groundbreaking Papunya Tula, Genesis and Genius exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales was the first major retrospective by artists from Papunya in Australia’s Western Desert. Consisting of 150 works by over 50 artists, the exhibition provided...» Read More


Recent works by Abie Jangala & Jimmy Nerrimah

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2001-08-25 05:15:54

Coo-ee Aboriginal Art Gallery in collaboration with: Warnayaka Art Centre and Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency Presents Recent works by Abie Jangala & Jimmy Nerrimah opening 23 August 2001, 98 Oxford Street, Paddington Sydney,...» Read More


Big Brother Australia is breathing down tiny neighbours' neck

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2000-10-07 03:54:43

The company says the poverty-stricken people who own the land are in desperate need of development, jobs and revenue. But Prime Minister Howard, who has a keen sense of history, is leading an angry revolt against the development. He sent...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - Papunya Tula: Genesis & Genius

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2000-09-29 07:53:19

International Herald Tribune Arts Guide Elisabeth Hopkins Friday, September 29, 2000 Quoted from article: Art Gallery of New South Wales, tel: (2) 9225-1744, open daily. Continuing/ To Nov. 12: "Papunya Tula: Genesis & Genius." Aboriginal art tracing the Western Desert movement, which originated in the...» Read More


Warlpiri Women's Paintings Lajamanu

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2000-09-08 05:09:55

In 1986 a small group of women produced the first paintings for Warnayaka Art Centre, Lajamanu NT. These paintings have become important documents of Warlpiri culture held in the National Gallery of Victoria, collected at the instigation of the curator...» Read More


Rover & Queenie

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 2000-05-23 01:31:26

This exhibition pays tribute to the work of Rover Thomas and Queenie McKenzie, two major artists from Warmun community in the East Kimberley. The exhibition, drawn solely from the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria, also...» Read More


Passion, Rich Collectors and the Export Dollar: The Selling of Aboriginal Art Overseas

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 1998-08-11 14:31:24

Quoted from the article Artlink magazine article: The paradox Within Australia there are two common misconceptions about Aboriginal art and the international audience. First there is the belief that 'selling Aboriginal art overseas is the biggest thing since sliced bread and the...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - Aratjara: Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 1994-04-22 08:04:52

International Herald Tribune Arts Guide Friday, April 22, 1994 Quoted from article: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, tel: 4219-0719, open daily. Continuing/To June 26: "Aratjara: Aboriginal Art." Works on bark, canvas and wood by modern Aboriginal artists in which the close connection to nature...» Read More


Down Under

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 1993-11-10 23:45:38

Deurle, Belgium, 1993 Museum Dhont-Dhaenens. “Down Under” Aboriginal art brought Belgian artist Danny Matthys into our gallery while he was “artist in residency” at the Art Gallery of NSW. This joint exhibition was the result. “I was moved not only by the remarkable...» Read More


International Herald Tribune - Aratjara: Aboriginal Art

Posted by Aboriginal Art Directory | 1993-06-11 08:07:18

International Herald Tribune Arts Guide Friday, June 11, 1993 Quoted from article: Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-West falen (tel: 83.810). To July 1: "Aratjara." More than 100 pieces of Australian Aboriginal...» Read More